[13470] | 1 | #################################################################################
| 2 | # StdUtils plug-in for NSIS
| 3 | # Copyright (C) 2004-2017 LoRd_MuldeR <MuldeR2@GMX.de>
| 4 | #
| 5 | # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
| 6 | # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
| 7 | # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
| 8 | # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
| 9 | #
| 10 | # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
| 11 | # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
| 13 | # Lesser General Public License for more details.
| 14 | #
| 15 | # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
| 16 | # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
| 17 | # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
| 18 | #
| 19 | # http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.txt
| 20 | #################################################################################
| 21 |
| 23 | # - Please see "https://github.com/lordmulder/stdutils/" for news and updates!
| 24 | # - Please see "Docs\StdUtils\StdUtils.html" for detailed function descriptions!
| 25 | # - Please see "Examples\StdUtils\StdUtilsTest.nsi" for usage examples!
| 26 |
| 27 | #################################################################################
| 29 | #################################################################################
| 30 |
| 31 | !ifndef ___STDUTILS__NSH___
| 32 | !define ___STDUTILS__NSH___
| 33 |
| 34 | !define StdUtils.Time '!insertmacro _StdUtils_Time' #time(), as in C standard library
| 35 | !define StdUtils.GetMinutes '!insertmacro _StdUtils_GetMinutes' #GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(), returns the number of minutes
| 36 | !define StdUtils.GetHours '!insertmacro _StdUtils_GetHours' #GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(), returns the number of hours
| 37 | !define StdUtils.GetDays '!insertmacro _StdUtils_GetDays' #GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(), returns the number of days
| 38 | !define StdUtils.Rand '!insertmacro _StdUtils_Rand' #rand(), as in C standard library
| 39 | !define StdUtils.RandMax '!insertmacro _StdUtils_RandMax' #rand(), as in C standard library, with maximum value
| 40 | !define StdUtils.RandMinMax '!insertmacro _StdUtils_RandMinMax' #rand(), as in C standard library, with minimum/maximum value
| 41 | !define StdUtils.RandList '!insertmacro _StdUtils_RandList' #rand(), as in C standard library, with list support
| 42 | !define StdUtils.FormatStr '!insertmacro _StdUtils_FormatStr' #sprintf(), as in C standard library, one '%d' placeholder
| 43 | !define StdUtils.FormatStr2 '!insertmacro _StdUtils_FormatStr2' #sprintf(), as in C standard library, two '%d' placeholders
| 44 | !define StdUtils.FormatStr3 '!insertmacro _StdUtils_FormatStr3' #sprintf(), as in C standard library, three '%d' placeholders
| 45 | !define StdUtils.ScanStr '!insertmacro _StdUtils_ScanStr' #sscanf(), as in C standard library, one '%d' placeholder
| 46 | !define StdUtils.ScanStr2 '!insertmacro _StdUtils_ScanStr2' #sscanf(), as in C standard library, two '%d' placeholders
| 47 | !define StdUtils.ScanStr3 '!insertmacro _StdUtils_ScanStr3' #sscanf(), as in C standard library, three '%d' placeholders
| 48 | !define StdUtils.TrimStr '!insertmacro _StdUtils_TrimStr' #Remove whitspaces from string, left and right
| 49 | !define StdUtils.TrimStrLeft '!insertmacro _StdUtils_TrimStrLeft' #Remove whitspaces from string, left side only
