#! /usr/bin/perl -w use utf8; use strict; use open qw/:std :encoding(utf8)/; use Term::ReadKey; use Encode; my $waswarn = 0; my $lang_pattern = '([a-z]{2}_[A-Z]{2}|[a-z]{2,3}|[a-z]{2}\@[a-z]+)'; my $lang_pattern_file = '([a-z]{2}_[A-Z]{2}|[a-z]{2,3}|[a-z]{2}-[a-z]+)'; main(); sub getdate { my @t=gmtime(); return sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d+0000", 1900+$t[5],$t[4]+1,$t[3],$t[2],$t[1]); } sub loadpot($) { my ($file) = @_; my %all = (); my %keys = (); die "Could not open file $file." if(!open FILE,"<:utf8",$file); my %postate = (last => "", type => ""); my $linenum = 0; print "Reading file $file\n"; while() { ++$linenum; my $fn = "$file:$linenum"; chomp; if($_ =~ /^#/ || !$_) { checkpo(\%postate, \%all, "pot", "line $linenum in $file", \%keys, 1, undef); $postate{fuzzy} = 1 if ($_ =~ /fuzzy/); } elsif($_ =~ /^"(.*)"$/) {$postate{last} .= $1;} elsif($_ =~ /^(msg.+) "(.*)"$/) { my ($n, $d) = ($1, $2); my $new = !${postate}{fuzzy} && (($n eq "msgid" && $postate{type} ne "msgctxt") || ($n eq "msgctxt")); checkpo(\%postate, \%all, "pot", "line $linenum in $file", \%keys, $new, undef); $postate{last} = $d; $postate{type} = $n; $postate{src} = $fn if $new; } else { die "Strange line $linenum in $file: $_."; } } checkpo(\%postate, \%all, "pot", "line $linenum in $file", \%keys, 1, undef); close(FILE); return \%all; } sub loadfiles($$@) { my $desc; my %all = (); my %keys = (); my ($lang,$use,@files) = @_; foreach my $file (@files) { die "Could not open file $file." if(!open FILE,"<:utf8",$file); if($file =~ /\/$lang_pattern\.po$/) { my $l = $1; ++$lang->{$l}; my %postate = (last => "", type => ""); my $linenum = 0; print "Reading file $file (lang $l)\n"; while() { ++$linenum; my $fn = "$file:$linenum"; chomp; if($_ =~ /^#/ || !$_) { checkpo(\%postate, \%all, $l, "line $linenum in $file", \%keys, 1, $use); $postate{fuzzy} = 1 if ($_ =~ /fuzzy/); } elsif($_ =~ /^"(.*)"$/) {$postate{last} .= $1;} elsif($_ =~ /^(msg.+) "(.*)"$/) { my ($n, $d) = ($1, $2); my $new = !${postate}{fuzzy} && (($n eq "msgid" && $postate{type} ne "msgctxt") || ($n eq "msgctxt")); checkpo(\%postate, \%all, $l, "line $linenum in $file", \%keys, $new, $use); $postate{last} = $d; $postate{type} = $n; $postate{src} = $fn if $new; } else { die "Strange line $linenum in $file: $_."; } } checkpo(\%postate, \%all, $l, "line $linenum in $file", \%keys, 1, $use); } else { die "File format not supported for file $file."; } close(FILE); } return %all; } my $alwayspo = 0; my $alwaysup = 0; my $noask = 0; my %conflicts; sub copystring($$$$$$$) { my ($data, $en, $l, $str, $txt, $context, $ispo) = @_; $en = "___${context}___$en" if $context; if(exists($data->{$en}{$l}) && $data->{$en}{$l} ne $str) { return if !$str; if($l =~ /^_/) { $data->{$en}{$l} .= ";$str" if !($data->{$en}{$l} =~ /$str/); } elsif(!$data->{$en}{$l}) { $data->{$en}{$l} = $str; } else { my $f = $data->{$en}{_file} || ""; $f = ($f ? "$f;".$data->{$en}{"_src.$l"} : $data->{$en}{"_src.$l"}) if $data->{$en}{"_src.$l"}; my $isotherpo = ($f =~ /\.po\:/); my $pomode = ($ispo && !$isotherpo) || (!$ispo && $isotherpo); my $mis = "String mismatch for '$en' **$str** ($txt) != **$data->{$en}{$l}** ($f)\n"; my $replace = 0; if(($conflicts{$l}{$str} || "") eq $data->{$en}{$l}) {} elsif($pomode && $alwaysup) { $replace=$isotherpo; } elsif($pomode && $alwayspo) { $replace=$ispo; } elsif($noask) { print $mis; ++$waswarn; } else { ReadMode 4; # Turn off controls keys my $arg = "(l)eft, (r)ight"; $arg .= ", (p)o, (u)pstream[ts/mat], all p(o), all up(s)tream" if $pomode; $arg .