This schema defines the Garmin Training Center file format. You can extend Training Center by adding your own elements from another schema here. The StepId should be unique within a workout and should not exceed 20. This restricts the number of steps in a workout to 20. You can extend Training Center by adding your own elements from another schema here. You can extend Training Center by adding your own elements from another schema here. You can extend Training Center by adding your own elements from another schema here. The week is written out only if the notes are present. Each sport contains an optional transition and a run. You can extend Training Center by adding your own elements from another schema here. Identifies the originating GPS device that tracked a run or used to identify the type of device capable of handling the data for loading. Identifies a PC software application. Specifies the two character ISO 693-1 language id that identifies the installed language of this application. see for appropriate ISO identifiers The formatted XXX-XXXXX-XX Garmin part number of a PC application. Token must be defined as a type because of a bug in the MSXML parser which does not correctly process xsd:token using the whiteSpace value of "collapse" A string containing the date and time when an application was built. Note that this is not an xsd:dateTime type because this string is generated by the compiler and cannot be readily converted to the xsd:dateTime format. The login name of the engineer who created this build. You can extend Training Center by adding your own elements from another schema here. You can extend Training Center by adding your own elements from another schema here. You can extend Training Center by adding your own elements from another schema here. You can extend Training Center by adding your own elements from another schema here. You can extend Training Center by adding your own elements from another schema here. You can extend Training Center by adding your own elements from another schema here. You can extend Training Center by adding your own elements from another schema here. You can extend Training Center by adding your own elements from another schema here. You can extend Training Center by adding your own elements from another schema here. You can extend Training Center by adding your own elements from another schema here. You can extend Training Center by adding your own elements from another schema here. You can extend Training Center by adding your own elements from another schema here.