1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2 | <!-- License: GPL. For details, see LICENSE file. -->
3 | <ivy-module version="2.0">
4 | <info organisation="org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins" module="geotools"/>
5 | <dependencies>
6 | <dependency org="org.geotools" name="gt-coverage" rev="${gt.version}" conf="default->default"/>
7 | <dependency org="org.geotools" name="gt-coverage-api" rev="${gt.version}" conf="default->default"/>
8 | <dependency org="org.geotools" name="gt-epsg-extension" rev="${gt.version}" conf="default->default"/>
9 | <dependency org="org.geotools" name="gt-epsg-hsql" rev="${gt.version}" conf="default->default"/>
10 | <dependency org="org.geotools" name="gt-geotiff" rev="${gt.version}" conf="default->default"/>
11 | <dependency org="org.geotools" name="gt-main" rev="${gt.version}" conf="default->default"/>
12 | <dependency org="org.geotools" name="gt-metadata" rev="${gt.version}" conf="default->default"/>
13 | <dependency org="org.geotools" name="gt-api" rev="${gt.version}" conf="default->default"/>
14 | <dependency org="org.geotools" name="gt-referencing" rev="${gt.version}" conf="default->default"/>
15 | <dependency org="org.geotools" name="gt-shapefile" rev="${gt.version}" conf="default->default"/>
16 | <dependency org="org.geotools" name="gt-geopkg" rev="${gt.version}" conf="default->default"/>
17 | <!-- Dependencies that were not needed in 22.0 (according to lib in svn) -->
18 | <exclude org="org.geotools" module="gt-imagemosaic"/>
19 | <exclude org="net.sourceforge.hatbox" module="hatbox"/>
20 | <exclude org="com.google.guava" module="guava"/>
21 | <!-- unnecessary dependencies -->
22 | <exclude org="com.github.spotbugs"/>
23 | <exclude org="org.geotools.demo"/>
24 | <!-- ecore is rather large (1.3M) -->
25 | <exclude org="org.eclipse.emf"/>
26 | <!-- from jaxb plugin (Eclipse JAXB 2.3.2, at time of writing) JAXB 3.0 uses jakarta.xml.bind/com.sun.xml.bind -->
27 | <exclude org="javax.xml.bind" module="jaxb-api" />
28 | <exclude org="org.glassfish.jaxb" module="jaxb-runtime" />
29 | <!-- from ejml plugin -->
30 | <exclude org="org.ejml"/>
31 | <!-- from jts plugin -->
32 | <exclude org="org.locationtech.jts" module="jts-core"/>
33 | <exclude org="org.locationtech.jts.io" module="jts-io-common"/>
34 | <!-- from apache-commons plugin -->
35 | <exclude org="com.github.luben" module="zstd-jni"/>
36 | <exclude org="org.apache.commons" module="commons-collections4"/>
37 | <exclude org="org.apache.commons" module="commons-compress"/>
38 | <exclude org="org.apache.commons" module="commons-imaging"/>
39 | <exclude org="commons-io" module="commons-io"/>
40 | <exclude org="commons-logging" module="commons-logging"/>
41 | <exclude org="org.apache.commons" module="commons-lang3"/>
42 | <exclude org="org.apache.commons" module="commons-math3"/>
43 | <exclude org="org.apache.commons" module="commons-text"/>
44 | <exclude org="org.brotli" module="dec"/>
45 | <exclude org="org.tukaani" module="xz"/>
46 | <!-- from jaxb plugin -->
47 | <exclude org="javax.activation" module="javax.activation-api"/>
48 | <!-- from jackson plugin -->
49 | <exclude org="com.fasterxml.jackson.core" module="jackson-core"/>
50 | </dependencies>
51 | </ivy-module>