1 | #!/bin/sh
2 |
3 | dst_path=debian/openstreetmap-josm
4 |
5 | #test -n "$1" || help=1
6 | quiet=" -q "
7 | verbose=1
8 |
9 | do_update_icons=true
10 | do_update_josm=true
11 | do_update_josm_ng=true
12 | do_update_plugins=true
13 | do_remove_jar=true
14 |
15 | for arg in "$@" ; do
16 | case $arg in
17 | --dest-path=*) # Destination path to install the final *.jar Files
18 | dst_path=${arg#*=}
19 | ;;
20 |
21 | --no-update-icons) # Do not update icons
22 | do_update_icons=false
23 | ;;
24 |
25 | --no-update-josm) # Do not update Josm
26 | do_update_josm=false
27 | ;;
28 |
29 | --no-update-josm-ng) # Do not update Josm-NG
30 | do_update_josm_ng=false
31 | ;;
32 |
33 | --no-update-plugins) # Do not update the plugins
34 | do_update_plugins=false
35 | ;;
36 |
37 | --no-remove-jar) # Do not remove old jar Files
38 | do_remove_jar=false
39 | ;;
40 |
41 | *)
42 | echo ""
43 | echo "!!!!!!!!! Unknown option $arg"
44 | echo ""
45 | help=1
46 | ;;
47 | esac
48 | done
49 |
50 | if [ -n "$help" ] ; then
51 | # extract options from case commands above
52 | options=`grep -E -e esac -e '\s*--.*\).*#' $0 | sed '/esac/,$d;s/.*--/ [--/; s/=\*)/=val]/; s/)[\s ]/]/; s/#.*\s*//; s/[\n/]//g;'`
53 | options=`for a in $options; do echo -n " $a" ; done`
54 | echo "$0 $options"
55 | echo "
56 |
57 | This script tries to compile and copy all josm Files
58 | and all the plugins.
59 | In case a plugin will not compile it is omitted.
60 | "
61 | # extract options + description from case commands above
62 | grep -E -e esac -e '--.*\).*#' -e '^[\t\s ]+#' $0 | \
63 | grep -v /bin/bash | sed '/esac/,$d;s/.*--/ --/;s/=\*)/=val/;s/)//;s/#//;'
64 | exit;
65 | fi
66 |
67 |
68 | # define colors
69 | ESC=`echo -e "\033"`
70 | RED="${ESC}[91m"
71 | GREEN="${ESC}[92m"
72 | YELLOW="${ESC}[93m"
73 | BLUE="${ESC}[94m"
74 | MAGENTA="${ESC}[95m"
75 | CYAN="${ESC}[96m"
76 | WHITE="${ESC}[97m"
77 | BG_RED="${ESC}[41m"
78 | BG_GREEN="${ESC}[42m"
79 | BG_YELLOW="${ESC}[43m"
80 | BG_BLUE="${ESC}[44m"
81 | BG_MAGENTA="${ESC}[45m"
82 | BG_CYAN="${ESC}[46m"
83 | BG_WHITE="${ESC}[47m"
84 | BRIGHT="${ESC}[01m"
85 | UNDERLINE="${ESC}[04m"
86 | BLINK="${ESC}[05m"
87 | REVERSE="${ESC}[07m"
88 | NORMAL="${ESC}[0m"
89 |
90 | echo "copying Files to '$dst_path'"
91 | package_name=openstreetmap-josm
92 | dst_path=${dst_path%/}
93 |
94 | jar_path="$dst_path/usr/local/share/josm"
95 | mkdir -p "$jar_path"
96 |
97 | bin_path="$dst_path/usr/bin"
98 | mkdir -p "$bin_path"
99 |
100 | #plugin_dir="$dst_path/usr/local/share/josm/plugins"
101 | plugin_dir="$dst_path/usr/lib/josm/plugins"
102 | mkdir -p "$plugin_dir"
103 |
104 | mkdir -p "$dst_path/usr/share/josm"
105 | #( # map-icons to be symlinked
106 | # cd "$dst_path/usr/share/josm"
107 | # ln -s ../map-icons/classic.small images
108 | #)
109 |
110 | # --------------------------------------------
111 | # Try to update Icons
112 | if $do_update_icons ; then
113 | echo "Now we try our best ... to get more icons ..."
