package ch.guggis.haiti.radiotv; import; import; import; import javax.xml.xpath.* import groovy.util.IndentPrinter; import groovy.util.XmlParser import groovy.xml.MarkupBuilder; import groovy.xml.DOMBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory import org.xml.sax.InputSource import groovy.xml.StreamingMarkupBuilder import org.w3c.dom.Node import java.text.SimpleDateFormat import groovy.util.CliBuilder /** * A radio or tv studio in the IMS list */ class Studio { private static def xpath = XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath() def id def lat def lon def String name = null def String type = null def String address = null def String contact = null def String email = null def String phone = null def String frequency = null def String notes = null /** * Create a studio from a Placemark in the KML file */ public Studio(Node placemark) { initId(placemark) initName(placemark) initType(placemark) initAddress(placemark) initContact(placemark) initPhone(placemark) initFrequency(placemark) initNotes(placemark) initEmail(placemark) initLatLon(placemark) } private def normalize(String s) { if (s == null) return s s = s.trim() s = s.replaceAll("\n", " ") s = s.substring(0,Math.min(s.length(), 255)) return s } /** * init the the from the Placemark node */ static private def exprId = xpath.compile("./@id") private def initId(placemark) { id = exprId.evaluate(placemark, XPathConstants.STRING) } /** * init the lat/lon-coordinates from the Placemark node */ static private def exprLatLon = xpath.compile("./Point/coordinates/text()") private def initLatLon(placemark) { def latlon = exprLatLon.evaluate(placemark, XPathConstants.STRING) lat = null lon = null if (latlon == null) { return } def latlonarr = latlon.split(",") if (latlonarr == null || latlonarr.length != 2) { println "Error: illegal format of latlon '${latlon}' for studio '${id}'" return } lat = latlonarr[1].trim() lon = latlonarr[0].trim() } /** * init the name from the Placemark */ static private def exprName = xpath.compile("./name/text()") def initName(placemark) { name = exprName.evaluate(placemark, XPathConstants.STRING) if (name != null) name = name.trim() } /** * init the media type from the Placemark */ static private def exprType = xpath.compile("./ExtendedData/Data[@name = 'Type']/value/text()") def initType(placemark) { type = exprType.evaluate(placemark, XPathConstants.STRING) if (type != null) type = type.trim() } /** * init the address from the Placemark */ static private def exprAddress = xpath.compile("./ExtendedData/Data[@name = 'Address']/value/text()") def initAddress(placemark) { address = normalize(exprAddress.evaluate(placemark, XPathConstants.STRING)) } /** * init the contact information from the Placemark */ static private def exprContact = xpath.compile("./ExtendedData/Data[@name = 'Contact']/value/text()") def initContact(placemark) { contact = normalize(exprContact.evaluate(placemark, XPathConstants.STRING)) } /** * init the email address from the Placemark */ static private def exprEmail = xpath.compile("./ExtendedData/Data[@name = 'Email']/value/text()") def initEmail(placemark) { email = normalize(exprEmail.evaluate(placemark, XPathConstants.STRING)) } /** * init the frequency from the Placemark */ static private def exprFrequency = xpath.compile("./ExtendedData/Data[@name = 'Frequency']/value/text()") def initFrequency(placemark) { frequency = normalize(exprFrequency.evaluate(placemark, XPathConstants.STRING)) } /** * init the notes from the Placemark */ static private def exprNotes = xpath.compile("./ExtendedData/Data[@name = 'Notes']/value/text()") def initNotes(placemark) { notes = normalize(exprNotes.evaluate(placemark, XPathConstants.STRING)) } /** * init the phone from the Placemark */ static private def exprPhone = xpath.compile("./ExtendedData/Data[@name = 'Subtitle']/value/text()") def initPhone(placemark) { phone = normalize(exprPhone.evaluate(placemark, XPathConstants.STRING)) if (phone != null) { def matcher = phone =~ /^\s*Tel\s*:\s*(.*)/ if (matcher.matches()) { phone = matcher[0][1] } } } /** * Replies true if this studio has a valid position */ def boolean isValidPosition() { return lat != null && lon != null } def boolean isTower() { return notes != null && notes.startsWith("This location was found using GPS at the site") } def boolean isTvStation() { return type == "TV Stations" } } /** * The converter */ class Kml2OsmConverter { static final public String RADIO_TV_FILE = "C:/data/projekte/haiti/radiotv/RadioStationsHaitiJan2010.xml" private def xpath = XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath() def reader def writer def process() { def builder = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder() def doc = builder.parse(new InputSource(reader)).documentElement def markup = new MarkupBuilder(writer) def nodeId = 0 markup.getMkp().pi(xml: [version: "1.0", encoding:"UTF-8"]) markup.getMkp().comment(""" Automatically generated from this list of radio and tv studios in haiti: Generated on: ${new SimpleDateFormat().format(new Date())} """) markup.osm(version: "0.6", generator: "Ism2Osm") { xpath.evaluate("//Placemark", doc, XPathConstants.NODESET).each { Node placemark -> def studio = new Studio(placemark) println "Processing studio '${}' with name '${}'" if (!studio.isValidPosition()) { println "Error: studio '${}' doesn't have a valid position. Skipping." return } if (! { println "Error: studio '${}' doesn't have a valid IMS id. Skipping." return } nodeId-- node(id:nodeId, version:1, lat:, lon: studio.lon) { if (studio.isTower()) { tag(k:"man_made", v:"tower"); tag(k:"tower:type", v:"communication") } else { tag(k:"amenity", v:"studio") if (studio.isTvStation()) { tag(k:"type", v:"video") } } if ( { tag(k:"name", } if (studio.type) { tag(k:"ims:media_type", v:studio.type) } tag(k:"ims:id", if (studio.address) { tag(k:"addr", v:studio.address) } if ( { tag(k:"contact", } if ( { tag(k: "contact:email", } if ( { tag(k: "phone", } if (studio.frequency) { tag(k: "ims:frequency", v:studio.frequency) } if (studio.notes) { tag(k: "note", v:studio.notes) } tag(k:"source_ref", v: "") tag(k:"source", "CartONG -") } } } } def usage() { println """ groovy ch.guggis.haiti.radiotv.Kml2OsmConverter [options] Options: -h, --help show help information -i, --input-file the input file. Reads from stdin if missing -o, --output-file the output file. Writes to stdout if missing. """ } def fail(msg) { println msg usage() System.exit(1) } def processCommandLineOptions(argArray) { def inputFile def outputFile def args = Arrays.asList(argArray) args = args.reverse() def arg = args.pop() while(arg != null) { switch(arg) { case "-i": case "--input-file": inputFile = args.pop() if (inputFile == null) { fail "Error: missing input file" } break case "-o": case "--output-file": outputFile = args.pop() if (outputFile == null) { fail "Error: missing output file" } break case "-h": case "--help": usage() System.exit(0) break default: fail "Illegal argument ${arg}" } arg = args.empty ? null : args.pop() } if (inputFile) { reader = new File(inputFile).newReader("UTF-8") } else { reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(, "UTF-8")) } if (outputFile) { writer = new File(outputFile).newWriter("UTF-8") } else { writer = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(System.out, "UTF-8")) } } static public void main(args) { def task = new Kml2OsmConverter() task.processCommandLineOptions(args) task.process() } }