source: osm/applications/editors/josm/i18n/ 33561

Last change on this file since 33561 was 32280, checked in by stoecker, 9 years ago

fix typo

File size: 5.9 KB
1#! /usr/bin/perl -w
3# Written by Dirk Stöcker <>
4# Public domain, no rights reserved.
6use strict;
8my $item = "";
9my $chunk = "";
10my $group;
11my $combo_n;
12my $combo_type;
13my $result = 0;
14my $comment = 0;
15my $vctx;
17# This is a simple conversion and in no way a complete XML parser
18# but it works with a default Perl installation
20# Print a header to write valid Java code. No line break,
21# so that the input and output line numbers will match.
22print "class trans_preset { void tr(String s){} void f() {";
24sub fix($)
26 my ($val) = @_;
27 $val =~ s/'/''/g;
28 $val =~ s/&lt;/</g;
29 $val =~ s/&gt;/>/g;
30 $val =~ s/&amp;/&/g;
31 return $val;
34sub infoblock
36 my $r = "";
37 $r .= " item $item" if $item;
38 $r .= " chunk $chunk" if $chunk;
39 $r .= " group $group" if $group;
40 $r .= " $_[0]" if $_[0];
41 return $r ? "/* $r */ " : "";
44my $linenr = 0;
45while(my $line = <>)
47 ++$linenr;
48 chomp($line);
49 print "tr(\"---DUMMY-MARKER---\"); ";
50 if($line =~ /<item\s+name=(".*?")/)
51 {
52 my $val = fix($1);
53 $item = $group ? "$group$val" : $val;
54 $item =~ s/""/\//;
55 if($line =~ /name_context=(".*?")/)
56 {
57 print infoblock() . "trc($1, $val);\n";
58 }
59 else
60 {
61 print infoblock() . "tr($val);\n";
62 }
63 }
64 elsif($line =~ /<chunk\s+id=(".*?")/)
65 {
66 $chunk = fix($1);
67 }
68 elsif($line =~ /<group.*\s+name=(".*?")/)
69 {
70 my $gr = fix($1);
71 $group = $group ? "$group$gr" : $gr;
72 $group =~ s/\"\"/\//;
73 if($line =~ /name_context=(".*?")/)
74 {
75 print infoblock() . "trc($1,$gr);\n";
76 }
77 else
78 {
79 print infoblock() . "tr($gr);\n";
80 }
81 }
82 elsif($line =~ /<label.*\s+text=" "/)
83 {
84 print infoblock("empty label") . "\n";
85 }
86 elsif($line =~ /<label.*\s+text=(".*?")/)
87 {
88 my $text = fix($1);
89 if($line =~ /text_context=(".*?")/)
90 {
91 print infoblock("label $text") ."trc($1,$text);\n";
92 }
93 else
94 {
95 print infoblock("label $text") . "tr($text);\n";
96 }
97 }
98 elsif($line =~ /<text.*\s+text=(".*?")/)
99 {
100 my $n = fix($1);
101 if($line =~ /text_context=(".*?")/)
102 {
103 print infoblock("text $n") . "trc($1,$n);\n";
104 }
105 else
106 {
107 print infoblock("text $n") . "tr($n);\n";
108 }
109 }
110 elsif($line =~ /<check.*\s+text=(".*?")/)
111 {
112 my $n = fix($1);
113 if($line =~ /text_context=(".*?")/)
114 {
115 print infoblock("check $n") . "trc($1,$n);\n";
116 }
117 else
118 {
119 print infoblock("check $n") . "tr($n);\n";
120 }
121 }
122 elsif($line =~ /<role.*\s+text=(".*?")/)
123 {
124 my $n = fix($1);
125 if($line =~ /text_context=(".*?")/)
126 {
127 print infoblock("role $n") . "trc($1,$n);\n";
128 }
129 else
130 {
131 print infoblock("role $n") . "tr($n);\n";
132 }
133 }
134 elsif($line =~ /<optional.*\s+text=(".*?")/)
135 {
136 my $n = fix($1);
137 if($line =~ /text_context=(".*?")/)
138 {
139 print infoblock("optional $n") . "trc($1,$n);\n";
140 }
141 else
142 {
143 print infoblock("optional $n") . "tr($n);\n";
144 }
145 }
146 elsif($line =~ /<(combo|multiselect).*\s+text=(".*?")/)
147 {
148 my ($type,$n) = ($1,fix($2));
149 $combo_n = $n;
150 $combo_type = $type;
151 $vctx = ($line =~ /values_context=(".*?")/) ? $1 : undef;
152 # text
153 my $tctx = ($line =~ /text_context=(".*?")/) ? $1 : undef;
154 print infoblock("$type $n") . ($tctx ? " trc($tctx, $n);" : " tr($n);");
155 # display_values / values
156 my $sp = ($line =~ /delimiter="(.*?)"/) ? $1 : ($type eq "combo" ? ",":";");
157 my $vals = ($line =~ / display_values="(.*?)"/) ? $1 : ($line =~ /values="(.*?)"/) ? $1 : undef;
158 $vals = undef if ($line =~ /values_no_i18n="true"/);
159 if($vals)
160 {
161 my @combo_values = split "\Q$sp\E" ,$vals;
162 foreach my $val (@combo_values)
163 {
164 next if $val =~ /^[0-9-]+$/; # search for non-numbers
165 $val = fix($val);
166 print infoblock("$type $n display value") . ($vctx ? " trc($vctx, \"$val\");" : " tr(\"$val\");");
167 }
168 }
169 print "\n";
170 }
171 elsif(!$comment && $line =~ /<list_entry/)
172 {
173 my $vctxi = ($line =~ /value_context=(".*?")/) ? $1 : $vctx;
174 my $value = ($line =~ /value=(".*?")/) ? $1 : undef;
175 if($line =~ /display_value=(".*?")/)
176 {
177 my $val = fix($1);
178 print infoblock("$combo_type $combo_n entry $value display value") . ($vctxi ? " trc($vctxi, $val);" : " tr($val);");
179 }
180 else
181 {
182 my $val = fix($value);
183 print infoblock("$combo_type $combo_n entry $value display value") . ($vctxi ? " trc($vctxi, $val);" : " tr($val);");
184 }
185 if($line =~ /short_description=(".*?")/)
186 {
187 my $val = fix($1);
188 print infoblock("$combo_type $combo_n entry $value short description") . "tr($val);";
189 }
190 print "\n";
191 }
192 elsif($line =~ /<\/group>/)
193 {
194 $group = 0 if !($group =~ s/(.*\/).*?$//);
195 print "\n";
196 }
197 elsif($line =~ /<\/item>/)
198 {
199 $item = "";
200 print "\n";
201 }
202 elsif($line =~ /<\/chunk>/)
203 {
204 $chunk = "";
205 }
206 elsif($line =~ /<\/(combo|multiselect)/)
207 {
208 $combo_n = "";
209 print "\n";
210 }
211 elsif(!$line)
212 {
213 print "\n";
214 }
215 elsif($line =~ /^\s*$/
216 || $line =~ /<separator *\/>/
217 || $line =~ /<space *\/>/
218 || $line =~ /<\/?optional>/
219 || $line =~ /<key/
220 || $line =~ /<presets/
221 || $line =~ /<checkgroup/
222 || $line =~ /<\/checkgroup/
223 || $line =~ /<\/presets/
224 || $line =~ /roles/
225 || $line =~ /href=/
226 || $line =~ /<!--/
227 || $line =~ /<\?xml/
228 || $line =~ /-->/
229 || $line =~ /<\/?chunk/
230 || $line =~ /<reference/
231 || $line =~ /<preset_link/
232 || $line =~ /<item_separator\/>/
233 || $comment)
234 {
235 $line =~ s/[ \t]+((?:short)?description) *= *"([^"]+)/*\/ \/* $1 *\/ tr("$2"); \/*/g;
236 print "/* $line */\n";
237 }
238 else
239 {
240 print "/* unparsed line $line */\n";
241 print STDERR "/* unparsed line $linenr $line */\n";
242 $result = 20
243 }
245 # note, these two must be in this order ore oneliners aren't handled
246 $comment = 1 if($line =~ /<!--/);
247 $comment = 0 if($line =~ /-->/);
250print "}}\n";
251exit($result) if $result;
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