1 | package cadastre_fr;
2 |
3 | import static org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.I18n.tr;
4 |
5 | import java.io.BufferedOutputStream;
6 | import java.io.BufferedReader;
7 | import java.io.File;
8 | import java.io.FileOutputStream;
9 | import java.io.IOException;
10 | import java.io.InputStream;
11 | import java.io.InputStreamReader;
12 | import java.net.HttpURLConnection;
13 | import java.net.MalformedURLException;
14 | import java.net.URL;
15 | import java.util.ArrayList;
16 | import java.util.Collection;
17 | import java.util.LinkedList;
18 | import java.util.List;
19 |
20 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.Main;
21 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.command.AddCommand;
22 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.command.Command;
23 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.command.SequenceCommand;
24 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.coor.EastNorth;
25 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.Node;
26 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.Way;
27 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.MapView;
28 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.PleaseWaitRunnable;
29 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.io.ProgressInputStream;
30 |
31 | public class DownloadSVGBuilding extends PleaseWaitRunnable {
32 |
33 | private WMSLayer wmsLayer;
34 | private CadastreGrabber grabber = CadastrePlugin.cadastreGrabber;
35 | private CadastreInterface wmsInterface;
36 | private String svg = null;
37 | private EastNorthBound viewBox = null;
38 |
39 | public DownloadSVGBuilding(WMSLayer wmsLayer) {
40 | super(tr("Downloading {0}", wmsLayer.name));
41 |
42 | this.wmsLayer = wmsLayer;
43 | this.wmsInterface = grabber.getWmsInterface();
44 | }
45 |
46 | @Override
47 | public void realRun() throws IOException {
48 | Main.pleaseWaitDlg.currentAction.setText(tr("Contacting WMS Server..."));
49 | try {
50 | if (wmsInterface.retrieveInterface(wmsLayer)) {
51 | MapView mv = Main.map.mapView;
52 | EastNorthBound enb = new EastNorthBound(mv.getEastNorth(0, mv.getHeight()),
53 | mv.getEastNorth(mv.getWidth(), 0));
54 | svg = grabBoundary(enb);
55 | if (svg == null)
56 | return;
57 | getViewBox(svg);
58 | if (viewBox == null)
59 | return;
60 | createWay(svg);
61 | }
62 | } catch (DuplicateLayerException e) {
63 | System.err.println("removed a duplicated layer");
64 | }
65 | }
66 |
67 | @Override
68 | protected void cancel() {
69 | grabber.getWmsInterface().cancel();
70 | }
71 |
72 | @Override
73 | protected void finish() {
74 | }
75 |
76 | private boolean getViewBox(String svg) {
77 | double[] box = new SVGParser().getViewBox(svg);
78 | if (box != null) {
79 | viewBox = new EastNorthBound(new EastNorth(box[0], box[1]),
80 | new EastNorth(box[0]+box[2], box[1]+box[3]));
81 | return true;
82 | }
83 | System.out.println("Unable to parse SVG data (viewBox)");
84 | return false;
85 | }
86 |
87 | /**
88 | * The svg contains more than one commune boundary defined by path elements. So detect
89 | * which path element is the best fitting to the viewBox and convert it to OSM objects
90 | */
91 | private void createWay(String svg) {
92 | String[] SVGpaths = new SVGParser().getPaths(svg);
93 | ArrayList<ArrayList<EastNorth>> eastNorths = new ArrayList<ArrayList<EastNorth>>();
94 | Collection<Node> existingNodes = Main.ds.nodes;
95 |
96 | for (int i=0; i< SVGpaths.length; i++) {
97 | ArrayList<EastNorth> eastNorth = new ArrayList<EastNorth>();
98 | createNodes(SVGpaths[i], eastNorth);
99 | if (eastNorth.size() > 2)
100 | eastNorths.add(eastNorth);
101 | }
102 | List<Way> wayList = new ArrayList<Way>();
103 | List<Node> nodeList = new ArrayList<Node>();
104 | for (ArrayList<EastNorth> path : eastNorths) {
105 | List<Node> tmpNodeList = new ArrayList<Node>();
106 | Way wayToAdd = new Way();
107 | for (EastNorth eastNorth : path) {
108 | Node nodeToAdd = new Node(Main.proj.eastNorth2latlon(eastNorth));
109 | // check if new node is not already created by another new path
110 | Node nearestNewNode = checkNearestNode(nodeToAdd, tmpNodeList);
111 | if (nearestNewNode == nodeToAdd) {
112 | // check if new node is not already in existing OSM objects
113 | nearestNewNode = checkNearestNode(nodeToAdd, existingNodes);
114 | if (nearestNewNode == nodeToAdd)
115 | tmpNodeList.add(nodeToAdd);
116 | }
117 | wayToAdd.nodes.add(nearestNewNode); // either a new node or an existing one
118 | }
119 | // at least two nodes have to be new, otherwise the polygon is not new (duplicate)
120 | if (tmpNodeList.size() > 1) {
121 | for (Node n : tmpNodeList)
122 | nodeList.add(n);
123 | wayToAdd.nodes.add(wayToAdd.nodes.get(0)); // close the way
124 | wayList.add(wayToAdd);
125 | }
126 | }
127 | Collection<Command> cmds = new LinkedList<Command>();
128 | for (Node node : nodeList)
129 | cmds.add(new AddCommand(node));
130 | for (Way way : wayList)
131 | cmds.add(new AddCommand(way));
132 | Main.main.undoRedo.add(new SequenceCommand(tr("Create buildings"), cmds));
133 | Main.map.repaint();
134 | }
135 |
136 | private void createNodes(String SVGpath, ArrayList<EastNorth> eastNorth) {
137 | // looks like "M981283.38 368690.15l143.81 72.46 155.86 ..."
