package ch.guggis.haiti.radiotv; import; import; import; import javax.xml.xpath.* import groovy.util.IndentPrinter; import groovy.util.XmlParser import groovy.xml.MarkupBuilder; import groovy.xml.DOMBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory import org.xml.sax.InputSource import groovy.xml.StreamingMarkupBuilder import org.w3c.dom.Node import java.text.SimpleDateFormat import groovy.util.CliBuilder import groovy.xml.XmlUtil /** * Takes a file with the newest data for studios from IMS and creates an OSM file * with property ids, version info and action="modify" attributes, in order to open * it in JOSM and upload it to OSM. * */ class UpdateFileBuilder { private static def xpath = XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath() def lastChangesetId def reader def writer def queryApi(url) { def builder = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder() def doc = builder.parse( new InputSource( new InputStreamReader( new URL(url).openStream(), "UTF-8" ) ) ).documentElement return doc } /** * Retrieves the nodes which have been updated and create in the last update of * the studio dataset * */ def fetchChangeset() { return queryApi("${lastChangesetId}/download") } /** * Fetch the current version for all nodes representing IMS studios * */ def currentIMSStudioObjectsFromOsm(changeset) { def ids = [] xpath.evaluate("//node", changeset, XPathConstants.NODESET).each { node -> ids << xpath.evaluate("./@id", node, XPathConstants.STRING) } return queryApi("" + ids.join(",")) } /** * Load the new data from the OSM file * */ def loadNewStudios() { def builder = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder() def doc = builder.parse( new InputSource( reader ) ).documentElement return doc } /** * Update the id and version in the studio objects. */ def updateIdsAndVersions(newStudios, oldStudios) { xpath.evaluate("//node", newStudios, XPathConstants.NODESET).each { newStudio -> def imsid = xpath.evaluate("./tag[@k = 'ims:id']/@v", newStudio, XPathConstants.STRING) println "Processing studio '${imsid}' ..." def osmid = xpath.evaluate("//tag[@k = 'ims:id'][@v = '${imsid}']/../@id", oldStudios, XPathConstants.STRING) def osmversion = xpath.evaluate("//tag[@k = 'pid'][@v = '${imsid}']/../@version", oldStudios, XPathConstants.STRING) if (!osmid) { println "Warning: didn't find an existing node for studio '${imsid}'. Adding the studio instead of updating it." return } newStudio.setAttribute("id", osmid) newStudio.setAttribute("version", osmversion) newStudio.setAttribute("action", "modify") } return newStudios } def process() { println "Fetching changeset '${lastChangesetId}' from OSM API ..." def changeset = fetchChangeset() println "Fetching the current versions of the nodes from the OSM API ..." def oldStudios = currentIMSStudioObjectsFromOsm(changeset) println "Loading the new nodes for IMS studios ..." def newStudios = loadNewStudios() println "Updating the ids and versions of the new studios ..." updateIdsAndVersions(newStudios, oldStudios) println "Writing the update changeset file ..." writer.println newStudios writer.flush() } def usage() { println """ groovy ch.guggis.haiti.radiotv.UpdateFileBuilder [options] Options: -cs, --last-changeset the changeset id used in the last upload. Mandatory. -h, --help show help information -i, --input-file the input file. Reads from stdin if missing -o, --output-file the output file. Writes to stdout if missing. """ } def fail(msg) { println msg usage() System.exit(1) } def processCommandLineOptions(argArray) { def inputFile def outputFile def args = Arrays.asList(argArray) args = args.reverse() def arg = args.pop() while(arg != null) { switch(arg) { case "-i": case "--input-file": inputFile = args.pop() if (inputFile == null) { fail "Error: missing input file" } break case "-o": case "--output-file": outputFile = args.pop() if (outputFile == null) { fail "Error: missing output file" } break case "-cs": case "--last-changeset": lastChangesetId = args.pop() if (lastChangesetId == null) { fail "Error: missing changeset id" } break case "-h": case "--help": usage() System.exit(0) break default: fail "Illegal argument ${arg}" } arg = args.empty ? null : args.pop() } if (!lastChangesetId) { fail("Mandatory command line option '-cs' missing.") System.exit(1) } if (inputFile) { reader = new File(inputFile).newReader("UTF-8") } else { reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(, "UTF-8")) } if (outputFile) { writer = new File(outputFile).newWriter("UTF-8") } else { writer = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(System.out, "UTF-8")) } } static public void main(args) { def task = new UpdateFileBuilder() task.processCommandLineOptions(args) task.process() } }