1 | 1 A plugin to trace water bodies on Landsat imagery.
2 | 2 Accuracy of Douglas-Peucker line simplification, measured in degrees.<br>Lower values give more nodes, and more accurate lines. Default 0.0003.
3 | 3 An unknown error has occurred
4 | 4 Could not acquire image
5 | 5 Data source text. Default is Landsat.
6 | 6 Direction index ''{0}'' not found
7 | 7 Direction to search for land
8 | 8 Direction to search for land. Default east.
9 | 9 Downloading image tile...
10 | 10 Error creating cache directory: {0}
11 | 11 Helps vectorizing WMS images.
12 | 12 Lake Walker
13 | 13 Lake Walker.
14 | 14 Lakewalker Plugin Preferences
15 | 15 Lakewalker trace
16 | 16 Line simplification accuracy (degrees)
17 | 17 Looking for shoreline...
18 | 18 Maximum age of each cached file in days. Default is 100
19 | 19 Maximum cache age (days)
20 | 20 Maximum cache size (MB)
21 | 21 Maximum gray value to accept as water (based on Landsat IR-1 data). Can be in the range 0-255. Default 90.
22 | 22 Maximum gray value to count as water (0-255)
23 | 23 Maximum number of nodes in initial trace
24 | 24 Maximum number of nodes to generate before bailing out (before simplifying lines). Default 50000.
25 | 25 Maximum number of segments allowed in each generated way. Default 250.
26 | 26 Maximum number of segments per way
27 | 27 Maximum size of each cache directory in bytes. Default is 300MB
28 | 28 Offset all points in East direction (degrees). Default 0.
29 | 29 Offset all points in North direction (degrees). Default 0.
30 | 30 Removing duplicate nodes...
31 | 31 Resolution of Landsat tiles (pixels per degree)
32 | 32 Resolution of Landsat tiles, measured in pixels per degree. Default 4000.
33 | 33 Running Douglas-Peucker approximation...
34 | 34 Running vertex reduction...
35 | 35 Shift all traces to east (degrees)
36 | 36 Shift all traces to north (degrees)
37 | 37 Size of Landsat tiles (pixels)
38 | 38 Size of one landsat tile, measured in pixels. Default 2000.
39 | 39 Source text
40 | 40 Tag ways as
41 | 41 Tag ways as water, coastline, land or nothing. Default is water.
42 | 42 The starting location was not within the bbox
43 | 43 Tool: {0}
44 | 44 Tracing
45 | 45 WMS Layer
46 | 46 Which WMS layer to use for tracing against. Default is IR1.
47 | 47 checking cache...
48 | 48 coastline
49 | 49 east
50 | 50 land
51 | 51 none
52 | 52 north
53 | 53 northeast
54 | 54 northwest
55 | 55 south
56 | 56 southeast
57 | 57 southwest
58 | 58 water
59 | 59 west
60 | 60 {0} nodes so far...