1 | <project name="osmarender" default="install" basedir=".">
2 |
3 | <!-- josm "user home" directory depends on the platform used (windows has a different place than unix/linux) -->
4 | <property environment="env"/>
5 | <condition property="josm.home.dir" value="${env.APPDATA}/JOSM" else="${user.home}/.josm">
6 | <and>
7 | <os family="windows"/>
8 | </and>
9 | </condition>
10 |
11 | <!-- compilation properties -->
12 | <property name="josm.build.dir" value="../../core"/>
13 | <property name="josm.plugins.dir" value="${josm.home.dir}/plugins"/>
14 | <property name="josm" location="../../core/dist/josm-custom.jar" />
15 | <property name="plugin.build.dir" value="build"/>
16 | <property name="plugin.dist.dir" value="../../dist"/>
17 | <property name="plugin.name" value="${ant.project.name}"/>
18 | <property name="plugin.jar" value="../../dist/${plugin.name}.jar"/>
19 |
20 | <property name="josm" location="../../core/dist/josm-custom.jar" />
21 | <property name="rendering" location="../../../../rendering" />
22 |
23 | <property name="ant.build.javac.target" value="1.5"/>
24 |
25 | <target name="compile">
26 | <mkdir dir="${plugin.build.dir}"></mkdir>
27 | <mkdir dir="${plugin.dist.dir}"></mkdir>
28 | <javac srcdir="src" debug="true" classpath="${josm}" destdir="${plugin.build.dir}">
29 | <include name="**/*.java" />
30 | </javac>
31 | </target>
32 |
33 | <target name="dist" depends="compile">
34 | <copy todir="${plugin.build.dir}" file="${rendering}/osmarender6/osmarender.xsl"/>
35 | <copy tofile="${plugin.build.dir}/osm-map-features.xml"
36 | file="${rendering}/osmarender6/osm-map-features-z17.xml"/>
37 | <!--file="${rendering}/osmarender5/osm-map-features-z17.xml"/>-->
38 | <jar destfile="${plugin.jar}" basedir="${plugin.build.dir}">
39 | <manifest>
40 | <attribute name="Plugin-Class" value="OsmarenderPlugin" />
41 | <attribute name="Plugin-Description" value="Launches FireFox to display the current visible screen as a nice SVG image" />
42 | </manifest>
43 | </jar>
44 | </target>
45 |
46 | <target name="clean">
47 | <delete dir="${plugin.build.dir}" />
48 | <delete file="${plugin.jar}" />
49 | </target>
50 |
51 | <target name="install" depends="compile,dist">
52 | <copy file="${plugin.jar}" todir="${josm.plugins.dir}"/>
53 | </target>
54 |
55 | </project>