1 | 1 <different>
2 | 2 <empty>
3 | 3 Add tags boundary and admin_level to boundary relation ways
4 | 4 Add/remove members from the chosen relation
5 | 5 Admin level
6 | 6 Always split ways of neighbouring multipolygons
7 | 7 Change relation member roles to {0}
8 | 8 Change role
9 | 9 Choose a type for the relation:
10 | 10 Clear the chosen relation
11 | 11 Complete multipolygon for way {0}
12 | 12 Create a copy of this relation and open it in another editor window
13 | 13 Create a multipolygon from selected objects
14 | 14 Create a new relation
15 | 15 Create a relation from selected objects
16 | 16 Create administrative boundary relations
17 | 17 Create multipolygon
18 | 18 Create multipolygons from rings
19 | 19 Delete relation
20 | 20 Download incomplete members for the chosen relation
21 | 21 Download referrers
22 | 22 Download referrers for the chosen relation and its members.
23 | 23 Duplicate relation
24 | 24 Enter admin level and name for the border relation:
25 | 25 Enter role for selected members
26 | 26 Find
27 | 27 Find a relation
28 | 28 Fix roles of the chosen relation members
29 | 29 Launch browser with wiki help for selected object
30 | 30 Member Of
31 | 31 Move area tags from contour to relation
32 | 32 Move tags from ways to relation
33 | 33 Multipolygon must consist only of ways
34 | 34 Name
35 | 35 New
36 | 36 Node without ''house'' role found
37 | 37 Node without ''label'' or ''admin_centre'' role found
38 | 38 Node without ''stop'' or ''platform'' role found
39 | 39 Open relation editor for the chosen relation
40 | 40 Open relation wiki page
41 | 41 Open relation/multipolygon editor panel
42 | 42 Reconstruct polygon
43 | 43 Reconstruct polygons from relation {0}
44 | 44 Reconstruct route
45 | 45 Reconstruction of polygons can be done only from outer ways
46 | 46 Relation Toolbox
47 | 47 Relation Toolbox: {0}
48 | 48 Relation and multipolygon creating and editing panel.
49 | 49 Relation does not have name
50 | 50 Relation has streets with different names
51 | 51 Relation without ''house'' role found
52 | 52 Relation without ''subarea'' role found
53 | 53 Role
54 | 54 Select in relation list
55 | 55 Select members
56 | 56 Select relation
57 | 57 Select relation in main selection.
58 | 58 Select relation in relation list.
59 | 59 Specify role
60 | 60 Type
61 | 61 Way platform without ''platform'' role found
62 | 62 Way without ''house'' or ''street'' role found
63 | 63 Way without ''inner'' or ''outer'' role found
64 | 64 When moving tags, consider even non-repeating ones
65 | 65 another...
66 | 66 fix associatedStreet relation