source: osm/applications/editors/josm/plugins/cadastre-fr/src/cadastre_fr/ 23190

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File size: 25.8 KB
1// License: GPL. v2 and later. Copyright 2008-2009 by Pieren <> and others
2package cadastre_fr;
4import static;
6import java.awt.GridBagLayout;
14import java.util.Date;
15import java.util.Vector;
17import javax.swing.JComboBox;
18import javax.swing.JDialog;
19import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
20import javax.swing.JPanel;
22import org.openstreetmap.josm.Main;
24import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.Layer;
27public class CadastreInterface {
28 public boolean downloadCancelled = false;
29 public HttpURLConnection urlConn = null;
31 private String cookie;
32 private String interfaceRef = null;
33 private String lastWMSLayerName = null;
34 private URL searchFormURL;
35 private Vector<String> listOfCommunes = new Vector<String>();
36 private Vector<String> listOfTA = new Vector<String>();
37 class PlanImage {
38 String name;
39 String ref;
40 PlanImage(String name, String ref) {
41 = name;
42 this.ref = ref;
43 }
44 }
45 private Vector<PlanImage> listOfFeuilles = new Vector<PlanImage>();
46 private long cookieTimestamp;
48 final String baseURL = "";
49 final String cImageFormat = "Cette commune est au format ";
50 final String cCommuneListStart = "<select name=\"codeCommune\"";
51 final String cCommuneListEnd = "</select>";
52 final String c0ptionListStart = "<option value=\"";
53 final String cOptionListEnd = "</option>";
54 final String cBBoxCommunStart = "new GeoBox(";
55 final String cBBoxCommunEnd = ")";
57 final String cInterfaceVector = "";
58 final String cInterfaceRasterTA = "";
59 final String cInterfaceRasterFeuille = "";
60 final String cImageLinkStart = "title=\"image\"><a href=\"#\" onClick=\"popup('";
61 final String cTAImageLinkStart = "title=\"image\"><a href=\"#\" onClick=\"popup('";
62 final String cImageNameStart = ">Feuille ";
63 final String cTAImageNameStart = "Tableau d'assemblage <strong>";
65 final static long cCookieExpiration = 30 * 60 * 1000; // 30 minutes expressed in milliseconds
67 final int cRetriesGetCookie = 10; // 10 times every 3 seconds means 30 seconds trying to get a cookie
69 public boolean retrieveInterface(WMSLayer wmsLayer) throws DuplicateLayerException, WMSException {
70 if (wmsLayer.getName().equals(""))
71 return false;
72 boolean isCookieExpired = isCookieExpired();
73 if (wmsLayer.getName().equals(lastWMSLayerName) && !isCookieExpired)
74 return true;
75 // open the session with the French Cadastre web front end
76 downloadCancelled = false;
77 try {
78 if (cookie == null || isCookieExpired) {
79 getCookie();
80 interfaceRef = null;
81 }
82 if (cookie == null)
83 throw new WMSException(tr("Cannot open a new client session.\nServer in maintenance or temporary overloaded."));
84 if (interfaceRef == null) {
85 getInterface(wmsLayer);
86 this.lastWMSLayerName = wmsLayer.getName();
87 }
88 openInterface();
89 } catch (IOException e) {
90 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(Main.parent,
91 tr("Town/city {0} not found or not available\n" +
92 "or action canceled", wmsLayer.getLocation()));
93 return false;
94 }
95 return true;
96 }
98 /**
99 *
100 * @return true if a cookie is delivered by WMS and false is WMS is not opening a client session
101 * (too many clients or in maintenance)
102 * @throws IOException
103 */
104 private void getCookie() throws IOException {
105 boolean cookied = false;
106 int retries = cRetriesGetCookie;
107 try {
108 searchFormURL = new URL(baseURL + "/scpc/");
109 while (cookied == false && retries > 0) {
110 urlConn = (HttpURLConnection)searchFormURL.openConnection();
111 urlConn.setRequestMethod("GET");
112 urlConn.connect();
113 if (urlConn.getResponseCode() == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) {
114 System.out.println("GET "+searchFormURL);
115 BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(urlConn.getInputStream()));
116 while(in.readLine() != null) {} // read the buffer otherwise we sent POST too early
117 String headerName=null;
118 for (int i=1; (headerName = urlConn.getHeaderFieldKey(i))!=null; i++) {
119 if (headerName.equals("Set-Cookie")) {
120 cookie = urlConn.getHeaderField(i);
121 cookie = cookie.substring(0, cookie.indexOf(";"));
122 cookieTimestamp = new Date().getTime();
123 System.out.println("received cookie=" + cookie + " at " + new Date(cookieTimestamp));
124 cookied = true;
125 }
126 }
127 } else {
128 System.out.println("Request to home page failed. Http error:"+urlConn.getResponseCode()+". Try again "+retries+" times");
129 CadastrePlugin.safeSleep(3000);
130 retries --;
131 }
132 }
133 } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
134 throw (IOException) new IOException(
135 "Illegal url.").initCause(e);
136 }
137 }
139 public void resetCookie() {
140 lastWMSLayerName = null;
141 cookie = null;
142 }
144 public boolean isCookieExpired() {
145 long now = new Date().getTime();
146 if ((now - cookieTimestamp) > cCookieExpiration) {
147 System.out.println("cookie received at "+new Date(cookieTimestamp)+" expired (now is "+new Date(now)+")");
148 return true;
149 }
150 return false;
151 }
153 public void resetInterfaceRefIfNewLayer(String newWMSLayerName) {
154 if (!newWMSLayerName.equals(lastWMSLayerName)) {
155 interfaceRef = null;
156 cookie = null; // new since WMS server requires that we come back to the main form
157 }
158 }
160 public void setCookie() {
161 this.urlConn.setRequestProperty("Cookie", this.cookie);
162 }
164 public void setCookie(HttpURLConnection urlConn) {
165 urlConn.setRequestProperty("Cookie", this.cookie);
166 }
168 private void getInterface(WMSLayer wmsLayer) throws IOException, DuplicateLayerException {
169 // first attempt : search for given name without codeCommune
170 interfaceRef = postForm(wmsLayer, "");
171 // second attempt either from known codeCommune (e.g. from cache) or from ComboBox
172 if (interfaceRef == null) {
173 if (!wmsLayer.getCodeCommune().equals("")) {
174 // codeCommune is already known (from previous request or from cache on disk)
175 interfaceRef = postForm(wmsLayer, wmsLayer.getCodeCommune());
176 } else {
177 if (listOfCommunes.size() > 1) {
178 // commune unknown, prompt the list of communes from
179 // server and try with codeCommune
180 String selected = selectMunicipalityDialog(wmsLayer);
181 if (selected != null) {
182 String newCodeCommune = selected.substring(1, selected.indexOf(">")-2);
183 String newLocation = selected.substring(selected.indexOf(">")+1, selected.lastIndexOf(" - "));
184 wmsLayer.setCodeCommune(newCodeCommune);
185 wmsLayer.setLocation(newLocation);
186 Main.pref.put("cadastrewms.codeCommune", newCodeCommune);
187 Main.pref.put("cadastrewms.location", newLocation);
188 }
189 checkLayerDuplicates(wmsLayer);
190 interfaceRef = postForm(wmsLayer, wmsLayer.getCodeCommune());
191 }
192 if (listOfCommunes.size() == 1 && wmsLayer.isRaster()) {
193 // commune known but raster format. Select "Feuille" (non-georeferenced image) from list.
