1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 | <xsd:schema xmlns="http://www.siri.org.uk/siri"
3 | xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
4 | targetNamespace="http://www.siri.org.uk/siri"
5 | elementFormDefault="qualified"
6 | attributeFormDefault="unqualified"
7 | version="1.2"
8 | id="siri_facilities">
9 | <xsd:annotation>
10 | <xsd:appinfo>
11 | <Metadata xmlns="http://www.govtalk.gov.uk/CM/gms-xs">
12 | <Aggregation>main schema</Aggregation>
13 | <Audience>e-service developers</Audience>
14 | <Contributor>Add names </Contributor>
15 | <Coverage>Europe</Coverage>
16 | <Creator>>Drafted for version 1.0 XTIS Kizoom Incident Schema Nicholas Knowles, Kizoom. mailto:schemer@kizoom.org.uk</Creator>
17 | <Date>
18 | <Created>2004-09-29</Created>
19 | </Date>
20 | <Date>
21 | <Modified>2004-10-01</Modified>
22 | </Date>
23 | <Date>
24 | <Modified>2005-11-18</Modified>
25 | </Date>
26 | <Date>
27 | <Modified>2007-03-29</Modified>
28 | </Date>
29 | <Description>
30 | <p>SIRI is a European CEN standard for the exchange of real time information .
31 |
32 | This subschema describes recommende values for facility and feature codes to use in the ServiceFeatureRef and VehicleFeatureRef and FeatureRef values. </p>
33 | </Description>
34 | <Format>
35 | <MediaType>text/xml</MediaType>
36 | <Syntax>http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema</Syntax>
37 | <Description>XML schema, W3C Recommendation 2001</Description>
38 | </Format>
39 | <Identifier>{http://www.siri.org.uk/schemas/1.3/siri}facilities-v1.1.xsd</Identifier>
40 | <Language>[ISO 639-2/B] ENG</Language>
41 | <Publisher>CEN</Publisher>
42 | <Relation>
43 |
44 | </Relation>
45 | <Rights>Unclassified
46 |
47 | <Copyright>Kizoom 2000-2005</Copyright>
48 | </Rights>
49 | <Source>
50 | <ul>
51 | <li>Derived from the TPEG Categories schema as encoded in the Kizoom XTIS schema.</li>
52 | </ul>
53 | </Source>
54 | <Status>Version 1.1 Draft l</Status>
55 | <Subject>
56 | <Category>Arts, recreation and travel, Tourism, Travel (tourism), Transport,
57 | Air transport, Airports,
58 | Ports and maritime transport, Ferries (marine),
59 | Public transport, Bus services, Coach services, Bus stops and stations,
60 | Rail transport, Railway stations and track, Train services, Underground trains,
61 | Business and industry, Transport, Air transport , Ports and maritime transport, Public transport,
62 | Rail transport, Roads and road transport
63 | </Category>
64 | <Project>Cen TC278 WG3 SG7</Project>
65 | </Subject>
66 | <Title>SIRI XML schema. Facility code subschema </Title>
67 | <Type>Standard</Type>
68 | </Metadata>
69 | </xsd:appinfo>
70 | </xsd:annotation>
71 | <!-- ======================================================================= -->
72 | <xsd:group name="AllFacilitiesGroup">
73 | <xsd:annotation>
74 | <xsd:documentation>Facilities that apply to stops.</xsd:documentation>
75 | </xsd:annotation>
76 | <xsd:sequence>
77 | <xsd:group ref="ServiceFacilityGroup"/>
78 | <xsd:element ref="AssistanceFacility" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
79 | <xsd:element ref="HireFacility" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
80 | </xsd:sequence>
81 | </xsd:group>
82 | <xsd:group name="CommonFacilityGroup">
83 | <xsd:annotation>
84 | <xsd:documentation>Structured Classification Elements. Corresponds to TPEG 18 Event Reason</xsd:documentation>
85 | </xsd:annotation>
86 | <xsd:sequence>
