1 | 1 (Warning: verify north with arrow !!)
2 | 2 (optional)
3 | 3 100 m
4 | 4 25 m
5 | 5 50 m
6 | 6 <html>Departement number (optional)</html>
7 | 7 <html>Enter the town,village or city name.<br>Use the syntax and punctuation known by www.cadastre.gouv.fr .</html>
8 | 8 <html>Nothing is enabled.<br>Please choose something to download.</html>
9 | 9 <html>Value of key "source" when autosourcing is enabled</html>
10 | 10 A special handler for the French land registry WMS server.
11 | 11 A special handler of the French cadastre wms at www.cadastre.gouv.fr<BR><BR>Please read the Terms and Conditions of Use here (in French): <br><a href="http://www.cadastre.gouv.fr/scpc/html/CU_01_ConditionsGenerales_fr.html"> http://www.cadastre.gouv.fr/scpc/html/CU_01_ConditionsGenerales_fr.html</a> <BR>before any upload of data created by this plugin.
12 | 12 Add "source=..." to elements?
13 | 13 Add a new municipality layer
14 | 14 Add address
15 | 15 Add new layer
16 | 16 Add the "Tableau(x) d''assemblage" in the list of cadastre sheets to grab.
17 | 17 Address, houses numbers.
18 | 18 Adjust WMS
19 | 19 Adjust the position of the WMS layer (saved for raster images only)
20 | 20 Allows an automatic caching
21 | 21 Allows multiple layers stacking
22 | 22 Author
23 | 23 Auto sourcing
24 | 24 Automatically selects the first WMS layer if multiple layers exist when grabbing.
25 | 25 Bicubic (slow)
26 | 26 Bilinear (fast)
27 | 27 Blank Layer
28 | 28 Bounding box: {0}
29 | 29 Buildings, covers, underground constructions.
30 | 30 Cache Format Error
31 | 31 Cache Lambert Zone Error
32 | 32 Cadastral sections and subsections.
33 | 33 Cadastre
34 | 34 Cadastre Edigeo files
35 | 35 Cadastre grab
36 | 36 Cadastre: {0}
37 | 37 CadastreFR - Buildings
38 | 38 CadastreGrabber: Illegal url.
39 | 39 Cancel
40 | 40 Cancel current grab
41 | 41 Cancel current grab (only vector images)
42 | 42 Cannot load cache {0} which is not compatible with current projection zone
43 | 43 Cannot open a new client session.\nServer in maintenance or temporary overloaded.
44 | 44 Change location
45 | 45 Change the current projection
46 | 46 Choose from...
47 | 47 Click first Lambert crosspiece for georeferencing\n(two points required)
48 | 48 Click first corner for image cropping\n(two points required)
49 | 49 Click second Lambert crosspiece for georeferencing
50 | 50 Click second corner for image cropping
51 | 51 Commune
52 | 52 Commune bbox: {0}
53 | 53 Contacting Server...
54 | 54 Contacting WMS Server...
55 | 55 Contacting cadastre WMS ...
56 | 56 Create boundary
57 | 57 Create buildings
58 | 58 Date
59 | 59 Departement
60 | 60 Diffusion restriction
61 | 61 Disable image cropping during georeferencing.
62 | 62 Display crosspieces:
63 | 63 Do you want to cancel completely\nor just retry
64 | 64 Don''t use relation for addresses (but "addr:street" on elements).
65 | 65 Download Image from French Cadastre WMS
66 | 66 Download area ok, size probably acceptable to server
67 | 67 Download area too large; will probably be rejected by server
68 | 68 Download cadastre data
69 | 69 Download from Cadastre
70 | 70 Downloading {0}
71 | 71 Draw a rectangle around downloaded data from WMS server.
72 | 72 Draw boundaries of downloaded data.
73 | 73 East
74 | 74 Enable automatic caching.
75 | 75 Enable this to use the tag "add:street" on nodes.
76 | 76 Enter addresses
77 | 77 Enter cadastre east,north position
78 | 78 Error
79 | 79 Error loading file.\nProbably an old version of the cache file.
80 | 80 Export image (only raster images)
81 | 81 Extract SVG ViewBox...
82 | 82 Extract best fitting boundary...
83 | 83 Extract commune boundary
84 | 84 File ''{0}'' does not exist.
85 | 85 File name expected for layer no. {0}
86 | 86 Fixed size (from 25 to 1000 meters)
87 | 87 Fixed size square (default is 100m)
88 | 88 French cadastre WMS
89 | 89 GeoTiff files (*.tif)
90 | 90 Georeference an image
91 | 91 Georeferencing interrupted
92 | 92 Get a new cookie (session timeout)
93 | 93 Grab non-georeferenced image
94 | 94 Grab one image full screen
95 | 95 Grab smaller images (higher quality but use more memory)
96 | 96 Guadeloupe Fort-Marigot cache file (.UTM1)
97 | 97 Guadeloupe Ste-Anne cache file (.UTM2)
98 | 98 Helping tool for tag address
99 | 99 High resolution (1000x800)
100 | 100 I use the mouse
101 | 101 Image already loaded
102 | 102 Image cropping
103 | 103 Image filter interpolation:
104 | 104 Image georeferencing
105 | 105 Image resolution:
106 | 106 Image size (px): {0}/{1}
107 | 107 Improve georeferencing (only raster images)
108 | 108 Information
109 | 109 Invert the original black and white colors (and all intermediate greys). Useful for texts on dark backgrounds.
