[19878] | 1 | package ch.guggis.haiti.hospital;
| 2 | import java.io.BufferedReader;
| 3 | import javax.xml.xpath.*
| 4 | import groovy.util.XmlParser
| 5 | import groovy.xml.DOMBuilder
| 6 |
| 7 | /**
| 8 | * Takes one of the chunks of health facilities posted here
| 9 | * http://github.com/wonderchook/PAHO_to_OSM/ and checks for each
| 10 | * entry
| 11 | * <ol>
| 12 | * <li>whether there are other already mapped hospitals in the neighborhood</li>
| 13 | * <li>whether there are other already mapped health facilities in the neighborhood</li>
| 14 | * <li>whether an OSM object with the given PAHO id already exists</li>
| 15 | * </ol>
| 16 | *
| 17 | * <strong>Usage</strong>
| 18 | * <pre>
| 19 | * groovy ch.guggis.haiti.hospital.HospitalChunkCheck [options] file
| 20 | *
| 21 | * Options:
| 22 | * -h, --help show help information
| 23 | * </pre>
| 24 | */
| 25 | class HospitalChunkCheck {
| 26 |
| 27 | def File inputFile
| 28 | def xpath = XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath()
| 29 |
| 30 | public HospitalChunkCheck(File inputFile) {
| 31 | this.inputFile = inputFile
| 32 | }
| 33 |
| 34 | def String buildQueryBbox( node) {
| 35 | def minLat = xpath.evaluate("./@lat", node, XPathConstants.NUMBER) - 0.003
| 36 | def minLon = xpath.evaluate("./@lon", node, XPathConstants.NUMBER) - 0.003
| 37 | def maxLat = xpath.evaluate("./@lat", node, XPathConstants.NUMBER) + 0.003
| 38 | def maxLon = xpath.evaluate("./@lon", node, XPathConstants.NUMBER) + 0.003
| 39 | return "bbox=${minLon},${minLat},${maxLon},${maxLat}"
| 40 | }
[19879] | 41 |
[19880] | 42 | def exprHospitalsInProximity = xpath.compile("count(//tag[@k = 'amenity'][@v = 'hospital']/..)")
[19878] | 43 | def int countHospitalsInProximity(node) {
| 44 | def bbox = buildQueryBbox(node)
| 45 | def queryUrl = "http://xapi.openstreetmap.org/api/0.6/*[amenity=hospital][${bbox}]"
| 46 | def xapiResponse = DOMBuilder.parse(new InputStreamReader(new URL(queryUrl).openStream(), "UTF-8"))
[19880] | 47 | def int count = exprHospitalsInProximity.evaluate(xapiResponse, XPathConstants.NUMBER)
[19878] | 48 | return count
| 49 | }
| 50 |
[19880] | 51 | def exprHealthFacilitiesInProximity = xpath.compile("count(//tag[@k = 'health_facility:paho_id']/..)")
[19878] | 52 | def int countHealthFacilitiesInProximity(node) {
| 53 | def bbox = buildQueryBbox(node)
| 54 | def queryUrl = "http://xapi.openstreetmap.org/api/0.6/*[health_facility:paho_id=*][${bbox}]"
| 55 | def xapiResponse = DOMBuilder.parse(new InputStreamReader(new URL(queryUrl).openStream(), "UTF-8"))
[19880] | 56 | def int count = exprHealthFacilitiesInProximity.evaluate(xapiResponse, XPathConstants.NUMBER)
[19878] | 57 | return count
| 58 | }
| 59 |
| 60 | def healthFacilityAlreadyMapped(node) {
| 61 | def id = getHealthFacilityId(node)
| 62 | def queryUrl = "http://xapi.openstreetmap.org/api/0.6/*[health_facility:paho_id=${id}]"
[19880] | 63 | //def queryUrl = "http://osmxapi.hypercube.telascience.org/api/0.6/*[health_facility:paho_id=${id}]"
[19878] | 64 | def xapiResponse = DOMBuilder.parse(new InputStreamReader(new URL(queryUrl).openStream(), "UTF-8"))
[19880] | 65 | def int count = xpath.evaluate("count(//tag[@k = 'health_facility:paho_id'][@v =${id}])", xapiResponse, XPathConstants.NUMBER)
[19878] | 66 | return count > 0
| 67 | }
| 68 |
[19880] | 69 | def exprHealthFacilityId = xpath.compile("./tag[@k = 'health_facility:paho_id']/@v")
[19878] | 70 | def getHealthFacilityId(node) {
[19880] | 71 | return exprHealthFacilityId.evaluate(node)
[19878] | 72 | }
| 73 |
[19880] | 74 | def exprName = xpath.compile("./tag[@k = 'name']/@v")
[19878] | 75 | def getName(node) {
[19880] | 76 | return exprName.evaluate(node)
[19878] | 77 | }
| 78 |
[19880] | 79 | def exprId = xpath.compile("./@id")
[19878] | 80 | def getNodeId(node) {
[19880] | 81 | return exprId.evaluate(node)
[19878] | 82 | }
| 83 |
| 84 | def process() {
| 85 | inputFile.withReader("UTF-8") {
| 86 | reader ->
| 87 | def doc = DOMBuilder.parse(reader)
| 88 | def nodes = xpath.evaluate("//node", doc, XPathConstants.NODESET)
| 89 | nodes.each {
| 90 | def int numHospitals = countHospitalsInProximity(it)
| 91 | def int numHealthFacilities = countHealthFacilitiesInProximity(it)
| 92 | def name = getName(it)
| 93 | def id = getNodeId(it)
| 94 | def alreadyMapped = healthFacilityAlreadyMapped(it)
| 95 | def action = "AUTOMATIC"
| 96 | if (alreadyMapped || numHospitals > 0 || numHealthFacilities >0) {
| 97 | action = "MANUAL MERGE"
| 98 | }
| 99 | println "${action}: id:${id},name: ${name}, num hospitals: ${numHospitals}, num health facilities: ${numHealthFacilities}, already mapped: ${alreadyMapped}"
| 100 | }
| 101 | }
| 102 | }
| 103 |
| 104 | static def usage() {
| 105 | println """
| 106 | groovy ch.guggis.haiti.hospital.HospitalChunkCheck [options] file
| 107 |
| 108 | Options:
| 109 | -h, --help show help information
| 110 | """
| 111 | }
| 112 |
| 113 |
| 114 |
| 115 | static public void main(args) {
| 116 | def files = []
| 117 | args.each {
| 118 | arg ->
| 119 | switch(arg) {
| 120 | case "-h":
| 121 | case "--help":
| 122 | usage();
| 123 | System.exit(0)
| 124 | default:
| 125 | files << arg
| 126 | }
| 127 | }
| 128 | if (files.size() != 1) {
| 129 | System.err.println("Error: Exactly one input file required")
| 130 | usage()
| 131 | System.exit(1)
| 132 | }
| 133 | def checker = new HospitalChunkCheck(new File(files[0]))
| 134 | checker.process()
| 135 | }
| 136 | }