1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2 | <!--** This is a template build file for a JOSM plugin.
3 | **
4 | ** Maintaining versions
5 | ** ====================-->
6 | <project name="MicrosoftStreetside" default="dist" basedir="." xmlns:ivy="antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant">
7 |
8 | <!-- Configure these properties (replace "..." accordingly).
9 | See https://josm.openstreetmap.de/wiki/DevelopersGuide/DevelopingPlugins
10 | -->
11 | <!-- enter the SVN commit message -->
12 | <property name="commit.message" value="Commit message" />
13 | <!-- enter the *lowest* JOSM version this plugin is currently compatible with -->
14 | <property name="plugin.main.version" value="13860" />
15 |
16 | <property name="plugin.author" value="renerr18" />
17 | <property name="plugin.class" value="org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.streetside.StreetsidePlugin" />
18 | <property name="plugin.description" value="View high resolution Microsoft Streetside 360 degree imagery in JOSM." />
19 | <property name="plugin.icon" value="images/streetside-logo-white.png" />
20 | <property name="plugin.link" value="https://github.com/spatialdev/MicrosoftStreetside"/>
21 | <property name="plugin.requires" value="apache-commons;apache-http;"/>
22 |
23 | <property name="plugin.canloadatruntime" value="true"/>
24 |
25 | <!-- edit the properties of this plugin in the file `gradle.properties` -->
26 | <property file="${basedir}/gradle.properties"/>
27 |
28 | <property name="josm" location="../../core/dist/josm-custom.jar"/>
29 | <property name="plugin.dist.dir" value="../../dist"/>
30 |
31 | <!--** include targets that all plugins have in common **-->
32 | <import file="../build-common.xml"/>
33 |
34 | <path id="ivy.lib.path" path="ant/ivy-2.4.0.jar" />
35 | <taskdef resource="org/apache/ivy/ant/antlib.xml" uri="antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant" classpathref="ivy.lib.path" />
36 |
37 | <fileset id="plugin.requires.jars" dir="${plugin.dist.dir}">
38 | <include name="apache-commons.jar"/>
39 | <include name="apache-http.jar"/>
40 | </fileset>
41 |
42 | <target name="pre-compile" depends="fetch_dependencies">
43 | <!-- include fetch_dependencies task -->
44 | </target>
45 |
46 | <target name="clean_ivy">
47 | <delete failonerror="false">
48 | <fileset dir="${plugin.lib.dir}">
49 | <include name="**/*.jar"/>
50 | <exclude name="**/*-custom.jar" />
51 | </fileset>
52 | </delete>
53 | </target>
54 |
55 | <target name="fetch_dependencies" depends="clean_ivy">
56 | <echo>fetching dependencies with ivy</echo>
57 | <ivy:retrieve pattern="${plugin.lib.dir}/[artifact]-[type].[ext]" conf="default" />
58 | </target>
59 |
60 | <target name="install-plugin" depends="clean, dist, install">
61 | <echo>Installed Microsoft Streetside plugin</echo>
62 | </target>
63 |
64 | <target name="test-run" depends="install-plugin, runjosm">
65 | </target>
66 | </project>