1 | How to use:
2 |
3 | Prerequisites:
4 | a) You must have installed ant, perl, libwww-perl, libterm-readkey-perl, gettext, bzr
5 | b) You must register your SSH key with Launchpad. See https://launchpad.net/people/+me
6 | c) You must inform bzr of your Launchpad ID. See "bzr help launchpad-login".
7 |
8 | Tasks:
9 | 1) Get new translation catalog file:
10 | Call "ant pot"
11 | Afterwards the new file should be uploaded to Launchpad (see (5) below)
12 |
13 | 2) Update translations to current state (from daily updated Bazaar repository):
14 | Call "ant update" or "ant updatecore" when plugins are unwanted
15 | NOTE: The Bazaar repository is updated once a day. For most recent data try (6) and (3) instead.
16 |
17 | 3) Update translations from Launchpad download file:
18 | Call "./launchpad.pl <url>", where <url> is the supplied URL from launchpad.
19 | This call always builds core and plugins, but safely can be aborted after core is completed.
20 |
21 | 4) Check whether translations have string errors (e.g. wrong ' count or illegal {})
22 | Translation data (.po) must exist!
23 | Call "ant test".
24 |
25 | 5) Upload POT file to launchpad:
26 | Call "./launchpad.pl upload". You need to set login information (see file how to do) or enter them when running.
27 | Can also be issued by hand on the Launchpad web page.
28 |
29 | 6) Request launchpad po file download:
30 | Call "./launchpad.pl download". You need to set login information (see file how to do) or enter them when running.
31 | Can also be issued by hand on the Launchpad web page.
32 | After some time a mail is sent with a URL. With this URL step (3) can be done.
33 |
34 | 7) Build a single plugin:
35 | Call "ant -Dplugin=name singleplugintrans"
36 |
37 | NOTE:
38 | a) Your repositories should not have any local modifications which modify string elements!
39 | b) Always do an "svn up" for core and plugins before starting!