1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2 | <!--
3 | ** Internationalization
4 | ** string extraction, merge, language file generation.
5 | -->
6 | <project name="plugin_i18n" basedir=".">
7 | <property name="gettexttasks.jar" value="../../i18n/lib/gettext-ant-tasks-0.9.7.jar"/>
8 | <property name="plugin.po.dir" value="po"/>
9 | <property name="poimport.tarball" value="latest"/>
10 | <property name="plugin.manifest" location="MANIFEST"/>
11 |
12 | <target name="gettext-init" description="Loads the Ant gettext and contrib tasks.">
13 | <taskdef name="gettext-extract" classname="org.xnap.commons.ant.gettext.GettextExtractKeysTask" classpath="${gettexttasks.jar}"/>
14 | </target>
15 | <target name="pot" description="Extract translatable strings from source." depends="gettext-init">
16 | <mkdir dir="${plugin.po.dir}"/>
17 | <gettext-extract keysFile="${ant.project.name}.pot" poDirectory="${plugin.po.dir}" keywords="-k -ktrc:1c,2 -kmarktrc:1c,2 -ktr -kmarktr -ktrn:1,2 -ktrnc:1c,2,3">
18 | <fileset dir="${plugin.src.dir}" includes="**/*.java"/>
19 | </gettext-extract>
20 | <echo file="${plugin.po.dir}/${ant.project.name}.pot" append="true">
21 | #. Plugin ${ant.project.name}
22 | #: build.xml:1
23 | msgid "${plugin.description}"
24 | msgstr ""
25 | </echo>
26 | </target>
27 | <target name="pomerge" description="Merge extracted strings into language files.">
28 | <exec executable="perl">
29 | <arg value="i18n/pomerge.pl"/>
30 | <arg value="--podir"/>
31 | <arg value="${plugin.po.dir}"/>
32 | <arg value="--project"/>
33 | <arg value="${ant.project.name}"/>
34 | </exec>
35 | </target>
36 | <target name="poimport" description="Import the PO files from Launchpad tarball.">
37 | <exec executable="perl">
38 | <arg value="i18n/poimport.pl"/>
39 | <arg value="--podir"/>
40 | <arg value="${plugin.po.dir}"/>
41 | <arg value="${poimport.tarball}"/>
42 | </exec>
43 | </target>
44 | <target name="lang" description="Prepare *.lang files in data directory.">
45 | <exec executable="perl">
46 | <arg line="../../i18n/i18n.pl --potfile=${plugin.po.dir}/${ant.project.name}.pot --basedir=data/ ${plugin.po.dir}/*.po"/>
47 | </exec>
48 | </target>
49 |
50 | <target name="mftrans" description="Add translations of plugin description to manifest. Not to be called directly.">
51 | <echo message="Adding translations to ${plugin.manifest} ..."/>
52 | <exec executable="perl">
53 | <arg value="i18n/mftrans.pl"/>
54 | <arg value="--manifest"/>
55 | <arg value="${plugin.manifest}"/>
56 | <arg value="--description"/>
57 | <arg value="${plugin.description}"/>
58 | <arg value="${plugin.po.dir}/*.po"/>
59 | </exec>
60 | </target>
61 | </project>