87 | <xsd:element ref="FareClassFacility" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
88 | <xsd:element ref="TicketingFacility" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
89 | <xsd:element ref="NuisanceFacility" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
90 | <xsd:element ref="MobilityFacility" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
91 | <xsd:element ref="PassengerInformationFacility" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
92 | <xsd:element ref="PassengerCommsFacility" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
93 | <xsd:element ref="RefreshmentFacility" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
94 | <!-- E.Z retrieve default="unknown" -->
95 | <xsd:element name="AccessFacility" type="AccessFacilityEnumeration" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
96 | <xsd:annotation>
97 | <xsd:documentation>Classification of Access Facility</xsd:documentation>
98 | </xsd:annotation>
99 | </xsd:element>
100 | <xsd:element ref="SanitaryFacility" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
101 | <xsd:element ref="LuggageFacility" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
102 | </xsd:sequence>
103 | </xsd:group>
104 | <xsd:group name="StopFacilityGroup">
105 | <xsd:annotation>
106 | <xsd:documentation>Facilities that apply to stops.</xsd:documentation>
107 | </xsd:annotation>
108 | <xsd:sequence>
109 | <xsd:group ref="CommonFacilityGroup"/>
110 | <xsd:element ref="AssistanceFacility" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
111 | <xsd:element ref="HireFacility" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
112 | </xsd:sequence>
113 | </xsd:group>
114 | <xsd:group name="ServiceFacilityGroup">
115 | <xsd:annotation>
116 | <xsd:documentation>Facilities that apply to services.</xsd:documentation>
117 | </xsd:annotation>
118 | <xsd:sequence>
119 | <xsd:group ref="CommonFacilityGroup"/>
120 | <xsd:element ref="AccommodationFacility" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
121 | </xsd:sequence>
122 | </xsd:group>
123 | <xsd:complexType name="AllFacilitiesFeatureStructure">
124 | <xsd:annotation>
125 | <xsd:documentation>Description of the features of any of the available facilities</xsd:documentation>
126 | </xsd:annotation>
127 | <xsd:choice>
128 | <xsd:element ref="AccessFacility"/>
129 | <xsd:element ref="AccommodationFacility"/>
130 | <xsd:element ref="AssistanceFacility"/>
131 | <xsd:element ref="FareClassFacility"/>
132 | <xsd:element ref="HireFacility"/>
133 | <xsd:element ref="LuggageFacility"/>
134 | <xsd:element ref="MobilityFacility"/>
135 | <xsd:element ref="NuisanceFacility"/>
136 | <xsd:element ref="ParkingFacility"/>
137 | <xsd:element ref="PassengerCommsFacility"/>
138 | <xsd:element ref="PassengerInformationFacility"/>
139 | <xsd:element ref="RefreshmentFacility"/>
140 | <xsd:element ref="ReservedSpaceFacility"/>
141 | <xsd:element ref="RetailFacility"/>
142 | <xsd:element ref="SanitaryFacility"/>
143 | <xsd:element ref="TicketingFacility"/>
144 | </xsd:choice>
145 | </xsd:complexType>
146 | <!-- ===Access FACILITY====================================== -->
147 |
148 | <xsd:element name="AccessFacility" type="AccessFacilityEnumeration">
149 | <xsd:annotation>
150 | <xsd:documentation>Classification of Access Facility</xsd:documentation>
151 | </xsd:annotation>
152 | </xsd:element>
153 | <xsd:simpleType name="AccessFacilityEnumeration">
154 | <xsd:annotation>
