1 | // License: GPL. For details, see LICENSE file.
2 | package relcontext;
3 |
4 | import static org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.I18n.tr;
5 |
6 | import java.awt.BorderLayout;
7 | import java.awt.Color;
8 | import java.awt.Component;
9 | import java.awt.Dialog.ModalityType;
10 | import java.awt.Dimension;
11 | import java.awt.GridBagLayout;
12 | import java.awt.Point;
13 | import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
14 | import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
15 | import java.awt.event.ItemEvent;
16 | import java.awt.event.ItemListener;
17 | import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
18 | import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter;
19 | import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
20 | import java.awt.event.MouseListener;
21 | import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
22 | import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
23 | import java.io.BufferedReader;
24 | import java.io.InputStream;
25 | import java.io.InputStreamReader;
26 | import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
27 | import java.util.ArrayList;
28 | import java.util.Collection;
29 | import java.util.Collections;
30 | import java.util.HashMap;
31 | import java.util.List;
32 | import java.util.Map;
33 | import java.util.Set;
34 | import java.util.StringTokenizer;
35 | import java.util.TreeSet;
36 |
37 | import javax.swing.AbstractListModel;
38 | import javax.swing.Action;
39 | import javax.swing.Box;
40 | import javax.swing.ComboBoxModel;
41 | import javax.swing.JButton;
42 | import javax.swing.JCheckBoxMenuItem;
43 | import javax.swing.JComboBox;
44 | import javax.swing.JComponent;
45 | import javax.swing.JDialog;
46 | import javax.swing.JLabel;
47 | import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
48 | import javax.swing.JPanel;
49 | import javax.swing.JPopupMenu;
50 | import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
51 | import javax.swing.JTable;
52 | import javax.swing.ListSelectionModel;
53 | import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
54 | import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionEvent;
55 | import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionListener;
56 | import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableCellRenderer;
57 | import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel;
58 | import javax.swing.table.TableColumnModel;
59 |
60 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.actions.JosmAction;
61 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.command.ChangeRelationMemberRoleCommand;
62 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.command.Command;
63 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.command.SequenceCommand;
64 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.UndoRedoHandler;
65 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.DataSelectionListener;
66 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.DataSet;
67 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.DefaultNameFormatter;
68 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.IPrimitive;
69 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.OsmPrimitive;
70 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.Relation;
71 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.RelationMember;
72 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.event.DatasetEventManager;
73 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.event.DatasetEventManager.FireMode;
74 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.event.SelectionEventManager;
75 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.MainApplication;
76 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.PrimitiveRenderer;
77 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.dialogs.ToggleDialog;
78 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.MainLayerManager.ActiveLayerChangeEvent;
79 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.MainLayerManager.ActiveLayerChangeListener;
80 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.tagging.ac.AutoCompletingComboBox;
81 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.spi.preferences.Config;
82 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.GBC;
83 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.Logging;
84 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.Shortcut;
85 |
86 | import relcontext.actions.AddRemoveMemberAction;
87 | import relcontext.actions.ClearChosenRelationAction;
88 | import relcontext.actions.CreateMultipolygonAction;
89 | import relcontext.actions.CreateRelationAction;
90 | import relcontext.actions.DeleteChosenRelationAction;
91 | import relcontext.actions.DownloadChosenRelationAction;
92 | import relcontext.actions.DownloadParentsAction;
93 | import relcontext.actions.DuplicateChosenRelationAction;
94 | import relcontext.actions.EditChosenRelationAction;
95 | import relcontext.actions.FindRelationAction;
96 | import relcontext.actions.ReconstructPolygonAction;
97 | import relcontext.actions.ReconstructRouteAction;
98 | import relcontext.actions.RelationHelpAction;
99 | import relcontext.actions.SelectInRelationPanelAction;
100 | import relcontext.actions.SelectMembersAction;
101 | import relcontext.actions.SelectRelationAction;
102 | import relcontext.actions.SortAndFixAction;
103 |
104 | /**
105 | * The new, advanced relation editing panel.
