[34353] | 1 | # For some special functionality you'll need to set some environment variables in Travis (https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/environment-variables#Defining-Variables-in-Repository-Settings).
| 2 | #
| 3 | # If you want to deploy to GitHub releases (when a git-tag is built):
| 4 | # - set `DEPLOY_GITHUB_RELEASES` to true
| 5 | # - set `GH_TOKEN` to one of your personal access tokens from GitHub (https://help.github.com/articles/creating-an-access-token-for-command-line-use/), disable displaying the value in the build log!
| 6 | #
| 7 | # If you want to send build information to sonarqube.com (when on master):
| 8 | # - set `SUBMIT_TO_SONARQUBE` to true
| 9 | # - set `SONAR_TOKEN` to one of your user tokens from sonarqube.com (http://docs.sonarqube.org/display/SONAR/User+Token), disable displaying the value in the build log!
| 10 | #
| 11 | # If you want to publish the build results onto the gh-pages branch (when on master):
| 12 | # - set `PUBLISH_GH_PAGES` to true
| 13 | # - set `GH_TOKEN` to one of your personal access tokens from GitHub (https://help.github.com/articles/creating-an-access-token-for-command-line-use/), disable displaying the value in the build log!
| 14 | # - set `GH_USERNAME` to the GitHub username to which the personal access token belongs
| 15 |
| 16 | sudo: false
| 17 | dist: trusty
| 18 |
| 19 | cache:
| 20 | directories:
| 21 | - $HOME/.gradle/caches
| 22 |
| 23 | language: java
| 24 | jdk:
| 25 | - openjdk8
| 26 | - oraclejdk8
| 27 | - oraclejdk9
| 28 |
| 29 | install: ./gradlew --build-cache assemble
| 30 | before_script: # init GUI for tests that can't run headless (https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/gui-and-headless-browsers/#Using-xvfb-to-Run-Tests-That-Require-a-GUI)
| 31 | - "export DISPLAY=:99.0"
| 32 | - "sh -e /etc/init.d/xvfb start"
| 33 | - sleep 3
| 34 | script: ./.travis/script
| 35 | # Deploy to GitHub pages
| 36 | after_script: ./.travis/after_script
| 37 | # Upload code coverage data
| 38 | after_success: ./.travis/after_success
| 39 | # Release the plugin via GitHub releases when pushing a tag
| 40 |
| 41 | deploy:
| 42 | provider: releases
| 43 | file_glob: true
| 44 | api_key: "${GH_TOKEN}"
| 45 | file:
| 46 | - "build/dist/Mapillary.jar"
| 47 | - "build/tmp/jar/MANIFEST.MF"
| 48 | skip_cleanup: true
| 49 | on:
| 50 | condition: "$DEPLOY_GITHUB_RELEASES = true"
| 51 | tags: true
| 52 | jdk: openjdk8
| 53 |
| 54 | jobs:
| 55 | include:
| 56 | - stage: i18n
| 57 | language: python
| 58 | python: "3.6"
| 59 | install: pip install git+https://github.com/transifex/transifex-client.git@08deb1255de7217d2574e3c49dcb578f03b195e0#egg=transifex-client
| 60 | script: ./gradlew generatePot
| 61 | after_success: |
| 62 | if [ ! -z "$TRANSIFEX_TOKEN" ]; then
| 63 | tx --token="$TRANSIFEX_TOKEN" --force-save --no-interactive init
| 64 | git checkout HEAD .tx/config
| 65 | tx push -s --no-interactive
| 66 | fi
| 67 |
| 68 | stages:
| 69 | - test
| 70 | - name: i18n
| 71 | if: branch = master
| 72 |
| 73 | matrix:
| 74 | fast_finish: true
| 75 | allow_failures:
| 76 | - jdk: oraclejdk9
| 77 | - language: python
| 78 |