155 | <xsd:documentation>Values for Access Facility</xsd:documentation>
156 | </xsd:annotation>
157 | <xsd:restriction base="xsd:NMTOKEN">
158 | <xsd:enumeration value="unknown"/>
159 | <xsd:enumeration value="lift"/>
160 | <xsd:enumeration value="escalator"/>
161 | <xsd:enumeration value="travelator"/>
162 | <xsd:enumeration value="ramp"/>
163 | <xsd:enumeration value="stairs"/>
164 | <xsd:enumeration value="shuttle"/>
165 | <xsd:enumeration value="narrowEntrance"/>
166 | <xsd:enumeration value="barrier"/>
167 | <xsd:enumeration value="palletAccess_lowFloor"/>
168 | <xsd:enumeration value="validator"/>
169 | </xsd:restriction>
170 | </xsd:simpleType>
171 | <!-- ===Accomodation FACILITY====================================== -->
172 |
173 | <xsd:element name="AccommodationFacility" type="AccommodationFacilityEnumeration">
174 | <xsd:annotation>
175 | <xsd:documentation>Classification of Accomodation Facility type - Tpeg pti23.</xsd:documentation>
176 | </xsd:annotation>
177 | </xsd:element>
178 | <xsd:simpleType name="AccommodationFacilityEnumeration">
179 | <xsd:annotation>
180 | <xsd:documentation>Values for Accomodation Facility: TPEG pti_table 23.</xsd:documentation>
181 | </xsd:annotation>
182 | <xsd:restriction base="xsd:NMTOKEN">
183 | <xsd:enumeration value="unknown"/>
184 | <xsd:enumeration value="pti23_3"/>
185 | <xsd:enumeration value="sleeper"/>
186 | <xsd:enumeration value="pti23_4"/>
187 | <xsd:enumeration value="couchette"/>
188 | <xsd:enumeration value="pti23_5"/>
189 | <xsd:enumeration value="specialSeating"/>
190 | <xsd:enumeration value="pti23_11"/>
191 | <xsd:enumeration value="freeSeating"/>
192 | <xsd:enumeration value="pti23_12"/>
193 | <xsd:enumeration value="recliningSeats"/>
194 | <xsd:enumeration value="pti23_13"/>
195 | <xsd:enumeration value="babyCompartment"/>
196 | <xsd:enumeration value="familyCarriage"/>
197 | </xsd:restriction>
198 | </xsd:simpleType>
199 | <!-- ===Assistance FACILITY====================================== -->
200 |
201 | <xsd:element name="AssistanceFacility" type="AssistanceFacilityEnumeration">
202 | <xsd:annotation>
203 | <xsd:documentation>Classification of Assistance Facility</xsd:documentation>
204 | </xsd:annotation>
205 | </xsd:element>
206 | <xsd:simpleType name="AssistanceFacilityEnumeration">
207 | <xsd:annotation>
208 | <xsd:documentation>Values for Assistance Facility</xsd:documentation>
209 | </xsd:annotation>
210 | <xsd:restriction base="xsd:NMTOKEN">
211 | <xsd:enumeration value="unknown"/>
212 | <xsd:enumeration value="police"/>
213 | <xsd:enumeration value="firstAid"/>
214 | <xsd:enumeration value="sosPoint"/>
215 | <xsd:enumeration value="specificAssistance"/>
216 | <xsd:enumeration value="unaccompaniedMinorAssistance"/>
217 | <xsd:enumeration value="boardingAssistance"/>
218 | </xsd:restriction>
219 | </xsd:simpleType>
220 | <!-- ===FareClass FACILITY====================================== -->
221 |
222 | <xsd:element name="FareClassFacility" type="FareClassFacilityEnumeration" >
223 | <xsd:annotation>
224 | <xsd:documentation>Classification of FareClass Facility type - Tpeg pti23.</xsd:documentation>
225 | </xsd:annotation>
226 | </xsd:element>
227 | <xsd:simpleType name="FareClassFacilityEnumeration">
228 | <xsd:annotation>
229 | <xsd:documentation>Values for FareClass Facility: TPEG pti_table 23.</xsd:documentation>
230 | </xsd:annotation>
231 | <xsd:restriction base="xsd:NMTOKEN">
232 | <xsd:enumeration value="unknown"/>