106 | *
107 | * @author Zverik
108 | */
109 | public class RelContextDialog extends ToggleDialog implements ActiveLayerChangeListener, ChosenRelationListener, DataSelectionListener {
110 |
111 | public static final String PREF_PREFIX = "reltoolbox";
112 |
113 | private final DefaultTableModel relationsData;
114 | private ChosenRelation chosenRelation;
115 | private JPanel chosenRelationPanel;
116 | private ChosenRelationPopupMenu popupMenu;
117 | private MultipolygonSettingsPopup multiPopupMenu;
118 | private RoleComboBoxModel roleBoxModel;
119 | private SortAndFixAction sortAndFixAction;
120 | // actions saved for unregistering on dialog destroying
121 | private final EnterRoleAction enterRoleAction;
122 | private final FindRelationAction findRelationAction;
123 | private final CreateMultipolygonAction createMultipolygonAction;
124 | private final CreateRelationAction createRelationAction;
125 | private final AddRemoveMemberAction addRemoveMemberAction;
126 |
127 | public RelContextDialog() {
128 | super(tr("Relation Toolbox"), PREF_PREFIX, tr("Open relation/multipolygon editor panel"), null, 150, true);
129 |
130 | chosenRelation = new ChosenRelation();
131 | chosenRelation.addChosenRelationListener(this);
132 | MainApplication.getLayerManager().addActiveLayerChangeListener(chosenRelation);
133 |
134 | popupMenu = new ChosenRelationPopupMenu(chosenRelation);
135 | multiPopupMenu = new MultipolygonSettingsPopup();
136 |
137 | JPanel rcPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
138 |
139 | relationsData = new RelationTableModel();
140 | relationsData.setColumnIdentifiers(new String[] {tr("Member Of"), tr("Role")});
141 | final JTable relationsTable = new JTable(relationsData);
142 | configureRelationsTable(relationsTable);
143 | rcPanel.add(new JScrollPane(relationsTable,
145 |
146 | final MouseListener relationMouseAdapter = new ChosenRelationMouseAdapter();
147 | final JComboBox<String> roleBox = new JComboBox<>();
148 | roleBoxModel = new RoleComboBoxModel(roleBox);
149 | roleBox.setModel(roleBoxModel);
150 | roleBox.addMouseListener(relationMouseAdapter);
151 | roleBox.addItemListener(new ItemListener() {
152 | @Override
153 | public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) {
154 | if (e.getStateChange() == ItemEvent.DESELECTED) return;
155 | String memberRole = roleBoxModel.getSelectedMembersRole();
156 | String selectedRole = roleBoxModel.isAnotherRoleSelected() ? askForRoleName() : roleBoxModel.getSelectedRole();
157 | if (memberRole != null && selectedRole != null && !memberRole.equals(selectedRole)) {
158 | applyRoleToSelection(selectedRole.trim());
159 | }
160 | }
161 | });
162 | roleBox.setVisible(false);
163 | enterRoleAction = new EnterRoleAction(); // just for the shortcut
164 | sortAndFixAction = new SortAndFixAction(chosenRelation);
165 |
166 | // [±][X] relation U [AZ][Down][Edit]
167 | chosenRelationPanel = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout());
168 | addRemoveMemberAction = new AddRemoveMemberAction(chosenRelation, sortAndFixAction);
169 | chosenRelationPanel.add(new JButton(addRemoveMemberAction), GBC.std());
170 | chosenRelationPanel.add(sizeButton(new JButton(new ClearChosenRelationAction(chosenRelation)), 32, 0), GBC.std());
171 | final ChosenRelationComponent chosenRelationComponent = new ChosenRelationComponent(chosenRelation);
172 | chosenRelationComponent.addMouseListener(relationMouseAdapter);
173 | chosenRelationPanel.add(chosenRelationComponent, GBC.std().fill().insets(5, 0, 5, 0));
174 | chosenRelationPanel.add(roleBox, GBC.std().fill().insets(5, 0, 5, 0));
175 | final JButton sortAndFixButton = (JButton) sizeButton(new JButton(sortAndFixAction), 32, 0);
176 | chosenRelationPanel.add(sortAndFixButton, GBC.std().fill(GBC.VERTICAL));