114 | find ../../share/map-icons/build/square.small -type f -name "*.png" | while read src_file ; do
115 | file=${src_file#.*square.small/}
116 | dst_dir="plugins/mappaint/icons/`dirname $file`"
117 | mkdir -p $dst_dir
118 | #echo "File $file"
119 | cp -u "$src_file" "plugins/mappaint/icons/$file"
120 | done
121 | fi
122 | mkdir -p "$dst_path/usr/lib/josm"
123 |
124 | # ------------------------------------------------------------------
125 | # Remove Old Jar Files in dist/*.jar
126 |
127 | $do_remove_jar && rm -f dist/*.jar
128 | $do_remove_jar && rm -f plugins/*/dist/*.jar
129 |
130 | # ------------------------------------------------------------------
131 | # Compile the Josm Main File(s)
132 | if $do_update_josm ; then
133 | echo "------------- Compile Josm"
134 | cd core
135 | ant -q clean 2>build.err
136 | ant -q dist >>build.log 2>>build.err
137 | rc=$?
138 | if [ "$rc" -ne "0" ] ; then
139 | echo "${BG_RED}!!!!!!!!!! ERROR compiling josm core${NORMAL}"
140 | exit -1
141 | fi
142 | cd ..
143 | fi
144 |
145 | # ------------------------------------------------------------------
146 | # Try to Compile as many Josm Plugins as possible
147 | if $do_update_plugins ; then
148 | echo "------------- Compile Josm Plugin webkit-image for wmsplugin"
149 | cd plugins/wmsplugin
150 | make clean
151 | make
152 | cd ../..
153 | cp plugins/wmsplugin/webkit-image $bin_path/webkit-image
154 | fi
155 | # ------------------------------------------------------------------
156 | # Try to Compile as many Josm Plugins as possible
157 | if $do_update_plugins ; then
158 | echo "------------- Compile Josm Plugins"
159 | compiling_error=''
160 | compiling_ok=''
161 | cd plugins
162 | plugins=`ls */build.xml | sed s,/build.xml,,`
163 | echo "Plugins(`echo "$plugins"| wc -l`): " $plugins
164 | for dir in $plugins; do
165 | cd $dir
166 | echo -n -e "----- $dir\r"
167 | $do_remove_jar && rm -f dist/*.jar
168 | $do_remove_jar && rm -f ../../dist/$dir.jar
169 | rm -f *.log
170 | echo "ant clean" >build.log
171 | echo "ant clean" >build.err
172 | ant -q clean >>build.log 2>>build.err
173 | echo "ant dist" >>build.log
174 | echo "ant dist" >>build.err
175 | ant -q dist >>build.log 2>>build.err
176 | rc=$?
177 | number_of_jar=`(find . -name "*.jar" ;find ../../dist -name "$dir.jar")| grep -v '/lib'| wc -l`
178 | if [ "$rc" -eq "0" ] ; then
179 | echo "${GREEN}------------------------- compiling $dir successfull${NORMAL} ( $number_of_jar jar Files)"
180 | grep -i -e error -e warn *.log *.err
181 | compiling_ok="$compiling_ok $dir"
182 | else
183 | echo "${BG_RED}!!!!!!!!!! ERROR compiling $dir${NORMAL} ( $number_of_jar jar Files)"
184 | #echo "Details see:"
185 | #echo " `pwd`/build.log"
186 | #echo " `pwd`/build.err"
187 | compiling_error="$compiling_error $dir"
188 | fi
189 | find . -name "*.jar" | grep -v -e '/lib'
190 |
191 | cd ..