233 | <xsd:enumeration value="pti23_0"/>
234 | <xsd:enumeration value="unknown_2"/>
235 | <xsd:enumeration value="pti23_6"/>
236 | <xsd:enumeration value="firstClass"/>
237 | <xsd:enumeration value="pti23_7"/>
238 | <xsd:enumeration value="secondClass"/>
239 | <xsd:enumeration value="pti23_8"/>
240 | <xsd:enumeration value="thirdClass"/>
241 | <xsd:enumeration value="pti23_9"/>
242 | <xsd:enumeration value="economyClass"/>
243 | <xsd:enumeration value="pti23_10"/>
244 | <xsd:enumeration value="businessClass"/>
245 | </xsd:restriction>
246 | </xsd:simpleType>
247 |
248 | <!-- ===Hire FACILITY====================================== -->
249 |
250 | <xsd:element name="HireFacility" type="HireFacilityEnumeration" >
251 | <xsd:annotation>
252 | <xsd:documentation>Classification of Hire Facility</xsd:documentation>
253 | </xsd:annotation>
254 | </xsd:element>
255 | <xsd:simpleType name="HireFacilityEnumeration">
256 | <xsd:annotation>
257 | <xsd:documentation>Values for Hire Facility</xsd:documentation>
258 | </xsd:annotation>
259 | <xsd:restriction base="xsd:NMTOKEN">
260 | <xsd:enumeration value="unknown"/>
261 | <xsd:enumeration value="carHire"/>
262 | <xsd:enumeration value="motorCycleHire"/>
263 | <xsd:enumeration value="cycleHire"/>
264 | <xsd:enumeration value="taxi"/>
265 | <xsd:enumeration value="recreationDeviceHire"/>
266 | </xsd:restriction>
267 | </xsd:simpleType>
268 | <!-- ===Luggage FACILITY====================================== -->
269 |
270 | <xsd:element name="LuggageFacility" type="LuggageFacilityEnumeration">
271 | <xsd:annotation>
272 | <xsd:documentation>Classification of Luggage Facility type - Tpeg pti23.</xsd:documentation>
273 | </xsd:annotation>
274 | </xsd:element>
275 | <xsd:simpleType name="LuggageFacilityEnumeration">
276 | <xsd:annotation>
277 | <xsd:documentation>Values for Luggage Facility: TPEG pti_table 23.</xsd:documentation>
278 | </xsd:annotation>
279 | <xsd:restriction base="xsd:NMTOKEN">
280 | <xsd:enumeration value="unknown"/>
281 | <xsd:enumeration value="pti23_17"/>
282 | <xsd:enumeration value="bikeCarriage"/>
283 | <xsd:enumeration value="baggageStorage"/>
284 | <xsd:enumeration value="leftLuggage"/>
285 | <xsd:enumeration value="porterage"/>
286 | <xsd:enumeration value="baggageTrolleys"/>
287 | </xsd:restriction>
288 | </xsd:simpleType>
289 | <!-- ===Mobility FACILITY====================================== -->
290 |
291 | <xsd:element name="MobilityFacility" type="MobilityFacilityEnumeration">
292 | <xsd:annotation>
293 | <xsd:documentation>Classification of Mobility Facility type - Tpeg pti23.</xsd:documentation>
294 | </xsd:annotation>
295 | </xsd:element>
296 | <xsd:simpleType name="MobilityFacilityEnumeration">
297 | <xsd:annotation>
298 | <xsd:documentation>Values for Mobility Facility: TPEG pti_table 23.</xsd:documentation>
299 | </xsd:annotation>
300 | <xsd:restriction base="xsd:NMTOKEN">
301 | <xsd:enumeration value="pti23_255_4"/>
302 | <xsd:enumeration value="unknown"/>
303 | <xsd:enumeration value="pti23_16"/>
304 | <xsd:enumeration value="suitableForWheelChairs"/>
305 | <xsd:enumeration value="pti23_16_1"/>
306 | <xsd:enumeration value="lowFloor"/>
307 | <xsd:enumeration value="pti23_16_2"/>
308 | <xsd:enumeration value="boardingAssistance"/>
309 | <xsd:enumeration value="pti23_16_3"/>
310 | <xsd:enumeration value="stepFreeAccess"/>
311 | <xsd:enumeration value="tactilePatformEdges"/>
312 | <xsd:enumeration value="onboardAssistance"/>
