#!/usr/bin/perl -w # -CDSL would be better than explicit encoding settings use strict; use utf8; my ($user, $pwd); # Three ways to handle login data: # Enter data directly in these two lines (Be careful witn svn checkin later!) # create a file "launchpad.pl_credits" containing the two lines with proper values # leave credits empty and enter them on runtime $user = ''; $pwd = ''; # list of supported languages my %lang = map {$_ => 1} ( "ast", "bg", "be", "ca", "ca\@valencia", "cs", "da", "de", "el", "en_AU", "en_GB", "es", "et", "fi", "fr", "gl", "hu", "id", "it", "ja", "km", "lt", "nl", "pl", "pt", "pt_BR", "ru", "sk", "sv", "uk", "vi", "zh_CN", "zh_TW" ); my $revision = '$Revision: 31139 $'; $revision =~ s/^.*?(\d+).*$/$1/; my $agent = "JOSM_Launchpad/1.$revision"; my $debugfile = 0;#1; my $cleanall = 0;#1; open TXTFILE,">","launchpad_debug.log" or die if $debugfile; if($#ARGV != 0) { warn "No argument given (try Launchpad download URL, \"bzr\", \"bzronly\", \"upload\" or \"download\")."; system "ant"; } elsif($ARGV[0] eq "bzr" || $ARGV[0] eq "bzronly") { mkdir "build"; die "Could not change into new data dir." if !chdir "build"; system "bzr export -v josm_trans lp:~openstreetmap/josm/josm_trans"; chdir ".."; copypo("build/josm_trans/josm"); system "rm -rv build/josm_trans"; if($ARGV[0] ne "bzronly") { system "ant"; } } elsif($ARGV[0] eq "upload") { potupload(); } elsif($ARGV[0] eq "uploadall") { makeupload(); } elsif($ARGV[0] eq "approveall") { approveall(dologin()); } elsif($ARGV[0] eq "download") { podownload(); } elsif($ARGV[0] eq "stats") { getstats(); } else { mkdir "build"; mkdir "build/josm_trans"; die "Could not change into new data dir." if !chdir "build/josm_trans"; system "wget $ARGV[0]"; system "tar -xf laun*"; chdir "../.."; copypo("build/josm_trans"); system "rm -rv build/josm_trans"; system "ant"; } sub approveall { my ($mech) = @_; print "Trying to approve upload.\n"; $mech->get("https://translations.launchpad.net/josm/trunk/+imports?field.filter_status=NEEDS_REVIEW&field.filter_extension=all"); my @links; foreach my $line (split("\n", $mech->content())) { push (@links, $1) if $line =~ /href="(\/\+imports\/\d+)"/; } if(!@links) { warn "No upload found in import list, upload possibly failed."; } else { foreach my $link (@links) { eval { print "Approve $link upload.\n"; $mech->get("https://translations.launchpad.net$link"); $mech->form_with_fields("field.potemplate"); $mech->select("field.potemplate", "josm"); $mech->click_button(name => "field.actions.approve"); }; print $@ if $@; } } } sub makeupload { my $count = 11; my $outdate = `date -u +"%Y-%m-%dT%H_%M_%S"`; my $mech = dologin(); $outdate =~ s/[\r\n]+//; mkdir "build/josm"; system "cp po/*.po po/josm.pot build/josm"; chdir "build"; print "Starting upload ($outdate).\n"; if(!$count) { system "tar -cjf launchpad_upload_josm_$outdate.tar.bz2 josm"; $mech->get("https://translations.launchpad.net/josm/trunk/+translations-upload"); $mech->submit_form(with_fields => {"file" => "launchpad_upload_josm_$outdate.tar.bz2"}); sleep(10); } else { my @files = sort glob("josm/*.po"); my $num = 1; while($#files >= 0) { my @f = splice(@files, 0, $count); my $file = "launchpad_upload_josm_${outdate}_$num.tar.bz2"; print "Create file $file.\n"; system "tar -cjf $file ".join(" ",@f); print "Upload file $file.\n"; $mech->get("https://translations.launchpad.net/josm/trunk/+translations-upload"); $mech->submit_form(with_fields => {"file" => $file}); sleep(10); ++$num; } } system "rm -rv josm"; chdir ".."; approveall($mech); } sub copypo { my ($path) = @_; foreach my $name (split("\n", `find $path -name "*.po"`)) { $name =~ /([a-zA-Z_@]+)\.po/; if($lang{$1}) { system("cp", "-v", $name, "po/$1.po"); } elsif($cleanall) { local $/; undef $/; open FILE,"<",$name or die; my $x = ; close FILE; $x =~ s/\n\n.*$/\n/s; open FILE,">","po/$1.po" or die; print FILE $x; close FILE; } } } sub dologin { require WWW::Mechanize; my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new("agent" => $agent); #$mech->add_handler("request_send" => sub { # my($request, $ua, $h) = @_; # printf "FORM: %s\n", $request->content(); # return undef; #}); $mech->get("https://translations.launchpad.net/josm/trunk/+login"); #print $mech->status() ." - ". $mech->uri()."\n"; $mech->submit_form(form_number => 1); getcredits(); #print $mech->status() ." - ". $mech->uri()."\n"; $mech->submit_form(form_id => "login-form", fields => {"email" => $user, "password" => $pwd}); #$mech->dump_headers(); #print $mech->status() ." - ". $mech->uri()."\n"; #print $mech->content(); my $form = $mech->form_name("decideform"); die "Could not login.\n" if !$form; my %par = ("yes" => ""); # We need to add "yes" or it does not work foreach my $p ($form->param) { $par{$p} = $form->value($p); } $mech->post($form->action, \%par); #$mech->dump_headers(); #print $mech->content(); #print $mech->status() ." - ". $mech->uri()."\n"; #$mech->dump_forms(); return $mech; } sub potupload { my $mech = dologin(); print "Starting upload.\n"; sleep(2); $mech->get("https://translations.launchpad.net/josm/trunk/+translations-upload"); chdir("po"); $mech->submit_form(with_fields => {"file" => "josm.pot"}); print "Start approving of upload.\n"; for(1..10) { eval { sleep(10); print "Trying to approve upload.\n"; $mech->get("https://translations.launchpad.net/josm/trunk/+imports?field.filter_status=NEEDS_REVIEW&field.filter_extension=pot"); my @links; foreach my $line (split("\n", $mech->content())) { if($line =~ /href="(\/\+imports\/\d+)"/) { push (@links, $1); print TXTFILE $line if $debugfile; } } if(!@links) { print TXTFILE $mech->content() if $debugfile; die "Upload not found in import list, upload possibly failed."; } elsif(@links > 1) { die "More than one upload found in import list, cannot approve."; } else { $mech->get("https://translations.launchpad.net$links[0]"); if($debugfile) { print TXTFILE "LINK: $links[0]\n"; $mech->dump_headers(\*TXTFILE); print TXTFILE $mech->content(); print TXTFILE $mech->status() ." - ". $mech->uri()."\n"; $mech->dump_forms(\*TXTFILE); } $mech->submit_form(form_name => "launchpadform", button => "field.actions.approve"); if(!($mech->content() =~ /There are no entries that match this filtering/)) { die "Approving possibly failed."; } } }; print $@ if $@; last if !$@; } chdir(".."); } sub podownload { my $mech = dologin(); $mech->get("https://translations.launchpad.net/josm/trunk/+export"); $mech->submit_form(with_fields => {"format" => "PO"}); if(!($mech->content() =~ /receive an email shortly/)) { warn "Error requesting file\n"; } } sub getcredits { if(!$user || !$pwd) { require Term::ReadKey; local undef $/; if(open FILE, "launchpad.pl_credits") { eval ; close FILE; } if(!$user) { Term::ReadKey::ReadMode(4); # Turn off controls keys printf("Enter username: "); for(;;) { my $c = getc(); print $c; last if $c eq "\n"; $user .= $c; } Term::ReadKey::ReadMode(0); } if(!$pwd) { Term::ReadKey::ReadMode(4); # Turn off controls keys printf("Enter password: "); for(;;) { my $c = getc(); last if $c eq "\n"; print "*"; $pwd .= $c; } print "\n"; Term::ReadKey::ReadMode(0); } } } sub doget { my ($mech, $page, $arg) = @_; for(my $i = 1; $i <= 5; $i++) { $mech->timeout(30); eval { $mech->get($page); }; my $code = $mech->status(); print "Try $i: ($code) $@" if $@; return $mech if !$@; sleep(30+5*$i); last if $arg && $arg eq "no503" and $code == 503; $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new("agent" => $agent); } return $mech; } sub getstats { my %results; require WWW::Mechanize; require Data::Dumper; require URI::Escape; my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new("agent" => $agent); if(open DFILE,"<:utf8","launchpadtrans.data") { local $/; $/ = undef; my $val = ; eval $val; close DFILE; } binmode STDOUT, ":utf8"; open FILE,">:utf8","launchpadtrans.txt" or die "Could not open output file."; for my $lang (sort keys %lang) { doget($mech, "https://translations.launchpad.net/josm/trunk/+pots/josm/$lang/"); sleep(1); my $cont = $mech->content(); while($cont =~ /(.*?)<\/a>/g) { my ($code, $inactive, $name) = ($1, $2, $3); if(exists($results{$code}{$lang}{count}) && exists($results{$code}{$lang}{time}) && time()-$results{$code}{$lang}{time} < 5*24*60*60) { printf "%-5s - %-30s - Found - %s\n", $lang,$code,$name; next; } my $urlcode = URI::Escape::uri_escape($code); $mech = doget($mech, "https://translations.launchpad.net/josm/trunk/+pots/josm/$lang/+filter?person=$urlcode", "no503"); sleep(1); my $cont = $mech->content() || ""; my ($count) = $cont =~ /of[\r\n\t ]+?(\d+)[\r\n\t ]+?result/; if($count && $mech->status == 200) { my $t = time(); my $old = ""; if(exists($results{$code}{$lang}{count})) { if($results{$code}{$lang}{count} != $count) { $old .= sprintf " %d %s",abs($count-$results{$code}{$lang}{count}),$count-$results{$code}{$lang}{count} > 0 ? "more" : "less"; } else { $old .= " unchanged"; } } if(exists($results{$code}{$lang}{time})) { $old .= sprintf " %.2f days later",($t-$results{$code}{$lang}{time})/86400.0; } $results{$code}{NAME} = $name; $results{$code}{TOTAL} += $count-($results{$code}{$lang}{count}||0); $results{$code}{$lang}{count} = $count; $results{$code}{$lang}{time} = $t; $results{$code}{$lang}{$t} = $count; if(open DFILE,">:utf8","launchpadtrans.data") { print DFILE Data::Dumper->Dump([\%results],['*results']); close DFILE; } if($old) { printf "%-5s - %-30s - %5d - %-70s%s\n", $lang,$code,$count,$name,$old; } else { printf "%-5s - %-30s - %5d - %s\n", $lang,$code,$count,$name; } } else { printf "%-5s - %-30s - Skip - %s\n", $lang,$code,$name; } } } for my $code (sort {($results{$b}{TOTAL}||0) <=> ($results{$a}{TOTAL}||0)} keys %results) { next if !$results{$code}{TOTAL}; print FILE "$results{$code}{NAME}:$results{$code}{TOTAL}"; printf "%5d - %-50s",$results{$code}{TOTAL}, $results{$code}{NAME}; for my $lang (sort keys %{$results{$code}}) { next if $lang eq "NAME" or $lang eq "TOTAL"; next if !exists($results{$code}{$lang}{time}) || time()-$results{$code}{$lang}{time} > 6*24*60*60; print FILE ";$lang=$results{$code}{$lang}{count}"; printf " - %-5s=%5d",$lang, $results{$code}{$lang}{count}; } print FILE "\n"; print "\n"; } }