1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2 | <!--
3 | ** Template for the build targets common to all plugins
4 | ** ====================================================
5 | **
6 | ** To override a property, add it to the plugin build.xml _before_
7 | ** this template has been imported.
8 | ** To override a target, add it _after_ this template has been imported.
9 | **
10 | ** Paths are relative to the build.xml that imports this template.
11 | **
12 | -->
13 | <project name="plugin_common" basedir="." xmlns:jacoco="antlib:org.jacoco.ant" xmlns:if="ant:if" xmlns:unless="ant:unless" xmlns:ivy="antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant">
14 |
15 | <property name="josm" location="../../core/dist/josm-custom.jar"/>
16 | <property name="josm.test.build.dir" location="../../core/test/build"/>
17 | <property name="jmockit.jar" location="../00_core_test_lib/jmockit.jar"/>
18 | <property name="error_prone_core.jar" location="../00_core_tools/error_prone_core.jar"/>
19 | <property name="error_prone_javac.jar" location="../00_core_tools/error_prone_javac.jar"/>
20 | <property name="dataflow.jar" location="../00_core_tools/dataflow.jar"/>
21 | <property name="javacutil.jar" location="../00_core_tools/javacutil.jar"/>
22 | <property name="failureaccess.jar" location="../00_core_tools/failureaccess.jar"/>
23 | <property name="guava.jar" location="../00_core_tools/guava.jar"/>
24 | <property name="checkstyle.jar" location="../00_core_tools/checkstyle/checkstyle-all.jar"/>
25 | <property name="checkstyle-build.dir" location="../00_core_tools/checkstyle/build"/>
26 | <property name="jformatstring.jar" location="../00_core_tools/spotbugs/jFormatString-3.0.0.jar"/>
27 | <property name="spotbugs-ant.jar" location="../00_core_tools/spotbugs/spotbugs-ant.jar"/>
28 | <property name="annotations.jar" location="../00_core_tools/spotbugs/spotbugs-annotations.jar"/>
29 | <property name="plugin.tools.dir" location="../00_tools"/>
30 | <property name="plugin.build.dir" location="build"/>
31 | <property name="plugin.test.dir" location="test"/>
32 | <property name="plugin.src.dir" location="src"/>
33 | <property name="plugin.resources.dir" location="resources"/>
34 | <property name="plugin.doc.dir" location="javadoc"/>
35 | <property name="plugin.lib.dir" location="lib"/>
36 | <!-- this is the directory where the plugin jar is copied to -->
37 | <property name="plugin.dist.dir" location="../../dist"/>
38 | <property name="java.lang.version" value="1.8" />
39 | <property name="javadoc.executable" value="javadoc" />
40 | <property name="javadoc.link" value="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api" />
41 | <property name="manifest" value="MANIFEST"/>
42 | <property name="manifest.unixoid" value="MANIFEST-unixoid"/>
43 | <property name="manifest.windows" value="MANIFEST-windows"/>
44 | <property name="manifest.osx" value="MANIFEST-osx"/>
45 | <property name="plugin.jar" location="${plugin.dist.dir}/${ant.project.name}.jar"/>
46 | <property name="plugin.unixoid.jar" location="${plugin.dist.dir}/${ant.project.name}-unixoid.jar"/>
47 | <property name="plugin.windows.jar" location="${plugin.dist.dir}/${ant.project.name}-windows.jar"/>
48 | <property name="plugin.osx.jar" location="${plugin.dist.dir}/${ant.project.name}-osx.jar"/>
49 | <property name="plugin.sources.jar" location="${plugin.dist.dir}/${ant.project.name}-sources.jar"/>
50 | <property name="plugin.javadoc.jar" location="${plugin.dist.dir}/${ant.project.name}-javadoc.jar"/>
51 | <property name="ivy.home" location="${user.home}/.ant"/>
52 | <property name="ivy.jar.dir" location="${ivy.home}/lib"/>
53 | <property name="ivy.jar.file" location="${ivy.jar.dir}/ivy.jar"/>
54 | <property name="ivy.version" value="2.5.0-rc1"/>
55 |
56 | <!-- For platform-specific stuff -->
57 | <condition property="isWindows"><os family="Windows"/></condition>
58 | <condition property="isUnix"><os family="Unix"/></condition>
59 | <condition property="isMac"><os family="Mac"/></condition>
60 | <!-- For Java specific stuff by version -->
61 | <condition property="isJava9"><matches string="${ant.java.version}" pattern="(1.)?(9|1[0-9])" /></condition>
62 | <condition property="isJava10"><matches string="${ant.java.version}" pattern="1[0-9]" /></condition>
63 | <condition property="isJava11"><matches string="${ant.java.version}" pattern="1[1-9]" /></condition>
64 | <condition property="isJava12"><matches string="${ant.java.version}" pattern="1[2-9]" /></condition>
65 | <condition property="isJava13"><matches string="${ant.java.version}" pattern="1[3-9]" /></condition>
66 | <!-- Disable jacoco on Java 13+, see https://github.com/jacoco/jacoco/pull/738 -->
67 | <condition property="coverageByDefault">
68 | <not>
69 | <isset property="isJava13"/>
70 | </not>
71 | </condition>
72 | <target name="-jaxb_windows" if="isWindows">
73 | <property name="xjc" value="${plugin.tools.dir}${file.separator}jaxb-ri${file.separator}bin${file.separator}xjc.bat" />
74 | </target>
75 | <target name="-jaxb_linux" unless="isWindows">
76 | <property name="xjc" value="${plugin.tools.dir}${file.separator}jaxb-ri${file.separator}bin${file.separator}xjc.sh" />
77 | </target>
78 |
79 | <!-- To be overriden in plugin build file before inclusion if other plugins are required -->
80 | <fileset id="plugin.requires.jars" dir="${plugin.dist.dir}" includes="nothing"/>
81 |
82 | <fileset id="jaxb.jars" dir="${plugin.tools.dir}/jaxb-ri/lib" includes="**/*.jar"/>
83 |
84 | <path id="jdk8.boot.classpath">
85 | <pathelement location="${error_prone_javac.jar}"/>
86 | <fileset refid="jaxb.jars"/>
87 | </path>
88 | <path id="plugin.classpath">
89 | <pathelement location="${josm}"/>
90 | <fileset dir="${plugin.lib.dir}" erroronmissingdir="no">
91 | <include name="**/*.jar"/>
92 | <exclude name="**/*-sources.jar"/>
93 | <exclude name="**/*-javadoc.jar"/>
94 | <exclude name="**/*-unixoid.jar" unless="isUnix"/>
95 | <exclude name="**/*-windows.jar" unless="isWindows"/>
96 | <exclude name="**/*-osx.jar" unless="isMac"/>
97 | </fileset>
98 | <fileset refid="plugin.requires.jars"/>
99 | <fileset refid="jaxb.jars"/>
100 | </path>
101 | <path id="processor.path">
102 | <pathelement location="${error_prone_core.jar}"/>
103 | <pathelement location="${dataflow.jar}"/>
104 | <pathelement location="${javacutil.jar}"/>
105 | <pathelement location="${failureaccess.jar}"/>
106 | <pathelement location="${guava.jar}"/>
107 | <pathelement location="${jformatstring.jar}"/>
108 | </path>
109 |
110 | <!--
111 | **********************************************************
112 | ** init - initializes the build
113 | **********************************************************
114 | -->
115 | <target name="init">
116 | <mkdir dir="${plugin.build.dir}"/>
117 | </target>
118 | <!--
119 | **********************************************************
120 | ** compile - compiles the source tree
121 | **********************************************************
122 | -->
123 | <target name="pre-compile">
124 | <!-- to be overidden by plugins that need to perform additional tasks before compiling -->
125 | </target>
126 | <target name="compile" depends="init, pre-compile" unless="skip-compile">
127 | <echo message="compiling sources for ${plugin.jar} ..."/>
128 | <javac srcdir="${plugin.src.dir}" debug="true" destdir="${plugin.build.dir}" includeantruntime="false"
129 | encoding="UTF-8" target="${java.lang.version}" source="${java.lang.version}" fork="yes">
130 | <compilerarg value="-J-Xbootclasspath/p:${toString:jdk8.boot.classpath}" unless:set="isJava9"/>
131 | <compilerarg line="-XDcompilePolicy=simple"/>
132 | <compilerarg value="-processorpath"/>
133 | <compilerarg pathref="processor.path"/>
134 | <compilerarg value="-Xlint:deprecation"/>
135 | <compilerarg value="-Xlint:unchecked"/>
136 | <compilerarg value="-Xplugin:ErrorProne -Xep:StringSplitter:OFF -Xep:ReferenceEquality:OFF -Xep:InsecureCryptoUsage:OFF -Xep:FutureReturnValueIgnored:OFF -Xep:JdkObsolete:OFF -Xep:EqualsHashCode:OFF"/>
137 | <compilerarg line="-Xmaxwarns 1000"/>
138 | <classpath refid="plugin.classpath"/>
139 | </javac>
140 | </target>
141 | <!--
142 | **********************************************************
143 | ** setup-dist - copies files for distribution
144 | **********************************************************
145 | -->
146 | <target name="setup-dist-default">
147 | <copy todir="${plugin.build.dir}/resources" failonerror="no" includeemptydirs="no">
148 | <fileset dir="${plugin.resources.dir}"/>
149 | </copy>
150 | <copy todir="${plugin.build.dir}/images" failonerror="no" includeemptydirs="no">
151 | <fileset dir="images"/>
152 | </copy>
153 | <copy todir="${plugin.build.dir}/data" failonerror="no" includeemptydirs="no">
154 | <fileset dir="data"/>
155 | </copy>
156 | <copy todir="${plugin.build.dir}">