194 int res = selectFeuilleDialog();
195 if (res != -1) {
196 wmsLayer.setCodeCommune(listOfFeuilles.elementAt(res).name);
197 checkLayerDuplicates(wmsLayer);
198 interfaceRef = buildRasterFeuilleInterfaceRef(wmsLayer.getCodeCommune());
199 }
200 }
201 }
202 }
204 if (interfaceRef == null)
205 throw new IOException("Town/city " + wmsLayer.getLocation() + " not found.");
206 }
208 private void openInterface() throws IOException {
209 try {
210 // finally, open the interface on server side giving access to the wms server
211 String lines = null;
212 String ln = null;
213 URL interfaceURL = new URL(baseURL + "/scpc/"+interfaceRef);
214 urlConn = (HttpURLConnection)interfaceURL.openConnection();
215 urlConn.setRequestMethod("GET");
216 setCookie();
217 urlConn.connect();
218 if (urlConn.getResponseCode() != HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) {
219 throw new IOException("Cannot open Cadastre interface. GET response:"+urlConn.getResponseCode());
220 }
221 System.out.println("GET "+interfaceURL);
222 BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(urlConn.getInputStream()));
223 // read the buffer otherwise we sent POST too early
224 while ((ln = in.readLine()) != null) {
225 lines += ln;
226 }
227 } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
228 throw (IOException) new IOException(
229 "CadastreGrabber: Illegal url.").initCause(e);
230 }
231 }
233 /**
234 * Post the form with the commune name and check the returned answer which is embedded
235 * in HTTP XML packets. This function doesn't use an XML parser yet but that would be a good idea
236 * for the next releases.
237 * Two possibilities :
238 * - either the commune name matches and we receive an URL starting with "" or
239 * - we don't receive a single answer but a list of possible values. This answer looks like:
240 * <select name="codeCommune" class="long erreur" id="codeCommune">
241 * <option value="">Choisir</option>
242 * <option value="50061" >COLMARS - 04370</option>
243 * <option value="QK066" >COLMAR - 68000</option>
244 * </select>
245 * The returned string is the interface name used in further requests, e.g. ""
246 * where QP224 is the code commune known by the WMS (or "" for raster images).
247 *
248 * @param location
249 * @param codeCommune
250 * @return retURL url to available code commune in the cadastre; "" if not found
251 * @throws IOException
252 */
253 private String postForm(WMSLayer wmsLayer, String codeCommune) throws IOException {
254 try {
255 String ln = null;
256 String lines = null;
257 listOfCommunes.clear();
258 listOfTA.clear();
259 // send a POST request with a city/town/village name
260 String content = "numerovoie=";
261 content += "&indiceRepetition=";
262 content += "&nomvoie=";
263 content += "&lieuDit=";
264 if (codeCommune == "") {
265 content += "&ville=" + new String(, "UTF-8"));
266 content += "&codePostal=";
267 } else {
268 content += "&codeCommune=" + codeCommune;
269 }
270 content += "&codeDepartement=";
271 content += wmsLayer.getDepartement();
272 content += "&nbResultatParPage=10";
273 content += "&x=0&y=0";
274 searchFormURL = new URL(baseURL + "/scpc/");
275 urlConn = (HttpURLConnection)searchFormURL.openConnection();
276 urlConn.setRequestMethod("POST");
277 urlConn.setDoOutput(true);
278 urlConn.setDoInput(true);
279 setCookie();
280 OutputStream wr = urlConn.getOutputStream();
281 wr.write(content.getBytes());
282 System.out.println("POST "+content);
283 wr.flush();
284 wr.close();
285 BufferedReader rd = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(urlConn.getInputStream()));
