1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
2 | <!-- edited with XMLSpy v2007 sp2 (http://www.altova.com) by christophe duquesne (Dryade SARL) -->
3 | <!-- edited with XML Spy v4.3 U (http://www.xmlspy.com) by Christophe Duquesne (Dryade) -->
4 | <!-- File: trident_Global_schema.xsd -->
5 | <xsd:schema
6 | xmlns:trd="http://www.trident.org/schema/trident"
7 | xmlns="http://www.trident.org/schema/trident"
8 | xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
9 | targetNamespace="http://www.trident.org/schema/trident"
10 | elementFormDefault="qualified"
11 | version="2.0">
12 | <xsd:annotation>
13 | <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
14 | TRIDENT exchange schema.
15 | Global Definition
16 | Copyright (c) 2001 TRIDENT consortium, All Rights Reserved.
17 | </xsd:documentation>
18 | </xsd:annotation>
19 | <!-- included files (if any) -->
20 | <xsd:include schemaLocation="trident_Location_schema.xsd"/>
21 | <!-- ==============================================================
22 | global declarations
23 | ============================================================== -->
24 | <xsd:simpleType name="TridentIdType">
25 | <xsd:annotation>
26 | <xsd:documentation>
27 | Defines the way an TRIDENT ID has to be built:
28 | {PeerID}:{Class name}:{Progressive integer}
29 | For example: RATP:Event:12332 or ATAC:Line:9987
30 | </xsd:documentation>
31 | </xsd:annotation>
32 | <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
33 | <xsd:pattern value="(\w|_)+:\w+:[0-9A-Za-z]+"/>
34 | </xsd:restriction>
35 | </xsd:simpleType>
36 | <!-- REMARK : The following 2 types are not in the DM: they are technical
37 | types used to ease construction_ it's just a list of
38 | Trident Object Id -->
39 | <xsd:simpleType name="TridentIdGeneralListType">
40 | <xsd:list itemType="TridentIdType"/>
41 | </xsd:simpleType>
42 | <xsd:simpleType name="TridentIdListType">
43 | <xsd:restriction base="TridentIdGeneralListType">
44 | <xsd:minLength value="2"/>
45 | </xsd:restriction>
46 | </xsd:simpleType>
47 | <!-- REMARK: The name of the following type is TridentObject and not
48 | Object, as this last name is too general -->
49 | <xsd:complexType name="TridentObjectType" abstract="true">
50 | <xsd:sequence>
51 | <xsd:element name="objectId" type="trd:TridentIdType"/>
52 | <xsd:element name="objectVersion" type="xsd:positiveInteger" minOccurs="0"/>
53 | <xsd:element name="creationTime" type="xsd:dateTime" minOccurs="0"/>
54 | <xsd:element name="creatorId" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0"/>
55 | </xsd:sequence>
56 | </xsd:complexType>
57 | <xsd:complexType name="ObjectReferenceType">
58 | <xsd:sequence>
59 | <xsd:element name="Id" type="trd:TridentIdType"/>
60 | <xsd:element name="Version" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0"/>
61 | </xsd:sequence>
62 | <!-- REMARK: This object type is used for requests (to select
63 | a specific Opbject from its Id), "minOccurs" has been set
64 | to "0" for Version to be able to select the current Version
65 | -->
66 | </xsd:complexType>
67 | <xsd:complexType name="ObjectValidityType">
68 | <xsd:sequence>
69 | <xsd:element name="start" type="xsd:dateTime"/>
70 | <xsd:element name="end" type="xsd:dateTime" minOccurs="0"/>
71 | </xsd:sequence>
72 | </xsd:complexType>
73 | <!-- WGS84 Coordinates
74 | The range of longitude is -180° to +180°, and the range of latitude is -90° to +90°. 0° longitude corresponds to the Greenwich Meridian, and
75 | positive angles are to the East, while negative angles are to the West. 0° latitude corresponds to the equator, and positive angles are to the North, while negative angles are to the South.