110 | 110 Is not vectorized.
111 | 111 Is vectorized.
112 | 112 Lambert CC9 Zone {0} cache file (.CC{0})
113 | 113 Lambert Zone {0} cache file (.{0})
114 | 114 Lambert zone {0} in cache incompatible with current Lambert zone {1}
115 | 115 Layers:
116 | 116 Load layer from cache
117 | 117 Load location from cache (only if cache is enabled)
118 | 118 Locality, hamlet, place.
119 | 119 Location "{0}" found in cache.\nLoad cache first ?\n(No = new cache)
120 | 120 Low resolution (600x400)
121 | 121 Martinique Fort Desaix cache file (.UTM3)
122 | 122 Max. cache size (in MB)
123 | 123 Medium resolution (800x600)
124 | 124 Mode: {0}
125 | 125 More than one WMS layer present\nSelect one of them first, then retry
126 | 126 Municipality administrative borders.
127 | 127 Municipality vectorized !\nUse the normal Cadastre Grab menu.
128 | 128 Name
129 | 129 Nearest-Neighbor (fastest) [ Default ]
130 | 130 Next no
131 | 131 No area selected yet
132 | 132 North
133 | 133 OK
134 | 134 Objects:
135 | 135 Oldest files are automatically deleted when this size is exceeded
136 | 136 Only on vectorized layers
137 | 137 Ooops. I failed to catch all coordinates\ncorrectly. Retry please.
138 | 138 Open Cadastre Preferences
139 | 139 PNG files (*.png)
140 | 140 Parcels numbers, street names.
141 | 141 Parcels.
142 | 142 Please enable at least two WMS layers in the cadastre-fr plugin configuration.\nLayers ''Building'' and ''Parcel'' added by default.
143 | 143 Please select a download area first.
144 | 144 Please, enable auto-sourcing and check cadastre millesime.
145 | 145 Preferences
146 | 146 Projection
147 | 147 Raster images grab multiplier:
148 | 148 Recipient
149 | 149 Refine georeferencing
150 | 150 Replace grey shades by white color only
151 | 151 Replace greyscale by white color (smaller files and memory usage).
152 | 152 Replace original background by JOSM background color.
153 | 153 Replace the original white background by the background color defined in JOSM preferences.
154 | 154 Reset cookie
155 | 155 Reset offset
156 | 156 Reset offset (only vector images)
157 | 157 Reunion RGR92 cache file (.UTM4)
158 | 158 Reverse grey colors (for black backgrounds).
159 | 159 Save image as...
160 | 160 Sea, rivers, swimming pools.
161 | 161 Select Feuille
162 | 162 Select commune
163 | 163 Select first WMS layer in list.
164 | 164 Select to download addresses in the selected download area.
165 | 165 Select to download buildings in the selected download area.
166 | 166 Select to download cadastral parcel numbers in the selected download area.
167 | 167 Select to download cadastral parcels in the selected download area.
168 | 168 Select to download cadastral sections in the selected download area.
169 | 169 Select to download localities in the selected download area.
170 | 170 Select to download municipality boundary in the selected download area.
171 | 171 Select to download symbols in the selected download area.
172 | 172 Select to download water bodies in the selected download area.
173 | 173 Selected file {0} is not a cache file from this plugin (invalid extension)
174 | 174 Set WMS layers transparency. Right is opaque, left is transparent.
175 | 175 Set a new location for the next request
176 | 176 Set background transparent.
177 | 177 Set {0} Lambert coordinates
178 | 178 Source
179 | 179 Street
180 | 180 Symbols like cristian cross.
181 | 181 The location {0} is already on screen. Cache not loaded.
182 | 182 This commune is not vectorized.\nPlease use the other menu entry to georeference a "Plan image"
183 | 183 This image contains georeference data.\nDo you want to use them ?
184 | 184 To avoid cadastre WMS overload,\nbuilding import size is limited to 1 km2 max.
185 | 185 To enable the cadastre WMS plugin, change\nthe current projection to one of the cadastre\nprojections and retry
186 | 186 Town/city {0} not found or not available\nor action canceled
187 | 187 Unexpected file extension. {0}
188 | 188 Unsupported cache file version; found {0}, expected {1}\nCreate a new one.
189 | 189 Use "Tableau d''assemblage"
190 | 190 Vector images grab multiplier:
191 | 191 Version ''{0}'' of meta data for imagery layer is not supported. Expected: 0.1
192 | 192 WMS layer ({0}), {1} tile(s) loaded
193 | 193 Warning: failed to put option pane dialog always on top. Exception was: {0}
194 | 194 address
195 | 195 building
196 | 196 commune
197 | 197 high
198 | 198 locality
199 | 199 low
200 | 200 medium
201 | 201 off
202 | 202 on polygon
203 | 203 parcel
204 | 204 parcel number
205 | 205 section
206 | 206 symbol
207 | 207 water
208 | 208 {0} not allowed with the current projection