1 | <?xml version="1.0"?>
2 | <project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
3 | xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">
4 | <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
5 | <groupId>org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins</groupId>
6 | <artifactId>plugin-root</artifactId>
7 | <parent>
8 | <groupId>org.openstreetmap.josm</groupId>
9 | <artifactId>josm-parent</artifactId>
10 | <version>1.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
11 | <relativePath>../core/nodist/pom.xml</relativePath>
12 | </parent>
13 |
14 | <name>JOSM Plugins</name>
15 | <url>https://josm.openstreetmap.de</url>
16 | <properties>
17 | <josm>../../core/dist/josm-custom.jar</josm>
18 | <josm.test.build.dir>../../core/test/build</josm.test.build.dir>
19 | <java.lang.version>11</java.lang.version>
20 | <maven.compiler.release>${java.lang.version}</maven.compiler.release>
21 | <plugin.tools.dir>../00_tools</plugin.tools.dir>
22 | <plugin.build.dir>build</plugin.build.dir>
23 | <plugin.test.dir>test</plugin.test.dir>
24 | <plugin.test.data.dir>${plugin.test.dir}/data</plugin.test.data.dir>
25 | <plugin.test.src.dir>${plugin.test.dir}/unit</plugin.test.src.dir>
26 | <plugin.src.dir>src</plugin.src.dir>
27 | <!-- most plugins default to resource directories in root, e.g. ./data, ./images, ./resources -->
28 | <plugin.resources.dir>${project.basedir}</plugin.resources.dir>
29 | <plugin.doc.dir>javadoc</plugin.doc.dir>
30 | <plugin.lib.dir>lib</plugin.lib.dir>
31 | <!-- this is the directory where the plugin jar is copied to -->
32 | <!-- We specifically don't want to put the new jars in dist just yet, this may change sometime -->
33 | <plugin.dist.dir>../../distMaven</plugin.dist.dir>
34 | <javadoc.executable>javadoc</javadoc.executable>
35 | <manifest>MANIFEST</manifest>
36 | <manifest.unixoid>MANIFEST-unixoid</manifest.unixoid>
37 | <manifest.windows>MANIFEST-windows</manifest.windows>
38 | <manifest.osx>MANIFEST-osx</manifest.osx>
39 | <plugin.compile.version>1.0-SNAPSHOT</plugin.compile.version>
40 | <plugin.jar>${project.name}.jar</plugin.jar>
41 | <plugin.unixoid.jar>${project.name}-unixoid.jar</plugin.unixoid.jar>
42 | <plugin.windows.jar>${project.name}-windows.jar</plugin.windows.jar>
43 | <plugin.osx.jar>${project.name}-osx.jar</plugin.osx.jar>
44 | <plugin.sources.jar>${project.name}-sources.jar</plugin.sources.jar>
45 | <plugin.javadoc.jar>${project.name}-javadoc.jar</plugin.javadoc.jar>
46 | <jacoco.inclbootstrapclasses>false</jacoco.inclbootstrapclasses>
47 | <jacoco.inclnolocationclasses>false</jacoco.inclnolocationclasses>
48 | <junit.printsummary>on</junit.printsummary>
49 | <sonar.projectKey>JOSM-Plugins</sonar.projectKey>
50 | <geotools.version>31.1</geotools.version>
51 | </properties>
52 | <packaging>pom</packaging>
53 | <inceptionYear>2005</inceptionYear>
54 | <licenses>
55 | <license>
56 | <name>GPL-2.0-or-later</name>
57 | <url>https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0-standalone.html</url>
58 | <distribution>repo</distribution>
59 | </license>
60 | </licenses>
61 | <organization>
62 | <name>JOSM</name>
63 | <url>https://josm.openstreetmap.de</url>
64 | </organization>
65 | <scm>
66 | <connection>scm:svn:https://josm.openstreetmap.de/svn/trunk</connection>
67 | <url>https://josm.openstreetmap.de/browser/josm/trunk</url>
68 | </scm>
69 | <issueManagement>
70 | <system>Trac</system>
71 | <url>https://josm.openstreetmap.de</url>
72 | </issueManagement>
73 | <mailingLists>
74 | <mailingList>
75 | <name>josm-dev</name>