| 50 | !define StdUtils.TrimStrRight '!insertmacro _StdUtils_TrimStrRight' #Remove whitspaces from string, right side only
| 51 | !define StdUtils.RevStr '!insertmacro _StdUtils_RevStr' #Reverse a string, e.g. "reverse me" <-> "em esrever"
| 52 | !define StdUtils.ValidFileName '!insertmacro _StdUtils_ValidFileName' #Test whether string is a valid file name - no paths allowed
| 53 | !define StdUtils.ValidPathSpec '!insertmacro _StdUtils_ValidPathSpec' #Test whether string is a valid full(!) path specification
| 54 | !define StdUtils.SHFileMove '!insertmacro _StdUtils_SHFileMove' #SHFileOperation(), using the FO_MOVE operation
| 55 | !define StdUtils.SHFileCopy '!insertmacro _StdUtils_SHFileCopy' #SHFileOperation(), using the FO_COPY operation
| 56 | !define StdUtils.AppendToFile '!insertmacro _StdUtils_AppendToFile' #Append contents of an existing file to another file
| 57 | !define StdUtils.ExecShellAsUser '!insertmacro _StdUtils_ExecShlUser' #ShellExecute() as NON-elevated user from elevated installer
| 58 | !define StdUtils.InvokeShellVerb '!insertmacro _StdUtils_InvkeShlVrb' #Invokes a "shell verb", e.g. for pinning items to the taskbar
| 59 | !define StdUtils.ExecShellWaitEx '!insertmacro _StdUtils_ExecShlWaitEx' #ShellExecuteEx(), returns the handle of the new process
| 60 | !define StdUtils.WaitForProcEx '!insertmacro _StdUtils_WaitForProcEx' #WaitForSingleObject(), e.g. to wait for a running process
| 61 | !define StdUtils.GetParameter '!insertmacro _StdUtils_GetParameter' #Get the value of a specific command-line option
| 62 | !define StdUtils.TestParameter '!insertmacro _StdUtils_TestParameter' #Test whether a specific command-line option has been set
| 63 | !define StdUtils.ParameterCnt '!insertmacro _StdUtils_ParameterCnt' #Get number of command-line tokens, similar to argc in main()
| 64 | !define StdUtils.ParameterStr '!insertmacro _StdUtils_ParameterStr' #Get the n-th command-line token, similar to argv[i] in main()
| 65 | !define StdUtils.GetAllParameters '!insertmacro _StdUtils_GetAllParams' #Get complete command-line, but without executable name
| 66 | !define StdUtils.GetRealOSVersion '!insertmacro _StdUtils_GetRealOSVer' #Get the *real* Windows version number, even on Windows 8.1+
| 67 | !define StdUtils.GetRealOSBuildNo '!insertmacro _StdUtils_GetRealOSBld' #Get the *real* Windows build number, even on Windows 8.1+
| 68 | !define StdUtils.GetRealOSName '!insertmacro _StdUtils_GetRealOSStr' #Get the *real* Windows version, as a "friendly" name
| 69 | !define StdUtils.GetOSEdition '!insertmacro _StdUtils_GetOSEdition' #Get the Windows edition, i.e. "workstation" or "server"
| 70 | !define StdUtils.GetOSReleaseId '!insertmacro _StdUtils_GetOSRelIdNo' #Get the Windows release identifier (on Windows 10)
| 71 | !define StdUtils.VerifyOSVersion '!insertmacro _StdUtils_VrfyRealOSVer' #Compare *real* operating system to an expected version number
| 72 | !define StdUtils.VerifyOSBuildNo '!insertmacro _StdUtils_VrfyRealOSBld' #Compare *real* operating system to an expected build number
| 73 | !define StdUtils.HashText '!insertmacro _StdUtils_HashText' #Compute hash from text string (CRC32, MD5, SHA1/2/3, BLAKE2)
| 74 | !define StdUtils.HashFile '!insertmacro _StdUtils_HashFile' #Compute hash from file (CRC32, MD5, SHA1/2/3, BLAKE2)
| 75 | !define StdUtils.NormalizePath '!insertmacro _StdUtils_NormalizePath' #Simplifies the path to produce a direct, well-formed path
| 76 | !define StdUtils.GetParentPath '!insertmacro _StdUtils_GetParentPath' #Get parent path by removing the last component from the path
| 77 | !define StdUtils.SplitPath '!insertmacro _StdUtils_SplitPath' #Split the components of the given path
