1 | ;
2 | ; josm.nsi
3 | ;
4 |
5 |
6 | ; Set the compression mechanism first.
7 | ; As of NSIS 2.07, solid compression which makes installer about 1MB smaller
8 | ; is no longer the default, so use the /SOLID switch.
9 | ; This unfortunately is unknown to NSIS prior to 2.07 and creates an error.
10 | ; So if you get an error here, please update to at least NSIS 2.07!
11 | SetCompressor /SOLID lzma
12 |
13 | ; work with JAVA ini strings
14 | !include "INIStrNS.nsh"
15 |
16 | !define DEST "josm"
17 |
18 | InstType "JOSM (full install)"
19 |
20 | InstType "un.Default (keep Personal Settings and plugins)"
21 | InstType "un.All (remove all)"
22 |
23 | ; Used to refresh the display of file association
24 | !define SHCNE_ASSOCCHANGED 0x08000000
25 | !define SHCNF_IDLIST 0
26 |
27 | ; Used to add associations between file extensions and JOSM
28 | !define OSM_ASSOC "josm-file"
29 |
30 | ; ============================================================================
31 | ; Header configuration
32 | ; ============================================================================
33 | ; The name of the installer
34 | !define PROGRAM_NAME "JOSM"
35 |
36 | Name "${PROGRAM_NAME} ${VERSION}"
37 |
38 | ; The file to write
39 | OutFile "${DEST}-setup-${VERSION}.exe"
40 |
41 | ; Uninstall stuff (NSIS 2.08: "\r\n" don't work here)
42 | !define MUI_UNCONFIRMPAGE_TEXT_TOP "The following JAVA OpenStreetMap editor (JOSM) installation will be uninstalled. Click 'Next' to continue."
43 |
44 | XPStyle on
45 |
46 |
47 |
48 | ; ============================================================================
49 | ; Modern UI
50 | ; ============================================================================
51 |
52 | !include "MUI.nsh"
53 | ;!addplugindir ".\Plugins"
54 |
55 | ; Icon of installer and uninstaller
56 | !define MUI_ICON "logo.ico"
57 | !define MUI_UNICON "logo.ico"
58 |
62 | !define MUI_WELCOMEPAGE_TEXT "This wizard will guide you through the installation of the JAVA OpenStreetMap editor (JOSM).\r\n\r\nBefore starting the installation, make sure any JOSM applications are not running.\r\n\r\nClick 'Next' to continue."
63 | ;!define MUI_FINISHPAGE_LINK "Install WinPcap to be able to capture packets from a network!"
64 | ;!define MUI_FINISHPAGE_LINK_LOCATION "http://www.winpcap.org"
65 |
66 | ; NSIS shows Readme files by opening the Readme file with the default application for
67 | ; the file's extension. "README.win32" won't work in most cases, because extension "win32"
68 | ; is usually not associated with an appropriate text editor. We should use extension "txt"
69 | ; for a text file or "html" for an html README file.
73 | !define MUI_FINISHPAGE_RUN "$INSTDIR\josm.exe"
75 |
76 |
77 |
78 | ;!define MUI_PAGE_CUSTOMFUNCTION_SHOW myShowCallback
79 |
80 | ; ============================================================================
81 | ; MUI Pages
82 | ; ============================================================================
83 |
84 | !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_WELCOME
85 | !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_LICENSE "downloads\LICENSE"
86 | !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_COMPONENTS
87 | ;Page custom DisplayAdditionalTasksPage
88 | !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_DIRECTORY
89 | !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES
90 | !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_FINISH
91 |
92 | !insertmacro MUI_UNPAGE_WELCOME
93 | !insertmacro MUI_UNPAGE_CONFIRM
94 | !insertmacro MUI_UNPAGE_COMPONENTS
95 | !insertmacro MUI_UNPAGE_INSTFILES
96 | !insertmacro MUI_UNPAGE_FINISH
97 |
98 | ; ============================================================================
99 | ; MUI Languages
100 | ; ============================================================================
101 |
102 | !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "English"
103 |
104 | ; ============================================================================
105 | ; Reserve Files
106 | ; ============================================================================
107 |
108 | ;Things that need to be extracted on first (keep these lines before any File command!)
