1 | 1 ''Lambert CC 9 zones'' coordinates found with different zone codes for X and Y:
2 | 2 7Zip Files
3 | 3 <b>Module provided by an external source:</b> {0}
4 | 4 <html>Could not load module {0} because the module<br>main class ''{1}'' was not found.<br>Delete from preferences?</html>
5 | 5 A special handler for various Open Data portals<br/><br/>Please read the Terms and Conditions of Use of each portal<br/>before any upload of data loaded by this plugin.
6 | 6 Accept
7 | 7 Accept the new module sites and close the dialog
8 | 8 Add
9 | 9 Add Open Data Module description URL.
10 | 10 All installed modules are up to date. JOSM does not have to download newer versions.
11 | 11 Allows JOSM to read Open Data formats (csv, xls, ods, kml, kmz, shp, mif) into an .osm data layer. Supports zip and 7z compression of these file types.
12 | 12 An error occurred in module {0}
13 | 13 Bounds
14 | 14 CSV files
15 | 15 Cancel
16 | 16 Cannot transform to WGS84
17 | 17 Checking module preconditions...
18 | 18 Click to delete the module ''{0}''
19 | 19 Click to keep the module ''{0}''
20 | 20 Click to skip updating the activated modules
21 | 21 Click to update the activated modules
22 | 22 Close the dialog
23 | 23 Configure Module Sites
24 | 24 Configure sites...
25 | 25 Configure the list of sites where modules are downloaded from
26 | 26 Continue
27 | 27 Could not load module {0}. Delete from preferences?
28 | 28 Delete
29 | 29 Diff
30 | 30 Disable module
31 | 31 Do not ask again and remember my decision (go to Preferences->Modules to change it later)
32 | 32 Download
33 | 33 Download OSM data corresponding to the current data set.
34 | 34 Download list
35 | 35 Download module list...
36 | 36 Download modules
37 | 37 Download open data
38 | 38 Download the list of available modules
39 | 39 Downloading Module {0}...
40 | 40 Downloading data...
41 | 41 Downloading module list from ''{0}''
42 | 42 Edit
43 | 43 Edit Open Data Module description URL.
44 | 44 Enter URL
45 | 45 Enter a search expression
46 | 46 Failed to create module information from manifest for module ''{0}''
47 | 47 Failed to parse module list document from site ''{0}''. Skipping site. Exception was: {1}
48 | 48 File ''{0}'' does not exist.
49 | 49 File to load
50 | 50 GML files
51 | 51 General settings
52 | 52 I refuse these terms and conditions. Cancel download.
53 | 53 I understand and accept these terms and conditions
54 | 54 Illegal entry in module list.
55 | 55 Import only raw data (i.e. do not add/delete tags or replace them by standard OSM tags)
56 | 56 Invalid URL ''{0}'' in module {1}
57 | 57 Invalid file. Bad length on line {0}. Expected {1} columns, got {2}.
58 | 58 JOSM was unable to find a strict mathematical transformation between ''{0}'' and WGS84.<br /><br />Do you want to try a <i>lenient</i> method, which will perform a non-precise transformation (<b>with location errors up to 1 km</b>) ?<br/><br/>If so, <b>do NOT upload</b> such data to OSM !
59 | 59 KML/KMZ files
60 | 60 Keep module
61 | 61 Last module update more than {0} days ago.
62 | 62 Launch browser to the OSM Wiki page of the selected data set
63 | 63 Launch browser to the license page of the selected data set
64 | 64 Launch browser to the local portal page of the selected data set
65 | 65 Launch browser to the national portal page of the selected data set
66 | 66 Launch browser to the summary license page of the selected data set
67 | 67 License
68 | 68 License Agreement
69 | 69 License URL not available: {0}
70 | 70 Loading module ''{0}''...
71 | 71 Loading modules ...
72 | 72 Loading shapefile ({0} features)
73 | 73 MapInfo files
74 | 74 Module bundled with opendata plugin
75 | 75 Module update failed
76 | 76 Modules
77 | 77 Modules up to date
78 | 78 More info...
79 | 79 No valid coordinates have been found.
80 | 80 ODS files
81 | 81 OK
82 | 82 Open Data Module description URL
83 | 83 Open the OpenData window.
84 | 84 Open tools menu for this data.
