/* * GeoTools - The Open Source Java GIS Toolkit * http://geotools.org * * (C) 2002-2008, Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. */ package org.geotools.feature; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import org.geotools.geometry.jts.ReferencedEnvelope; import org.opengis.feature.Feature; import org.opengis.feature.FeatureVisitor; import org.opengis.feature.type.FeatureType; import org.opengis.filter.Filter; import org.opengis.util.ProgressListener; /** * Represents a collection of features. *

* Implementations (and client code) should adhere to the rules set forth * by java.util.Collection. That is, some methods are * optional to implement, and may throw an UnsupportedOperationException. *


* SimpleFeatureCollection house rules: *

* In programmer speak a SimpleFeatureCollection is a "Bag" with an index based ID. *



Life Cycle of Iterator


* We have also adopted an additional constraint on the use of iterator. * You must call FeatureCollection.close( iterator ) to allow FeatureCollection * to clean up any operating system resources used to acces information. *


* Example (safe) use:

 * Iterator iterator = collection.iterator();
 * try {
 *     for( Iterator i=collection.iterator(); i.hasNext();){
 *          Feature feature = (Feature) i.hasNext();
 *          System.out.println( feature.getID() );
 *     }
 * }
 * finally {
 *     collection.close( iterator );
 * }


* Handy Tip: Although many resource backed collections will choose * to release resources at when the iterator has reached the end of its contents * this is not something you should rely on. *


Notes for SimpleFeatureCollection Implementors


* Many users will be treating this as a straight forward Collection, * there code will break often enough due to latency - try and close * up resources for them when you can detect that an Iterator is not * useful anymore. *


* Collections are used in two fashions, basically as you see them, * and also as "range" for common opperations. You can see this with * List.subCollection( Filter ). Existing RnD effort is * going towards supporting this kind of use at the FeatureCollection * level. *

* * @see java.util.Collection, org.geotools.Feature * @author Ian Turton, CCG * @author Rob Hranac, VFNY * @author Ian Schneider, USDA-ARS * @author Jody Garnett, Refractions Research, Inc. * * @source $URL: http://svn.osgeo.org/geotools/branches/2.7.x/modules/library/api/src/main/java/org/geotools/feature/FeatureCollection.java $ * @version $Id: FeatureCollection.java 37280 2011-05-24 07:53:02Z mbedward $ * */ public interface FeatureCollection { /** * Obtain a FeatureIterator of the Features within this collection. *

* The implementation of Collection must adhere to the rules of * fail-fast concurrent modification. In addition (to allow for * resource backed collections, the close( Iterator ) * method must be called. *

* * This is almost equivalent to: *


* Example (safe) use:

     * FeatureIterator iterator=collection.features();
     * try {
     *     while( iterator.hasNext()  ){
     *          Feature feature = iterator.next();
     *          System.out.println( feature.getID() );
     *     }
     * }
     * finally {
     *     collection.close( iterator );
     * }

* *

* GML Note: The contents of this iterator are considered to be defined by * featureMember tags (and/or the single allowed FeatureMembers tag). * Please see getFeatureType for more details. *

* * @return A FeatureIterator. */ FeatureIterator features(); /** * Clean up after any resources associated with this FeatureIterator in a manner similar to JDO collections. *

* Example (safe) use:

     * Iterator iterator = collection.iterator();
     * try {
     *     for( Iterator i=collection.iterator(); i.hasNext();){
     *          Feature feature = i.hasNext();
     *          System.out.println( feature.getID() );
     *     }
     * }
     * finally {
     *     collection.close( iterator );
     * }

* @param close * @deprecated Please FeatureIterator.close() */ public void close(FeatureIterator close); /** * Clean up after any resources associated with this itterator in a manner similar to JDO collections. *

* Example (safe) use:

     * Iterator iterator = collection.iterator();
     * try {
     *     for( Iterator i=collection.iterator(); i.hasNext();){
     *          Feature feature = (Feature) i.hasNext();
     *          System.out.println( feature.getID() );
     *     }
     * }
     * finally {
     *     collection.close( iterator );
     * }

* @deprecated Please use features() to obtain a FeatureIterator */ public void close(Iterator close); /** * Gets a reference to the type of this feature collection. *

* There are several limitations on the use of FeatureType with respect to a FeatureCollection. *


* GML 3.x: all FeatureCollections decend from gml:AbstractFeatureCollectionType: *

  • featureMember 0..* allows _Feature or xlink:ref *
  • featureMembers 0..1 contents treated as _Feature *
* The contents defined in this manner is returned the collection * iterator() method. *


* GML 3.x: gml:AbstractFeatureCollectionType decends from gml:BoundedFeatureType: *

  • metaDataProperty 0..* *
  • description 0..1 *
  • name 0..* *
  • boundedBy 1..1 (required) *
  • location 0..1 *
* The value of the boundedBy attribute should be derived from the contents * of the collection. *


Implementation Notes


* There is a difference between getFeatureType() and getSchema(), getSchema is named * for historical reasons and reprensets the LCD FeatureType that best represents the * contents of this collection. *