109 | ;Only useful for BZIP2 compression
110 |
111 | ; ReserveFile "AdditionalTasksPage.ini"
113 |
114 | ; ============================================================================
115 | ; Section macros
116 | ; ============================================================================
117 | !include "Sections.nsh"
118 |
119 | ; ========= Macro to unselect and disable a section =========
120 |
121 | !macro DisableSection SECTION
122 |
123 | Push $0
124 | SectionGetFlags "${SECTION}" $0
125 | IntOp $0 $0 & ${SECTION_OFF}
126 | IntOp $0 $0 | ${SF_RO}
127 | SectionSetFlags "${SECTION}" $0
128 | Pop $0
129 |
130 | !macroend
131 |
132 | ; ========= Macro to enable (unreadonly) a section =========
134 | !macro EnableSection SECTION
135 |
136 | Push $0
137 | SectionGetFlags "${SECTION}" $0
138 | IntOp $0 $0 & ${SECTION_ENABLE}
139 | SectionSetFlags "${SECTION}" $0
140 | Pop $0
141 |
142 | !macroend
143 |
144 | ; ============================================================================
145 | ; Command Line
146 | ; ============================================================================
147 | !include "FileFunc.nsh"
148 |
149 | ;!insertmacro GetParameters
150 | ;!insertmacro GetOptions
151 |
152 | ; ============================================================================
153 | ; Directory selection page configuration
154 | ; ============================================================================
155 | ; The text to prompt the user to enter a directory
156 | DirText "Choose a directory in which to install OpenStreeMap."
157 |
158 | ; The default installation directory
159 | InstallDir $PROGRAMFILES\JOSM\
160 |
161 | ; See if this is an upgrade; if so, use the old InstallDir as default
162 | InstallDirRegKey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE\JOSM "InstallDir"
163 |
164 |
165 | ; ============================================================================
166 | ; Install page configuration
167 | ; ============================================================================
168 | ShowInstDetails show
169 | ShowUninstDetails show
170 |
171 | ; ============================================================================
172 | ; Functions and macros
173 | ; ============================================================================
174 |
175 | ; update file extension icons
176 | !macro UpdateIcons
177 | Push $R0
178 | Push $R1
179 | Push $R2
180 |
181 | !define UPDATEICONS_UNIQUE ${__LINE__}
182 |
183 | IfFileExists "$SYSDIR\shell32.dll" UpdateIcons.next1_${UPDATEICONS_UNIQUE} UpdateIcons.error1_${UPDATEICONS_UNIQUE}
184 | UpdateIcons.next1_${UPDATEICONS_UNIQUE}:
185 | GetDllVersion "$SYSDIR\shell32.dll" $R0 $R1
186 | IntOp $R2 $R0 / 0x00010000
187 | IntCmp $R2 4 UpdateIcons.next2_${UPDATEICONS_UNIQUE} UpdateIcons.error2_${UPDATEICONS_UNIQUE}
188 | UpdateIcons.next2_${UPDATEICONS_UNIQUE}:
189 | System::Call 'shell32.dll::SHChangeNotify(i, i, i, i) v (${SHCNE_ASSOCCHANGED}, ${SHCNF_IDLIST}, 0, 0)'
190 | Goto UpdateIcons.quit_${UPDATEICONS_UNIQUE}
191 |
192 | UpdateIcons.error1_${UPDATEICONS_UNIQUE}:
193 | MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP "Can't find 'shell32.dll' library. Impossible to update icons"
194 | Goto UpdateIcons.quit_${UPDATEICONS_UNIQUE}
195 | UpdateIcons.error2_${UPDATEICONS_UNIQUE}:
196 | MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION "You should install the free 'Microsoft Layer for Unicode' to update JOSM file icons"
197 | Goto UpdateIcons.quit_${UPDATEICONS_UNIQUE}
198 | UpdateIcons.quit_${UPDATEICONS_UNIQUE}:
200 | Pop $R2
201 | Pop $R1
202 | Pop $R0
203 |
204 | !macroend
205 |
206 | ; associate a file extension to an icon
207 | Function Associate
208 | ; $R0 should contain the prefix to associate to JOSM
209 | Push $R1
210 |
211 | ReadRegStr $R1 HKCR $R0 ""
212 | StrCmp $R1 "" Associate.doRegister
213 | Goto Associate.end
214 | Associate.doRegister:
215 | ;The extension is not associated to any program, we can do the link
216 | WriteRegStr HKCR $R0 "" ${OSM_ASSOC}
217 | Associate.end:
218 | pop $R1
219 | FunctionEnd
220 |
221 | ; disassociate a file extension from an icon
222 | Function un.unlink
223 | ; $R0 should contain the prefix to unlink
224 | Push $R1
225 |
226 | ReadRegStr $R1 HKCR $R0 ""
227 | StrCmp $R1 ${OSM_ASSOC} un.unlink.doUnlink
228 | Goto un.unlink.end
229 | un.unlink.doUnlink:
230 | ; The extension is associated with JOSM so, we must destroy this!