313 | <xsd:enumeration value="unaccompaniedMinorAssistance"/>
314 | <xsd:enumeration value="audioInformation"/>
315 | <xsd:enumeration value="visualInformation"/>
316 | <xsd:enumeration value="displaysForVisuallyImpaired"/>
317 | <xsd:enumeration value="audioForHearingImpaired"/>
318 | </xsd:restriction>
319 | </xsd:simpleType>
320 | <!-- ===Nuisance FACILITY====================================== -->
321 |
322 | <xsd:element name="NuisanceFacility" type="NuisanceFacilityEnumeration">
323 | <xsd:annotation>
324 | <xsd:documentation>Classification of Nuisance Facility type - Tpeg pti23.</xsd:documentation>
325 | </xsd:annotation>
326 | </xsd:element>
327 | <xsd:simpleType name="NuisanceFacilityEnumeration">
328 | <xsd:annotation>
329 | <xsd:documentation>Values for Nuisance Facility: TPEG pti_table 23.</xsd:documentation>
330 | </xsd:annotation>
331 | <xsd:restriction base="xsd:NMTOKEN">
332 | <xsd:enumeration value="unknown"/>
333 | <xsd:enumeration value="smoking"/>
334 | <xsd:enumeration value="noSmoking"/>
335 | <xsd:enumeration value="mobilePhoneUseZone"/>
336 | <xsd:enumeration value="mobilePhoneFreeZone"/>
337 | </xsd:restriction>
338 | </xsd:simpleType>
339 | <!-- ===Parking FACILITY====================================== -->
340 | <xsd:element name="ParkingFacility" type="ParkingFacilityEnumeration">
341 | <xsd:annotation>
342 | <xsd:documentation>Classification of Access Facility</xsd:documentation>
343 | </xsd:annotation>
344 | </xsd:element>
345 | <xsd:simpleType name="ParkingFacilityEnumeration">
346 | <xsd:annotation>
347 | <xsd:documentation>Values for Access Facility</xsd:documentation>
348 | </xsd:annotation>
349 | <xsd:restriction base="xsd:NMTOKEN">
350 | <xsd:enumeration value="unknown"/>
351 | <xsd:enumeration value="carPark"/>
352 | <xsd:enumeration value="parkAndRidePark"/>
353 | <xsd:enumeration value="motorcyclePark"/>
354 | <xsd:enumeration value="cyclePark"/>
355 | <xsd:enumeration value="rentalCarPark"/>
356 | <xsd:enumeration value="coachPark"/>
357 | </xsd:restriction>
358 | </xsd:simpleType>
359 | <!-- === PassengerInfo FACILITY====================================== -->
360 |
361 | <xsd:element name="PassengerInformationFacility" type="PassengerInformationFacilityEnumeration">
362 | <xsd:annotation>
363 | <xsd:documentation>Classification of PassengerInfo Facility type - Tpeg pti23.</xsd:documentation>
364 | </xsd:annotation>
365 | </xsd:element>
366 | <xsd:simpleType name="PassengerInformationFacilityEnumeration">
367 | <xsd:annotation>
368 | <xsd:documentation>Values for Passenger Information Facility</xsd:documentation>
369 | </xsd:annotation>
370 | <xsd:restriction base="xsd:NMTOKEN">
371 | <xsd:enumeration value="unknown"/>
372 | <xsd:enumeration value="nextStopIndicator"/>
373 | <xsd:enumeration value="stopAnnouncements"/>
374 | <xsd:enumeration value="passengerInformationDisplay"/>
375 | <xsd:enumeration value="audioInformation"/>
376 | <xsd:enumeration value="visualInformation"/>
377 | <xsd:enumeration value="tactilePlatformEdges"/>
378 | <xsd:enumeration value="tactileInformation"/>
379 | <xsd:enumeration value="walkingGuidance"/>
380 | <xsd:enumeration value="journeyPlanning"/>
381 | <xsd:enumeration value="lostFound"/>
382 | <xsd:enumeration value="informationDesk"/>
383 | <xsd:enumeration value="interactiveKiosk-Display"/>
384 | <xsd:enumeration value="printedPublicNotice"/>
385 | </xsd:restriction>
386 | </xsd:simpleType>
387 | <!-- ===PassengerComms FACILITY====================================== -->