177 | final Action downloadChosenRelationAction = new DownloadChosenRelationAction(chosenRelation);
178 | final JButton downloadButton = (JButton) sizeButton(new JButton(downloadChosenRelationAction), 32, 0);
179 | chosenRelationPanel.add(downloadButton, GBC.std().fill(GBC.VERTICAL));
180 | chosenRelationPanel.add(new JButton(new EditChosenRelationAction(chosenRelation)), GBC.eol().fill(GBC.VERTICAL));
181 |
182 | rcPanel.add(chosenRelationPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH);
183 |
184 | roleBox.addPropertyChangeListener("enabled", new PropertyChangeListener() {
185 | @Override
186 | public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) {
187 | boolean showRoleBox = roleBox.isEnabled();
188 | roleBox.setVisible(showRoleBox);
189 | chosenRelationComponent.setVisible(!showRoleBox);
190 | }
191 | });
192 |
193 | sortAndFixAction.addPropertyChangeListener(new PropertyChangeListener() {
194 | @Override
195 | public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) {
196 | sortAndFixButton.setVisible(sortAndFixAction.isEnabled());
197 | }
198 | });
199 | sortAndFixButton.setVisible(false);
200 |
201 | downloadChosenRelationAction.addPropertyChangeListener(new PropertyChangeListener() {
202 | @Override
203 | public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) {
204 | downloadButton.setVisible(downloadChosenRelationAction.isEnabled());
205 | }
206 | });
207 | downloadButton.setVisible(false);
208 | if (Config.getPref().getBoolean(PREF_PREFIX + ".hidetopline", false)) {
209 | chosenRelationPanel.setVisible(false);
210 | }
211 |
212 | // [+][Multi] [X]Adm [X]Tags [X]1
213 | JPanel bottomLine = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout());
214 | createRelationAction = new CreateRelationAction(chosenRelation);
215 | bottomLine.add(new JButton(createRelationAction), GBC.std());
216 | createMultipolygonAction = new CreateMultipolygonAction(chosenRelation);
217 | final JButton multipolygonButton = new JButton(createMultipolygonAction);
218 | bottomLine.add(multipolygonButton, GBC.std());
219 | // bottomLine.add(sizeButton(new JButton(new MultipolygonSettingsAction()), 16, 0), GBC.std().fill(GBC.VERTICAL));
220 | bottomLine.add(Box.createHorizontalGlue(), GBC.std().fill());
221 | findRelationAction = new FindRelationAction(chosenRelation);
222 | bottomLine.add(new JButton(findRelationAction), GBC.eol());
223 | rcPanel.add(sizeButton(bottomLine, 0, 24), BorderLayout.SOUTH);
224 |
225 | multipolygonButton.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
226 | @Override
227 | public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
228 | checkPopup(e);
229 | }
230 |
231 | @Override
232 | public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {
233 | checkPopup(e);
234 | }
235 |
236 | private void checkPopup(MouseEvent e) {
237 | if (e.isPopupTrigger()) {
238 | multiPopupMenu.show(e.getComponent(), e.getX(), e.getY());
239 | }
240 | }
241 | });
242 |
243 | createLayout(rcPanel, false, null);
244 | }
245 |
246 | private static final Color CHOSEN_RELATION_COLOR = new Color(255, 255, 128);
247 |
248 | private void configureRelationsTable(final JTable relationsTable) {
249 | relationsTable.setSelectionMode(ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION);
250 | relationsTable.setTableHeader(null);
251 | relationsTable.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
252 | @Override
253 | public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
254 | Point p = e.getPoint();
255 | int row = relationsTable.rowAtPoint(p);
256 | if (SwingUtilities.isLeftMouseButton(e) && row >= 0) {
257 | Relation relation = (Relation) relationsData.getValueAt(row, 0);
258 | if (e.getClickCount() > 1) {
