[32048] | 1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
| 2 | <project name="josm-CustomizePublicTransportStop-plugin" default="dist" basedir=".">
| 3 |
[32680] | 4 | <property name="ant.build.javac.target" value="1.8"/>
| 5 | <property name="ant.build.javac.source" value="1.8"/>
[32048] | 6 |
| 7 | <property name="plugin.build.dir" value="build" />
| 8 | <property name="plugin.src.dir" value="src" />
| 9 | <property name="plugin.dist.dir" value="../../dist" />
| 10 | <property name="plugin.jar" value="${plugin.dist.dir}/CustomizePublicTransportStop.jar" />
[32301] | 11 | <property name="josm" location="../../core/dist/josm-custom.jar"/>
[32048] | 12 |
| 13 | <target name="init">
| 14 | <available file="build.properties" property="build.properties.present" />
| 15 | <fail unless="build.properties.present">**
| 16 | ** Property file 'build.properties' doesn't exist.
| 17 | ** Create a copy from 'build.properties.template' and update the properties
| 18 | ** according to your local environment.
| 19 | </fail>
| 20 | <property file="build.properties" />
| 21 |
| 22 | <path id="compile.path">
| 23 | <pathelement location="${josm}" />
| 24 | </path>
| 25 |
| 26 | <mkdir dir="${plugin.build.dir}" />
| 27 | </target>
| 28 |
| 29 | <target name="compile" depends="init">
| 30 | <echo message="compiling sources for ${plugin.jar} ... " />
| 31 | <echo>Classpath includes ${josm}</echo>
| 32 | <javac srcdir="src" classpathref="compile.path" debug="true" destdir="${plugin.build.dir}" includeantruntime="false" encoding="UTF-8">
| 33 | <compilerarg value="-Xlint:deprecation" />
| 34 | <compilerarg value="-Xlint:unchecked" />
| 35 | </javac>
| 36 | </target>
| 37 |
| 38 | <target name="dist" depends="clean,init,compile" description="Create the plugin jar">
| 39 | <tstamp>
| 40 | <format property="plugin.build.date" pattern="yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm aa" />
| 41 | </tstamp>
| 42 |
| 43 | <copy todir="${plugin.build.dir}/images">
| 44 | <fileset dir="images">
| 45 | <include name="**/*.png" />
| 46 | </fileset>
| 47 | </copy>
| 48 | <copy todir="${plugin.build.dir}/data">
| 49 | <fileset dir="data">
| 50 | <include name="**/*.*" />
| 51 | </fileset>
| 52 | </copy>
| 53 |
| 54 | <copy todir="${plugin.build.dir}">
| 55 | <fileset dir=".">
| 56 | <include name="README" />
| 57 | <include name="LICENSE" />
| 58 | <include name="README.*" />
| 59 | <include name="GPL-v3.0.txt" />
| 60 | <include name="GPL-v2.0.txt" />
| 61 | </fileset>
| 62 | </copy>
| 63 |
| 64 | <jar destfile="${plugin.jar}" basedir="${plugin.build.dir}">
| 65 | <manifest>
| 66 | <attribute name="Author" value="Rodion Scherbakov" />
| 67 | <attribute name="Plugin-Class" value="ru.rodsoft.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.customizepublictransportstop.CustomizePublicTransportStopPlugin" />
| 68 | <attribute name="Plugin-Date" value="${plugin.build.date}" />
[33095] | 69 | <attribute name="Plugin-Description" value="Customization of public public transport stops." />
[32048] | 70 | <attribute name="Plugin-Icon" value="images/bus.png"/>
| 71 | <attribute name="Plugin-Link" value="http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/JOSM/Plugins/CustomizePublicTransportStop" />
| 72 | <attribute name="Plugin-Mainversion" value="${josm.required.version}" />
[33095] | 73 | <attribute name="Plugin-Version" value="0.4" />
[32562] | 74 | <attribute name="ru_Plugin-Description" value="Настройка остановки общественного транспорта в соответствии со стандартом" />
[32048] | 75 | </manifest>
| 76 | </jar>
| 77 | </target>
| 78 |
| 79 | <target name="clean" description="Clean the build environment">
| 80 | <delete dir="${plugin.build.dir}" />
| 81 | </target>
| 82 |
| 83 | <target name="osm-svn-install" depends="">
| 84 | <echo>Installing the plugin in ${local.osm.svn.path}</echo>
| 85 | <copy file="${plugin.jar}" todir="${local.osm.svn.path}" />
| 86 | </target>
| 87 |
| 88 | <!-- ************************************************************************************ -->
| 89 | <!-- * Targets for compiling and running tests -->
| 90 | <!-- ************************************************************************************ -->
| 91 |
| 92 | <target name="dev-install" depends="dist">
| 93 | <echo>Installing the plugin in ${local.install.path}</echo>
| 94 | <copy file="${plugin.jar}" todir="C:\Users\bwr57_000\AppData\Roaming\JOSM\plugins" />
[33095] | 95 | </target>
| 96 |
| 97 | <target name="test"/>
| 98 | <target name="checkstyle"/>
| 99 | <target name="findbugs"/>
[32048] | 100 | </project>