388 | <!-- ez retreive default="unknown" -->
389 | <xsd:element name="PassengerCommsFacility" type="PassengerCommsFacilityEnumeration" >
390 | <xsd:annotation>
391 | <xsd:documentation>Classification of PassengerComms Facility type - Tpeg pti23.</xsd:documentation>
392 | </xsd:annotation>
393 | </xsd:element>
394 | <xsd:simpleType name="PassengerCommsFacilityEnumeration">
395 | <xsd:annotation>
396 | <xsd:documentation>Values for PassengerComms Facility: TPEG pti_table 23.</xsd:documentation>
397 | </xsd:annotation>
398 | <xsd:restriction base="xsd:NMTOKEN">
399 | <xsd:enumeration value="unknown"/>
400 | <xsd:enumeration value="faccomms_1"/>
401 | <xsd:enumeration value="passengerWifi"/>
402 | <xsd:enumeration value="pti23_21"/>
403 | <xsd:enumeration value="telephone"/>
404 | <xsd:enumeration value="pti23_14"/>
405 | <xsd:enumeration value="audioServices"/>
406 | <xsd:enumeration value="pti23_15"/>
407 | <xsd:enumeration value="videoServices"/>
408 | <xsd:enumeration value="pti23_25"/>
409 | <xsd:enumeration value="businessServices"/>
410 | <xsd:enumeration value="internet"/>
411 | <xsd:enumeration value="postoffice"/>
412 | <xsd:enumeration value="letterbox"/>
413 | </xsd:restriction>
414 | </xsd:simpleType>
415 | <!-- ===Refreshment FACILITY====================================== -->
416 |
417 | <xsd:element name="RefreshmentFacility" type="RefreshmentFacilityEnumeration">
418 | <xsd:annotation>
419 | <xsd:documentation>Classification of Refreshment Facility type - Tpeg pti23.</xsd:documentation>
420 | </xsd:annotation>
421 | </xsd:element>
422 | <xsd:simpleType name="RefreshmentFacilityEnumeration">
423 | <xsd:annotation>
424 | <xsd:documentation>Values for Refreshment Facility: TPEG pti_table 23.</xsd:documentation>
425 | </xsd:annotation>
426 | <xsd:restriction base="xsd:NMTOKEN">
427 | <xsd:enumeration value="unknown"/>
428 | <xsd:enumeration value="pti23_1"/>
429 | <xsd:enumeration value="restaurantService"/>
430 | <xsd:enumeration value="pti23_2"/>
431 | <xsd:enumeration value="snacksService"/>
432 | <xsd:enumeration value="pti23"/>
433 | <xsd:enumeration value="trolley"/>
434 | <xsd:enumeration value="pti23_18"/>
435 | <xsd:enumeration value="bar"/>
436 | <xsd:enumeration value="pti23_19"/>
437 | <xsd:enumeration value="foodNotAvailable"/>
438 | <xsd:enumeration value="pti23_20"/>
439 | <xsd:enumeration value="beveragesNotAvailable"/>
440 | <xsd:enumeration value="pti23_26"/>
441 | <xsd:enumeration value="bistro"/>
442 | <xsd:enumeration value="foodVendingMachine"/>
443 | <xsd:enumeration value="beverageVendingMachine"/>
444 | </xsd:restriction>
445 | </xsd:simpleType>
446 | <!-- ===Reserver space FACILITY====================================== -->
447 | <xsd:element name="ReservedSpaceFacility" type="ReservedSpaceFacilityEnumeration" default="unknown">
448 | <xsd:annotation>
449 | <xsd:documentation>Classification of Reserved Space Facility</xsd:documentation>
450 | </xsd:annotation>
451 | </xsd:element>
452 | <xsd:simpleType name="ReservedSpaceFacilityEnumeration">
453 | <xsd:annotation>
454 | <xsd:documentation>Values for Reserved Space Facility</xsd:documentation>
455 | </xsd:annotation>
456 | <xsd:restriction base="xsd:NMTOKEN">
457 | <xsd:enumeration value="unknown"/>
458 | <xsd:enumeration value="lounge"/>
459 | <xsd:enumeration value="hall"/>
460 | <xsd:enumeration value="meetingpoint"/>
461 | <xsd:enumeration value="groupPoint"/>