286 while ((ln = rd.readLine()) != null) {
287 lines += ln;
288 }
289 rd.close();
290 urlConn.disconnect();
291 if (lines != null) {
292 if (lines.indexOf(cImageFormat) != -1) {
293 int i = lines.indexOf(cImageFormat);
294 int j = lines.indexOf(".", i);
295 wmsLayer.setRaster(lines.substring(i+cImageFormat.length(), j).equals("image"));
296 }
297 if (!wmsLayer.isRaster() && lines.indexOf(cInterfaceVector) != -1) { // ""
298 // shall be something like: interfaceRef = "";
299 lines = lines.substring(lines.indexOf(cInterfaceVector),lines.length());
300 lines = lines.substring(0, lines.indexOf("'"));
301 System.out.println("interface ref.:"+lines);
302 return lines;
303 } else if (wmsLayer.isRaster() && lines.indexOf(cInterfaceRasterTA) != -1) { // ""
304 // list of values parsed in listOfFeuilles (list all non-georeferenced images)
305 lines = getFeuillesList();
306 if (!downloadCancelled) {
307 parseFeuillesList(lines);
308 if (listOfFeuilles.size() > 0) {
309 int res = selectFeuilleDialog();
310 if (res != -1) {
311 wmsLayer.setCodeCommune(listOfFeuilles.elementAt(res).name);
312 checkLayerDuplicates(wmsLayer);
313 interfaceRef = buildRasterFeuilleInterfaceRef(wmsLayer.getCodeCommune());
314 wmsLayer.setCodeCommune(listOfFeuilles.elementAt(res).ref);
315 lines = buildRasterFeuilleInterfaceRef(listOfFeuilles.elementAt(res).ref);
316 System.out.println("interface ref.:"+lines);
317 return lines;
318 }
319 }
320 }
321 return null;
322 } else if (lines.indexOf(cCommuneListStart) != -1 && lines.indexOf(cCommuneListEnd) != -1) {
323 // list of values parsed in listOfCommunes
324 int i = lines.indexOf(cCommuneListStart);
325 int j = lines.indexOf(cCommuneListEnd, i);
326 parseCommuneList(lines.substring(i, j));
327 }
328 }
329 } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
330 throw (IOException) new IOException(
331 "Illegal url.").initCause(e);
332 } catch (Exception e){
333 e.printStackTrace();
334 }
335 return null;
336 }
338 private void parseCommuneList(String input) {
339 if (input.indexOf(c0ptionListStart) != -1) {
340 while (input.indexOf("<option value=\"") != -1) {
341 int i = input.indexOf(c0ptionListStart);
342 int j = input.indexOf(cOptionListEnd, i+c0ptionListStart.length());
343 int k = input.indexOf("\"", i+c0ptionListStart.length());
344 if (j != -1 && k > (i + c0ptionListStart.length())) {
345 String lov = new String(input.substring(i+c0ptionListStart.length()-1, j));
346 if (lov.indexOf(">") != -1) {
347 System.out.println("parse "+lov);
348 listOfCommunes.add(lov);
349 } else
350 System.err.println("unable to parse commune string:"+lov);
351 }
352 input = input.substring(j+cOptionListEnd.length());
353 }
354 }
355 }
357 private String getFeuillesList() {
358 // get all images in one html page
359 String ln = null;
360 String lines = null;
361 HttpURLConnection urlConn2 = null;
362 try {
363 URL getAllImagesURL = new URL(baseURL + "/scpc/");
364 urlConn2 = (HttpURLConnection)getAllImagesURL.openConnection();
365 setCookie(urlConn2);
366 urlConn2.connect();
367 System.out.println("GET "+getAllImagesURL);
368 BufferedReader rd = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(urlConn2.getInputStream()));
369 while ((ln = rd.readLine()) != null) {
370 lines += ln;
371 }
372 rd.close();
373 urlConn2.disconnect();
374 //System.out.println("GET="+lines);
375 } catch (IOException e) {
376 listOfFeuilles.clear();
377 e.printStackTrace();
378 }
379 return lines;
380 }
382 private void parseFeuillesList(String input) {
383 listOfFeuilles.clear();
384 // get "Tableau d'assemblage"
385 if (Main.pref.getBoolean("cadastrewms.useTA", false)) {