259 | MainApplication.getLayerManager().getEditLayer().data.setSelected(relation);
260 | }
261 | }
262 | }
263 |
264 | @Override
265 | public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
266 | checkPopup(e);
267 | }
268 |
269 | @Override
270 | public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {
271 | checkPopup(e);
272 | }
273 |
274 | public void checkPopup(MouseEvent e) {
275 | if (e.isPopupTrigger()) {
276 | Point p = e.getPoint();
277 | int row = relationsTable.rowAtPoint(p);
278 | if (row > -1) {
279 | Relation relation = (Relation) relationsData.getValueAt(row, 0);
280 | JPopupMenu menu = chosenRelation.isSame(relation) ? popupMenu
281 | : new ChosenRelationPopupMenu(new StaticChosenRelation(relation));
282 | menu.show(relationsTable, p.x, p.y-5);
283 | }
284 | }
285 | }
286 | });
287 |
288 | TableColumnModel columns = relationsTable.getColumnModel();
289 | columns.getColumn(0).setCellRenderer(new PrimitiveRenderer() {
290 | @Override
291 | protected String getComponentToolTipText(IPrimitive value) {
292 | return null;
293 | }
294 |
295 | @Override
296 | public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable table, Object value, boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus,
297 | int row, int column) {
298 | Component c = super.getTableCellRendererComponent(table, value, isSelected, hasFocus, row, column);
299 | if (!isSelected && value instanceof Relation && chosenRelation.isSame(value)) {
300 | c.setBackground(CHOSEN_RELATION_COLOR);
301 | } else {
302 | c.setBackground(table.getBackground());
303 | }
304 | return c;
305 | }
306 |
307 | });
308 | columns.getColumn(1).setCellRenderer(new DefaultTableCellRenderer() {
309 | @Override
310 | public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable table, Object value, boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus,
311 | int row, int column) {
312 | Component c = super.getTableCellRendererComponent(table, value, isSelected, hasFocus, row, column);
313 | if (!isSelected && chosenRelation.isSame(table.getValueAt(row, 0))) {
314 | c.setBackground(CHOSEN_RELATION_COLOR);
315 | } else {
316 | c.setBackground(table.getBackground());
317 | }
318 | return c;
319 | }
320 | });
321 | columns.getColumn(1).setPreferredWidth(40);
322 | columns.getColumn(0).setPreferredWidth(220);
323 | relationsTable.getSelectionModel().addListSelectionListener(new ListSelectionListener() {
324 | @Override
325 | public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) {
326 | int selectedRow = relationsTable.getSelectedRow();
327 | if (selectedRow >= 0) {
328 | chosenRelation.set((Relation) relationsData.getValueAt(selectedRow, 0));
329 | relationsTable.clearSelection();
330 | }
331 | }
332 | });
333 | }
334 |
335 | private JComponent sizeButton(JComponent b, int width, int height) {
336 | Dimension pref = b.getPreferredSize();
337 | b.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(width <= 0 ? pref.width : width, height <= 0 ? pref.height : height));
338 | return b;
339 | }
340 |
341 | @Override
342 | public void hideNotify() {
343 | SelectionEventManager.getInstance().removeSelectionListener(this);
344 | MainApplication.getLayerManager().removeActiveLayerChangeListener(this);
345 | DatasetEventManager.getInstance().removeDatasetListener(chosenRelation);
346 | chosenRelation.clear();
347 | }
348 |
349 | @Override
350 | public void showNotify() {
351 | SelectionEventManager.getInstance().addSelectionListenerForEdt(this);
352 | MainApplication.getLayerManager().addActiveLayerChangeListener(this);
353 | DatasetEventManager.getInstance().addDatasetListener(chosenRelation, FireMode.IN_EDT);
354 | }
355 |
356 | public ChosenRelation getChosenRelation() {
357 | return chosenRelation;
358 | }
359 |
360 | @Override
