1 | 1 [ID] {0}
2 | 2 Add
3 | 3 Add a new Tag
4 | 4 Additional tags:
5 | 5 Can''t parse a time from this string.
6 | 6 Catch
7 | 7 Common tags:
8 | 8 Create Stops from GPX
9 | 9 Create Stops from GPX ...
10 | 10 Create Stops from GTFS
11 | 11 Create Stops from GTFS ...
12 | 12 Create Stops from a GPX file
13 | 13 Create Stops from a GTFS file
14 | 14 Delete
15 | 15 Detach
16 | 16 Disable
17 | 17 Duplicate
18 | 18 Edit Route patterns for public transport
19 | 19 Enable
20 | 20 Error occurred while parsing gpx file {0}. Only a part of the file will be available.
21 | 21 Existing route patterns:
22 | 22 File "{0}" does not exist
23 | 23 Find
24 | 24 GPX File Trouble
25 | 25 GTFS-Stops
26 | 26 HH:MM:SS.sss
27 | 27 IOException "{0}" occurred
28 | 28 Id
29 | 29 Invalid value
30 | 30 Itinerary
31 | 31 Join
32 | 32 Key
33 | 33 Mark
34 | 34 Maximum distance from route
35 | 35 Meta
36 | 36 Move Threshold
37 | 37 Name
38 | 38 Name/Id
39 | 39 New
40 | 40 No data found
41 | 41 Overview
42 | 42 Parsing file "{0}" failed
43 | 43 Public Transport
44 | 44 Public Transport: Add track stop
45 | 45 Public Transport: Catch GTFS stops
46 | 46 Public Transport: Change stop type
47 | 47 Public Transport: Delete track stop
48 | 48 Public Transport: Detach track stop list
49 | 49 Public Transport: Detach waypoints
50 | 50 Public Transport: Disable GTFS
51 | 51 Public Transport: Disable waypoints
52 | 52 Public Transport: Edit track stop list
53 | 53 Public Transport: Edit waypoint name
54 | 54 Public Transport: Enable GTFSStops
55 | 55 Public Transport: Enable waypoints
56 | 56 Public Transport: Join GTFS stops
57 | 57 Public Transport: Relocate nodes in track stoplist
58 | 58 Public Transport: Suggest stops
59 | 59 Public Transport: sort track stop list
60 | 60 Ref
61 | 61 Reflect
62 | 62 Refresh
63 | 63 Required tags:
64 | 64 Role
65 | 65 Route Patterns
66 | 66 Route patterns ...
67 | 67 Select GPX file
68 | 68 Select GTFS file (stops.txt)
69 | 69 Settings
70 | 70 Shelter
71 | 71 Show
72 | 72 Sort
73 | 73 State
74 | 74 Stopname
75 | 75 Stops
76 | 76 Stops are possible on the
77 | 77 Suggest Stops
78 | 78 Tags
79 | 79 The GPX file contained no tracks or waypoints.
80 | 80 The GPX file doesn''t contain valid trackpoints. Please use a GPX file that has trackpoints.
81 | 81 The GTFS file was empty.
82 | 82 There exists no dataset. Try to download data from the server or open an OSM file.
83 | 83 Time
84 | 84 Time on your GPS device
85 | 85 Time on your stopwatch
86 | 86 Time window
87 | 87 Tracks
88 | 88 Tracks in this GPX file:
89 | 89 Type of stops to add
90 | 90 Value
91 | 91 Waypoints
92 | 92 [ID] {0}
93 | 93 [empty way]
94 | 94 [gap]
95 | 95 [incomplete]
96 | 96 added
97 | 97 bus
98 | 98 implicit
99 | 99 left hand side
100 | 100 light_rail
101 | 101 meters
102 | 102 moved
103 | 103 no
104 | 104 outside
105 | 105 pending
106 | 106 rail
107 | 107 right hand side
108 | 108 seconds
109 | 109 skipped
110 | 110 subway
111 | 111 tram
112 | 112 unnamed
113 | 113 yes