231 | DeleteRegKey HKCR $R0
232 | un.unlink.end:
233 | pop $R1
234 | FunctionEnd
235 |
236 | Function .onInit
237 | ;Extract InstallOptions INI files
238 | ; !insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_EXTRACT "AdditionalTasksPage.ini"
239 | FunctionEnd
240 |
241 | ;Function DisplayAdditionalTasksPage
242 | ; !insertmacro MUI_HEADER_TEXT "Select Additional Tasks" "Which additional tasks should be done?"
243 | ; !insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_DISPLAY "AdditionalTasksPage.ini"
244 | ;FunctionEnd
245 |
246 | ; ============================================================================
247 | ; Installation execution commands
248 | ; ============================================================================
249 |
250 | Section "-Required"
251 | ;-------------------------------------------
252 |
253 | ;
254 | ; Install for every user
255 | ;
256 | SectionIn 1 2 RO
257 | SetShellVarContext all
258 |
259 | SetOutPath $INSTDIR
260 |
261 | ; Write the uninstall keys for Windows
262 | WriteRegStr HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\OSM" "DisplayVersion" "${VERSION}"
263 | WriteRegStr HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\OSM" "DisplayName" "JOSM ${VERSION}"
264 | WriteRegStr HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\OSM" "UninstallString" '"$INSTDIR\uninstall.exe"'
265 | WriteRegStr HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\OSM" "Publisher" "The OpenStreetMap developer community, http://www.openstreetmap.org/"
266 | WriteRegStr HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\OSM" "HelpLink" "mailto:newbies@openstreetmap.org."
267 | WriteRegStr HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\OSM" "URLInfoAbout" "http://www.openstreetmap.org/"
268 | WriteRegStr HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\OSM" "URLUpdateInfo" "http://www.openstreetmap.org/"
269 | WriteRegDWORD HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\OSM" "NoModify" 1
270 | WriteRegDWORD HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\OSM" "NoRepair" 1
271 | WriteUninstaller "uninstall.exe"
272 |
273 | ; Write an entry for ShellExecute
274 | WriteRegStr HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\josm.exe" "" '$INSTDIR\josm.exe'
275 | WriteRegStr HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\josm.exe" "Path" '$INSTDIR'
276 |
277 | ; Create start menu entries (depending on additional tasks page)
278 | ;ReadINIStr $0 "$PLUGINSDIR\AdditionalTasksPage.ini" "Field 2" "State"
279 | ;StrCmp $0 "0" SecRequired_skip_StartMenu
280 | ; To qoute "http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dnwue/html/ch11d.asp":
281 | ; "Do not include Readme, Help, or Uninstall entries on the Programs menu."
282 | CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\JOSM.lnk" "$INSTDIR\josm.exe" "" "$INSTDIR\josm.exe" 0 "" "" "JAVA OpenStreetMap - Editor"
283 | ;SecRequired_skip_StartMenu:
284 |
285 | ; is command line option "/desktopicon" set?
286 | ;${GetParameters} $R0
287 | ;${GetOptions} $R0 "/desktopicon=" $R1
288 | ;StrCmp $R1 "no" SecRequired_skip_DesktopIcon
289 | ;StrCmp $R1 "yes" SecRequired_install_DesktopIcon
290 |
291 | ; Create desktop icon (depending on additional tasks page and command line option)
292 | ;ReadINIStr $0 "$PLUGINSDIR\AdditionalTasksPage.ini" "Field 3" "State"
293 | ;StrCmp $0 "0" SecRequired_skip_DesktopIcon
294 | ;SecRequired_install_DesktopIcon:
295 | CreateShortCut "$DESKTOP\JOSM.lnk" "$INSTDIR\josm.exe" "" "$INSTDIR\josm.exe" 0 "" "" "JAVA OpenStreetMap - Editor"
296 | ;SecRequired_skip_DesktopIcon:
297 |
298 | ; is command line option "/quicklaunchicon" set?
299 | ;${GetParameters} $R0
300 | ;${GetOptions} $R0 "/quicklaunchicon=" $R1
301 | ;StrCmp $R1 "no" SecRequired_skip_QuickLaunchIcon
302 | ;StrCmp $R1 "yes" SecRequired_install_QuickLaunchIcon
303 |
304 | ; Create quick launch icon (depending on additional tasks page and command line option)
305 | ;ReadINIStr $0 "$PLUGINSDIR\AdditionalTasksPage.ini" "Field 4" "State"
306 | ;StrCmp $0 "0" SecRequired_skip_QuickLaunchIcon
307 | ;SecRequired_install_QuickLaunchIcon:
308 | CreateShortCut "$QUICKLAUNCH\JOSM.lnk" "$INSTDIR\josm.exe" "" "$INSTDIR\josm.exe" 0 "" "" "JAVA OpenStreetMap - Editor"
309 | ;SecRequired_skip_QuickLaunchIcon:
310 |
311 | ; Create File Extensions (depending on additional tasks page)
312 | ;ReadINIStr $0 "$PLUGINSDIR\AdditionalTasksPage.ini" "Field 6" "State"
313 | ;StrCmp $0 "0" SecRequired_skip_FileExtensions
314 | WriteRegStr HKCR ${OSM_ASSOC} "" "OpenStreetMap data"
315 | WriteRegStr HKCR "${OSM_ASSOC}\Shell\open\command" "" '"$INSTDIR\josm.exe" "%1"'
316 | WriteRegStr HKCR "${OSM_ASSOC}\DefaultIcon" "" '"$INSTDIR\josm.exe",0'
317 | push $R0
318 | StrCpy $R0 ".osm"
319 | Call Associate
320 | StrCpy $R0 ".gpx"
321 | Call Associate
322 | ; if somethings added here, add it also to the uninstall section and the AdditionalTask page
323 | pop $R0
324 | !insertmacro UpdateIcons
325 | ;SecRequired_skip_FileExtensions:
326 |
327 | SectionEnd ; "Required"
328 |
329 |
330 | Section "JOSM" SecJosm
331 | ;-------------------------------------------
332 | SectionIn 1
333 | SetOutPath $INSTDIR
334 | File "josm.exe"
335 | SetShellVarContext current
336 | SetOutPath "$APPDATA\JOSM"
337 |
338 | ; don't overwrite existing bookmarks
339 | IfFileExists preferences dont_overwrite_bookmarks
340 | File "bookmarks"
341 | dont_overwrite_bookmarks:
342 |
343 | ; don't overwrite existing de_streets.xml file
344 | IfFileExists de-streets.xml dont_overwrite_de_streets
345 | File "de-streets.xml"
346 | dont_overwrite_de_streets:
347 |
348 | ; write reasonable defaults for some preferences
349 | ; XXX - some of this should be done in JOSM itself
350 | ${WriteINIStrNS} $R0 "$APPDATA\JOSM\preferences" "laf" "com.sun.java.swing.plaf.windows.WindowsLookAndFeel"
351 | ${WriteINIStrNS} $R0 "$APPDATA\JOSM\preferences" "download.osm" "true"
352 | ${WriteINIStrNS} $R0 "$APPDATA\JOSM\preferences" "layerlist.visible" "true"
353 | ${WriteINIStrNS} $R0 "$APPDATA\JOSM\preferences" "commandstack.visible" "true"
354 | ${WriteINIStrNS} $R0 "$APPDATA\JOSM\preferences" "propertiesdialog.visible" "true"