138 | String[] coor = SVGpath.split("[MlZ ]"); //coor[1] is x, coor[2] is y
139 | double dx = Double.parseDouble(coor[1]);
140 | double dy = Double.parseDouble(coor[2]);
141 | for (int i=3; i<coor.length; i+=2){
142 | if (coor[i].equals("")) {
143 | eastNorth.clear(); // some paths are just artifacts
144 | return;
145 | }
146 | double east = dx+=Double.parseDouble(coor[i]);
147 | double north = dy+=Double.parseDouble(coor[i+1]);
148 | eastNorth.add(new EastNorth(east,north));
149 | }
150 | // flip the image (svg using a reversed Y coordinate system)
151 | double pivot = viewBox.min.getY() + (viewBox.max.getY() - viewBox.min.getY()) / 2;
152 | for (EastNorth en : eastNorth) {
153 | en.setLocation(en.east(), 2 * pivot - en.north());
154 | }
155 | return;
156 | }
157 |
158 | /**
159 | * Check if node can be reused.
160 | * @param nodeToAdd the candidate as new node
161 | * @return the already existing node (if any), otherwise the new node candidate.
162 | */
163 | private Node checkNearestNode(Node nodeToAdd, Collection<Node> nodes) {
164 | double epsilon = 0.01; // smallest distance considering duplicate node
165 | for (Node n : nodes) {
166 | if (!n.deleted && !n.incomplete) {
167 | double dist = n.eastNorth.distance(nodeToAdd.eastNorth);
168 | if (dist < epsilon) {
169 | System.out.println("distance="+dist);
170 | return n;
171 | }
172 | }
173 | }
174 | return nodeToAdd;
175 | }
176 |
177 | private String grabBoundary(EastNorthBound bbox) throws IOException {
178 |
179 | try {
180 | URL url = null;
181 | url = getURLsvg(bbox);
182 | System.out.println("grab:"+url);
183 | return grabSVG(url);
184 | } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
185 | throw (IOException) new IOException(tr("CadastreGrabber: Illegal url.")).initCause(e);
186 | }
187 | }
188 |
189 | private URL getURLsvg(EastNorthBound bbox) throws MalformedURLException {
190 | String str = new String(wmsInterface.baseURL+"/scpc/wms?version=1.1&request=GetMap");
191 | str += "&layers=";
192 | str += "CDIF:LS2";
193 | str += "&format=image/svg";
194 | str += "&bbox="+bbox.min.east()+",";
195 | str += bbox.min.north() + ",";
196 | str += bbox.max.east() + ",";
197 | str += bbox.max.north();
198 | str += "&width=800&height=600"; // maximum allowed by wms server
199 | str += "&styles=";
200 | str += "LS2_90";
201 | System.out.println("URL="+str);
202 | return new URL(str.replace(" ", "%20"));
203 | }
204 |
205 | private String grabSVG(URL url) throws IOException {
206 | wmsInterface.urlConn = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection();
207 | wmsInterface.urlConn.setRequestMethod("GET");
208 | wmsInterface.setCookie();
209 | InputStream is = new ProgressInputStream(wmsInterface.urlConn, Main.pleaseWaitDlg);
210 | File file = new File(CadastrePlugin.cacheDir + "building.svg");
211 | String svg = new String();
212 | try {
213 | if (file.exists())
214 | file.delete();
215 | BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file, true));
216 | InputStreamReader isr =new InputStreamReader(is);
217 | BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr);
218 | String line="";
219 | while ( null!=(line=br.readLine())){
220 | line += "\n";
221 | bos.write(line.getBytes());
222 | svg += line;
223 | }
224 | bos.close();
225 | } catch (IOException e) {
226 | e.printStackTrace(System.out);
227 | }
228 | is.close();
229 | return svg;
230 | }
231 |
232 | public static void download(WMSLayer wmsLayer) {
233 | Main.worker.execute(new DownloadSVGBuilding(wmsLayer));
234 | }
235 |
236 | }