76 | -->
77 | <xsd:simpleType name="LongitudeType">
78 | <xsd:restriction base="xsd:decimal">
79 | <xsd:minInclusive value="-180"/>
80 | <xsd:maxInclusive value="180"/>
81 | </xsd:restriction>
82 | </xsd:simpleType>
83 | <xsd:simpleType name="LatitudeType">
84 | <xsd:restriction base="xsd:decimal">
85 | <xsd:minInclusive value="-90"/>
86 | <xsd:maxInclusive value="90"/>
87 | </xsd:restriction>
88 | </xsd:simpleType>
89 | <xsd:simpleType name="PercentageType">
90 | <xsd:annotation>
91 | <xsd:documentation>
92 | Percentage: decimal between 0 and 100
93 | </xsd:documentation>
94 | </xsd:annotation>
95 | <xsd:restriction base="xsd:decimal">
96 | <xsd:minInclusive value="0"/>
97 | <xsd:maxInclusive value="100"/>
98 | </xsd:restriction>
99 | </xsd:simpleType>
100 | <!-- ==============================================================
101 | Main enumrations
102 | ============================================================== -->
103 | <xsd:simpleType name="DayOfWeekType">
104 | <xsd:annotation>
105 | <xsd:documentation>
106 | Defines the list of the days of the week (in english!)
107 | </xsd:documentation>
108 | </xsd:annotation>
109 | <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
110 | <xsd:enumeration value="Monday"/>
111 | <xsd:enumeration value="Tuesday"/>
112 | <xsd:enumeration value="Wednsday"/>
113 | <xsd:enumeration value="Thursday"/>
114 | <xsd:enumeration value="Friday"/>
115 | <xsd:enumeration value="Saturday"/>
116 | <xsd:enumeration value="Sunday"/>
117 | </xsd:restriction>
118 | </xsd:simpleType>
119 | <xsd:simpleType name="UnitType">
120 | <xsd:annotation>
121 | <xsd:documentation>
122 | Enumeration containing all the possible units for measurement
123 | </xsd:documentation>
124 | </xsd:annotation>
125 | <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
126 | <xsd:enumeration value="DegreesCelsius"/>
127 | <xsd:enumeration value="Centimeter"/>
128 | <xsd:enumeration value="Degree"/>
129 | <xsd:enumeration value="Hour"/>
130 | <xsd:enumeration value="Hectopascals"/>
131 | <xsd:enumeration value="KilometersPerHour"/>
132 | <xsd:enumeration value="Kilometer"/>
133 | <xsd:enumeration value="CubicMeter"/>
134 | <xsd:enumeration value="MillimetersPerHour"/>
135 | <xsd:enumeration value="Millimeter"/>
136 | <xsd:enumeration value="Meter"/>
137 | <xsd:enumeration value="MetersPerSecond"/>
138 | <xsd:enumeration value="Percentage"/>
139 | <xsd:enumeration value="Second"/>
140 | <xsd:enumeration value="Tonne"/>
141 | <xsd:enumeration value="HrMinSec"/>
142 | <xsd:enumeration value="PeriodOfTime"/>
143 | </xsd:restriction>
144 | </xsd:simpleType>
145 | <!-- ============================================================== -->
146 | <xsd:simpleType name="LocationTypeType">
147 | <xsd:annotation>
148 | <xsd:documentation>
149 | Enumeration containing all the possible location Type
150 | </xsd:documentation>
151 | </xsd:annotation>
152 | <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
153 | <xsd:enumeration value="BusStopPoint"/>
154 | <xsd:enumeration value="AriportStopPoint"/>
155 | <xsd:enumeration value="TramStopPoint"/>
156 | <xsd:enumeration value="MetroStopPoint"/>
157 | <xsd:enumeration value="RailwayStopPoint"/>
158 | <xsd:enumeration value="RoadJunction"/>
159 | <xsd:enumeration value="Mixed"/>
160 | <xsd:enumeration value="Address"/>
161 | <xsd:enumeration value="IntermediateRoadPoint"/>