361 | public void chosenRelationChanged(Relation oldRelation, Relation newRelation) {
362 | if (chosenRelationPanel != null && Config.getPref().getBoolean(PREF_PREFIX + ".hidetopline", false)) {
363 | chosenRelationPanel.setVisible(newRelation != null);
364 | }
365 | DataSet ds = MainApplication.getLayerManager().getEditDataSet();
366 | if (ds != null) {
367 | doSelectionChanged(ds.getSelected());
368 | }
369 | roleBoxModel.update();
370 | }
371 |
372 | @Override
373 | public void selectionChanged(SelectionChangeEvent event) {
374 | doSelectionChanged(event.getSelection());
375 | }
376 |
377 | private void doSelectionChanged(Collection<? extends OsmPrimitive> newSelection) {
378 | if (!isVisible() || relationsData == null)
379 | return;
380 | roleBoxModel.update();
381 | // repopulate relations table
382 | relationsData.setRowCount(0);
383 | sortAndFixAction.chosenRelationChanged(chosenRelation.get(), chosenRelation.get());
384 | if (newSelection == null)
385 | return;
386 |
387 | Set<Relation> relations = new TreeSet<>(
388 | DefaultNameFormatter.getInstance().getRelationComparator());
389 | for (OsmPrimitive element : newSelection) {
390 | for (OsmPrimitive ref : element.getReferrers()) {
391 | if (ref instanceof Relation && !ref.isIncomplete() && !ref.isDeleted()) {
392 | relations.add((Relation) ref);
393 | }
394 | }
395 | }
396 |
397 | for (Relation rel : relations) {
398 | String role = null;
399 | for (RelationMember m : rel.getMembers()) {
400 | for (OsmPrimitive element : newSelection) {
401 | if (m.getMember().equals(element)) {
402 | if (role == null) {
403 | role = m.getRole();
404 | } else if (!role.equals(m.getRole())) {
405 | role = tr("<different>");
406 | break;
407 | }
408 | }
409 | }
410 | }
411 | relationsData.addRow(new Object[] {rel, role == null ? "" : role});
412 | }
413 | for (OsmPrimitive element : newSelection) {
414 | if (element instanceof Relation && !chosenRelation.isSame(element)) {
415 | relationsData.addRow(new Object[] {element, ""});
416 | }
417 | }
418 | }
419 |
420 | private void updateSelection() {
421 | if (MainApplication.getLayerManager().getEditDataSet() == null) {
422 | doSelectionChanged(Collections.<OsmPrimitive>emptyList());
423 | } else {
424 | doSelectionChanged(MainApplication.getLayerManager().getEditDataSet().getSelected());
425 | }
426 | }
427 |
428 | @Override
429 | public void activeOrEditLayerChanged(ActiveLayerChangeEvent e) {
430 | updateSelection();
431 | }
432 |
433 | @Override
434 | public void destroy() {
435 | enterRoleAction.destroy();
436 | findRelationAction.destroy();
437 | createMultipolygonAction.destroy();
438 | createRelationAction.destroy();
439 | addRemoveMemberAction.destroy();
440 | MainApplication.getLayerManager().removeActiveLayerChangeListener(chosenRelation);
441 | super.destroy();
442 | }
443 |
444 | private static final String POSSIBLE_ROLES_FILE = "relcontext/possible_roles.txt";
445 | private static final Map<String, List<String>> possibleRoles = loadRoles();
446 |
447 | private static Map<String, List<String>> loadRoles() {
448 | Map<String, List<String>> result = new HashMap<>();
449 |
450 | ClassLoader classLoader = RelContextDialog.class.getClassLoader();
451 | try (InputStream possibleRolesStream = classLoader.getResourceAsStream(POSSIBLE_ROLES_FILE);
452 | BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(possibleRolesStream, StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
453 | ) {
454 | while (r.ready()) {
455 | String line = r.readLine();
456 | String[] typeAndRoles = line.split(":", 2);
457 | if (typeAndRoles.length == 2 && typeAndRoles[1].length() > 0) {
458 | String type = typeAndRoles[0].trim();
459 | StringTokenizer t = new StringTokenizer(typeAndRoles[1], " ,;\"");
460 | List<String> roles = new ArrayList<>();
