1 | #!/bin/sh
2 |
3 | dst_path=$1
4 |
5 | if [ ! -n "$dst_path" ] ; then
6 | echo "Please specify a Directory to use as Basedirectory"
7 | echo "Usage:"
8 | echo " $0 <working-dir>"
9 | exit -1
10 | fi
11 |
12 | echo "copying Files to '$dst_path'"
13 | package_name=openstreetmap-josm
14 | dst_path=${dst_path%/}
15 |
16 | jar_path="$dst_path/usr/local/share/josm"
17 | mkdir -p "$jar_path"
18 |
19 | bin_path="$dst_path/usr/bin"
20 | mkdir -p "$bin_path"
21 |
22 | #plugin_dir="$dst_path/usr/local/share/josm/plugins"
23 | plugin_dir="$dst_path/usr/lib/josm/plugins"
24 | mkdir -p "$plugin_dir"
25 |
26 | mkdir -p "$dst_path/usr/share/josm"
27 | #( # map-icons to be symlinked
28 | # cd "$dst_path/usr/share/josm"
29 | # ln -s ../map-icons/classic.small images
30 | #)
31 | mkdir -p "$dst_path/usr/lib/josm"
32 |
33 | # ------------------------------------------------------------------
34 | # Compile the Jar Files
35 | echo "Compile Josm"
36 | cd core
37 | ant -q clean
38 | ant -q compile || exit -1
39 | cd ..
40 |
41 | echo "Compile Josm Plugins"
42 | cd plugins
43 | ant -q clean
44 | ant -q dist|| exit -1
45 | cd ..
46 |
47 |
48 | # ------------------------------------------------------------------
49 | # Copy Jar Files
50 |
51 | cp ./core/dist/josm-custom.jar $jar_path/josm.jar || exit -1
52 |
53 | plugin_jars=`find plugins -name "*.jar"`
54 | for src_fn in $plugin_jars ; do
55 | fn="`basename ${src_fn}`"
56 | dst_fn="$plugin_dir/$fn"
57 | echo "cp $src_fn $dst_fn"
58 | cp "$src_fn" "$dst_fn" || exit -1
59 | plugin_name=${fn%.jar}
60 | echo $plugin_name | grep -q -e plastic_laf -e lang && continue
61 | plugins="$plugins$plugin_name,"
62 | done || exit -1
63 |
64 | # remove last empty plugin definition ,
65 | plugins=${plugins%,}
66 |
67 | echo "Activated Plugins:"
68 | echo "$plugins"
69 |
70 | mkdir -p "$jar_path/speller"
71 | cp ../utils/planet.osm/java/speller/words.cfg "$jar_path/speller/"
72 |
73 | # ------------------------------------------------------------------
74 | cp "debian/bin/josm.sh" "$bin_path/josm"
75 |
76 | sed "s/PLUGIN_LIST/$plugins/;" <debian/bin/preferences >"$jar_path/preferences"
77 | cp nsis/bookmarks "$jar_path/bookmarks"