plugin.canloadatruntime=true plugin.class=org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.streetside.StreetsidePlugin plugin.description=Allows the user to work with pictures hosted at Microsoft Streetside plugin.icon=images/streetside-logo.svg # Minimum required JOSM version to run this plugin, choose the lowest version possible that is compatible. # You can check if the plugin compiles against this version by executing `./gradlew minJosmVersionClasses`. plugin.main.version=13860 plugin.version=13860 # Version of JOSM against which the plugin is compiled # Please check, if the specified version is available for download from . # If not, choose the next higher number that is available, or the gradle build will break. plugin.compile.version=13860 plugin.requires=apache-commons;apache-http;utilsplugin2 # Character encoding of Gradle files systemProp.file.encoding=utf-8