1 | // License: GPL. v2 and later. Copyright 2008-2009 by Pieren <pieren3@gmail.com> and others
2 | package cadastre_fr;
3 |
4 | import static org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.I18n.tr;
5 |
6 | //import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
7 | import java.util.ArrayList;
8 |
9 | import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
10 |
11 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.Main;
12 | //import org.openstreetmap.josm.actions.JosmAction;
13 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.Layer;
14 |
15 | public class WMSDownloadAction /*extends JosmAction */{
16 |
17 | // public WMSDownloadAction(String layerName) {
18 | // super(layerName, "wmsmenu", tr("Download WMS tile from {0}",layerName), null, false);
19 | // }
20 | //
21 | // public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
22 | // DownloadWMSVectorImage.download(getLayer());
23 | // }
24 |
25 | public static WMSLayer getLayer() {
26 | // check if we already have a layer created. if not, create; if yes, reuse.
27 | ArrayList<WMSLayer> existingWMSlayers = new ArrayList<>();
28 | if (Main.map != null) {
29 | Layer activeLayer = Main.getLayerManager().getActiveLayer();
30 | if (activeLayer instanceof WMSLayer)
31 | return (WMSLayer) activeLayer;
32 | for (Layer l : Main.getLayerManager().getLayers()) {
33 | if (l instanceof WMSLayer) {
34 | existingWMSlayers.add((WMSLayer)l);
35 | }
36 | }
37 | if (existingWMSlayers.size() == 1)
38 | return existingWMSlayers.get(0);
39 | if (existingWMSlayers.size() == 0)
40 | return new MenuActionNewLocation().addNewLayer(existingWMSlayers);
41 | if (Main.pref.getBoolean("cadastrewms.autoFirstLayer", false)) {
42 | return existingWMSlayers.get(0);
43 | } else {
44 | JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(Main.parent,
45 | tr("More than one WMS layer present\nSelect one of them first, then retry"));
46 | }
47 | } else {
48 | return new MenuActionNewLocation().addNewLayer(existingWMSlayers);
49 | }
50 | return null;
51 | }
52 | };
53 |