[11713] | 1 | <?xml version="1.0"?>
| 2 | <ruleset name="JOSM ruleset"
| 3 | xmlns="http://pmd.sourceforge.net/ruleset/2.0.0"
| 4 | xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
[18629] | 5 | xsi:schemaLocation="http://pmd.sourceforge.net/ruleset/2.0.0 https://pmd.sourceforge.io/ruleset_2_0_0.xsd">
[18332] | 6 |
[11713] | 7 | <description>JOSM PMD ruleset</description>
[19113] | 8 | <!-- Generated files -->
| 9 | <exclude-pattern>.*/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/mappaint/mapcss/parsergen/.*</exclude-pattern>
[18332] | 10 |
[13202] | 11 | <rule ref="category/java/bestpractices.xml">
| 12 | <exclude name="ArrayIsStoredDirectly"/>
| 13 | <exclude name="AvoidPrintStackTrace"/>
[15588] | 14 | <exclude name="AvoidReassigningLoopVariables"/>
[13202] | 15 | <exclude name="AvoidReassigningParameters"/>
| 16 | <exclude name="AvoidStringBufferField"/>
| 17 | <exclude name="ConstantsInInterface"/>
| 18 | <exclude name="GuardLogStatement"/>
[19113] | 19 | <exclude name="JUnit4TestShouldUseTestAnnotation" reason="False positive in src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/validation/Test.java"/>
[18332] | 20 | <exclude name="LiteralsFirstInComparisons" reason="Introduced in 6.24, some positives in source code at this time. Replaces PositionLiteralsFirstInComparisons."/>
[13202] | 21 | <exclude name="LooseCoupling"/>
| 22 | <exclude name="MethodReturnsInternalArray"/>
| 23 | <exclude name="OneDeclarationPerLine"/>
| 24 | <exclude name="ReplaceHashtableWithMap"/>
| 25 | <exclude name="SwitchStmtsShouldHaveDefault"/>
| 26 | <exclude name="SystemPrintln"/>
[18332] | 27 | <exclude name="UnusedAssignment" reason="Introduced in 6.26, some number of positives in source code at this time"/>
| 28 | <exclude name="UnusedPrivateMethod" reason="Broken since PMD 6.33, see https://github.com/pmd/pmd/issues/3468"/>
[19113] | 29 | <exclude name="UnusedPrivateField" reason="Broken in 7.2.x"/>
[13202] | 30 | <exclude name="UseVarargs"/>
[12539] | 31 | </rule>
[19113] | 32 | <rule ref="category/java/bestpractices.xml/ForLoopCanBeForeach">
[13207] | 33 | <properties>
[19113] | 34 | <!-- The list is expanded during iteration -->
| 35 | <property name="violationSuppressXPath" value="//ClassDeclaration[@SimpleName='PurgeCommand']/ClassBody/MethodDeclaration[@Name='build']/Block/IfStatement/Block/ForStatement/InfixExpression/MethodCall/VariableAccess[@Name='relLst']"/>
[13207] | 36 | </properties>
| 37 | </rule>
[19113] | 38 | <rule ref="category/java/bestpractices.xml/AvoidUsingHardCodedIP">
[12539] | 39 | <properties>
[19113] | 40 | <property name="violationSuppressXPath" value="//ClassDeclaration[@SimpleName='DefaultProxySelector' or @SimpleName='RemoteControl']"/>
[13202] | 41 | </properties>
| 42 | </rule>
| 43 | <rule ref="category/java/codestyle.xml">
| 44 | <exclude name="AtLeastOneConstructor"/>
| 45 | <exclude name="BooleanGetMethodName"/>
| 46 | <exclude name="CallSuperInConstructor"/>
[13719] | 47 | <exclude name="ClassNamingConventions"/>
[13202] | 48 | <exclude name="CommentDefaultAccessModifier"/>
| 49 | <exclude name="ConfusingTernary"/>
[13595] | 50 | <exclude name="ControlStatementBraces"/>
[18514] | 51 | <!-- EmptyControlStatement is not configurable, so the behavior of the old excludes of EmptyIfStmt/EmptyWhileStmt (errorprone.xml) while getting new functionality cannot be done -->
| 52 | <exclude name="EmptyControlStatement"/>
[13202] | 53 | <exclude name="EmptyMethodInAbstractClassShouldBeAbstract"/>
| 54 | <exclude name="FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass"/>
[14604] | 55 | <exclude name="FieldNamingConventions"/>
| 56 | <exclude name="LinguisticNaming"/>
[13202] | 57 | <exclude name="LocalVariableCouldBeFinal"/>
| 58 | <exclude name="LongVariable"/>
| 59 | <exclude name="MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal"/>
| 60 | <exclude name="MethodNamingConventions"/>
[14638] | 61 | <exclude name="NoPackage"/>
[13202] | 62 | <exclude name="OnlyOneReturn"/>
| 63 | <exclude name="PrematureDeclaration"/>
| 64 | <exclude name="ShortClassName"/>
| 65 | <exclude name="ShortMethodName"/>
| 66 | <exclude name="ShortVariable"/>
| 67 | <exclude name="TooManyStaticImports"/>
[18332] | 68 | <exclude name="UnnecessaryCast" reason="Introduced in 6.24, some positives in source code at this time"/>
[13202] | 69 | <exclude name="UnnecessaryConstructor"/>
[18332] | 70 | <exclude name="UseUnderscoresInNumericLiterals"/>
[13202] | 71 | <exclude name="UselessParentheses"/>
[19113] | 72 | <exclude name="UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName" reason="7.x increased sensitivity (250 new issues), and it now warns on qualified names inside a class, e.g. ClassName.STATIC_VARIABLE. Should probably be fixed in our source code."/>
[13202] | 73 | </rule>
| 74 | <rule ref="category/java/codestyle.xml/ShortMethodName">
| 75 | <properties>
[19113] | 76 | <property name="violationSuppressXPath" value="//MethodDeclaration[@Name='at' or @Name='ht' or @Name='of' or @Name='ok' or @Name='tr']"/>
[12539] | 77 | </properties>
| 78 | </rule>
[13202] | 79 | <rule ref="category/java/codestyle.xml/MethodNamingConventions">
[12539] | 80 | <properties>
[19113] | 81 | <property name="violationSuppressXPath" value="//ClassDeclaration[@SimpleName='Functions' or @SimpleName='PseudoClasses' or @SimpleName='Role' or @SimpleName='TaggingPreset' or @SimpleName='RegionSpecific']"/>
[12539] | 82 | </properties>
| 83 | </rule>
[14604] | 84 | <rule ref="category/java/codestyle.xml/FieldNamingConventions">
[12539] | 85 | <properties>
[14604] | 86 | <property name="enumConstantPattern" value="[A-Za-z][A-Za-z_0-9]*"/>
[19113] | 87 | <property name="violationSuppressXPath" value="//FieldDeclaration[@Visibility='public']
| 88 | | //FieldDeclaration/ModifierList/Annotation[@SimpleName='StructEntry']
| 89 | | //FieldDeclaration/ClassType[@SimpleName!='Boolean' and
| 90 | @SimpleName!='Byte' and
| 91 | @SimpleName!='Character' and
| 92 | @SimpleName!='Class' and
| 93 | @SimpleName!='Double' and
| 94 | @SimpleName!='Enum' and
| 95 | @SimpleName!='Float' and
| 96 | @SimpleName!='Integer' and
| 97 | @SimpleName!='Long' and
| 98 | @SimpleName!='Number' and
| 99 | @SimpleName!='Short' and
| 100 | @SimpleName!='String' ]"/>
[12539] | 101 | </properties>
| 102 | </rule>
[13202] | 103 | <rule ref="category/java/codestyle.xml/LongVariable">
[12539] | 104 | <properties>
| 105 | <property name="minimum" value="44"/>
| 106 | </properties>
| 107 | </rule>
[13202] | 108 | <rule ref="category/java/design.xml">
| 109 | <exclude name="AvoidCatchingGenericException"/>
| 110 | <exclude name="AvoidDeeplyNestedIfStmts"/>
| 111 | <exclude name="AvoidRethrowingException"/>
[19113] | 112 | <exclude name="AvoidUncheckedExceptionsInSignatures" reason="We disagree with the reasoning for making this an issue; a strength of Java is verbosity, and warning users about adding `@throws <? extends RuntimeException>` is probably a bad long-term idea."/>
[18332] | 113 | <exclude name="CognitiveComplexity" reason="Introduced in 6.35, some number of positives in source code at this time"/>
[13202] | 114 | <exclude name="CollapsibleIfStatements"/>
| 115 | <exclude name="CouplingBetweenObjects"/>
| 116 | <exclude name="CyclomaticComplexity"/>
| 117 | <exclude name="DataClass"/>
| 118 | <exclude name="ExceptionAsFlowControl"/>
| 119 | <exclude name="ExcessiveImports"/>
| 120 | <exclude name="ExcessiveParameterList"/>
| 121 | <exclude name="ExcessivePublicCount"/>
| 122 | <exclude name="GodClass"/>
| 123 | <exclude name="ImmutableField"/>
| 124 | <exclude name="LawOfDemeter"/>
| 125 | <exclude name="LoosePackageCoupling"/>
[18332] | 126 | <exclude name="MutableStaticState" reason="Introduced in 6.35, some number of positives in source code at this time"/>
[13202] | 127 | <exclude name="NcssCount"/>
| 128 | <exclude name="NPathComplexity"/>
| 129 | <exclude name="SignatureDeclareThrowsException"/>
| 130 | <exclude name="SimplifiedTernary"/>
[19113] | 131 | <exclude name="SimplifyBooleanReturns" reason="Increased sensitivity in 7.x; should be fixed in our source code." />
[13202] | 132 | <exclude name="SimplifyConditional"/>
| 133 | <exclude name="SingularField"/>
| 134 | <exclude name="SwitchDensity"/>
| 135 | <exclude name="TooManyFields"/>
| 136 | <exclude name="TooManyMethods"/>
| 137 | <exclude name="UseObjectForClearerAPI"/>
| 138 | <exclude name="UselessOverridingMethod"/>
| 139 | <exclude name="UseUtilityClass"/>
[11930] | 140 | </rule>
[13202] | 141 | <rule ref="category/java/design.xml/SignatureDeclareThrowsException">
[11739] | 142 | <properties>
[19113] | 143 | <property name="violationSuppressXPath" value="//MethodDeclaration/ModifierList/Annotation[@SimpleName='Override']"/>
[11739] | 144 | <property name="IgnoreJUnitCompletely" value="true"/>
| 145 | </properties>
| 146 | </rule>
[13202] | 147 | <rule ref="category/java/errorprone.xml">
| 148 | <exclude name="AssignmentInOperand"/>
| 149 | <exclude name="AssignmentToNonFinalStatic"/>
| 150 | <exclude name="AvoidBranchingStatementAsLastInLoop"/>
| 151 | <exclude name="AvoidCatchingNPE"/>
| 152 | <exclude name="AvoidDuplicateLiterals"/>
| 153 | <exclude name="AvoidFieldNameMatchingMethodName"/>
| 154 | <exclude name="AvoidFieldNameMatchingTypeName"/>
| 155 | <exclude name="AvoidInstanceofChecksInCatchClause"/>
| 156 | <exclude name="AvoidLiteralsInIfCondition"/>
| 157 | <exclude name="CompareObjectsWithEquals"/>
[19113] | 158 | <exclude name="ConfusingArgumentToVarargsMethod" reason="Introduced in 7.1.0; there are false positives in source code at this time."/>
[13202] | 159 | <exclude name="ConstructorCallsOverridableMethod"/>
[18332] | 160 | <exclude name="DoNotTerminateVM"/>
[13202] | 161 | <exclude name="DontImportSun"/>
[18332] | 162 | <exclude name="ImplicitSwitchFallThrough"/>
[13202] | 163 | <exclude name="MissingSerialVersionUID"/>
| 164 | <exclude name="MissingStaticMethodInNonInstantiatableClass"/>
[18629] | 165 | <exclude name="NonSerializableClass"/>
[13202] | 166 | <exclude name="NonStaticInitializer"/>
| 167 | <exclude name="NullAssignment"/>
[18332] | 168 | <exclude name="ReturnEmptyCollectionRatherThanNull" reason="Introduced in 6.37, there are positives in source code at this time"/>
[13202] | 169 | <exclude name="SimpleDateFormatNeedsLocale"/>
| 170 | <exclude name="SingleMethodSingleton"/>
| 171 | <exclude name="SingletonClassReturningNewInstance"/>
| 172 | <exclude name="TestClassWithoutTestCases"/>
| 173 | <exclude name="UseProperClassLoader"/>
[11739] | 174 | </rule>
[18332] | 175 | <rule ref="category/java/errorprone.xml/AvoidAccessibilityAlteration">
| 176 | <properties>
[19113] | 177 | <property name="violationSuppressXPath" value="//ClassDeclaration[@SimpleName='ReflectionUtils']"/>
[18332] | 178 | </properties>
| 179 | </rule>
[13202] | 180 | <rule ref="category/java/performance.xml">
| 181 | <exclude name="AvoidInstantiatingObjectsInLoops"/>
| 182 | <exclude name="ConsecutiveLiteralAppends"/>
| 183 | <exclude name="InefficientEmptyStringCheck"/>
[18332] | 184 | <exclude name="InsufficientStringBufferDeclaration" reason="PMD 6.40 has a bug where it doesn't properly count appended strings in if statements."/>
[13202] | 185 | <exclude name="TooFewBranchesForASwitchStatement"/>
| 186 | <exclude name="UseArrayListInsteadOfVector"/>
| 187 | <exclude name="UselessStringValueOf"/>
| 188 | <exclude name="UseStringBufferForStringAppends"/>
[11713] | 189 | </rule>
| 190 |
[13220] | 191 | </ruleset>