| 78 | !define StdUtils.GetDrivePart '!insertmacro _StdUtils_GetDrivePart' #Get drive component of path
| 79 | !define StdUtils.GetDirectoryPart '!insertmacro _StdUtils_GetDirPart' #Get directory component of path
| 80 | !define StdUtils.GetFileNamePart '!insertmacro _StdUtils_GetFNamePart' #Get file name component of path
| 81 | !define StdUtils.GetExtensionPart '!insertmacro _StdUtils_GetExtnPart' #Get file extension component of path
| 82 | !define StdUtils.TimerCreate '!insertmacro _StdUtils_TimerCreate' #Create a new event-timer that will be triggered periodically
| 83 | !define StdUtils.TimerDestroy '!insertmacro _StdUtils_TimerDestroy' #Destroy a running timer created with TimerCreate()
| 84 | !define StdUtils.GetLibVersion '!insertmacro _StdUtils_GetLibVersion' #Get the current StdUtils library version (for debugging)
| 85 | !define StdUtils.SetVerbose '!insertmacro _StdUtils_SetVerbose' #Enable or disable "verbose" mode (for debugging)
| 86 |
| 87 |
| 88 | #################################################################################
| 90 | #################################################################################
| 91 |
| 92 | !macro _StdUtils_Time out
| 93 | StdUtils::Time /NOUNLOAD
| 94 | pop ${out}
| 95 | !macroend
| 96 |
| 97 | !macro _StdUtils_GetMinutes out
| 98 | StdUtils::GetMinutes /NOUNLOAD
| 99 | pop ${out}
| 100 | !macroend
| 101 |
| 102 | !macro _StdUtils_GetHours out
| 103 | StdUtils::GetHours /NOUNLOAD
| 104 | pop ${out}
| 105 | !macroend
| 106 |
| 107 | !macro _StdUtils_GetDays out
| 108 | StdUtils::GetDays /NOUNLOAD
| 109 | pop ${out}
| 110 | !macroend
| 111 |
| 112 | !macro _StdUtils_Rand out
| 113 | StdUtils::Rand /NOUNLOAD
| 114 | pop ${out}
| 115 | !macroend
| 116 |
| 117 | !macro _StdUtils_RandMax out max
| 118 | push ${max}
| 119 | StdUtils::RandMax /NOUNLOAD
| 120 | pop ${out}
| 121 | !macroend
| 122 |
| 123 | !macro _StdUtils_RandMinMax out min max
| 124 | push ${min}
| 125 | push ${max}
| 126 | StdUtils::RandMinMax /NOUNLOAD
| 127 | pop ${out}
| 128 | !macroend
| 129 |
| 130 | !macro _StdUtils_RandList count max
| 131 | push ${max}
| 132 | push ${count}
| 133 | StdUtils::RandList /NOUNLOAD
| 134 | !macroend
| 135 |
| 136 | !macro _StdUtils_FormatStr out format val
| 137 | push '${format}'
| 138 | push ${val}
| 139 | StdUtils::FormatStr /NOUNLOAD
| 140 | pop ${out}
| 141 | !macroend
| 142 |
| 143 | !macro _StdUtils_FormatStr2 out format val1 val2
| 144 | push '${format}'
| 145 | push ${val1}
| 146 | push ${val2}
| 147 | StdUtils::FormatStr2 /NOUNLOAD
| 148 | pop ${out}
| 149 | !macroend
| 150 |
| 151 | !macro _StdUtils_FormatStr3 out format val1 val2 val3
| 152 | push '${format}'
| 153 | push ${val1}
| 154 | push ${val2}
| 155 | push ${val3}
| 156 | StdUtils::FormatStr3 /NOUNLOAD
| 157 | pop ${out}
| 158 | !macroend
| 159 |
| 160 | !macro _StdUtils_ScanStr out format input default
| 161 | push '${format}'
| 162 | push '${input}'
| 163 | push ${default}
| 164 | StdUtils::ScanStr /NOUNLOAD
| 165 | pop ${out}
| 166 | !macroend
| 167 |
| 168 | !macro _StdUtils_ScanStr2 out1 out2 format input default1 default2
| 169 | push '${format}'
| 170 | push '${input}'
| 171 | push ${default1}
| 172 | push ${default2}
| 173 | StdUtils::ScanStr2 /NOUNLOAD
| 174 | pop ${out1}
| 175 | pop ${out2}
| 176 | !macroend
| 177 |
| 178 | !macro _StdUtils_ScanStr3 out1 out2 out3 format input default1 default2 default3
| 179 | push '${format}'
| 180 | push '${input}'
| 181 | push ${default1}
| 182 | push ${default2}
| 183 | push ${default3}
| 184 | StdUtils::ScanStr3 /NOUNLOAD
| 185 | pop ${out1}
| 186 | pop ${out2}
| 187 | pop ${out3}
| 188 | !macroend
| 189 |
| 190 | !macro _StdUtils_TrimStr var
| 191 | push ${var}
| 192 | StdUtils::TrimStr /NOUNLOAD
| 193 | pop ${var}
| 194 | !macroend
| 195 |
| 196 | !macro _StdUtils_TrimStrLeft var
| 197 | push ${var}
| 198 | StdUtils::TrimStrLeft /NOUNLOAD
| 199 | pop ${var}
| 200 | !macroend
| 201 |
| 202 | !macro _StdUtils_TrimStrRight var
| 203 | push ${var}
| 204 | StdUtils::TrimStrRight /NOUNLOAD
| 205 | pop ${var}
| 206 | !macroend
| 207 |
| 208 | !macro _StdUtils_RevStr var
| 209 | push ${var}
| 210 | StdUtils::RevStr /NOUNLOAD
| 211 | pop ${var}
| 212 | !macroend
| 213 |
| 214 | !macro _StdUtils_ValidFileName out test
| 215 | push '${test}'
| 216 | StdUtils::ValidFileName /NOUNLOAD
| 217 | pop ${out}
| 218 | !macroend
| 219 |
| 220 | !macro _StdUtils_ValidPathSpec out test
| 221 | push '${test}'
| 222 | StdUtils::ValidPathSpec /NOUNLOAD
| 223 | pop ${out}
| 224 | !macroend
| 225 |
| 226 | !macro _StdUtils_SHFileMove out from to hwnd
| 227 | push '${from}'
| 228 | push '${to}'
| 229 | push ${hwnd}
| 230 | StdUtils::SHFileMove /NOUNLOAD
| 231 | pop ${out}
| 232 | !macroend
| 233 |
| 234 | !macro _StdUtils_SHFileCopy out from to hwnd
| 235 | push '${from}'
| 236 | push '${to}'
| 237 | push ${hwnd}
| 238 | StdUtils::SHFileCopy /NOUNLOAD
| 239 | pop ${out}
| 240 | !macroend
| 241 |
| 242 | !macro _StdUtils_AppendToFile out from dest offset maxlen
| 243 | push '${from}'
| 244 | push '${dest}'
| 245 | push ${offset}
| 246 | push ${maxlen}
| 247 | StdUtils::AppendToFile /NOUNLOAD
| 248 | pop ${out}
| 249 | !macroend
| 250 |
| 251 | !macro _StdUtils_ExecShlUser out file verb args
| 252 | push '${file}'
| 253 | push '${verb}'
| 254 | push '${args}'
| 255 | StdUtils::ExecShellAsUser /NOUNLOAD
| 256 | pop ${out}
| 257 | !macroend
| 258 |
| 259 | !macro _StdUtils_InvkeShlVrb out path file verb_id
| 260 | push "${path}"
| 261 | push "${file}"
| 262 | push ${verb_id}
| 263 | StdUtils::InvokeShellVerb /NOUNLOAD
| 264 | pop ${out}
| 265 | !macroend
| 266 |
| 267 | !macro _StdUtils_ExecShlWaitEx out_res out_val file verb args
| 268 | push '${file}'
| 269 | push '${verb}'
| 270 | push '${args}'
| 271 | StdUtils::ExecShellWaitEx /NOUNLOAD
| 272 | pop ${out_res}
| 273 | pop ${out_val}
| 274 | !macroend
| 275 |
| 276 | !macro _StdUtils_WaitForProcEx out handle
| 277 | push '${handle}'
| 278 | StdUtils::WaitForProcEx /NOUNLOAD
| 279 | pop ${out}
| 280 | !macroend
| 281 |
| 282 | !macro _StdUtils_GetParameter out name default
| 283 | push '${name}'
| 284 | push '${default}'
| 285 | StdUtils::GetParameter /NOUNLOAD
| 286 | pop ${out}
| 287 | !macroend
| 288 |
| 289 | !macro _StdUtils_TestParameter out name
| 290 | push '${name}'
| 291 | StdUtils::TestParameter /NOUNLOAD
| 292 | pop ${out}
| 293 | !macroend
| 294 |
| 295 | !macro _StdUtils_ParameterCnt out
| 296 | StdUtils::ParameterCnt /NOUNLOAD
| 297 | pop ${out}
| 298 | !macroend
| 299 |
| 300 | !macro _StdUtils_ParameterStr out index
| 301 | push ${index}
| 302 | StdUtils::ParameterStr /NOUNLOAD
| 303 | pop ${out}
| 304 | !macroend
| 305 |
| 306 | !macro _StdUtils_GetAllParams out truncate
| 307 | push '${truncate}'
| 308 | StdUtils::GetAllParameters /NOUNLOAD
| 309 | pop ${out}
| 310 | !macroend
| 311 |
| 312 | !macro _StdUtils_GetRealOSVer out_major out_minor out_spack
| 313 | StdUtils::GetRealOsVersion /NOUNLOAD
| 314 | pop ${out_major}
| 315 | pop ${out_minor}
| 316 | pop ${out_spack}
| 317 | !macroend
| 318 |
| 319 | !macro _StdUtils_GetRealOSBld out
| 320 | StdUtils::GetRealOsBuildNo /NOUNLOAD
| 321 | pop ${out}
| 322 | !macroend
| 323 |
| 324 | !macro _StdUtils_GetRealOSStr out
| 325 | StdUtils::GetRealOsName /NOUNLOAD
| 326 | pop ${out}
| 327 | !macroend
| 328 |
| 329 | !macro _StdUtils_VrfyRealOSVer out major minor spack
| 330 | push '${major}'
| 331 | push '${minor}'
| 332 | push '${spack}'
| 333 | StdUtils::VerifyRealOsVersion /NOUNLOAD
| 334 | pop ${out}
| 335 | !macroend
| 336 |
| 337 | !macro _StdUtils_VrfyRealOSBld out build
| 338 | push '${build}'
| 339 | StdUtils::VerifyRealOsBuildNo /NOUNLOAD
| 340 | pop ${out}
| 341 | !macroend
| 342 |
| 343 | !macro _StdUtils_GetOSEdition out
| 344 | StdUtils::GetOsEdition /NOUNLOAD
| 345 | pop ${out}
| 346 | !macroend
| 347 |
| 348 |
| 349 | !macro _StdUtils_GetOSRelIdNo out
| 350 | StdUtils::GetOsReleaseId /NOUNLOAD
| 351 | pop ${out}
| 352 | !macroend
| 353 |
| 354 | !macro _StdUtils_HashText out type text
| 355 | push '${type}'
| 356 | push '${text}'
| 357 | StdUtils::HashText /NOUNLOAD
| 358 | pop ${out}
| 359 | !macroend
| 360 |
| 361 | !macro _StdUtils_HashFile out type file
| 362 | push '${type}'
| 363 | push '${file}'
| 364 | StdUtils::HashFile /NOUNLOAD
| 365 | pop ${out}
| 366 | !macroend
| 367 |
| 368 | !macro _StdUtils_NormalizePath out path
| 369 | push '${path}'
| 370 | StdUtils::NormalizePath /NOUNLOAD
| 371 | pop ${out}
| 372 | !macroend
| 373 |
| 374 | !macro _StdUtils_GetParentPath out path
| 375 | push '${path}'
| 376 | StdUtils::GetParentPath /NOUNLOAD
| 377 | pop ${out}
| 378 | !macroend
| 379 |
| 380 | !macro _StdUtils_SplitPath out_drive out_dir out_fname out_ext path
| 381 | push '${path}'
| 382 | StdUtils::SplitPath /NOUNLOAD
| 383 | pop ${out_drive}
| 384 | pop ${out_dir}
| 385 | pop ${out_fname}
| 386 | pop ${out_ext}
| 387 | !macroend
| 388 |
| 389 | !macro _StdUtils_GetDrivePart out path
| 390 | push '${path}'
| 391 | StdUtils::GetDrivePart /NOUNLOAD
| 392 | pop ${out}
| 393 | !macroend
| 394 |
| 395 | !macro _StdUtils_GetDirPart out path
| 396 | push '${path}'
| 397 | StdUtils::GetDirectoryPart /NOUNLOAD
| 398 | pop ${out}
| 399 | !macroend
| 400 |
| 401 | !macro _StdUtils_GetFNamePart out path
| 402 | push '${path}'
| 403 | StdUtils::GetFileNamePart /NOUNLOAD
| 404 | pop ${out}
| 405 | !macroend
| 406 |
| 407 | !macro _StdUtils_GetExtnPart out path
| 408 | push '${path}'
| 409 | StdUtils::GetExtensionPart /NOUNLOAD
| 410 | pop ${out}
| 411 | !macroend
| 412 |
| 413 | !macro _StdUtils_TimerCreate out callback interval
| 414 | GetFunctionAddress ${out} ${callback}
| 415 | push ${out}
| 416 | push ${interval}
| 417 | StdUtils::TimerCreate /NOUNLOAD
| 418 | pop ${out}
| 419 | !macroend
| 420 |
| 421 | !macro _StdUtils_TimerDestroy out timer_id
| 422 | push ${timer_id}
| 423 | StdUtils::TimerDestroy /NOUNLOAD
| 424 | pop ${out}
| 425 | !macroend
| 426 |
| 427 | !macro _StdUtils_GetLibVersion out_ver out_tst
| 428 | StdUtils::GetLibVersion /NOUNLOAD
| 429 | pop ${out_ver}
| 430 | pop ${out_tst}
| 431 | !macroend
| 432 |
| 433 | !macro _StdUtils_SetVerbose on
| 434 | !if "${on}" != "0"
| 435 | StdUtils::EnableVerboseMode /NOUNLOAD
| 436 | !else
| 437 | StdUtils::DisableVerboseMode /NOUNLOAD
| 438 | !endif
| 439 | !macroend
| 440 |
| 441 |
| 442 | #################################################################################
| 444 | #################################################################################
| 445 |
| 446 | !define StdUtils.Const.ShellVerb.PinToTaskbar 0
| 447 | !define StdUtils.Const.ShellVerb.UnpinFromTaskbar 1
| 448 | !define StdUtils.Const.ShellVerb.PinToStart 2
| 449 | !define StdUtils.Const.ShellVerb.UnpinFromStart 3
| 450 |
| 451 | !endif # !___STDUTILS__NSH___