386 while (input.indexOf(cTAImageLinkStart) != -1) {
387 input = input.substring(input.indexOf(cTAImageLinkStart) + cTAImageLinkStart.length());
388 String refTA = input.substring(0, input.indexOf("'"));
389 String nameTA = input.substring(input.indexOf(cTAImageNameStart) + cTAImageNameStart.length());
390 nameTA = nameTA.substring(0, nameTA.indexOf("<"));
391 listOfFeuilles.add(new PlanImage(nameTA, refTA));
392 }
393 }
394 // get "Feuilles"
395 while (input.indexOf(cImageLinkStart) != -1) {
396 input = input.substring(input.indexOf(cImageLinkStart)+cImageLinkStart.length());
397 String refFeuille = input.substring(0, input.indexOf("'"));
398 String nameFeuille = input.substring(
399 input.indexOf(cImageNameStart)+cImageNameStart.length(),
400 input.indexOf(" -"));
401 listOfFeuilles.add(new PlanImage(nameFeuille, refFeuille));
402 }
403 }
405 private String selectMunicipalityDialog(WMSLayer wmsLayer) {
406 JPanel p = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout());
407 String[] communeList = new String[listOfCommunes.size() + 1];
408 communeList[0] = tr("Choose from...");
409 for (int i = 0; i < listOfCommunes.size(); i++) {
410 communeList[i + 1] = listOfCommunes.elementAt(i).substring(listOfCommunes.elementAt(i).indexOf(">")+1);
411 }
412 JComboBox inputCommuneList = new JComboBox(communeList);
413 p.add(inputCommuneList, GBC.eol().fill(GBC.HORIZONTAL).insets(10, 0, 0, 0));
414 JOptionPane pane = new JOptionPane(p, JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE, JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION, null) {
415 private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
416 };
417 //pane.createDialog(Main.parent, tr("Select commune")).setVisible(true);
418 // this below is a temporary workaround to fix the "always on top" issue
419 JDialog dialog = pane.createDialog(Main.parent, tr("Select commune"));
420 CadastrePlugin.prepareDialog(dialog);
421 dialog.setVisible(true);
422 // till here
423 if (!Integer.valueOf(JOptionPane.OK_OPTION).equals(pane.getValue()))
424 return null;
425 return listOfCommunes.elementAt(inputCommuneList.getSelectedIndex()-1);
426 }
428 private int selectFeuilleDialog() {
429 JPanel p = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout());
430 Vector<String> ImageNames = new Vector<String>();
431 for (PlanImage src : listOfFeuilles) {
432 ImageNames.add(;
433 }
434 JComboBox inputFeuilleList = new JComboBox(ImageNames);
435 p.add(inputFeuilleList, GBC.eol().fill(GBC.HORIZONTAL).insets(10, 0, 0, 0));
436 JOptionPane pane = new JOptionPane(p, JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE, JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION, null);
437 //pane.createDialog(Main.parent, tr("Select Feuille")).setVisible(true);
438 // this below is a temporary workaround to fix the "always on top" issue
439 JDialog dialog = pane.createDialog(Main.parent, tr("Select Feuille"));
440 CadastrePlugin.prepareDialog(dialog);
441 dialog.setVisible(true);
442 // till here
443 if (!Integer.valueOf(JOptionPane.OK_OPTION).equals(pane.getValue()))
444 return -1;
445 int result = inputFeuilleList.getSelectedIndex();
446 return result;
447 }
449 private String buildRasterFeuilleInterfaceRef(String codeCommune) {
450 return cInterfaceRasterFeuille + "?f=" + codeCommune;
451 }
453 /**
454 * Retrieve the bounding box size in pixels of the whole commune (point 0,0 at top, left corner)
455 * and store it in given wmsLayer
456 * In case of raster image, we also check in the same http request if the image is already georeferenced
457 * and store the result in the wmsLayer as well.