462 | <xsd:enumeration value="reception"/>
463 | <xsd:enumeration value="shelter"/>
464 | <xsd:enumeration value="seats"/>
465 | </xsd:restriction>
466 | </xsd:simpleType>
467 | <!-- ===Retail FACILITY====================================== -->
468 | <xsd:element name="RetailFacility" type="RetailFacilityEnumeration" default="unknown">
469 | <xsd:annotation>
470 | <xsd:documentation>Classification of Retail Facility</xsd:documentation>
471 | </xsd:annotation>
472 | </xsd:element>
473 | <xsd:simpleType name="RetailFacilityEnumeration">
474 | <xsd:annotation>
475 | <xsd:documentation>Values for Retail Facility</xsd:documentation>
476 | </xsd:annotation>
477 | <xsd:restriction base="xsd:NMTOKEN">
478 | <xsd:enumeration value="unknown"/>
479 | <xsd:enumeration value="food"/>
480 | <xsd:enumeration value="newspaperTobacco"/>
481 | <xsd:enumeration value="recreationTravel"/>
482 | <xsd:enumeration value="hygieneHealthBeauty"/>
483 | <xsd:enumeration value="fashionAccessories"/>
484 | <xsd:enumeration value="bankFinanceInsurance"/>
485 | <xsd:enumeration value="cashMachine"/>
486 | <xsd:enumeration value="currencyExchange"/>
487 | <xsd:enumeration value="tourismService"/>
488 | <xsd:enumeration value="photoBooth"/>
489 | </xsd:restriction>
490 | </xsd:simpleType>
491 | <!-- ===Sanitary FACILITY====================================== -->
492 |
493 | <xsd:element name="SanitaryFacility" type="SanitaryFacilityEnumeration">
494 | <xsd:annotation>
495 | <xsd:documentation>Classification of Sanitary Facility type - Tpeg pti23.</xsd:documentation>
496 | </xsd:annotation>
497 | </xsd:element>
498 | <xsd:simpleType name="SanitaryFacilityEnumeration">
499 | <xsd:annotation>
500 | <xsd:documentation>Values for Sanitary Facility: TPEG pti_table 23.</xsd:documentation>
501 | </xsd:annotation>
502 | <xsd:restriction base="xsd:NMTOKEN">
503 | <xsd:enumeration value="unknown"/>
504 | <xsd:enumeration value="pti23_22"/>
505 | <xsd:enumeration value="toilet"/>
506 | <xsd:enumeration value="pti23_23"/>
507 | <xsd:enumeration value="noToilet"/>
508 | <xsd:enumeration value="shower"/>
509 | <xsd:enumeration value="wheelchairAcccessToilet"/>
510 | <xsd:enumeration value="babyChange"/>
511 | </xsd:restriction>
512 | </xsd:simpleType>
513 | <!-- ===Ticketing FACILITY====================================== -->
514 |
515 | <xsd:element name="TicketingFacility" type="TicketingFacilityEnumeration">
516 | <xsd:annotation>
517 | <xsd:documentation>Classification of Ticketing Facility type - Tpeg pti23.</xsd:documentation>
518 | </xsd:annotation>
519 | </xsd:element>
520 | <xsd:simpleType name="TicketingFacilityEnumeration">
521 | <xsd:annotation>
522 | <xsd:documentation>Values for Ticketing Facility</xsd:documentation>
523 | </xsd:annotation>
524 | <xsd:restriction base="xsd:NMTOKEN">
525 | <xsd:enumeration value="unknown"/>
526 | <xsd:enumeration value="ticketMachines"/>
527 | <xsd:enumeration value="ticketOffice"/>
528 | <xsd:enumeration value="ticketOnDemandMachines"/>
529 | <xsd:enumeration value="ticketSales"/>
530 | <xsd:enumeration value="mobileTicketing"/>
531 | <xsd:enumeration value="ticketCollection"/>
532 | <xsd:enumeration value="centralReservations"/>
533 | <xsd:enumeration value="localTickets"/>
534 | <xsd:enumeration value="nationalTickets"/>
535 | <xsd:enumeration value="internationalTickets"/>
536 | </xsd:restriction>
537 | </xsd:simpleType>
538 | <!-- ===================================================== -->
539 | </xsd:schema>