461 | while (t.hasMoreTokens()) {
462 | roles.add(t.nextToken());
463 | }
464 | result.put(type, roles);
465 | }
466 | }
467 | } catch (Exception e) {
468 | Logging.error("[RelToolbox] Error reading possible roles file.");
469 | Logging.error(e);
470 | }
471 | return result;
472 | }
473 |
474 | private String askForRoleName() {
475 | JPanel panel = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout());
476 |
477 | List<String> items = new ArrayList<>();
478 | for (String role : roleBoxModel.getRoles()) {
479 | if (role.length() > 1) {
480 | items.add(role);
481 | }
482 | }
483 | final AutoCompletingComboBox role = new AutoCompletingComboBox();
484 | role.setPossibleItems(items);
485 | role.setEditable(true);
486 |
487 | panel.add(new JLabel(tr("Role")), GBC.std());
488 | panel.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(10), GBC.std());
489 | panel.add(role, GBC.eol().fill(GBC.HORIZONTAL));
490 |
491 | final JOptionPane optionPane = new JOptionPane(panel, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION) {
492 | @Override
493 | public void selectInitialValue() {
494 | role.requestFocusInWindow();
495 | role.getEditor().selectAll();
496 | }
497 | };
498 | final JDialog dlg = optionPane.createDialog(MainApplication.getMainFrame(), tr("Specify role"));
499 | dlg.setModalityType(ModalityType.DOCUMENT_MODAL);
500 |
501 | role.getEditor().addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
502 | @Override
503 | public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
504 | dlg.setVisible(false);
505 | optionPane.setValue(JOptionPane.OK_OPTION);
506 | }
507 | });
508 |
509 | dlg.setVisible(true);
510 |
511 | Object answer = optionPane.getValue();
512 | if (answer == null || answer == JOptionPane.UNINITIALIZED_VALUE
513 | || (answer instanceof Integer && (Integer) answer != JOptionPane.OK_OPTION))
514 | return null;
515 |
516 | return role.getEditor().getItem().toString().trim();
517 | }
518 |
519 | private class ChosenRelationMouseAdapter extends MouseAdapter {
520 | @Override
521 | public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
522 | if (e.isControlDown() || !(e.getComponent() instanceof JComboBox)) // do not use left click handler on combo box
523 | if (SwingUtilities.isLeftMouseButton(e) && chosenRelation.get() != null
524 | && MainApplication.getLayerManager().getEditLayer() != null) {
525 | MainApplication.getLayerManager().getEditLayer().data.setSelected(chosenRelation.get());
526 | }
527 | }
528 |
529 | @Override
530 | public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
531 | checkPopup(e);
532 | }
533 |
534 | @Override
535 | public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {
536 | checkPopup(e);
537 | }
538 |
539 | private void checkPopup(MouseEvent e) {
540 | if (e.isPopupTrigger() && chosenRelation.get() != null) {
541 | popupMenu.show(e.getComponent(), e.getX(), e.getY() - 5);
542 | }
543 | }
544 | }
545 |
546 | private static class ChosenRelationPopupMenu extends JPopupMenu {
547 | ChosenRelationPopupMenu(ChosenRelation chosenRelation) {
548 | add(new SelectMembersAction(chosenRelation));
549 | add(new SelectRelationAction(chosenRelation));
550 | add(new DuplicateChosenRelationAction(chosenRelation));
551 | add(new DeleteChosenRelationAction(chosenRelation));
552 | add(new DownloadParentsAction(chosenRelation));
553 | add(new ReconstructPolygonAction(chosenRelation));
554 | add(new ReconstructRouteAction(chosenRelation));
555 | addSeparator();
556 | add(new SelectInRelationPanelAction(chosenRelation));
557 | add(new RelationHelpAction(chosenRelation));
558 | }
559 | }
560 |
561 | protected void applyRoleToSelection(String role) {
562 | if (chosenRelation != null && chosenRelation.get() != null
