1 | #! /usr/bin/perl -w
2 |
3 | #####################################################################
4 | ### http://www.perl.com/doc/manual/html/utils/pod2man.html
5 | ### http://search.cpan.org/dist/perl/pod/perlpod.pod
6 |
7 | =head1 NAME
8 |
9 | mftrans.pl - Add the translations of the plugin description to
10 | the manifest.
11 |
12 | =head1 SYNOPSIS
13 |
14 | B<poimport.pl> [B<--help>] [B<--man>] [B<--manifest> I<MANIFEST>]
15 | B<--description> I<"Plugin description."> I<po/*.po> ...
16 |
17 | =head1 DESCRIPTION
18 |
19 | Read the translations of the plugin description from the specified PO
20 | files and add them to the manifest. Option B<--description> is
21 | mandatory. PO files are expected as arguments.
22 |
23 | =head1 OPTIONS
24 |
25 | =over 4
26 |
27 | =item B<--help>
28 |
29 | Prints a brief help message and exits.
30 |
31 | =item B<--man>
32 |
33 | Prints the manual page and exits.
34 |
35 | =item B<--manifest>
36 |
37 | Manifest file the translations are added to. Default is F<MANIFEST>.
38 |
39 | =item B<--description>
40 |
41 | Plugin description. The same string that is specified as
42 | C<plugin.description> in file F<build.xml>.
43 |
44 | =back
45 |
46 | =cut
47 | #####################################################################
48 |
49 | use strict;
50 | use utf8;
51 | use Encode;
52 | use Getopt::Long;
53 | use Pod::Usage;
54 | use File::Basename;
55 | push(@INC, dirname($0));
56 | require i18nlib;
57 |
58 | main();
59 |
60 | ### Add translations of plugin description to manifest. We write an
61 | ### ant build file and call ant to do that. This way ant will take
62 | ### care of the manifest format details.
63 | sub addmfdescs($@)
64 | {
65 | my ($manifest, $descs, @langs) = @_;
66 | my $buildfile = "build-descs.xml";
67 | open FILE,">",$buildfile or die "Could not open file $buildfile: $!";
68 | binmode FILE, ":encoding(utf8)";
69 | print FILE <<EOT;
70 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
71 | <project name="photoadjust" default="descs" basedir=".">
72 | <target name="descs">
73 | <manifest file="$manifest" mode="update">
74 | EOT
75 | foreach my $la (@langs) {
76 | if (exists(${$descs}{$la})) {
77 | my $trans = ${$descs}{$la};
78 | print FILE " <attribute name=\"", $la,
79 | "_Plugin-Description\" value=\"", $trans, "\"/>\n";
80 | }
81 | }
82 | print FILE <<EOT;
83 | </manifest>
84 | </target>
85 | </project>
86 | EOT
87 | close FILE;
88 | system "ant -buildfile $buildfile";
89 | unlink $buildfile;
90 | }
91 |
92 | sub main
93 | {
94 | my $manifest = "MANIFEST"; ### Manifest file.
95 | my $description = "No description."; ### Plugin description.
96 | my $showhelp = 0; ### Show help screen.
97 | my $showman = 0; ### Show manual page of this script.
98 |
99 | GetOptions('help|?|h' => \$showhelp,
100 | 'man' => \$showman,
101 | 'manifest=s' => \$manifest,
102 | 'description=s' => \$description,
103 | ) or pod2usage(2);
104 |
105 | pod2usage(1) if $showhelp;
106 | pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 2) if $showman;
107 |
108 | my %lang;
109 | my @po;
110 | foreach my $arg (@ARGV)
111 | {
112 | foreach my $f (glob $arg)
113 | {
114 | if($f =~ /\*/) { printf "Skipping $f\n"; }
115 | elsif($f =~ /\.po$/) { push(@po, $f); }
116 | else { die "unknown file extension."; }
117 | }
118 | }
119 | exit if ($#po < 0);
120 | my %data = loadfiles(\%lang,@po);
121 | my $descs = $data{$description};
122 | my @langs = sort keys %lang;
123 | addmfdescs($manifest, $descs, @langs);
124 | }