76 | <archive>https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/josm-dev/</archive>
77 | <post>josm-dev@openstreetmap.org</post>
78 | </mailingList>
79 | </mailingLists>
80 | <modules>
81 | <module>../core/nodist/pom.xml</module>
82 | <module>addrinterpolation</module>
83 | <module>alignways</module>
84 | <module>apache-commons</module>
85 | <module>apache-http</module>
86 | <module>buildings_tools</module>
87 | <module>cadastre-fr</module>
88 | <module>canvec_helper</module>
89 | <module>colorscheme</module>
90 | <module>ColumbusCSV</module>
91 | <module>comfort0</module>
92 | <module>CommandLine</module>
93 | <module>Create_grid_of_ways</module>
94 | <module>CustomizePublicTransportStop</module>
95 | <module>dataimport</module>
96 | <module>DirectDownload</module>
97 | <module>DirectUpload</module>
98 | <module>editgpx</module>
99 | <module>ElevationProfile</module>
100 | <module>epci-fr</module>
101 | <module>eventbus</module>
102 | <module>ext_tools</module>
103 | <module>FastDraw</module>
104 | <module>FixAddresses</module>
105 | <module>flatlaf</module>
106 | <module>geochat</module>
107 | <module>geotools</module>
108 | <module>globalsat</module>
109 | <module>gpsblam</module>
110 | <module>graphview</module>
111 | <module>HouseNumberTaggingTool</module>
112 | <module>http2</module>
113 | <module>ejml</module>
114 | <module>imagery-xml-bounds</module>
115 | <module>imagery_cachexport</module>
116 | <module>imagery_offset_db</module>
117 | <module>imagewaypoint</module>
118 | <module>ImportImagePlugin</module>
119 | <module>importvec</module>
120 | <module>indoor_sweepline</module>
121 | <module>infomode</module>
122 | <module>jackson</module>
123 | <module>jaxb</module>
124 | <module>javafx</module>
125 | <module>jna</module>
126 | <module>jts</module>
127 | <module>junctionchecking</module>
128 | <module>lwjgl/modules</module>
129 | <module>livegps</module>
130 | <module>log4j</module>
131 | <module>measurement</module>
132 | <module>merge-overlap</module>
133 | <module>michigan_left</module>
134 | <module>namemanager</module>
135 | <module>NanoLog</module>
136 | <module>native-password-manager</module>
137 | <module>o5m</module>
138 | <module>opendata/modules</module>
139 | <module>OpeningHoursEditor</module>
140 | <module>openvisible</module>
141 | <module>OsmInspectorPlugin</module>
142 | <module>pbf</module>
143 | <module>pdfimport</module>
144 | <module>photo_geotagging</module>
145 | <module>photoadjust</module>
146 | <module>pointInfo</module>
147 | <module>poly</module>
148 | <module>print</module>
149 | <module>public_transport</module>
150 | <module>rasterfilters</module>
151 | <module>reltoolbox</module>
152 | <module>reverter</module>
153 | <module>roadsigns</module>
154 | <module>routes</module>
155 | <module>routing</module>
156 | <module>SaudiNationalAddress</module>
157 | <module>sds</module>
158 | <module>seachart</module>
159 | <module>seachartedit</module>
160 | <module>simplifyarea</module>
161 | <module>smed</module>
162 | <module>splinex</module>
163 | <module>sumoconvert</module>
164 | <module>surveyor</module>
165 | <module>tageditor</module>
166 | <module>tagging-preset-tester</module>
167 | <module>terracer</module>
168 | <module>touchscreenhelper</module>
169 | <module>tracer</module>
170 | <module>tracer2</module>
171 | <module>trustosm</module>
172 | <module>turnlanes</module>
173 | <module>turnrestrictions</module>
174 | <module>undelete</module>
175 | <module>utilsplugin2</module>
176 | <module>waydownloader</module>
177 | <module>waypoint_search</module>
178 | <module>wms-turbo-challenge2</module>
179 | </modules>
180 | <dependencies>
181 | <dependency>
182 | <groupId>org.openstreetmap.josm</groupId>
183 | <artifactId>josm</artifactId>
184 | <version>${plugin.compile.version}</version>
185 | <scope>provided</scope>
186 | </dependency>
187 | <dependency>
188 | <groupId>org.openstreetmap.josm</groupId>
189 | <artifactId>josm-unittest</artifactId>
190 | </dependency>
191 | </dependencies>
192 | <dependencyManagement>
193 | <dependencies>
194 | <dependency>
195 | <groupId>org.openstreetmap.josm</groupId>
196 | <artifactId>josm-unittest</artifactId>
197 | <version>1.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
198 | <scope>test</scope>
199 | </dependency>
200 | </dependencies>
201 | </dependencyManagement>
202 | <build>
203 | <sourceDirectory>${plugin.src.dir}</sourceDirectory>
204 | <testSourceDirectory>${plugin.test.src.dir}</testSourceDirectory>
205 | <resources>
206 | <resource>
207 | <directory>${plugin.resources.dir}/data</directory>
208 | <targetPath>data</targetPath>
209 | </resource>
210 | <resource>
211 | <directory>${plugin.resources.dir}/images</directory>
212 | <targetPath>images</targetPath>
213 | </resource>
214 | <resource>
215 | <directory>${plugin.resources.dir}/resources</directory>
216 | <targetPath>resources</targetPath>
217 | </resource>
218 | </resources>
219 | <testResources>
220 | <testResource>
221 | <directory>${plugin.test.data.dir}</directory>
222 | </testResource>
223 | </testResources>
224 | <plugins>
225 | <plugin>
226 | <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
227 | <artifactId>maven-shade-plugin</artifactId>
228 | </plugin>
229 | </plugins>
230 | <pluginManagement>
231 | <plugins>
232 | <!-- Configure checkstyle/pmd/other lint plugins -->
233 | <plugin>
234 | <groupId>com.github.spotbugs</groupId>
235 | <artifactId>spotbugs-maven-plugin</artifactId>
236 | <version></version>
237 | <configuration>
238 | <xmlOutput>true</xmlOutput>
239 | <spotbugsXmlOutputFilename>spotbugs-josm.xml</spotbugsXmlOutputFilename>
240 | <effort>max</effort>
241 | <excludeFilterFile>${spotbugs.dir}/josm-filter.xml</excludeFilterFile>
242 | <onlyAnalyze>org.openstreetmap.josm.-</onlyAnalyze>
243 | <threshold>LOW</threshold>
244 | </configuration>
245 | <!-- This is commented out until all the current bugs are fixed. TODO uncomment!
246 | <executions>
247 | <execution>
248 | <id>validate</id>
249 | <phase>validate</phase>
250 | <goals>
251 | <goal>check</goal>
252 | </goals>
253 | </execution>
254 | </executions>
255 | -->
256 | </plugin>
257 | <plugin>
258 | <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
259 | <artifactId>maven-checkstyle-plugin</artifactId>
260 | <version>3.3.1</version>
261 | <configuration>
262 | <configLocation>${project.basedir}/../checkstyle-config.xml</configLocation>
263 | <includeTestSourceDirectory>true</includeTestSourceDirectory>
264 | <outputFile>${project.basedir}/checkstyle-josm-${project.name}.xml</outputFile>
265 | <!-- checkstyle cannot parse module-info.java yet -->
266 | <excludes>module-info.java</excludes>
267 | </configuration>
268 | <executions>
269 | <execution>
270 | <id>validate</id>
271 | <phase>validate</phase>
272 | <goals>
273 | <goal>check</goal>
274 | </goals>
275 | </execution>
276 | </executions>
277 | </plugin>
278 | <!-- Configure the test plugin, specifically enable autodetection of global extensions -->
279 | <plugin>
280 | <artifactId>maven-surefire-plugin</artifactId>
281 | <version>3.2.5</version>
282 | <configuration>
283 | <skipAfterFailureCount>1</skipAfterFailureCount>
284 | <argLine>-javaagent:"${settings.localRepository}"/org/jmockit/jmockit/${jmockit.version}/jmockit-${jmockit.version}.jar</argLine>
285 | <properties>
286 | <configurationParameters>
287 | file.encoding = UTF-8
288 | java.locale.providers = SPI,CLDR
289 | junit.jupiter.extensions.autodetection.enabled = true
290 | junit.jupiter.execution.parallel.enabled = true
291 | </configurationParameters>
292 | </properties>
293 | <systemPropertyVariables>
294 | <josm.home>${plugin.test.dir}/config/josm.home</josm.home>
295 | <josm.test.data>${plugin.test.data.dir}</josm.test.data>
296 | <java.awt.headless>${test.headless}</java.awt.headless>
297 | <glass.platform>Monocle</glass.platform>
298 | <monocle.platform>Headless</monocle.platform>
299 | <prism.order>sw</prism.order>
300 | </systemPropertyVariables>
301 | </configuration>
302 | </plugin>
303 | <!-- the clean plugin is needed since we currently store generated sources in the source directory -->
304 | <plugin>
305 | <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
306 | <artifactId>maven-clean-plugin</artifactId>
307 | <version>3.3.2</version>
308 | <configuration>
309 | <filesets>
310 | <fileset>
311 | <directory>${plugin.build.dir}</directory>
312 | </fileset>
313 | <fileset>
314 | <directory>${plugin.dist.dir}</directory>
315 | <includes>
316 | <include>${plugin.jar}</include>
317 | <include>${plugin.unixoid.jar}</include>
318 | <include>${plugin.windows.jar}</include>
319 | <include>${plugin.osx.jar}</include>
320 | <include>${plugin.sources.jar}</include>
321 | <include>${plugin.javadoc.jar}</include>
322 | </includes>
323 | </fileset>
324 | <fileset>
325 | <directory>${project.basedir}</directory>
326 | <includes>
327 | <include>checkstyle-josm-${project.name}.xml</include>
328 | </includes>
329 | </fileset>
330 | </filesets>
331 | </configuration>
332 | </plugin>
333 | <plugin>
334 | <groupId>com.diffplug.spotless</groupId>
335 | <artifactId>spotless-maven-plugin</artifactId>
336 | <version>2.43.0</version>
337 | <configuration>
338 | <java>
339 | <eclipse>
340 | <version>4.21.0</version>
341 | <file>${project.basedir}/../00_core_tools/eclipse/formatter.xml</file>
342 | </eclipse>
343 | <removeUnusedImports/>
344 | <licenseHeader>
345 | <content>// License: GPL. For details, see LICENSE file.</content>
346 | </licenseHeader>
347 | </java>
348 | </configuration>
349 | <executions>
350 | <execution>
351 | <goals>
352 | <goal>check</goal>
353 | </goals>
354 | </execution>
355 | </executions>
356 | </plugin>
357 | <!-- Used to merge compile dependencies into jars -->
358 | <plugin>
359 | <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
360 | <artifactId>maven-shade-plugin</artifactId>
361 | <version>3.5.3</version>
362 | <executions>
363 | <execution>
364 | <phase>package</phase>
365 | <goals>
366 | <goal>shade</goal>
367 | </goals>
368 | <configuration>
369 | <outputDirectory>${plugin.dist.dir}</outputDirectory>
370 | <finalName>${project.name}</finalName>
371 | </configuration>
372 | </execution>
373 | </executions>
374 | </plugin>
375 | <!-- Used to share properties between maven, gradle, and ant, where there is a gradle.properties file -->
376 | <plugin>
377 | <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId>
378 | <artifactId>properties-maven-plugin</artifactId>
379 | <version>1.2.1</version>
380 | <executions>
381 | <execution>
382 | <phase>initialize</phase>
383 | <goals>
384 | <goal>read-project-properties</goal>
385 | </goals>
386 | <configuration>
387 | <files>
388 | <file>gradle.properties</file>
389 | </files>
390 | </configuration>
391 | </execution>
392 | </executions>
393 | </plugin>
394 | <plugin>
395 | <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
396 | <artifactId>maven-jar-plugin</artifactId>
397 | <configuration>
398 | <archive>
399 | <manifestEntries>
400 | <!-- For full documentation, see https://josm.openstreetmap.de/wiki/DevelopersGuide/DevelopingPlugins#ThemanifestfileforaJOSMplugin -->
401 | <Plugin-Mainversion>${plugin.main.version}</Plugin-Mainversion>
402 | <Plugin-Version>${project.version}</Plugin-Version>
403 | <Plugin-Class>${plugin.class}</Plugin-Class>
404 | <Plugin-Description>${plugin.description}</Plugin-Description>
405 | <!-- These are optional, but are either added almost all the time or can be auto generated -->
406 | <Plugin-Date>${maven.build.timestamp}</Plugin-Date>
407 | <Author>${plugin.author}</Author>
408 | <!-- These are optional and/or uncommon -->
409 | <!-- plugin.platform must be `Windows`, `Osx`, or `Unixoid` -->
410 | <!--
411 | <Plugin-Platform>${plugin.platform}</Plugin-Platform>
412 | <Plugin-Provides>${plugin.provides}</Plugin-Provides>
413 | <Plugin-Minimum-Java-Version>${plugin.minimum.java.version}</Plugin-Minimum-Java-Version>
414 | <Plugin-Early>${plugin.early}</Plugin-Early>
415 | <Plugin-Link>${plugin.link}</Plugin-Link>
416 | <Plugin-Icon>${plugin.icon}</Plugin-Icon>
417 | <Plugin-Stage>${plugin.stage}</Plugin-Stage>
418 | <Plugin-Requires>${plugin.requires}</Plugin-Requires>
419 | <Plugin-Canloadatruntime>${plugin.canloadatruntime}</Plugin-Canloadatruntime>
420 | <Class-Path>${plugin.classpath}</Class-Path>
421 | -->
422 | <!-- Additional entries: <xxx>_Plugin-Url (doesn't work well with xml) and <lang>_Plugin_Description -->
423 | </manifestEntries>
424 | </archive>
425 | </configuration>
426 | </plugin>
427 | <!-- For any jaxb plugins -->
428 | <plugin>
429 | <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId>
430 | <artifactId>jaxb2-maven-plugin</artifactId>
431 | <version>2.5.0</version>
432 | </plugin>
433 | </plugins>
434 | </pluginManagement>
435 | </build>
436 | <profiles>
437 | <profile>
438 | <!-- This profile is needed to avoid trying to install a non-jar file -->
439 | <id>not-pom-packaging</id>
440 | <activation>
441 | <property>
442 | <name>packaging</name>
443 | <value>!pom</value>
444 | </property>
445 | </activation>
446 | <build>
447 | <pluginManagement>
448 | <plugins>
449 | <plugin>
450 | <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
451 | <artifactId>maven-install-plugin</artifactId>
452 | <version>3.1.1</version>
453 | <executions>
454 | <execution>
455 | <id>dist-install</id>
456 | <phase>install</phase>
457 | <goals>
458 | <goal>install-file</goal>
459 | </goals>
460 | <configuration>
461 | <file>${plugin.dist.dir}/${project.name}.jar</file>
462 | <artifactId>${project.artifactId}</artifactId>
463 | <groupId>${project.groupId}</groupId>
464 | <version>${project.version}</version>
465 | <packaging>${project.packaging}</packaging>
466 | </configuration>
467 | </execution>
468 | </executions>
469 | </plugin>
470 | </plugins>
471 | </pluginManagement>
472 | </build>
473 | </profile>
474 | <profile>
475 | <id>java-21-plugins</id>
476 | <activation>
477 | <jdk>[21,]</jdk>
478 | </activation>
479 | <modules>
480 | <module>FIT</module>
481 | <module>MicrosoftStreetside</module>
482 | </modules>
483 | </profile>
484 | <profile>
485 | <id>java-17-plugins</id>
486 | <activation>
487 | <jdk>[17,]</jdk>
488 | </activation>
489 | <modules>
490 | <module>imageio</module>
491 | <module>pmtiles</module>
492 | </modules>
493 | </profile>
494 | </profiles>
495 | </project>