563 | && MainApplication.getLayerManager().getEditDataSet() != null
564 | && !MainApplication.getLayerManager().getEditDataSet().selectionEmpty()) {
565 | Collection<OsmPrimitive> selected = MainApplication.getLayerManager().getEditDataSet().getSelected();
566 | Relation r = chosenRelation.get();
567 | List<Command> commands = new ArrayList<>();
568 | for (int i = 0; i < r.getMembersCount(); i++) {
569 | RelationMember m = r.getMember(i);
570 | if (selected.contains(m.getMember())) {
571 | if (!role.equals(m.getRole())) {
572 | commands.add(new ChangeRelationMemberRoleCommand(r, i, role));
573 | }
574 | }
575 | }
576 | if (!commands.isEmpty()) {
577 | // UndoRedoHandler.getInstance().add(new ChangeCommand(chosenRelation.get(), r));
578 | UndoRedoHandler.getInstance().add(new SequenceCommand(tr("Change relation member roles to {0}", role), commands));
579 | }
580 | }
581 | }
582 |
583 | private static class RelationTableModel extends DefaultTableModel {
584 | @Override
585 | public boolean isCellEditable(int row, int column) {
586 | return false;
587 | }
588 |
589 | @Override
590 | public Class<?> getColumnClass(int columnIndex) {
591 | return columnIndex == 0 ? Relation.class : String.class;
592 | }
593 | }
594 |
595 | private static class MultipolygonSettingsPopup extends JPopupMenu implements ActionListener {
596 | MultipolygonSettingsPopup() {
597 | addMenuItem("boundary", tr("Create administrative boundary relations"));
598 | addMenuItem("boundaryways", tr("Add tags boundary and admin_level to boundary relation ways"));
599 | addMenuItem("tags", tr("Move area tags from contour to relation"));
600 | addMenuItem("alltags", tr("When moving tags, consider even non-repeating ones"));
601 | addMenuItem("allowsplit", tr("Always split ways of neighbouring multipolygons"));
602 | }
603 |
604 | protected final JCheckBoxMenuItem addMenuItem(String property, String title) {
605 | String fullProperty = PREF_PREFIX + ".multipolygon." + property;
606 | JCheckBoxMenuItem item = new JCheckBoxMenuItem(tr(title));
607 | item.setSelected(Config.getPref().getBoolean(fullProperty, CreateMultipolygonAction.getDefaultPropertyValue(property)));
608 | item.setActionCommand(fullProperty);
609 | item.addActionListener(this);
610 | add(item);
611 | return item;
612 | }
613 |
614 | @Override
615 | public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
616 | String property = e.getActionCommand();
617 | if (property != null && property.length() > 0 && e.getSource() instanceof JCheckBoxMenuItem) {
618 | boolean value = ((JCheckBoxMenuItem) e.getSource()).isSelected();
619 | Config.getPref().putBoolean(property, value);
620 | show(getInvoker(), getX(), getY());
621 | }
622 | }
623 | }
624 |
625 | private class EnterRoleAction extends JosmAction implements ChosenRelationListener {
626 |
627 | EnterRoleAction() {
628 | super(tr("Change role"), (String) null, tr("Enter role for selected members"),
629 | Shortcut.registerShortcut("reltoolbox:changerole", tr("Relation Toolbox: {0}", tr("Enter role for selected members")),
630 | KeyEvent.VK_R, Shortcut.ALT_CTRL), false, "relcontext/enterrole", true);
631 | chosenRelation.addChosenRelationListener(this);
632 | updateEnabledState();
633 | }
634 |
635 | @Override
636 | public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
637 | if (roleBoxModel.membersRole != null) {
638 | String role = askForRoleName();
639 | if (role != null) {
640 | applyRoleToSelection(role);
641 | }
642 | }
643 | }
644 |
645 | @Override
646 | public void chosenRelationChanged(Relation oldRelation, Relation newRelation) {
647 | setEnabled(newRelation != null);
648 | }
649 | }
650 |
651 | private class RoleComboBoxModel extends AbstractListModel<String> implements ComboBoxModel<String> {