157 | <fileset dir=".">
158 | <include name="README"/>
159 | <include name="LICENSE*"/>
160 | <include name="*GPL*"/>
161 | <exclude name="*.md"/>
162 | </fileset>
163 | </copy>
164 | </target>
165 | <target name="setup-dist">
166 | <antcall target="setup-dist-default" />
167 | </target>
168 | <!--
169 | **********************************************************
170 | ** dist - creates the plugin jars
171 | **********************************************************
172 | -->
173 | <target name="dist" depends="compile,javadoc,revision" unless="skip-dist">
174 | <echo message="creating ${ant.project.name}.jar ... "/>
175 | <antcall target="setup-dist" />
176 | <delete failonerror="no">
177 | <fileset dir="." includes="${manifest}*" />
178 | </delete>
179 | <manifest file="${manifest}" mode="update">
180 | <attribute name="Plugin-Mainversion" value="${plugin.main.version}"/>
181 | <attribute name="Plugin-Version" value="${version.entry.commit.revision}"/>
182 | <attribute name="Plugin-Class" value="${plugin.class}" />
183 | <attribute name="Plugin-Description" value="${plugin.description}" />
184 | <attribute name="Plugin-Date" value="${version.entry.commit.date}" />
185 | <attribute name="Author" value="${plugin.author}"/>
186 | </manifest>
187 | <antcall target="add-manifest-attribute">
188 | <param name="manifest.attribute" value="Plugin-Link"/>
189 | <param name="property.name" value="plugin.link"/>
190 | <param name="property.value" value="${plugin.link}"/>
191 | </antcall>
192 | <antcall target="add-manifest-attribute">
193 | <param name="manifest.attribute" value="Plugin-Icon"/>
194 | <param name="property.name" value="plugin.icon"/>
195 | <param name="property.value" value="${plugin.icon}"/>
196 | </antcall>
197 | <antcall target="add-manifest-attribute">
198 | <param name="manifest.attribute" value="Plugin-Early"/>
199 | <param name="property.name" value="plugin.early"/>
200 | <param name="property.value" value="${plugin.early}"/>
201 | </antcall>
202 | <antcall target="add-manifest-attribute">
203 | <param name="manifest.attribute" value="Plugin-Provides"/>
204 | <param name="property.name" value="plugin.provides"/>
205 | <param name="property.value" value="${plugin.provides}"/>
206 | </antcall>
207 | <antcall target="add-manifest-attribute">
208 | <param name="manifest.attribute" value="Plugin-Requires"/>
209 | <param name="property.name" value="plugin.requires"/>
210 | <param name="property.value" value="${plugin.requires}"/>
211 | </antcall>
212 | <antcall target="add-manifest-attribute">
213 | <param name="manifest.attribute" value="Plugin-Stage"/>
214 | <param name="property.name" value="plugin.stage"/>
215 | <param name="property.value" value="${plugin.stage}"/>
216 | </antcall>
217 | <antcall target="add-manifest-attribute">
218 | <param name="manifest.attribute" value="Plugin-Canloadatruntime"/>
219 | <param name="property.name" value="plugin.canloadatruntime"/>
220 | <param name="property.value" value="${plugin.canloadatruntime}"/>
221 | </antcall>
222 | <antcall target="add-manifest-attribute">
223 | <param name="manifest.attribute" value="Plugin-Minimum-Java-Version"/>
224 | <param name="property.name" value="plugin.minimum.java.version"/>
225 | <param name="property.value" value="${plugin.minimum.java.version}"/>
226 | </antcall>
227 | <antcall target="additional-manifest" />
228 | <antcall target="build-jar" />
229 | <jar destfile="${plugin.sources.jar}" basedir="${plugin.src.dir}" level="9"/>
230 | <jar destfile="${plugin.javadoc.jar}" basedir="${plugin.doc.dir}" level="9"/>
231 | <delete failonerror="no">
232 | <fileset dir="." includes="${manifest}*" />
233 | </delete>
234 | <antcall target="post-dist" />
235 | </target>
236 | <target name="build-jar">
237 | <jar destfile="${plugin.jar}" basedir="${plugin.build.dir}" manifest="${manifest}" manifestencoding="UTF-8" duplicate="preserve" level="9">
238 | <restrict>
239 | <not><or>
240 | <name name="META-INF/maven/*"/>
241 | <name name="META-INF/DEPENDENCIES"/>
242 | <name name="META-INF/LICENSE"/>
243 | <name name="META-INF/NOTICE"/>
244 | <name name="META-INF/*.RSA"/>
245 | <name name="META-INF/*.SF"/>
246 | <name name="module-info.class"/>
247 | </or></not>
248 | <archives>
249 | <zips>
250 | <fileset dir="${plugin.lib.dir}" includes="*.jar" excludes="*-sources.jar, *-javadoc.jar" erroronmissingdir="no"/>
251 | </zips>
252 | </archives>
253 | </restrict>
254 | </jar>
255 | </target>
256 | <target name="post-dist">
257 | <!-- to be overidden by plugins that need to perform additional tasks on resulting jar -->
258 | </target>
259 | <target name="add-manifest-attribute" depends="check-manifest-attribute" if="have-${property.name}">
260 | <manifest file="${manifest}" mode="update">
261 | <attribute name="${manifest.attribute}" value="${property.value}" />
262 | </manifest>
263 | </target>
264 | <!-- target to add additional entries, empty in commons -->
265 | <target name="additional-manifest">
266 | </target>
267 | <target name="check-manifest-attribute">
268 | <condition property="have-${property.name}">
269 | <and>
270 | <isset property="${property.name}"/>
271 | <not>
272 | <equals arg1="${property.value}" arg2=""/>
273 | </not>
274 | <not>
275 | <equals arg1="${property.value}" arg2="..."/>
276 | </not>
277 | </and>
278 | </condition>
279 | </target>
280 | <target name="javadoc" unless="skip-javadoc">
281 | <javadoc destdir="${plugin.doc.dir}"
282 | executable="${javadoc.executable}"
283 | encoding="UTF-8"
284 | windowtitle="JOSM-${ant.project.name}"
285 | use="true"
286 | private="true"
287 | linksource="true"
288 | author="false">
289 | <classpath refid="plugin.classpath"/>
290 | <sourcepath>
291 | <pathelement path="${plugin.src.dir}" />
292 | <pathelement path="gen" />
293 | <pathelement path="includes" />
294 | </sourcepath>
295 | <link href="${javadoc.link}"/>
296 | <link href="https://josm.openstreetmap.de/doc"/>
297 | <doctitle><![CDATA[<h2>JOSM-${ant.project.name} - Javadoc</h2>]]></doctitle>
298 | <bottom><![CDATA[<a href="https://josm.openstreetmap.de/wiki/Plugins">JOSM Plugins</a>]]></bottom>
299 | <arg line="-tag license:X" />
300 | <arg value="-html5" if:set="isJava9" />
301 | <arg value="--add-modules" if:set="isJava9" unless:set="isJava11" />
302 | <arg value="java.activation,java.se.ee" if:set="isJava9" unless:set="isJava11" />
303 | <arg value="--add-exports" if:set="isJava9" unless:set="noJavaFX" />
304 | <arg value="javafx.graphics/com.sun.javafx.application=ALL-UNNAMED" if:set="isJava9" unless:set="noJavaFX" />
305 | </javadoc>
306 | </target>
307 | <!--
308 | **********************************************************
309 | ** revision - extracts the current revision number for the
310 | ** file build.number and stores it in the XML property
311 | ** version.*
312 | **********************************************************
313 | -->
314 | <!--
315 | ** Initializes the REVISION.XML file from SVN information
316 | -->
317 | <target name="init-svn-revision-xml" unless="skip-revision">
318 | <exec append="false" output="REVISION.XML" executable="svn" failifexecutionfails="false" resultproperty="svn.info.result">
319 | <env key="LANG" value="C"/>
320 | <arg value="info"/>
321 | <arg value="--xml"/>
322 | <arg value="."/>
323 | </exec>
324 | <condition property="svn.info.fail">
325 | <not>
326 | <and>
327 | <equals arg1="${svn.info.result}" arg2="0" />
328 | <length file="REVISION.XML" when="greater" length="1" />
329 | </and>
330 | </not>
331 | </condition>
332 | </target>
333 | <!--
334 | ** Initializes the REVISION.XML file from git-svn information.
335 | Obtains the revision from the git-svn-id field.
336 | -->
337 | <target name="init-git-svn-revision-xml" if="svn.info.fail" unless="skip-revision">
338 | <exec append="false" output="REVISION.XML" executable="git" failifexecutionfails="false" resultproperty="git.svn.info.result">
339 | <arg value="log"/>
340 | <arg value="-1"/>
341 | <arg value="--grep=git-svn-id"/>
342 | <!--
343 | %B: raw body (unwrapped subject and body)
344 | %n: new line
345 | %ai: author date, ISO 8601 format
346 | -->
347 | <arg value="--pretty=format:%B%n%ai"/>
348 | <arg value="."/>
349 | </exec>
350 | <replaceregexp file="REVISION.XML" flags="s"
351 | match=".*git-svn-id: [^@]*@([0-9]+).*(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}.\d{2}\:\d{2}\:\d{2}\s*[+-]\d{2}:?\d{2})\s*$"
352 | replace="<info><entry><commit revision="\1"><date>\2</date></commit></entry></info>"/>
353 | <condition property="git.svn.fail">
354 | <not>
355 | <and>
356 | <equals arg1="${git.svn.info.result}" arg2="0" />
357 | <length file="REVISION.XML" when="greater" length="1" />
358 | </and>
359 | </not>
360 | </condition>
361 | </target>
362 | <!--
363 | ** Initializes the REVISION.XML file from git (w/o svn) information.
364 | Uses Unix date as revision number.
365 | -->
366 | <target name="init-git-revision-xml" if="git.svn.fail" unless="skip-revision">
367 | <exec append="false" output="REVISION.XML" executable="git" failifexecutionfails="false" resultproperty="git.info.result">
368 | <arg value="log"/>
369 | <arg value="-1"/>
370 | <arg value="--pretty=format:%at%n%ai"/>
371 | <arg value="."/>
372 | </exec>
373 | <replaceregexp file="REVISION.XML" flags="s"
374 | match="\s*(\d*)\s+(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}.\d{2}\:\d{2}\:\d{2}\s*[+-]\d{2}:?\d{2})\s*$"
375 | replace="<info><entry><commit revision="\1"><date>\2</date></commit></entry></info>"/>
376 | <condition property="git.fail">
377 | <not>
378 | <and>
379 | <equals arg1="${git.info.result}" arg2="0" />
380 | <length file="REVISION.XML" when="greater" length="1" />
381 | </and>
382 | </not>
383 | </condition>
384 | </target>
385 | <target name="init-revision-fallback" if="git.fail" unless="skip-revision">
386 | <tstamp>
387 | <format property="current.time" pattern="yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS" />
388 | </tstamp>
389 | <echo file="REVISION.XML"><![CDATA[<info><entry><commit revision="UNKNOWN"><date>${current.time}</date></commit></entry></info>]]></echo>
390 | </target>
391 | <target name="revision" depends="init-svn-revision-xml, init-git-svn-revision-xml, init-git-revision-xml, init-revision-fallback" unless="skip-revision">
392 | <xmlproperty file="REVISION.XML" prefix="version" keepRoot="false" collapseAttributes="true"/>
393 | <delete file="REVISION.XML"/>
394 | </target>
395 | <!--
396 | **********************************************************
397 | ** clean - clean up the build environment
398 | **********************************************************
399 | -->
400 | <target name="clean">
401 | <delete dir="${plugin.build.dir}"/>
402 | <delete dir="${plugin.doc.dir}"/>
403 | <delete dir="${checkstyle-build.dir}"/>
404 | <delete file="${plugin.jar}"/>
405 | <delete file="${plugin.sources.jar}"/>
406 | <delete file="${plugin.javadoc.jar}"/>
407 | </target>
408 | <!--
409 | **********************************************************
410 | ** install - install the plugin in your local JOSM installation
411 | **********************************************************
412 | -->
413 | <target name="install" depends="dist">
414 | <property environment="env"/>
415 | <condition property="josm.plugins.dir" value="${env.APPDATA}/JOSM/plugins">
416 | <and>
417 | <os family="windows"/>
418 | </and>
419 | </condition>
420 | <condition property="josm.plugins.dir" value="${user.home}/Library/JOSM/plugins">
421 | <and>
422 | <os family="mac"/>
423 | </and>
424 | </condition>
425 | <condition property="josm.plugins.dir" value="${user.home}/.josm/plugins">
426 | <and>
427 | <not><os family="windows"/></not>
428 | <not><os family="mac"/></not>
429 | </and>
430 | </condition>
431 | <copy file="${plugin.jar}" todir="${josm.plugins.dir}"/>
432 | </target>
433 | <!--
434 | ************************** Publishing the plugin ***********************************
435 | -->
436 | <!--
437 | ** extracts the JOSM release for the JOSM version in ../core and saves it in the
438 | ** property ${coreversion.info.entry.revision}
439 | **
440 | -->
441 | <target name="core-info">
442 | <exec append="false" output="core.info.xml" executable="svn" failifexecutionfails="false">
443 | <env key="LANG" value="C"/>
444 | <arg value="info"/>
445 | <arg value="--xml"/>
446 | <arg value="../../core"/>
447 | </exec>
448 | <xmlproperty file="core.info.xml" prefix="coreversion" keepRoot="true" collapseAttributes="true"/>
449 | <echo>Building against core revision ${coreversion.info.entry.revision}.</echo>
450 | <echo>Plugin-Mainversion is set to ${plugin.main.version}.</echo>
451 | <delete file="core.info.xml"/>
452 | </target>
453 | <!--
454 | ** commits the source tree for this plugin
455 | -->
456 | <target name="commit-current">
457 | <echo>Commiting the plugin source with message '${commit.message}' ...</echo>
458 | <exec append="true" output="svn.log" executable="svn" failifexecutionfails="false">
459 | <env key="LANG" value="C"/>
460 | <arg value="commit"/>
461 | <arg value="-m"/>
462 | <arg value="${commit.message}"/>
463 | <arg value="."/>
464 | </exec>
465 | </target>
466 | <!--
467 | ** updates (svn up) the source tree for this plugin
468 | -->
469 | <target name="update-current">
470 | <echo>Updating plugin source ...</echo>
471 | <exec append="true" output="svn.log" executable="svn" failifexecutionfails="false">
472 | <env key="LANG" value="C"/>
473 | <arg value="up"/>
474 | <arg value="."/>
475 | </exec>
476 | <echo>Updating ${plugin.jar} ...</echo>
477 | <exec append="true" output="svn.log" executable="svn" failifexecutionfails="false">
478 | <env key="LANG" value="C"/>
479 | <arg value="up"/>
480 | <arg value="${plugin.jar}"/>
481 | </exec>
482 | </target>
483 | <!--
484 | ** commits the plugin.jar
485 | -->
486 | <target name="commit-dist">
487 | <echo>
488 | ***** Properties of published ${plugin.jar} *****
489 | Commit message : '${commit.message}'
490 | Plugin-Mainversion: ${plugin.main.version}
491 | JOSM build version: ${coreversion.info.entry.revision}
492 | Plugin-Version : ${version.entry.commit.revision}
493 | ***** / Properties of published ${plugin.jar} *****
494 |
495 | Now commiting ${plugin.jar} ...
496 | </echo>
497 | <exec append="true" output="svn.log" executable="svn" failifexecutionfails="false">
498 | <env key="LANG" value="C"/>
499 | <arg value="-m"/>
500 | <arg value="${commit.message}"/>
501 | <arg value="commit"/>
502 | <arg value="${plugin.jar}"/>
503 | </exec>
504 | </target>
505 | <!-- ** make sure svn is present as a command line tool ** -->
506 | <target name="ensure-svn-present">
507 | <exec append="true" output="svn.log" executable="svn" failifexecutionfails="false" failonerror="false" resultproperty="svn.exit.code">
508 | <env key="LANG" value="C"/>
509 | <arg value="--version"/>
510 | </exec>
511 | <fail message="Fatal: command 'svn --version' failed. Please make sure svn is installed on your system.">
512 | <!-- return code not set at all? Most likely svn isn't installed -->
513 | <condition>
514 | <not>
515 | <isset property="svn.exit.code"/>
516 | </not>
517 | </condition>
518 | </fail>
519 | <fail message="Fatal: command 'svn --version' failed. Please make sure a working copy of svn is installed on your system.">
520 | <!-- error code from SVN? Most likely svn is not what we are looking on this system -->
521 | <condition>
522 | <isfailure code="${svn.exit.code}"/>
523 | </condition>
524 | </fail>
525 | </target>
526 |
527 | <target name="publish" depends="ensure-svn-present,core-info,commit-current,update-current,clean,dist,commit-dist">
528 | </target>
529 |
530 | <path id="test.classpath">
531 | <!-- JMockit must be included before JUnit in the classpath -->
532 | <pathelement path="${jmockit.jar}"/>
533 | <fileset dir="../00_core_test_lib">
534 | <include name="**/*.jar"/>
535 | <exclude name="**/jmockit*.jar"/>
536 | </fileset>
537 | <fileset dir="${plugin.test.dir}/lib" erroronmissingdir="no">
538 | <include name="**/*.jar"/>
539 | <exclude name="**/*-sources.jar"/>
540 | <exclude name="**/*-javadoc.jar"/>
541 | </fileset>
542 | <fileset dir="lib" erroronmissingdir="no">
543 | <include name="**/*.jar"/>
544 | <exclude name="**/*-sources.jar"/>
545 | <exclude name="**/*-javadoc.jar"/>
546 | </fileset>
547 | <pathelement path="${plugin.resources.dir}"/>
548 | <pathelement path="${plugin.test.dir}/data"/>
549 | <pathelement path="${josm.test.build.dir}/unit"/>
550 | <pathelement path="${josm}"/>
551 | <pathelement path="${plugin.jar}"/>
552 | <pathelement path="${annotations.jar}"/>
553 | <pathelement path="${guava.jar}"/>
554 | </path>
555 | <macrodef name="init-test-preferences">
556 | <sequential>
557 | <copy file="../00_core_test_config/preferences.template.xml" tofile="../00_core_test_config/unit-josm.home/preferences.xml"/>
558 | <replace file="../00_core_test_config/unit-josm.home/preferences.xml" encoding="UTF-8" token="@OSM_USERNAME@" value="${osm.username}"/>
559 | <replace file="../00_core_test_config/unit-josm.home/preferences.xml" encoding="UTF-8" token="@OSM_PASSWORD@" value="${osm.password}"/>
560 | </sequential>
561 | </macrodef>
562 | <target name="check-test">
563 | <available file="${plugin.test.dir}" type="dir" property="test.present"/>
564 | </target>
565 | <target name="test-init" depends="check-test" if="test.present">
566 | <mkdir dir="${plugin.test.dir}/build"/>
567 | <mkdir dir="${plugin.test.dir}/build/unit"/>
568 | <mkdir dir="${plugin.test.dir}/report"/>
569 | <init-test-preferences/>
570 | </target>
571 | <target name="test-clean">
572 | <delete dir="${plugin.test.dir}/build"/>
573 | <delete dir="${plugin.test.dir}/report"/>
574 | <delete file="${plugin.test.dir}/jacoco.exec" />
575 | <delete file="../00_core_test_config/unit-josm.home/preferences.xml" />
576 | <delete dir="../00_core_test_config/unit-josm.home/cache" failonerror="false"/>
577 | </target>
578 | <target name="test-compile" depends="test-init,dist" if="test.present">
579 | <sequential>
580 | <javac debug="on" includeantruntime="false" srcdir="${plugin.test.dir}/unit" destdir="${plugin.test.dir}/build/unit" encoding="UTF-8"
581 | target="${java.lang.version}" source="${java.lang.version}">
582 | <classpath>
583 | <fileset refid="plugin.requires.jars"/>
584 | <path refid="test.classpath"/>
585 | </classpath>
586 | <compilerarg value="-Xlint:all"/>
587 | <compilerarg value="-Xlint:-serial"/>
588 | </javac>
589 | </sequential>
590 | </target>
591 | <target name="test" depends="dist, test-clean, test-compile" if="test.present"
592 | description="Run unit tests. OSM API (TEST) account shall be set with -Dosm.username and -Dosm.password">
593 | <taskdef uri="antlib:org.jacoco.ant" resource="org/jacoco/ant/antlib.xml" classpath="../00_core_tools/jacocoant.jar" />
594 | <sequential>
595 | <echo message="Running unit tests with JUnit"/>
596 | <jacoco:coverage destfile="${plugin.test.dir}/jacoco.exec" enabled="${coverageByDefault}">
597 | <junit printsummary="yes" fork="true" forkmode="once" dir="${basedir}">
598 | <jvmarg value="-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8"/>
599 | <jvmarg value="-javaagent:${jmockit.jar}"/>
600 | <jvmarg value="--add-modules" if:set="isJava9" unless:set="isJava11" />
601 | <jvmarg value="java.activation,java.se.ee" if:set="isJava9" unless:set="isJava11" />
602 | <jvmarg value="--add-opens" if:set="isJava9" />
603 | <jvmarg value="java.base/java.lang.reflect=ALL-UNNAMED" if:set="isJava9" />
604 | <jvmarg value="--add-opens" if:set="isJava9" />
605 | <jvmarg value="java.desktop/javax.imageio.spi=ALL-UNNAMED" if:set="isJava9" />
606 | <jvmarg value="--add-exports" if:set="isJava9" />
607 | <jvmarg value="java.desktop/com.sun.imageio.spi=ALL-UNNAMED" if:set="isJava9" />
608 | <sysproperty key="josm.home" value="../00_core_test_config/unit-josm.home"/>
609 | <sysproperty key="josm.test.data" value="${plugin.test.dir}/data"/>
610 | <sysproperty key="java.awt.headless" value="true"/>
611 | <sysproperty key="suppressPermanentFailure" value="${suppressPermanentFailure}"/>
612 | <classpath>
613 | <fileset refid="plugin.requires.jars"/>
614 | <path refid="test.classpath"/>
615 | <pathelement path="${plugin.test.dir}/build/unit"/>
616 | </classpath>
617 | <formatter type="plain"/>
618 | <formatter type="xml"/>
619 | <batchtest fork="yes" todir="${plugin.test.dir}/report">
620 | <fileset dir="${plugin.test.dir}/build/unit" includes="**/*Test.class"/>
621 | </batchtest>
622 | </junit>
623 | </jacoco:coverage>
624 | </sequential>
625 | </target>
626 |
627 | <target name="checkstyle-compile">
628 | <mkdir dir="${checkstyle-build.dir}"/>
629 | <javac sourcepath="" srcdir="../00_core_tools/checkstyle/src" failonerror="true"
630 | destdir="${checkstyle-build.dir}" target="${java.lang.version}" source="${java.lang.version}" debug="on"
631 | includeantruntime="false" createMissingPackageInfoClass="false"
632 | encoding="UTF-8" classpath="${checkstyle.jar}">
633 | </javac>
634 | </target>
635 | <target name="checkstyle" depends="checkstyle-compile">