= ", e(x)it: "; print "$mis$arg"; while((my $c = getc())) { if($c eq "l") { $replace=1; } elsif($c eq "r") {} elsif($c eq "p" && $pomode) { $replace=$ispo; } elsif($c eq "u" && $pomode) { $replace=$isotherpo; } elsif($c eq "o" && $pomode) { $alwayspo = 1; $replace=$ispo; } elsif($c eq "s" && $pomode) { $alwaysup = 1; $replace=$isotherpo; } elsif($c eq "x") { $noask = 1; ++$waswarn; } else { print "\n$arg"; next; } last; } print("\n"); ReadMode 0; # Turn on controls keys } if(!$noask) { if($replace) { $data->{$en}{$l} = $str; $conflicts{$l}{$data->{$en}{$l}} = $str; } else { $conflicts{$l}{$str} = $data->{$en}{$l}; } } } } else { $data->{$en}{$l} = $str; } } # Check a current state for new data # # @param postate Pointer to current status hash # @param data Pointer to final data array # @param l current language # @param txt output text in case of error, usually file and line number # @param keys pointer to hash for info keys extracted from the first msgid "" entry # @param new whether a data set is finish or not yet complete # @param use hash to strings to use or undef for all strings # sub checkpo($$$$$$$) { my ($postate, $data, $l, $txt, $keys, $new, $use) = @_; if($postate->{type} eq "msgid") {$postate->{msgid} = $postate->{last};} elsif($postate->{type} eq "msgid_plural") {$postate->{msgid_1} = $postate->{last};} elsif($postate->{type} =~ /^msgstr(\[0\])?$/) {$postate->{msgstr} = $postate->{last};} elsif($postate->{type} =~ /^msgstr\[(.+)\]$/) {$postate->{"msgstr_$1"} = $postate->{last};} elsif($postate->{type} eq "msgctxt") {$postate->{context} = $postate->{last};} elsif($postate->{type}) { die "Strange type $postate->{type} found\n" } if($new) { my $en = $postate->{context} ? "___$postate->{context}___$postate->{msgid}" : $postate->{msgid}; if((!$postate->{fuzzy}) && ($l eq "pot" || $postate->{msgstr}) && $postate->{msgid} && (!$use || $use->{$en})) { copystring($data, $postate->{msgid}, $l, $postate->{msgstr},$txt,$postate->{context}, 1); if(!$use || $use->{$en}{"en.1"}) { for(my $i = 1; exists($postate->{"msgstr_$i"}); ++$i) { copystring($data, $postate->{msgid}, "$l.$i", $postate->{"msgstr_$i"},$txt,$postate->{context}, 1); } if($postate->{msgid_1}) { copystring($data, $postate->{msgid}, "en.1", $postate->{msgid_1},$txt,$postate->{context}, 1); } } copystring($data, $postate->{msgid}, "_src.$l", $postate->{src},$txt,$postate->{context}, 1); } elsif($postate->{msgstr} && !$postate->{msgid}) { my %k = ($postate->{msgstr} =~ /(.+?): +(.+?)\\n/g); # take the first one! for $a (sort keys %k) { $keys->{$l}{$a} = $k{$a} if !$keys->{$l}{$a}; } } foreach my $k (keys %{$postate}) { delete $postate->{$k}; } $postate->{type} = $postate->{last} = ""; } } sub makestring($) { my ($str) = @_; $str =~ s/\\"/"/g; $str =~ s/\\\\/\\/g; $str =~ s/\\n/\n/g; $str = encode("utf8", $str); return $str; } sub checkstring { my ($la, $tr, $en, $cnt, $en1, $eq) = @_; $tr = makestring($tr); $en = makestring($en); $cnt = $cnt || 0; $en1 = makestring($en1) if defined($en1); my $error = 0; # Test one - are there single quotes which don't occur twice my $v = $tr; $v =~ s/''//g; # replace all twice occuring single quotes $v =~ s/'[{}]'//g; # replace all bracketquoting single quotes if($v =~ /'/)#&& $la ne "en") { warn "JAVA translation issue for language $la: Mismatching single quotes:\nTranslated text: ".decode("utf8",$tr)."\nOriginal text: ".decode("utf8",$en)."\n"; $error = 1; } # Test two - check if there are {..} which should not be my @fmt = (); my $fmt; my $fmte; my $fmte1 = ""; my $trt = $tr; $trt =~ s/'[{}]'//g; while($trt =~ /\{(.*?)\}/g) {push @fmt,$1}; $fmt = join("_", sort @fmt); @fmt = (); my $ent = $en; $ent =~ s/'[{}]'//g; while($ent =~ /\{(.*?)\}/g) {push @fmt,$1}; $fmte = join("_", sort @fmt); @fmt = (); if($en1) { my $en1t = $en1; $en1t =~ s/'[{}]'//g; while($en1t =~ /\{(.*?)\}/g) {push @fmt,$1}; $fmte1 = join("_", sort @fmt); } if($fmt ne $fmte && $fmt ne $fmte1) { if(!($fmte eq '0' && $fmt eq "" && $cnt == 1)) # Don't warn when a single value is left for first multi-translation { warn "JAVA translation issue for language $la ($cnt): Mismatching format entries:\nTranslated text: ".decode("utf8",$tr)."\nOriginal text: ".decode("utf8",$en)."\n"; $error = 1; } } #$tr = "" if($error && $la ne "en"); return pack("n",65534) if $eq; return pack("n",length($tr)).$tr; } sub createlang($@) { my ($data, @files) = @_; my $maxlen = 0; foreach my $file (@files) { my $len = length($file); $maxlen = $len if $len > $maxlen; } my $maxcount = keys(%{$data}); foreach my $file (@files) { my $la; my $cnt = 0; if($file =~ /^(?:.*\/)?$lang_pattern_file\.lang$/) { $la = $1; $la =~ s/-/\@/; } else { die "Language for file $file unknown."; } die "Could not open outfile $file\n" if !open FILE,">:raw",$file; foreach my $en (sort keys %{$data}) { next if $data->{$en}{"en.1"}; my $val; my $eq; if($la eq "en") { ++$cnt; $val = $en; $val =~ s/^___(.*)___/_:$1\n/; } else { my $ennoctx = $en; $ennoctx =~ s/^___(.*)___//; $val = (exists($data->{$en}{$la})) ? $data->{$en}{$la} : ""; ++$cnt if $val; if($ennoctx eq $val) { $val = ""; $eq = 1; } } print FILE checkstring($la, $val, $en, undef, undef, $eq); } print FILE pack "n",0xFFFF; foreach my $en (sort keys %{$data}) { next if !$data->{$en}{"en.1"}; my $num; for($num = 1; exists($data->{$en}{"$la.$num"}); ++$num) { } my $val; my $eq = 0; if($la eq "en") { ++$cnt; $val = $en; $val =~ s/^___(.*)___/_:$1\n/; } else { $val = (exists($data->{$en}{$la})) ? $data->{$en}{$la} : ""; --$num if(!$val); ++$cnt if $val; if($num == 2) { my $ennoctx = $en; $ennoctx =~ s/^___(.*)___//; if($val eq $ennoctx && $data->{$en}{"$la.1"} eq $data->{$en}{"en.1"}) { $num = 0; $eq = 1; } } } print FILE pack "C",$eq ? 0xFE : $num; if($num) { print FILE checkstring($la, $val, $en, 1, $data->{$en}{"en.1"}); for($num = 1; exists($data->{$en}{"$la.$num"}); ++$num) { print FILE checkstring($la, $data->{$en}{"$la.$num"}, $en, $num+1, $data->{$en}{"en.1"}); } } } close FILE; if(!$cnt) { unlink $file; printf "Skipped file %-${maxlen}s: Contained 0 strings out of %5d.\n",$file,$maxcount; } else { printf "Created file %-${maxlen}s: Added %5d strings out of %5d (%5.1f%%).\n",$file,$cnt,$maxcount,,$cnt*100.0/$maxcount; } } } sub main { my %lang; my @po; my $potfile; my $basename = "./"; foreach my $arg (@ARGV) { next if $arg !~ /^--/; if($arg =~ /^--basedir=(.+)$/) { $basename = $1; } elsif($arg =~ /^--potfile=(.+)$/) { $potfile = $1; } else { die "Unknown argument $arg."; } } $basename .= "/" if !($basename =~ /[\/\\:]$/); foreach my $arg (@ARGV) { next if $arg =~ /^--/; foreach my $f (glob $arg) { if($f =~ /\*/) { printf "Skipping $f\n"; } elsif($f =~ /\.po$/) { push(@po, $f); } else { die "unknown file extension."; } } } my %data = loadfiles(\%lang,$potfile ? loadpot($potfile) : undef, @po); my @clang; foreach my $la (sort keys %lang) { $la =~ s/\@/-/; push(@clang, "${basename}$la.lang"); } push(@clang, "${basename}en.lang"); die "There have been warning. No output.\n" if $waswarn; createlang(\%data, @clang); }