652 | private List<String> roles = new ArrayList<>();
653 | private int selectedIndex = -1;
654 | private JComboBox<String> combobox;
655 | private String membersRole;
656 | private final String EMPTY_ROLE = tr("<empty>");
657 | private final String ANOTHER_ROLE = tr("another...");
658 |
659 | RoleComboBoxModel(JComboBox<String> combobox) {
660 | super();
661 | this.combobox = combobox;
662 | update();
663 | }
664 |
665 | public void update() {
666 | membersRole = getSelectedMembersRoleIntl();
667 | if (membersRole == null) {
668 | if (combobox.isEnabled()) {
669 | combobox.setEnabled(false);
670 | }
671 | return;
672 | }
673 | if (!combobox.isEnabled()) {
674 | combobox.setEnabled(true);
675 | }
676 |
677 | List<String> items = new ArrayList<>();
678 | if (chosenRelation != null && chosenRelation.get() != null) {
679 | if (chosenRelation.isMultipolygon()) {
680 | items.add("outer");
681 | items.add("inner");
682 | }
683 | if (chosenRelation.get().get("type") != null) {
684 | List<String> values = possibleRoles.get(chosenRelation.get().get("type"));
685 | if (values != null) {
686 | items.addAll(values);
687 | }
688 | }
689 | for (RelationMember m : chosenRelation.get().getMembers()) {
690 | if (m.getRole().length() > 0 && !items.contains(m.getRole())) {
691 | items.add(m.getRole());
692 | }
693 | }
694 | }
695 | items.add(EMPTY_ROLE);
696 | if (!items.contains(membersRole)) {
697 | items.add(0, membersRole);
698 | }
699 | items.add(ANOTHER_ROLE);
700 | roles = Collections.unmodifiableList(items);
701 |
702 | if (membersRole != null) {
703 | setSelectedItem(membersRole);
704 | } else {
705 | fireContentsChanged(this, -1, -1);
706 | }
707 | combobox.repaint();
708 | }
709 |
710 | public String getSelectedMembersRole() {
711 | return membersRole == EMPTY_ROLE ? "" : membersRole;
712 | }
713 |
714 | public boolean isAnotherRoleSelected() {
715 | return getSelectedRole() != null && getSelectedRole().equals(ANOTHER_ROLE);
716 | }
717 |
718 | private String getSelectedMembersRoleIntl() {
719 | String role = null;
720 | if (chosenRelation != null && chosenRelation.get() != null
721 | && MainApplication.getLayerManager().getEditDataSet() != null
722 | && !MainApplication.getLayerManager().getEditDataSet().selectionEmpty()) {
723 | Collection<OsmPrimitive> selected = MainApplication.getLayerManager().getEditDataSet().getSelected();
724 | for (RelationMember m : chosenRelation.get().getMembers()) {
725 | if (selected.contains(m.getMember())) {
726 | if (role == null) {
727 | role = m.getRole();
728 | } else if (m.getRole() != null && !role.equals(m.getRole())) {
729 | role = tr("<different>");
730 | break;
731 | }
732 | }
733 | }
734 | }
735 | return role == null ? null : role.length() == 0 ? EMPTY_ROLE : role;
736 | }
737 |
738 | public List<String> getRoles() {
739 | return roles;
740 | }
741 |
742 | @Override
743 | public int getSize() {
744 | return roles.size();
745 | }
746 |
747 | @Override
748 | public String getElementAt(int index) {
749 | return getRole(index);
750 | }
751 |
752 | public String getRole(int index) {
753 | return roles.get(index);
754 | }
755 |
756 | @Override
757 | public void setSelectedItem(Object anItem) {
758 | int newIndex = anItem == null ? -1 : roles.indexOf(anItem);
759 | if (newIndex != selectedIndex) {
760 | selectedIndex = newIndex;
761 | fireContentsChanged(this, -1, -1);
762 | }
763 | }
764 |
765 | @Override
766 | public Object getSelectedItem() {
767 | return selectedIndex < 0 || selectedIndex >= getSize() ? null : getRole(selectedIndex);
768 | }
769 |
770 | public String getSelectedRole() {
771 | String role = selectedIndex < 0 || selectedIndex >= getSize() ? null : getRole(selectedIndex);
772 | return role != null && role.equals(EMPTY_ROLE) ? "" : role;
773 | }
774 | }
775 | }