162 | <xsd:enumeration value="StopArea"/>
163 | <xsd:enumeration value="PointOfInterest"/>
164 | </xsd:restriction>
165 | </xsd:simpleType>
166 | <xsd:simpleType name="LongLatTypeType">
167 | <xsd:annotation>
168 | <xsd:documentation>Type of geodesic reference</xsd:documentation>
169 | </xsd:annotation>
170 | <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
171 | <xsd:enumeration value="WGS84"/>
172 | <xsd:enumeration value="WGS92"/>
173 | <xsd:enumeration value="Standard"/>
174 | </xsd:restriction>
175 | </xsd:simpleType>
176 | <xsd:simpleType name="LocationReferencingMethodType">
177 | <xsd:annotation>
178 | <xsd:documentation>
179 | Enumeration containing all the possible location referencing
180 | methods
181 | </xsd:documentation>
182 | </xsd:annotation>
183 | <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
184 | <xsd:enumeration value="1"/>
185 | <xsd:enumeration value="2"/>
186 | <xsd:enumeration value="3"/>
187 | <xsd:enumeration value="4"/>
188 | <xsd:enumeration value="5"/>
189 | <xsd:enumeration value="6"/>
190 | <xsd:enumeration value="7"/>
191 | <xsd:enumeration value="8"/>
192 | <xsd:enumeration value="9"/>
193 | <xsd:enumeration value="10"/>
194 | <xsd:enumeration value="11"/>
195 | </xsd:restriction>
196 | </xsd:simpleType>
197 | <xsd:simpleType name="WordOrderType">
198 | <xsd:annotation>
199 | <xsd:documentation>Order of words in a ILOC descriptor</xsd:documentation>
200 | </xsd:annotation>
201 | <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
202 | <xsd:enumeration value="FromTheFirstToTheLastWord"/>
203 | <xsd:enumeration value="FromTheLastToTheFirstWord"/>
204 | </xsd:restriction>
205 | </xsd:simpleType>
206 | <xsd:simpleType name="POITypeType">
207 | <xsd:annotation>
208 | <xsd:documentation>Different types for a point</xsd:documentation>
209 | </xsd:annotation>
210 | <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
211 | <xsd:enumeration value="AccommodationEatingAndDrinking"/>
212 | <xsd:enumeration value="CommercialServices"/>
213 | <xsd:enumeration value="Attraction"/>
214 | <xsd:enumeration value="SportAndEntertainment"/>
215 | <xsd:enumeration value="EducationAndHealth"/>
216 | <xsd:enumeration value="PublicInfrastructure"/>
217 | <xsd:enumeration value="ManufacturingAndProduction"/>
218 | <xsd:enumeration value="Wholesale"/>
219 | <xsd:enumeration value="Retail"/>
220 | <xsd:enumeration value="Transport"/>
221 | </xsd:restriction>
222 | </xsd:simpleType>
223 | <xsd:simpleType name="PtAccessPointTypeType">
224 | <xsd:annotation>
225 | <xsd:documentation>Type of a PT acces</xsd:documentation>
226 | </xsd:annotation>
227 | <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
228 | <xsd:enumeration value="In"/>
229 | <xsd:enumeration value="Out"/>
230 | <xsd:enumeration value="InOut"/>
231 | </xsd:restriction>
232 | </xsd:simpleType>
233 | <xsd:simpleType name="ConnectionLinkTypeType">
234 | <xsd:annotation>
235 | <xsd:documentation>Type of connection</xsd:documentation>
236 | </xsd:annotation>
237 | <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
238 | <xsd:enumeration value="Underground"/>
239 | <xsd:enumeration value="Mixed"/>
240 | <xsd:enumeration value="Overground"/>
241 | </xsd:restriction>
242 | </xsd:simpleType>
243 | <!-- ============================================================== -->
244 | <xsd:simpleType name="TransportModeNameType">