85 | 85 OpenData Preferences
86 | 86 OpenData XML files
87 | 87 OpenData preferences
88 | 88 Overpass API server used to download OSM data
89 | 89 Overpass API server:
90 | 90 Parsing module list from site ''{0}''
91 | 91 Perform diff between current data set and existing OSM data.
92 | 92 Please click on <strong>Download list</strong> to download and display a list of available modules.
93 | 93 Please restart JOSM to activate the downloaded modules.
94 | 94 Please select an entry.
95 | 95 Processing file ''{0}''
96 | 96 Processing module files...
97 | 97 Processing module list from site ''{0}''
98 | 98 Processing module site cache files...
99 | 99 Processing module site cache icon files...
100 | 100 Projection code
101 | 101 Projection method
102 | 102 Projection name
103 | 103 Raw data
104 | 104 Reading 7Zip file...
105 | 105 Reading Zip file...
106 | 106 Reading local module information..
107 | 107 Refuse
108 | 108 Running module update after elapsed update interval. Automatic update at startup is disabled.
109 | 109 Search:
110 | 110 Select
111 | 111 Set the selected elements on the map to the selected items in the list above.
112 | 112 Shapefiles
113 | 113 Skip update
114 | 114 Skipping module update after elapsed update interval. Automatic update at startup is disabled.
115 | 115 Split by municipality
116 | 116 Split by neighbourhood
117 | 117 Split by sector
118 | 118 Split this data by municipality (admin_level=8).
119 | 119 Split this data by neighbourhood (admin_level=11).
120 | 120 Split this data by sector (admin_level=10).
121 | 121 The module file ''{0}'' does not include a Manifest.
122 | 122 Toggle: {0}
123 | 123 Tools
124 | 124 Try lenient method
125 | 125 Unable to detect CRS !
126 | 126 Unable to detect Coordinate Reference System.\nWould you like to fallback to ESPG:4326 (WGS 84) ?
127 | 127 Unable to find a data store for file {0}
128 | 128 Unexpected value ''{0}'' for preference ''{1}''. Assuming value ''ask''.
129 | 129 Update modules
130 | 130 Update the selected modules
131 | 131 View License
132 | 132 View License (summary)
133 | 133 View Local Portal page
134 | 134 View National Portal page
135 | 135 View OSM Wiki page
136 | 136 View full text
137 | 137 View summary
138 | 138 View the full text of this license
139 | 139 View the license of the selected data set
140 | 140 Warning
141 | 141 Warning: CRS not found
142 | 142 Warning: Cannot download module ''{0}''. Its download link ''{1}'' is not a valid URL. Skipping download.
143 | 143 Warning: Cannot download module ''{0}''. Its download link is not known. Skipping download.
144 | 144 Warning: Failed to scan file ''{0}'' for module information. Skipping.
145 | 145 Warning: failed to create module directory ''{0}''. Cannot cache module list from module site ''{1}''.
146 | 146 Warning: failed to delete outdated module ''{0}''.
147 | 147 Warning: failed to download module information list
148 | 148 Warning: failed to install already downloaded module ''{0}''. Skipping installation. JOSM is still going to load the old module version.
149 | 149 Warning: failed to install module ''{0}'' from temporary download file ''{1}''. Renaming failed.
150 | 150 Writing module list to local cache ''{0}''
151 | 151 XAPI server used to download OSM data when Overpass API is not available
152 | 152 XAPI server:
153 | 153 XLS files
154 | 154 You have to restart JOSM for some settings to take effect.
155 | 155 Zip Files
156 | 156 loading module ''{0}'' (version {1})
157 | 157 no description available
158 | 158 unknown
159 | 159 {0}: Version {1} (local: {2})
160 | m 1 Downloading the following module has <strong>failed</strong>:
161 | m 1 Downloading the following {0} modules has <strong>failed</strong>:
162 | m 2 JOSM could not find information about the following module:
163 | m 2 JOSM could not find information about the following modules:
164 | m 3 Please open the Preference Dialog after JOSM has started and try to update it manually.
165 | m 3 Please open the Preference Dialog after JOSM has started and try to update them manually.
166 | m 4 The following module has been downloaded <strong>successfully</strong>:
167 | m 4 The following {0} modules have been downloaded <strong>successfully</strong>:
168 | m 5 The module is not going to be loaded.
169 | m 5 The modules are not going to be loaded.
170 | m 6 Updating the following module has failed:
171 | m 6 Updating the following modules has failed: