1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2 | <project name="OpeningHoursEditor" default="dist" basedir="." xmlns:ivy="antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant">
3 | <!-- enter the SVN commit message -->
4 | <property name="commit.message" value="fixed main version"/>
5 | <!-- enter the *lowest* JOSM version this plugin is currently compatible with -->
6 | <property name="plugin.main.version" value="14153"/>
7 |
8 | <property name="plugin.author" value="Falko Thomale"/>
9 | <property name="plugin.class" value="org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.ohe.OhePlugin"/>
10 | <property name="plugin.description" value="extended options for editing opening_hours"/>
11 | <property name="plugin.icon" value="images/opening_hours.png"/>
12 | <property name="plugin.link" value="https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/JOSM/Plugins/OpeningHoursEditor"/>
13 | <property name="plugin.canloadatruntime" value="true"/>
14 |
15 | <!-- ** include targets that all plugins have in common ** -->
16 | <import file="../build-common.xml"/>
17 |
18 | <property name="parser.dir" location="${plugin.src.dir}/org/openstreetmap/josm/plugins/ohe/parser"/>
19 |
20 | <target name="javacc" depends="resolve-tools" unless="javacc.notRequired">
21 | <ivy:cachepath file="${core.tools.ivy}" pathid="javacc.classpath" conf="javacc"/>
22 | <java classname="javacc" fork="true" failonerror="true">
23 | <classpath refid="javacc.classpath"/>
24 | <arg value="-JDK_VERSION=1.8"/>
25 | <arg value="-GRAMMAR_ENCODING=UTF-8"/>
26 | <arg value="-UNICODE_INPUT"/>
27 | <arg value="-OUTPUT_DIRECTORY=${parser.dir}"/>
28 | <arg value="${parser.dir}/OpeningTimeCompiler.jj"/>
29 | </java>
30 | </target>
31 |
32 | <target name="pre-compile" depends="javacc">
33 | <!-- ensure that we build the javacc classes -->
34 | </target>
35 |
36 | </project>