1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2 | <project name="jaxb" default="dist" basedir=".">
3 | <!-- enter the SVN commit message -->
4 | <property name="commit.message" value="Commit message"/>
5 | <!-- enter the *lowest* JOSM version this plugin is currently compatible with -->
6 | <property name="plugin.main.version" value="10580"/>
7 |
8 | <!-- Configure these properties (replace "..." accordingly).
9 | See https://josm.openstreetmap.de/wiki/DevelopersGuide/DevelopingPlugins
10 | -->
11 | <property name="plugin.author" value="Don-vip"/>
12 | <property name="plugin.class" value="org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.jaxb.JaxbPlugin"/>
13 | <property name="plugin.description" value="Provides the JAXB library for other JOSM plugins. Not meant to be installed directly by users, but rather as a dependency for other plugins."/>
14 | <!--<property name="plugin.icon" value="..."/>-->
15 | <!--<property name="plugin.link" value="..."/>-->
16 | <property name="plugin.early" value="true"/>
17 | <!--<property name="plugin.requires" value="..."/>-->
18 | <property name="plugin.stage" value="4"/>
19 |
20 | <!-- ** include targets that all plugins have in common ** -->
21 | <import file="../build-common.xml"/>
22 |
23 | <!--
24 | **********************************************************
25 | ** post-dist - replaces files from the generated jar
26 | **********************************************************
27 | -->
28 | <target name="post-dist">
29 | <jar destfile="${plugin.jar}" update="true">
30 | <restrict>
31 | <not><or>
32 | <name name="META-INF/maven/*"/>
33 | <name name="META-INF/versions/*"/>
34 | <name name="META-INF/LICENSE.txt"/>
35 | <name name="META-INF/MANIFEST.MF"/>
36 | <name name="module-info.class"/>
37 | </or></not>
38 | <archives>
39 | <zips>
40 | <fileset dir="${plugin.tools.dir}/jaxb-ri/lib">
41 | <exclude name="codemodel.jar"/>
42 | <exclude name="dtd-parser.jar"/>
43 | <include name="FastInfoset.jar"/>
44 | <include name="istack-commons-runtime.jar"/>
45 | <exclude name="istack-commons-tools.jar"/>
46 | <include name="jakarta.activation-api.jar"/>
47 | <include name="jakarta.xml.bind-api.jar"/>
48 | <include name="jaxb-runtime.jar"/>
49 | <exclude name="jaxb-xjc.jar"/>
50 | <exclude name="relaxng-datatype.jar"/>
51 | <exclude name="rngom.jar"/>
52 | <include name="stax-ex.jar"/>
53 | <include name="txw2.jar"/>
54 | <exclude name="xsom.jar"/>
55 | <exclude name="*-sources.jar"/>
56 | <exclude name="*-javadoc.jar"/>
57 | </fileset>
58 | </zips>
59 | </archives>
60 | </restrict>
61 | </jar>
62 | </target>
63 |
64 | </project>