355 | ${WriteINIStrNS} $R0 "$APPDATA\JOSM\preferences" "validator.visible" "true"
356 | ${WriteINIStrNS} $R0 "$APPDATA\JOSM\preferences" "draw.segment.direction" "true"
357 | ${WriteINIStrNS} $R0 "$APPDATA\JOSM\preferences" "projection" "org.openstreetmap.josm.data.projection.Epsg4326"
358 | ${WriteINIStrNS} $R0 "$APPDATA\JOSM\preferences" "osm-server.url" "http://www.openstreetmap.org/api"
359 | ${WriteINIStrNS} $R0 "$APPDATA\JOSM\preferences" "taggingpreset.sources" "$APPDATA/JOSM/de-streets.xml"
360 | SectionEnd
361 |
362 |
363 | SectionGroup /e "Plugins" SecPluginsGroup
364 |
365 | Section "mappaint" SecMappaintPlugin
366 | ;-------------------------------------------
367 | SectionIn 1 2
368 | SetShellVarContext current
369 | SetOutPath $APPDATA\JOSM\plugins
370 | File "downloads\mappaint.jar"
371 | ;SetOutPath $APPDATA\JOSM\plugins\mappaint
372 | ;File "downloads\elemstyles.xml"
373 | SectionEnd
374 |
375 | Section "osmarender" SecOsmarenderPlugin
376 | ;-------------------------------------------
377 | SectionIn 1 2
378 | SetShellVarContext current
379 | SetOutPath $APPDATA\JOSM\plugins
380 | File "downloads\osmarender.jar"
381 | ${WriteINIStrNS} $R0 "$APPDATA\JOSM\preferences" "osmarender.firefox" "$PROGRAMFILES\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe"
382 | SectionEnd
383 |
384 | Section "WMS" SecWMSPlugin
385 | ;-------------------------------------------
386 | SectionIn 1 2
387 | SetShellVarContext current
388 | SetOutPath $APPDATA\JOSM\plugins
389 | File "downloads\wmsplugin.jar"
390 | SectionEnd
391 |
392 | Section "namefinder" SecNamefinderPlugin
393 | ;-------------------------------------------
394 | SectionIn 1 2
395 | SetShellVarContext current
396 | SetOutPath $APPDATA\JOSM\plugins
397 | File "downloads\namefinder.jar"
398 | SectionEnd
399 |
400 | Section "validator" SecValidatorPlugin
401 | ;-------------------------------------------
402 | SectionIn 1 2
403 | SetShellVarContext current
404 | SetOutPath $APPDATA\JOSM\plugins
405 | File "downloads\validator.jar"
406 | SectionEnd
407 |
408 | Section "tways" SecTWaysPlugin
409 | ;-------------------------------------------
410 | SectionIn 1 2
411 | SetShellVarContext current
412 | SetOutPath $APPDATA\JOSM\plugins
413 | File "downloads\tways-0.2.jar"
414 | SectionEnd
415 |
416 | SectionGroupEnd ; "Plugins"
417 |
418 | Section "-PluginSetting"
419 | ;-------------------------------------------
420 | ;MessageBox MB_OK "PluginSetting!" IDOK 0
421 | SetShellVarContext current
422 | ${WriteINIStrNS} $R0 "$APPDATA\JOSM\preferences" "plugins" "mappaint,osmarender,wmsplugin,namefinder,validator,tways-0.2"
423 | SectionEnd
424 |
425 |
426 | Section "Uninstall" un.SecUinstall
427 | ;-------------------------------------------
428 |
429 | ;
430 | ; UnInstall for every user
431 | ;
432 | SectionIn 1 2
433 | SetShellVarContext all
434 |
435 | Delete "$INSTDIR\josm.exe"
436 | Delete "$INSTDIR\uninstall.exe"
437 | IfErrors 0 NoJOSMErrorMsg
438 | MessageBox MB_OK "Please note: josm.exe could not be removed, it's probably in use!" IDOK 0 ;skipped if josm.exe removed
439 | Abort "Please note: josm.exe could not be removed, it's probably in use! Abort uninstall process!"