458 * @param wmsLayer the WMSLayer where the commune data and images are stored
459 * @throws IOException
460 */
461 public void retrieveCommuneBBox(WMSLayer wmsLayer) throws IOException {
462 if (interfaceRef == null)
463 return;
464 String ln = null;
465 String line = null;
466 // send GET opening normally the small window with the commune overview
467 String content = baseURL + "/scpc/" + interfaceRef;
468 content += "&dontSaveLastForward&keepVolatileSession=";
469 searchFormURL = new URL(content);
470 urlConn = (HttpURLConnection)searchFormURL.openConnection();
471 urlConn.setRequestMethod("GET");
472 setCookie();
473 urlConn.connect();
474 if (urlConn.getResponseCode() != HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) {
475 throw new IOException("Cannot get Cadastre response.");
476 }
477 System.out.println("GET "+searchFormURL);
478 BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(urlConn.getInputStream()));
479 while ((ln = in.readLine()) != null) {
480 line += ln;
481 }
482 in.close();
483 urlConn.disconnect();
484 parseBBoxCommune(wmsLayer, line);
485 if (wmsLayer.isRaster() && !wmsLayer.isAlreadyGeoreferenced()) {
486 parseGeoreferences(wmsLayer, line);
487 }
488 }
490 private void parseBBoxCommune(WMSLayer wmsLayer, String input) {
491 if (input.indexOf(cBBoxCommunStart) != -1) {
492 input = input.substring(input.indexOf(cBBoxCommunStart));
493 int i = input.indexOf(",");
494 double minx = Double.parseDouble(input.substring(cBBoxCommunStart.length(), i));
495 int j = input.indexOf(",", i+1);
496 double miny = Double.parseDouble(input.substring(i+1, j));
497 int k = input.indexOf(",", j+1);
498 double maxx = Double.parseDouble(input.substring(j+1, k));
499 int l = input.indexOf(cBBoxCommunEnd, k+1);
500 double maxy = Double.parseDouble(input.substring(k+1, l));
501 wmsLayer.setCommuneBBox( new EastNorthBound(new EastNorth(minx,miny), new EastNorth(maxx,maxy)));
502 }
503 }
505 private void parseGeoreferences(WMSLayer wmsLayer, String input) {
506 if (input.lastIndexOf(cBBoxCommunStart) != -1) {
507 input = input.substring(input.lastIndexOf(cBBoxCommunStart));
508 input = input.substring(input.indexOf(cBBoxCommunEnd)+cBBoxCommunEnd.length());
509 int i = input.indexOf(",");
510 int j = input.indexOf(",", i+1);
511 String str = input.substring(i+1, j);
512 double unknown_yet = tryParseDouble(str);
513 int j_ = input.indexOf(",", j+1);
514 double angle = Double.parseDouble(input.substring(j+1, j_));
515 int k = input.indexOf(",", j_+1);
516 double scale_origin = Double.parseDouble(input.substring(j_+1, k));
517 int l = input.indexOf(",", k+1);
518 double dpi = Double.parseDouble(input.substring(k+1, l));
519 int m = input.indexOf(",", l+1);
520 double fX = Double.parseDouble(input.substring(l+1, m));
521 int n = input.indexOf(",", m+1);
522 double fY = Double.parseDouble(input.substring(m+1, n));
523 int o = input.indexOf(",", n+1);
524 double X0 = Double.parseDouble(input.substring(n+1, o));
525 int p = input.indexOf(",", o+1);
526 double Y0 = Double.parseDouble(input.substring(o+1, p));
527 if (X0 != 0.0 && Y0 != 0) {
528 wmsLayer.setAlreadyGeoreferenced(true);
529 wmsLayer.fX = fX;
530 wmsLayer.fY = fY;
531 wmsLayer.angle = angle;
532 wmsLayer.X0 = X0;
533 wmsLayer.Y0 = Y0;
534 }
535 System.out.println("parse georef:"+unknown_yet+","+angle+","+scale_origin+","+dpi+","+fX+","+
536 fY+","+X0+","+Y0);
537 }
538 }
540 private double tryParseDouble(String str) {
541 try {
542 return Double.parseDouble(str);
543 } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
544 return 0;
545 }
546 }
548 private void checkLayerDuplicates(WMSLayer wmsLayer) throws DuplicateLayerException {
549 if ( != null) {
550 for (Layer l : {
551 if (l instanceof WMSLayer && l.getName().equals(wmsLayer.getName()) && (l != wmsLayer)) {
552 System.out.println("Try to grab into a new layer when "+wmsLayer.getName()+" is already opened.");
553 // remove the duplicated layer
555 throw new DuplicateLayerException();
556 }
557 }
558 }
559 }
561 public void cancel() {
562 if (urlConn != null) {
563 urlConn.setConnectTimeout(1);
564 urlConn.setReadTimeout(1);
565 //urlConn.disconnect();
566 }
567 downloadCancelled = true;
568 lastWMSLayerName = null;
569 }
Note: See TracBrowser for help on using the repository browser.