  • The degenerate case returns the "_Feature" FeatureType, where the * onlything known is that the contents are Features. *
  • For a collection backed by a shapefiles (or database tables) the * FeatureType returned by getSchema() will complete describe each and every child in the collection. *
  • For mixed content FeatureCollections you will need to check the FeatureType * of each Feature as it is retrived from the collection *

* * @return A reference to this collections type */ //FeatureType getFeatureType(); /** * The schema for the child features of this collection. *

* There is a difference between getFeatureType() and getSchema()represents the LCD * FeatureType that best represents the contents of this collection. *

  • The degenerate case returns the "_Feature" FeatureType, where the * onlything known is that the contents are Features. *
  • For a collection backed by a shapefiles (or database tables) the FeatureType returned by getSchema() will * complete describe each and every child in the collection. *
  • For mixed content FeatureCollections you will need to check the FeatureType of each Feature as it * is retrived from the collection *


* The method getSchema() is named for compatability with the geotools 2.0 API. In the * Geotools 2.2 time frame we should be able to replace this method with a careful check * of getFeatureType() and its attributes. *

* @return FeatureType describing the "common" schema to all child features of this collection */ T getSchema(); /** ID used when serializing to GML */ String getID(); /** * Visit the contents of a feature collection. *

* The order of traversal is dependent on the FeatureCollection implementation; some * collections are able to make efficient use of an internal index in order to quickly * visit features located in the same region. *

* * @param visitor Closure applied to each feature in turn. * @param progress Used to report progress, may be used to interrupt the operation * * @since 2.5 */ void accepts(FeatureVisitor visitor, ProgressListener progress) throws IOException; /** * SimpleFeatureCollection "view" indicated by provided filter. *

* The contents of the returned SimpleFeatureCollection are determined by * applying the provider Filter to the entire contents of this * FeatureCollection. The result is "live" and modifications will * be shared. *

* This method is used cut down on the number of filter based methods * required for a useful SimpleFeatureCollection construct. The FeatureCollections * returned really should be considered as a temporary "view" used to * control the range of a removeAll, or modify operation. *

* Example Use: *

     * collection.subCollection( filter ).clear();
* The above recommended use is agreement with the Collections API precident of * List.subList( start, end ). *

* The results of subCollection: *

  • are to be considered unordered *
  • may be an ordered FeatureList if requested when sortBy is indicated *

* @see FeatureList * @param filter * @return SimpleFeatureCollection identified as subset. */ public FeatureCollection subCollection(Filter filter); /** * Get the total bounds of this collection which is calculated by doing a * union of the bounds of each feature inside of it * * @return An Envelope containing the total bounds of this collection. */ ReferencedEnvelope getBounds(); // // ResourceCollection methods // /** * An iterator over this collection, which must be closed after use. *

* Collection is not guaranteed to be ordered in any manner. *


* The implementation of Collection must adhere to the rules of * fail-fast concurrent modification. In addition (to allow for * resource backed collections, the close( Iterator ) * method must be called. *


* Example (safe) use:

     * Iterator iterator = collection.iterator();
     * try {
     *     while( iterator.hasNext();){
     *          Feature feature = (Feature) iterator.hasNext();
     *          System.out.println( feature.getID() );
     *     }
     * }
     * finally {
     *     collection.close( iterator );
     * }

* @return Iterator * @deprecated Please use features() to obtain a FeatureIterator */ public Iterator iterator(); /** * Close any outstanding resources released by this resources. *

* This method should be used with great caution, it is however available * to allow the use of the ResourceCollection with algorthims that are * unaware of the need to close iterators after use. *


* Example of using a normal Collections utility method:

     * Collections.sort( collection );
     * collection.purge();
* @deprecated Please use features() to obtain a FeatureIterator */ public void purge(); /** * Add object to this collection. *

* This method is often not impelmented for collections produced as the result of a query. * * @return true of the element was added * @see java.util.Collection#add(Object) */ boolean add(F obj); /** * Add all the objects to the collection. *

* This method is often not implemented for collections produced as the results of a query. * @see java.util.Collection#addAll(Collection) */ boolean addAll(Collection collection); /** @see #addAll(Collection) */ boolean addAll(FeatureCollection resource); /** @see java.util.Collection#clear() */ void clear(); /** * @see java.util.Collection#contains(Object) */ boolean contains(Object o); /** * @see java.util.Collection#containsAll(Collection) */ boolean containsAll(Collection o); /** @see java.util.Collection#isEmpty() */ boolean isEmpty(); /** @see java.util.Collection#remove(Object) */ boolean remove(Object o); /** @see java.util.Collection#removeAll(Collection) */ public boolean removeAll(Collection c); /** @see java.util.Collection#retainAll(Collection) */ public boolean retainAll(Collection c); /** * @see java.util.Collection#size() */ int size(); /** @see java.util.Collection#toArray() */ Object[] toArray(); /** @see java.util.Collection#toArray(Object[]) */ O[] toArray(O[] a); }