440 | NoJOSMErrorMsg:
441 |
442 | DeleteRegKey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\OSM"
443 | DeleteRegKey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE "Software\josm.exe"
444 | DeleteRegKey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\josm.exe"
445 |
446 | push $R0
447 | StrCpy $R0 ".osm"
448 | Call un.unlink
449 | StrCpy $R0 ".gpx"
450 | Call un.unlink
451 | pop $R0
452 |
453 | DeleteRegKey HKCR ${OSM_ASSOC}
454 | DeleteRegKey HKCR "${OSM_ASSOC}\Shell\open\command"
455 | DeleteRegKey HKCR "${OSM_ASSOC}\DefaultIcon"
456 | !insertmacro UpdateIcons
457 |
458 | Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\josm.lnk"
459 | Delete "$DESKTOP\josm.lnk"
460 | Delete "$QUICKLAUNCH\josm.lnk"
461 |
462 | RMDir "$INSTDIR"
463 |
464 | SectionEnd ; "Uinstall"
465 |
466 | Section /o "Un.Personal Settings" un.SecPersonalSettings
467 | ;-------------------------------------------
468 | SectionIn 2
469 | SetShellVarContext current
470 | Delete "$APPDATA\JOSM\preferences"
471 | Delete "$APPDATA\JOSM\bookmarks"
472 | Delete "$APPDATA\JOSM\de-streets.xml"
474 | SectionEnd
475 |
476 | Section /o "Un.Plugins" un.SecPlugins
477 | ;-------------------------------------------
478 | SectionIn 2
479 | SetShellVarContext current
480 | Delete "$APPDATA\JOSM\plugins\wmsplugin.jar"
481 | Delete "$APPDATA\JOSM\plugins\osmarender.jar"
482 | Delete "$APPDATA\JOSM\plugins\osmarender\*.*"
483 | Delete "$APPDATA\JOSM\plugins\mappaint.jar"
484 | Delete "$APPDATA\JOSM\plugins\namefinder.jar"
485 | Delete "$APPDATA\JOSM\plugins\validator\*.*"
486 | Delete "$APPDATA\JOSM\plugins\validator.jar"
487 | Delete "$APPDATA\JOSM\plugins\tways-0.2.jar"
488 | ;Delete "$APPDATA\JOSM\plugins\mappaint\elemstyles.xml"
489 | RMDir "$APPDATA\JOSM\plugins\osmarender"
490 | RMDir "$APPDATA\JOSM\plugins\validator"
491 | ;RMDir "$APPDATA\JOSM\plugins\mappaint"
492 | RMDir "$APPDATA\JOSM\plugins"
494 | SectionEnd
495 |
496 |
497 | Section "-Un.Finally"
498 | ;-------------------------------------------
499 | SectionIn 1 2
500 | ; this test must be done after all other things uninstalled (e.g. Global Settings)
501 | IfFileExists "$INSTDIR" 0 NoFinalErrorMsg
502 | MessageBox MB_OK "Please note: The directory $INSTDIR could not be removed!" IDOK 0 ; skipped if dir doesn't exist
503 | NoFinalErrorMsg:
504 | SectionEnd
505 |
506 |
507 | ; ============================================================================
509 | ; ============================================================================
511 | !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SecJosm} "JOSM is the JAVA OpenStreetMap editor for .osm files."
512 | !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SecPluginsGroup} "Various JOSM plugins."
513 | !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SecMappaintPlugin} "An alternative renderer for the map with colouring, line thickness, icons after tags."
514 | !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SecOsmarenderPlugin} "Displays the current screen as nicely rendered SVG graphics in FireFox."
515 | !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SecWMSPlugin} "Display background images from Web Map Service (WMS) sources."
516 | !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SecNamefinderPlugin} "Add a 'Find places by their name' tab to the download dialog."
517 | !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SecValidatorPlugin} "Validates edited data if it conforms to common suggestions."
518 | !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SecTwaysPlugin} "Mass wayfication of segments."
520 |
522 | !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${un.SecUinstall} "Uninstall JOSM."
523 | !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${un.SecPersonalSettings} "Uninstall personal settings like your preferences and bookmarks from your profile: $PROFILE."
524 | !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${un.SecPlugins} "Uninstall all plugins."
526 |
527 | ; ============================================================================
528 | ; Callback functions
529 | ; ============================================================================
530 |