2 | ======
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4 | Readme for JOSM Open Data plugin
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6 | * Author: Don-vip
7 | * License: GPL v3 (see gpl-3.0.txt) and others (see below for details)
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9 | -------------------------------- DOCUMENTATION --------------------------------
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11 | See http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/JOSM/Plugins/OpenData
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13 | ----------------------------------- LICENSE -----------------------------------
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15 | The source code of this plugin is composed of the following folders, with distinct licenses:
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17 | - src: main source code (GPL v3)
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19 | - includes: several COTS, heavily truncated to fit only the plugin needs and reduce the JAR size:
20 | - org/apache: three Apache COTS (Apache License 2.0, see LICENSE-2.0.txt)
21 | - commons/collections: Apache Commons Collections 3.2.1 (used by jOpenDocument)
22 | - commons/lang3: Apache Commons Lang 3.1 (stuff related to WordUtils, used by the plugin itself)
23 | - poi: Apache POI 3.7 (Excel format support without styles, formulas and writing capabilities, used by the plugin itself)
24 | - org/jopendocument: jOpenDocument 1.2 (ODS support without styles and writing capabilities, used by the plugin itself) (GPL v3, see gpl-3.0.txt)
25 | - org/jdom: JDOM 1.1.2-hotfix1 (used by jOpenDocument & GeoTools) (custom license, see JDOM_LICENSE.txt)
26 | - org/geotools, org/opengis: GeoTools 2.7.4 (ESRI Shapefile support, used by the plugin itself) (LGPL v2.1, see lgpl-2.1.txt)
27 | - com/vividsolutions/jts: JTS 1.12 (used by GeoTools, http://sourceforge.net/projects/jts-topo-suite/) (LGPL v2.1, see lgpl-2.1.txt)
28 | - javax/measure: JSR-275 1.0-beta2 (used by GeoTools)
29 | - javax/vecmath: Vecmath 1.5.2 (used by GeoTools, http://java.net/projects/vecmath) (GPL v2, see gpl-2.0.txt)
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