245 | <xsd:annotation>
246 | <xsd:documentation>
247 | Enumeration containing all the possible transport modes
248 | </xsd:documentation>
249 | </xsd:annotation>
250 | <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
251 | <xsd:enumeration value="Air"/>
252 | <xsd:enumeration value="Train"/>
253 | <xsd:enumeration value="LongDistanceTrain"/>
254 | <xsd:enumeration value="LongDistanceTrain_2"/>
255 | <xsd:enumeration value="LocalTrain"/>
256 | <xsd:enumeration value="RapidTransit"/>
257 | <xsd:enumeration value="Metro"/>
258 | <xsd:enumeration value="Tramway"/>
259 | <xsd:enumeration value="Coach"/>
260 | <xsd:enumeration value="Bus"/>
261 | <xsd:enumeration value="Ferry"/>
262 | <xsd:enumeration value="Waterborne"/>
263 | <xsd:enumeration value="PrivateVehicle"/>
264 | <xsd:enumeration value="Walk"/>
265 | <xsd:enumeration value="Trolleybus"/>
266 | <xsd:enumeration value="Bicycle"/>
267 | <xsd:enumeration value="Shuttle"/>
268 | <xsd:enumeration value="Taxi"/>
269 | <xsd:enumeration value="VAL"/>
270 | <xsd:enumeration value="Other"/>
271 | </xsd:restriction>
272 | </xsd:simpleType>
273 | <xsd:simpleType name="PTDirectionType">
274 | <xsd:annotation>
275 | <xsd:documentation>
276 | Enumeration containing all the possible directions on a PT Network
277 | </xsd:documentation>
278 | </xsd:annotation>
279 | <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
280 | <xsd:enumeration value="North"/>
281 | <xsd:enumeration value="NorthEast"/>
282 | <xsd:enumeration value="East"/>
283 | <xsd:enumeration value="SouthEast"/>
284 | <xsd:enumeration value="South"/>
285 | <xsd:enumeration value="SouthWest"/>
286 | <xsd:enumeration value="West"/>
287 | <xsd:enumeration value="NorthWest"/>
288 | <xsd:enumeration value="ClockWise"/>
289 | <xsd:enumeration value="CounterClockWise"/>
290 | <xsd:enumeration value="A"/>
291 | <xsd:enumeration value="R"/>
292 | </xsd:restriction>
293 | </xsd:simpleType>
294 | <xsd:simpleType name="DayTypeType">
295 | <xsd:annotation>
296 | <xsd:documentation>
297 | Enumeration containing all defined Day Type
298 | </xsd:documentation>
299 | </xsd:annotation>
300 | <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
301 | <xsd:enumeration value="WeekDay"/>
302 | <xsd:enumeration value="WeekEnd"/>
303 | <xsd:enumeration value="Monday"/>
304 | <xsd:enumeration value="Tuesday"/>
305 | <xsd:enumeration value="Wednesday"/>
306 | <xsd:enumeration value="Thursday"/>
307 | <xsd:enumeration value="Friday"/>
308 | <xsd:enumeration value="Saturday"/>
309 | <xsd:enumeration value="Sunday"/>
310 | <xsd:enumeration value="SchoolHolliday"/>
311 | <xsd:enumeration value="PublicHolliday"/>
312 | <xsd:enumeration value="MarketDay"/>
313 | </xsd:restriction>
314 | </xsd:simpleType>
315 | <xsd:simpleType name="BoardingAlightingPossibilityType">
316 | <xsd:annotation>
317 | <xsd:documentation>
318 | Enumeration containing all the ways to board or alight a bus
319 | </xsd:documentation>
320 | </xsd:annotation>
321 | <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
322 | <xsd:enumeration value="BoardAndAlight"/>
323 | <xsd:enumeration value="AlightOnly"/>
324 | <xsd:enumeration value="BoardOnly"/>
325 | <xsd:enumeration value="NeitherBoardOrAlight"/>
326 | <xsd:enumeration value="BoardAndAlightOnRequest"/>
327 | <xsd:enumeration value="AlightOnRequest"/>
328 | <xsd:enumeration value="BoardOnRequest"/>
329 | </xsd:restriction>
330 | </xsd:simpleType>
331 | <xsd:simpleType name="ServiceStatusValueType">
332 | <xsd:annotation>
333 | <xsd:documentation>
334 | Enumeration containing all the possible status of a PT service
335 | </xsd:documentation>
336 | </xsd:annotation>
337 | <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
338 | <xsd:enumeration value="Normal"/>
339 | <xsd:enumeration value="Delayed"/>
340 | <xsd:enumeration value="Cancelled"/>
341 | <xsd:enumeration value="Disrupted"/>
342 | <xsd:enumeration value="ReducedService"/>
343 | <xsd:enumeration value="IncreasedService"/>
344 | <xsd:enumeration value="Rerouted"/>
345 | <xsd:enumeration value="NotStopping"/>
346 | <xsd:enumeration value="Early"/>
347 | </xsd:restriction>
348 | </xsd:simpleType>
349 | <xsd:simpleType name="VehicleJourneyStatusValueType">
350 | <xsd:annotation>
351 | <xsd:documentation>
352 | Enumeration containing all the possible status of a PT service
353 | on a vehicle
354 | </xsd:documentation>
355 | </xsd:annotation>
356 | <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
357 | <xsd:enumeration value="Normal"/>
358 | <xsd:enumeration value="Delayed"/>
359 | <xsd:enumeration value="Cancelled"/>
360 | <xsd:enumeration value="Rerouted"/>
361 | <xsd:enumeration value="NotStopping"/>
362 | <xsd:enumeration value="Early"/>
363 | </xsd:restriction>
364 | </xsd:simpleType>
365 | <xsd:simpleType name="SourceTypeType">
366 | <xsd:annotation>
367 | <xsd:documentation>
368 | Enumeration containing all the possible type of information
369 | source
370 | </xsd:documentation>
371 | </xsd:annotation>
372 | <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
373 | <xsd:enumeration value="AutomobileClubPatrol"/>
374 | <xsd:enumeration value="SpotterAircraft"/>
375 | <xsd:enumeration value="BreakdownService"/>
376 | <xsd:enumeration value="CameraObservation"/>
377 | <xsd:enumeration value="EmergencyServicePatrol"/>
378 | <xsd:enumeration value="FreightVehicleOperator"/>
379 | <xsd:enumeration value="InfraredMonitoringStation"/>
380 | <xsd:enumeration value="InductionLoopMonitoringStation"/>
381 | <xsd:enumeration value="MicrowaveMonitoringStation"/>
382 | <xsd:enumeration value="MobileTelephoneCaller"/>
383 | <xsd:enumeration value="OtherInformation"/>
384 | <xsd:enumeration value="OtherOfficialVehicle"/>
385 | <xsd:enumeration value="PolicePatrol"/>
386 | <xsd:enumeration value="PublicAndPrivateUtilities"/>
387 | <xsd:enumeration value="RoadAuthorities"/>
388 | <xsd:enumeration value="RegisteredMotoristObserver"/>
389 | <xsd:enumeration value="RoadsideTelephoneCaller"/>
390 | <xsd:enumeration value="TrafficMonitoringStation"/>
391 | <xsd:enumeration value="TransitOperator"/>
392 | <xsd:enumeration value="VideoProcessingMonitoringStation"/>
393 | <xsd:enumeration value="VehicleProbeMeasurement"/>
394 | <xsd:enumeration value="PublicTransport"/>
395 | <xsd:enumeration value="PassengerTransportCoordinatingAuthority"/>
396 | <xsd:enumeration value="TravelInformationServiceProvider"/>
397 | <xsd:enumeration value="TravelAgency"/>
398 | <xsd:enumeration value="IndividualSubjectOfTravelItinerary"/>
399 | </xsd:restriction>
400 | </xsd:simpleType>
401 | <!-- ============================================================== -->
402 | <xsd:simpleType name="QualityIndexType">
403 | <xsd:annotation>
404 | <xsd:documentation>
405 | Quality of a status/situation indications
406 | </xsd:documentation>
407 | </xsd:annotation>
408 | <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
409 | <xsd:enumeration value="Certain"/>
410 | <xsd:enumeration value="VeryReliable"/>
411 | <xsd:enumeration value="Reliable"/>
412 | <xsd:enumeration value="ProbablyReliable"/>
413 | <xsd:enumeration value="Unconfirmed"/>
414 | </xsd:restriction>
415 | </xsd:simpleType>
416 | <xsd:simpleType name="SeverityType">
417 | <xsd:annotation>
418 | <xsd:documentation>
419 | Severity of a status/situation
420 | </xsd:documentation>
421 | </xsd:annotation>
422 | <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
423 | <xsd:enumeration value="ExtremelySevere"/>
424 | <xsd:enumeration value="VerySevere"/>
425 | <xsd:enumeration value="Severe"/>
426 | <xsd:enumeration value="LowSeverity"/>
427 | <xsd:enumeration value="LowestSeverity"/>
428 | <xsd:enumeration value="NotProvided"/>
429 | </xsd:restriction>
430 | </xsd:simpleType>
431 | <!-- ============================================================== -->
432 | <xsd:complexType name="TimePeriodType">
433 | <xsd:annotation>
434 | <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
435 | Time and duration information
436 | </xsd:documentation>
437 | </xsd:annotation>
438 | <xsd:sequence>
439 | <xsd:element name="DateTime" type="xsd:dateTime" minOccurs="0"/>
440 | <xsd:element name="Duration" type="xsd:duration" minOccurs="0"/>
441 | </xsd:sequence>
442 | </xsd:complexType>
443 | <xsd:complexType name="MeasurementTimeType">
444 | <xsd:annotation>
445 | <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
446 | Informations on the time of a measurement
447 | </xsd:documentation>
448 | </xsd:annotation>
449 | <xsd:sequence>
450 | <xsd:element name="measurementTime" type="xsd:dateTime" minOccurs="0"/>
451 | <xsd:element name="measurementPeriod" type="trd:TimePeriodType" minOccurs="0"/>
452 | </xsd:sequence>
453 | </xsd:complexType>
454 | <xsd:complexType name="UnitisedQuantityType">
455 | <xsd:annotation>
456 | <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
457 | Value with its type
458 | for road trafic_
459 | </xsd:documentation>
460 | </xsd:annotation>
461 | <xsd:sequence>
462 | <xsd:element name="value" type="xsd:decimal"/>
463 | <xsd:element name="unit" type="trd:UnitType"/>
464 | <xsd:element name="accuracy" type="trd:AccuracyType" minOccurs="0"/>
465 | <xsd:element name="measurementTime" type="trd:MeasurementTimeType" minOccurs="0"/>
466 | <xsd:element name="measurementLocation" type="trd:LocationType" minOccurs="0"/>
467 | </xsd:sequence>
468 | </xsd:complexType>
469 | <xsd:complexType name="AccuracyType">
470 | <xsd:annotation>
471 | <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
472 | Accuracy of a measure
473 | </xsd:documentation>
474 | </xsd:annotation>
475 | <xsd:sequence>
476 | <xsd:element name="standardDeviation" type="xsd:decimal" minOccurs="0"/>
477 | <xsd:element name="accuracy" type="xsd:decimal" minOccurs="0"/>
478 | <xsd:element name="dataClass" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0"/>
479 | <xsd:element name="accuracyRange" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0"/>
480 | <!-- REMARK : I didn't find the enumeration for the 2
481 | following element in the DM_ I used
482 | string type instead !!! -->
483 | </xsd:sequence>
484 | </xsd:complexType>
485 | </xsd:schema>