1 | 1 Add address for building
2 | 2 Add nodes for building
3 | 3 Advanced settings
4 | 4 Advanced...
5 | 5 Auto-select building
6 | 6 Auto-select replaces existing selection
7 | 7 Big buildings mode
8 | 8 Building address
9 | 9 Buildings tags:
10 | 10 Buildings width/diameter:
11 | 11 Cancel
12 | 12 Cannot place building outside of the world.
13 | 13 Circle
14 | 14 Create building
15 | 15 Data: {0}
16 | 16 Disable click+drag
17 | 17 Draw buildings
18 | 18 Draw buildings modes
19 | 19 House number increment:
20 | 20 House number:
21 | 21 Length step:
22 | 22 Merge address points
23 | 23 Mode: {0}
24 | 24 Move tags from address nodes inside buildings to building ways
25 | 25 No address nodes found in the selection
26 | 26 No address nodes inside buildings found
27 | 27 No building ways found in the selection
28 | 28 OK
29 | 29 Point on opposite end of the building
30 | 30 Point on the corner of the building to start drawing
31 | 31 Rectangle
32 | 32 Rotate crosshair
33 | 33 Select both address nodes and building ways to merge
34 | 34 Set building shape to circle
35 | 35 Set building shape to rectangle
36 | 36 Set buildings shape to circle
37 | 37 Set buildings shape to rectangle
38 | 38 Set buildings size
39 | 39 Set buildings size and shape
40 | 40 Set width of the building
41 | 41 Street Name:
42 | 42 Switch between circle and rectangle modes
43 | 43 There are {0} buildings covering the same address node
44 | 44 This is similar to the select action toggling between lasso and rectangle select modes
45 | 45 Tools for drawing buildings.
46 | 46 Use Address dialog
47 | 47 Use address nodes under buildings
48 | 48 selected
49 | m 1 There is {0} building with address conflicts
50 | m 1 There are {0} buildings with address conflicts
51 | m 2 There is {0} building with multiple address nodes inside
52 | m 2 There are {0} buildings with multiple address nodes inside