192 | done
193 | if [ -n "$compiling_error" ] ; then
194 | echo "${BG_RED}!!!!!!!!!! ERROR compiling Plugins${NORMAL}"
195 | echo "Details see:"
196 |
197 | err_log_path=''
198 | for dir in $compiling_error; do
199 | echo " `pwd`/$dir/build.log"
200 | err_log_path="$err_log_path $dir/build.log $dir/build.err"
201 | done
202 | zip -q errors.zip $err_log_path
203 | echo "${RED}Combined ERROR Logfiles are at: `pwd`/errors.zip${NORMAL}"
204 | echo "${RED}Compiling ERRORs(`echo "$compiling_error"| wc -w`): $compiling_error${NORMAL}"
205 | fi
206 | echo "Compiling OK(`echo "$compiling_ok"| wc -w`): $compiling_ok"
207 | cd ..
208 | fi
209 |
210 | # ------------------------------------------------------------------
211 | # Compile the Josm-ng Files
212 | if $do_update_josm_ng ; then
213 | echo "------------- Compile Josm-ng"
214 | cd ../josm-ng
215 | ant -q clean
216 | ant -q josm-ng-impl.jar >>build.log 2>>build.err
217 | rc=$?
218 | if [ "$rc" -ne "0" ] ; then
219 | echo "------------- ERROR Compiling Josm-ng"
220 | echo "${RED}!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WARNING Josm-NG is not included into the package${NORMAL}"
221 | #exit -1
222 | fi
223 | cd ../josm
224 | fi
225 |
226 |
227 | # ------------------------------------------------------------------
228 | echo "------------- Copy Jar Files"
229 |
230 | cp ./core/dist/josm-custom.jar $jar_path/josm.jar || exit -1
231 | rc=$?
232 | if [ "$rc" -ne "0" ] ; then
233 | echo "${RED}------------- ERROR Compiling Josm-ng${NORMAL}"
234 | fi
235 | cp ../josm-ng/dist/josm-ng.jar $jar_path/josm-ng.jar || {
236 | echo "${RED}!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WARNING Josm-NG is not included into the package${NORMAL}"
237 | #exit -1
238 | }
239 |
240 | # Find all existing plugin-jar files and generate a pluginlist from it
241 | plugin_jars=`find dist -name "*.jar"`
242 | plugins=''
243 | for src_fn in $plugin_jars ; do
244 | fn="`basename ${src_fn}`"
245 | dst_fn="$plugin_dir/$fn"
246 | echo "cp $src_fn $dst_fn"
247 | cp "$src_fn" "$dst_fn"
248 | if [ "$?" -ne "0" ] ; then
249 | echo "${RED}------------- ERROR Copying $src_fn ${NORMAL}"
250 | exit -1
251 | fi
252 | plugin_name=${fn%.jar}
253 | echo $plugin_name | grep -q -e plastic_laf -e lang && continue
254 | plugins="$plugins$plugin_name,"
255 | done || exit -1
256 |
257 | # remove last empty plugin definition ,
258 | plugins=${plugins%,}
259 |
260 | echo "Activated Plugins:"
261 | echo "$plugins"
262 |
263 | # Copy words.cfg for spelling
264 | mkdir -p "$jar_path/speller"
265 | cp ../../utils/planet.osm/java/speller/words.cfg "$jar_path/speller/"
266 |
267 | # ------------------------------------------------------------------
268 | cp "debian/bin/josm.sh" "$bin_path/josm" || exit -1
269 | cp "debian/bin/josm-ng.sh" "$bin_path/josm-ng" || {
270 | echo "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WARNING Josm-NG is not included into the package"
271 | #exit -1
272 | }
273 |
274 | # add plugins to default preferences
275 | sed "s/PLUGIN_LIST/$plugins/;" <debian/bin/preferences >"$jar_path/preferences"
276 |
277 | # Copy default Bookmarks
278 | cp nsis/bookmarks "$jar_path/bookmarks"