package; import groovy.xml.MarkupBuilder import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; /** * Input: a CSV export of the PAHO Health Facilities List * Output: an OSM file with the PAHO Health Facilities * * !!! DO NOT upload the output file without careful examination !!! * !!! which Health Facilities are already mapped in OSM. !!! * !!! For each generated node, check whether there is already a node !!! * !!! or a way with the same health_facility:paho_id !!! * * Usage: * groovy [options] * Options: * -h, --help show help information * -i, --input-file the input file. Reads from stdin if missing * -o, --output-file the output file. Writes to stdout if missing. * */ class MasterToOsmConverter { def reader def writer def process() { def builder = new MarkupBuilder(writer) def int id = 0 builder.mkp.xmlDeclaration([version:"1.0", encoding:"UTF-8"]) builder.mkp.comment(""" Automatically generated from v2 of the PAHO master list of Health Facilities. Generated on ${new SimpleDateFormat().format(new Date())}by MasterToOsmConverter""" ) builder.osm(version:"0.6") { def nonemptytag = { k,v -> if (v) { tag(k:k, v:v) } } def notnulltag = { k,v -> if (v && v != "0" ) { tag(k:k, v:v) } } reader.eachLine() { line -> def fields = line.split("\t") fields = fields.collect { v -> v = v.replaceAll("^\"", "") v = v.replaceAll("\"\$", "") //v= "${i++}:" + v v } if (fields[0] == "FID") { // skip first line. This is a hack because // reader.eachLine(1) doesn't work // return } id-- node(id:id, lat: fields[26], lon: fields[25], version:1) { notnulltag("health_facility:commune_id",fields[4]) nonemptytag("health_facility:commune", fields[6]) notnulltag("health_facility:department", fields[5]) notnulltag("health_facility:region_id", fields[2]) notnulltag("health_facility:district_id", fields[3]) nonemptytag("health_facility:paho_id",fields[9]) nonemptytag("name", fields[10]) nonemptytag("pcode", fields[17]) nonemptytag("operator", fields[14].trim()) if (fields[15].trim()) { switch(fields[15].trim()) { case "DISP": tag(k:"health_facility:type",v:"dispensary") break case "HOP": tag(k:"amenity",v:"hospital") tag(k:"health_facility:type",v:"hospital") break case "C/S": tag(k:"health_facility:type",v:"cs_health_center") break; case "CSL": tag(k:"health_facility:type",v:"cs_health_center") tag(k:"bed", v:"no") break; case "CAL": tag(k:"health_facility:type",v:"cs_health_center") tag(k:"bed", v:"yes") break; case "Other": case "Unknown": tag(k:"health_facility:type",v:"unspecified") } } nonemptytag("source:health_facility", fields[28]) } } } } def usage() { println """ groovy [options] Options: -h, --help show help information -i, --input-file the input file. Reads from stdin if missing -o, --output-file the output file. Writes to stdout if missing. """ } def fail(msg) { println msg usage() System.exit(1) } def processCommandLineOptions(argArray) { def inputFile def outputFile def args = Arrays.asList(argArray) args = args.reverse() def arg = args.pop() while(arg != null) { switch(arg) { case "-i": case "--input-file": inputFile = args.pop() if (inputFile == null) { fail "Error: missing input file" } break case "-o": case "--output-file": outputFile = args.pop() if (outputFile == null) { fail "Error: missing output file" } break case "-h": case "--help": usage() System.exit(0) break default: fail "Illegal argument ${arg}" } arg = args.empty ? null : args.pop() } if (inputFile) { reader = new File(inputFile).newReader("UTF-8") } else { reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(, "UTF-8")) } if (outputFile) { writer = new File(outputFile).newWriter("UTF-8") } else { writer = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(System.out, "UTF-8")) } } static public void main(args) { def task = new MasterToOsmConverter() task.processCommandLineOptions args task.process() } }