636 | <taskdef resource="com/puppycrawl/tools/checkstyle/ant/checkstyle-ant-task.properties" classpath="${checkstyle.jar}:${checkstyle-build.dir}"/>
637 | <checkstyle config="${basedir}/../checkstyle-config.xml">
638 | <fileset dir="${basedir}/src" includes="**/*.java" excludes="boofcv/**/*.java,
639 | com/google/**/*.java,
640 | crosby/**/*.java,
641 | edu/princeton/**/*.java,
642 | net/boplicity/**/*.java,
643 | org/apache/**/*.java,
644 | org/dinopolis/**/*.java,
645 | org/kaintoch/**/*.java,
646 | org/marvinproject/**/*.java,
647 | org/netbeans/**/*.java,
648 | org/openstreetmap/josm/plugins/dataimport/io/tcx/**/*.java,
649 | org/openstreetmap/josm/plugins/ohe/parser/**/*.java,
650 | org/openstreetmap/josm/plugins/pdfimport/pdfbox/operators/**/*.java
651 | org/openstreetmap/josm/plugins/roadsigns/javacc/**/*.java,
652 | org/osgeo/**/*.java,
653 | "/>
654 | <fileset dir="${basedir}/test" includes="**/*.java" erroronmissingdir="false"/>
655 | <formatter type="xml" toFile="checkstyle-josm-${ant.project.name}.xml"/>
656 | </checkstyle>
657 | </target>
658 |
659 | <target name="spotbugs" depends="compile">
660 | <taskdef name="spotbugs" classname="edu.umd.cs.findbugs.anttask.FindBugsTask" classpath="${spotbugs-ant.jar}"/>
661 | <path id="spotbugs-classpath">
662 | <fileset dir="../00_core_tools/spotbugs/">
663 | <include name="*.jar"/>
664 | </fileset>
665 | </path>
666 | <property name="spotbugs-classpath" refid="spotbugs-classpath"/>
667 | <spotbugs output="xml"
668 | outputFile="spotbugs-josm-${ant.project.name}.xml"
669 | classpath="${spotbugs-classpath}"
670 | pluginList=""
671 | excludeFilter="../spotbugs-filter.xml"
672 | effort="less"
673 | reportLevel="low"
674 | nested="false"
675 | jvmargs="-Xmx1024m"
676 | >
677 | <auxClasspath refid="plugin.classpath" />
678 | <sourcePath path="${basedir}/src" />
679 | <class location="${plugin.build.dir}" />
680 | </spotbugs>
681 | </target>
682 |
683 | <target name="runjosm" depends="install">
684 | <java jar="${josm}" fork="true"/>
685 | </target>
686 |
687 | <target name="profilejosm" depends="install">
688 | <nbprofiledirect>
689 | </nbprofiledirect>
690 | <java jar="${josm}" fork="true">
691 | <jvmarg value="${profiler.info.jvmargs.agent}"/>
692 | </java>
693 | </target>
694 | <!--
695 | ** shows a help text
696 | -->
697 | <target name="help">
698 | <echo>
699 | You can use following targets:
700 | * dist This default target builds the plugin jar file
701 | * clean Cleanup automatical created files
702 | * test Run unit tests (if any)
703 | * publish Checkin source code, build jar and checkin plugin jar
704 | (requires proper entry for SVN commit message!)
705 | * install Install the plugin in current system
706 | * runjosm Install plugin and start josm
707 | * profilejosm Install plugin and start josm in profiling mode
708 |
709 | There are other targets, which usually should not be called manually.
710 | </echo>
711 | </target>
712 | <!--
713 | ** Ivy tasks
714 | -->
715 | <target name="download-ivy">
716 | <mkdir dir="${ivy.jar.dir}"/>
717 | <get src="https://jcenter.bintray.com/org/apache/ivy/ivy/${ivy.version}/ivy-${ivy.version}.jar" dest="${ivy.jar.file}" usetimestamp="true"/>
718 | </target>
719 | <target name="init-ivy" depends="download-ivy">
720 | <path id="ivy.lib.path">
721 | <fileset dir="${ivy.jar.dir}" includes="*.jar"/>
722 | </path>
723 | <taskdef resource="org/apache/ivy/ant/antlib.xml" uri="antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant" classpathref="ivy.lib.path"/>
724 | </target>
725 | <target name="clean_ivy">
726 | <delete failonerror="false">
727 | <fileset dir="${plugin.lib.dir}">
728 | <include name="**/*.jar"/>
729 | <exclude name="**/*-custom.jar" />
730 | </fileset>
731 | </delete>
732 | </target>
733 | <target name="fetch_dependencies" depends="clean_ivy, init-ivy">
734 | <echo>fetching dependencies with ivy</echo>
735 | <ivy:settings file="ivy_settings.xml" />
736 | <ivy:retrieve pattern="${plugin.lib.dir}/[artifact]-[revision](-[classifier]).[ext]" conf="default" />
737 | </target>
738 | </project>