1 | 1 <html> Please insert the new level-tag number you want to add.<br> <i>Info</i>: <br> If the OK button got pressed you will switch to the drawing action.<br>To finish the new object please press spacebar. The new level<br>will be tagged automatically. </html>
2 | 2 <html><b>?</strong></b>
3 | 3 Activates the plug-in
4 | 4 Add a new level
5 | 5 Add a new level to layer.
6 | 6 Add selected tags and/or relations to obeject.
7 | 7 Apply
8 | 8 Apply Tags
9 | 9 Cancel
10 | 10 Creation-Tool for multipolygon with role: outer. To finish press the spacebar.
11 | 11 Creation-Tool for multipolygons with role: inner. To finish press spacebar. To add to relation select "outer" and press enter.
12 | 12 Deactivate automatic level tagging.
13 | 13 Deactivate multipolygon function.
14 | 14 Error
15 | 15 Example: ''2'' or ''3''
16 | 16 Gives assistance for the mapping process of indoor OSM building data. Includes a validator and a mappaint style for indoor-data.
17 | 17 INNER
18 | 18 Indoor
19 | 19 Indoor Mapping Helper
20 | 20 Insert level
21 | 21 Level Name
22 | 22 Level name
23 | 23 Multipolygon
24 | 24 Name
25 | 25 No data selected.
26 | 26 No relation or no relation member with role "outer" selected.
27 | 27 OK
28 | 28 OUTER
29 | 29 Object
30 | 30 Optional name-tag for a level.
31 | 31 POWER
32 | 32 Please insert a value.
33 | 33 Please press spacebar first to add "outer" object to relation.
34 | 34 Reference
35 | 35 Relation-Error
36 | 36 Repeat on
37 | 37 Selects the working level.
38 | 38 Sets optional name tag for a level.
39 | 39 Sets the name tag when the room-object is selected.
40 | 40 Sets the name tag.
41 | 41 Sets the ref tag when the room-object is selected.
42 | 42 Sets the referance tag.
43 | 43 Sets the repeat on tag when highway objects are selected. Please tag like this: -3-4 or -2--3 or 5-6 .
44 | 44 Show Help-Browser.
45 | 45 Shows the current working level.
46 | 46 The object preset you want to tag.
47 | 47 Toolbox for indoor mapping assistance
48 | 48 Working Level
49 | 49 Working level: NONE
50 | 50 Working level: {0}
51 | 51 level number: