1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2 | <project name="JOSM i18n" default="build" basedir=".">
3 | <!-- compilation properties -->
4 | <property name="josm.build.dir" value="../core"/>
5 | <property name="josm.presets" value="${josm.build.dir}/data/defaultpresets.xml"/>
6 | <property name="plugin.dir" value="../plugins"/>
7 | <property name="maps.srcfile" value="http://josm.openstreetmap.de/maps"/>
8 | <property name="wiki.srcfile" value="http://josm.openstreetmap.de/josmfile?mode=en"/>
9 | <property name="surveyor.srcfile" value="${plugin.dir}/surveyor/resources/surveyor.xml"/>
10 | <property name="i18n.build.dir" value="build"/>
11 | <property name="i18n.install.dir" value="${josm.build.dir}/data"/>
12 | <property name="i18n_data.install.dir" value="${josm.build.dir}/data_nodist/trans"/>
13 | <property name="po.build.dir" value="${i18n.build.dir}"/>
14 | <property name="ant.build.javac.target" value="1.5"/>
15 | <property name="gettexttasks.jar" value="lib/gettext-ant-tasks-0.9.7.jar"/>
16 | <property name="antcontrib.jar" value="lib/ant-contrib-1.0b3.jar"/>
17 | <target name="init" description="Loads the Ant gettext and contrib tasks">
18 | <taskdef name="gettext-extract" classname="org.xnap.commons.ant.gettext.GettextExtractKeysTask" classpath="${gettexttasks.jar}"/>
19 | <!-- for the <foreach> possibility -->
20 | <taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antcontrib.properties" classpath="${antcontrib.jar}"/>
21 | </target>
22 | <target name="builddir">
23 | <mkdir dir="${i18n.build.dir}"/>
24 | </target>
25 | <target name="trans_.java" depends="builddir">
26 | <exec executable="perl" failonerror="true" output="${i18n.build.dir}/trans_presets.java">
27 | <arg line="convpreset.pl ${josm.presets}"/>
28 | </exec>
29 | <exec executable="perl" failonerror="true" output="${i18n.build.dir}/trans_maps.java">
30 | <arg line="convmaps.pl ${maps.srcfile}"/>
31 | </exec>
32 | <exec executable="perl" failonerror="true" output="${i18n.build.dir}/trans_surveyor.java">
33 | <arg line="convsurveyor.pl ${surveyor.srcfile}"/>
34 | </exec>
35 | <exec executable="perl" failonerror="true" output="${i18n.build.dir}/trans_plugins.java">
36 | <arg line="convplugins.pl ${plugin.dir}/*/build.xml"/>
37 | </exec>
38 | <exec executable="perl" failonerror="true">
39 | <arg line="convwiki.pl ${wiki.srcfile} ${i18n.build.dir}/josmfiles ${i18n.build.dir}/josmfiles.zip"/>
40 | </exec>
41 | <copy file="specialmessages.java" todir="${i18n.build.dir}"/>
42 | </target>
43 | <target name="po/josm.pot" description="Extracts message keys from the source code" depends="trans_.java,init">
44 | <gettext-extract keysFile="josm.pot" poDirectory="po" keywords="-k -ktrc:1c,2 -kmarktrc:1c,2 -ktr -kmarktr -ktrn:1,2 -ktrnc:1c,2,3">
45 | <fileset dir="${josm.build.dir}/src" includes="**/*.java"/>
46 | <fileset dir="${i18n.build.dir}" includes="specialmessages.java"/>
47 | <fileset dir="${i18n.build.dir}" includes="trans_*.java"/>
48 | <!-- <fileset dir="${i18n.build.dir}/josmfiles" includes="trans_*.*"/> disable for now -->
49 | <fileset dir="${josm.build.dir}/data/validator" includes="*.mapcss"/>
50 | <fileset dir="${josm.build.dir}/styles/standard" includes="*.mapcss"/>
51 | <fileset dir="${plugin.dir}" includes="**/*.java"/>
52 | </gettext-extract>
53 | </target>
54 | <target name="po/core.pot" description="Extracts message keys from the JOSM core source code" depends="trans_.java,init">
55 | <gettext-extract keysFile="core.pot" poDirectory="po" keywords="-k -ktrc:1c,2 -kmarktrc:1c,2 -ktr -kmarktr -ktrn:1,2 -ktrnc:1c,2,3">
56 | <fileset dir="${josm.build.dir}/src" includes="**/*.java"/>
57 | <fileset dir="${i18n.build.dir}" includes="specialmessages.java"/>
58 | <fileset dir="${i18n.build.dir}" includes="trans_presets.java"/>
59 | <!-- maps should be in data instead, but that requires language file loading support in trac python code -->
60 | <fileset dir="${i18n.build.dir}" includes="trans_maps.java"/>
61 | <fileset dir="${josm.build.dir}/data/validator" includes="*.mapcss"/>
62 | <fileset dir="${josm.build.dir}/styles/standard" includes="*.mapcss"/>
63 | </gettext-extract>
64 | </target>
65 | <target name="po/data.pot" description="Extracts message keys from data files, e.g., presets, imagery (minus core strings)" depends="trans_.java,po/core.pot,init">
66 | <gettext-extract keysFile="data.raw.pot" poDirectory="${i18n.build.dir}" keywords="-k -ktrc:1c,2 -kmarktrc:1c,2 -ktr -kmarktr -ktrn:1,2 -ktrnc:1c,2,3">
67 | <fileset dir="${i18n.build.dir}" includes="trans_plugins.java"/>
68 | <!-- <fileset dir="${i18n.build.dir}/josmfiles" includes="trans_*.*"/> -->
69 | </gettext-extract>
70 | <copy todir="${po.build.dir}">
71 | <fileset dir="po" includes="core.pot"/>
72 | </copy>
73 | <exec executable="msgcomm" failonerror="true" output="po/data.pot">
74 | <arg line="--unique po/core.pot ${po.build.dir}/core.pot ${i18n.build.dir}/data.raw.pot"/>
75 | </exec>
76 | <delete file="${po.build.dir}/core.pot"/>
77 | <delete file="${po.build.dir}/data.raw.pot"/>
78 | </target>
79 | <target name="po/plugins.pot" description="Extracts message keys from the plugins source code (minus core and data strings)" depends="trans_.java,po/core.pot,po/data.pot,init">
80 | <gettext-extract keysFile="plugins.raw.pot" poDirectory="${i18n.build.dir}" keywords="-k -ktrc:1c,2 -kmarktrc:1c,2 -ktr -kmarktr -ktrn:1,2 -ktrnc:1c,2,3">
81 | <fileset dir="${plugin.dir}" includes="**/*.java"/>
82 | <fileset dir="${i18n.build.dir}" includes="trans_surveyor.java"/>
83 | </gettext-extract>
84 | <copy todir="${po.build.dir}">
85 | <fileset dir="po" includes="core.pot"/>
86 | <fileset dir="po" includes="data.pot"/>
87 | </copy>
88 | <exec executable="msgcomm" failonerror="true" output="po/plugins.pot">
89 | <arg line="--unique po/core.pot ${po.build.dir}/core.pot po/data.pot ${po.build.dir}/data.pot ${i18n.build.dir}/plugins.raw.pot"/>
90 | </exec>
91 | <delete file="${po.build.dir}/core.pot"/>
92 | <delete file="${po.build.dir}/data.pot"/>
93 | <delete file="${po.build.dir}/plugins.raw.pot"/>
94 | </target>
95 | <target name="build" depends="pot,allpot">
96 | <antcall target="coretrans"/>
97 | <antcall target="datatrans"/>
98 | <foreach param="path" target="plugintrans">
99 | <path>
100 | <dirset dir="${plugin.dir}" includes="*" excludes="00_*" />
101 | </path>
102 | </foreach>
103 | </target>
104 | <target name="singleplugintrans" depends="init">
105 | <antcall target="plugintrans">
106 | <param name="path" value="${plugin}"/>
107 | </antcall>
108 | </target>
109 | <target name="buildcore" depends="po/core.pot,po/data.pot">
110 | <antcall target="coretrans"/>
111 | <antcall target="datatrans"/>
112 | </target>
113 | <target name="coretrans">
114 | <exec executable="perl" failonerror="true">
115 | <arg line="i18n.pl --potfile=po/core.pot --basedir=${i18n.install.dir}/ po/*.po"/>
116 | </exec>
117 | </target>
118 | <target name="datatrans">
119 | <exec executable="perl" failonerror="true">
120 | <arg line="i18n.pl --potfile=po/data.pot --basedir=${i18n_data.install.dir}/ po/*.po"/>
121 | </exec>
122 | </target>
123 | <target name="plugintrans">
124 | <basename file="${path}" property="dir"/>
125 | <mkdir dir="${po.build.dir}/plugin_${dir}"/>
126 | <exec executable="perl" failonerror="true" output="${po.build.dir}/plugin_${dir}/trans_plugin.java">
127 | <arg line="convplugins.pl ${plugin.dir}/${dir}/build.xml"/>
128 | </exec>
129 | <gettext-extract keysFile="josm.pot" poDirectory="${po.build.dir}/plugin_${dir}" keywords="-k -ktrc:1c,2 -kmarktrc:1c,2 -ktr -kmarktr -ktrn:1,2 -ktrnc:1c,2,3">
130 | <fileset dir="${plugin.dir}/${dir}" includes="**/*.java"/>
131 | <fileset dir="${po.build.dir}/plugin_${dir}" includes="trans_*.java"/>
132 | <fileset dir="${i18n.build.dir}" includes="trans_${dir}.java"/>
133 | </gettext-extract>
134 | <if>
135 | <available file="${po.build.dir}/plugin_${dir}/josm.pot"/>
136 | <then>
137 | <exec executable="perl" failonerror="true">
138 | <arg line="i18n.pl --potfile=${po.build.dir}/plugin_${dir}/josm.pot --basedir=${plugin.dir}/${dir}/data/ po/*.po"/>
139 | </exec>
140 | </then>
141 | </if>
142 | <delete dir="${po.build.dir}/plugin_${dir}"/>
143 | </target>
144 | <target name="clean">
145 | <delete dir="${i18n.build.dir}"/>
146 | <delete file="po/josm.pot"/>
147 | <delete>
148 | <fileset dir="po" includes="*.*~" defaultexcludes="false"/>
149 | </delete>
150 | <delete>
151 | <fileset dir="po" includes="*.po" defaultexcludes="false"/>
152 | </delete>
153 | </target>
154 | <target name="test" depends="pot">
155 | <mkdir dir="${i18n.build.dir}/test"/>
156 | <exec executable="perl" failonerror="true">
157 | <arg line="i18n.pl --potfile=po/josm.pot --basedir=${i18n.build.dir}/test/ po/*.po"/>
158 | </exec>
159 | </target>
160 | <target name="pot" depends="po/josm.pot" />
161 | <target name="allpot" depends="po/core.pot,po/data.pot,po/plugins.pot" />
162 | <target name="update">
163 | <exec executable="perl" failonerror="true">
164 | <arg line="launchpad.pl bzronly"/>
165 | </exec>
166 | <antcall target="build"/>
167 | </target>
168 | <target name="updatecore">
169 | <exec executable="perl" failonerror="true">
170 | <arg line="launchpad.pl bzronly"/>
171 | </exec>
172 | <antcall target="buildcore"/>
173 | </target>
174 | </project>