1 | ###########################################################################
2 | # A module to create API dump from disassembled code
3 | #
4 | # Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Andrey Ponomarenko's ABI Laboratory
5 | #
6 | # Written by Andrey Ponomarenko
7 | #
8 | # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
9 | # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License or the GNU Lesser
10 | # General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 | #
12 | # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 | # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 | # GNU General Public License for more details.
16 | #
17 | # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 | # and the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program.
19 | # If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
20 | ###########################################################################
21 | use strict;
22 | use IPC::Open3;
23 |
24 | my $ExtractCounter = 0;
25 |
26 | my %MName_Mid;
27 | my %Mid_MName;
28 |
29 | my $T_ID = 0;
30 | my $M_ID = 0;
31 | my $U_ID = 0;
32 |
33 | # Aliases
34 | my (%MethodInfo, %TypeInfo, %TName_Tid) = ();
35 |
36 | foreach (1, 2)
37 | {
38 | $MethodInfo{$_} = $In::API{$_}{"MethodInfo"};
39 | $TypeInfo{$_} = $In::API{$_}{"TypeInfo"};
40 | $TName_Tid{$_} = $In::API{$_}{"TName_Tid"};
41 | }
42 |
43 | sub createAPIDump($)
44 | {
45 | my $LVer = $_[0];
46 |
47 | readArchives($LVer);
48 |
49 | if(not keys(%{$MethodInfo{$LVer}})) {
50 | printMsg("WARNING", "empty dump");
51 | }
52 |
53 | $In::API{$LVer}{"LibraryVersion"} = $In::Desc{$LVer}{"Version"};
54 | $In::API{$LVer}{"LibraryName"} = $In::Opt{"TargetLib"};
55 | $In::API{$LVer}{"Language"} = "Java";
56 | }
57 |
58 | sub readArchives($)
59 | {
60 | my $LVer = $_[0];
61 | my @ArchivePaths = getArchives($LVer);
62 | if($#ArchivePaths==-1) {
63 | exitStatus("Error", "Java archives are not found in ".$In::Desc{$LVer}{"Version"});
64 | }
65 | printMsg("INFO", "Reading classes ".$In::Desc{$LVer}{"Version"}." ...");
66 |
67 | $T_ID = 0;
68 | $M_ID = 0;
69 | $U_ID = 0;
70 |
71 | %MName_Mid = ();
72 | %Mid_MName = ();
73 |
74 | foreach my $ArchivePath (sort {length($a)<=>length($b)} @ArchivePaths) {
75 | readArchive($LVer, $ArchivePath);
76 | }
77 | foreach my $TName (keys(%{$TName_Tid{$LVer}}))
78 | {
79 | my $Tid = $TName_Tid{$LVer}{$TName};
80 | if(not $TypeInfo{$LVer}{$Tid}{"Type"})
81 | {
82 | if($TName=~/\A(void|boolean|char|byte|short|int|float|long|double)\Z/) {
83 | $TypeInfo{$LVer}{$Tid}{"Type"} = "primitive";
84 | }
85 | else {
86 | $TypeInfo{$LVer}{$Tid}{"Type"} = "class";
87 | }
88 | }
89 | }
90 | }
91 |
92 | sub getArchives($)
93 | {
94 | my $LVer = $_[0];
95 | my @Paths = ();
96 | foreach my $Path (keys(%{$In::Desc{$LVer}{"Archives"}}))
97 | {
98 | if(not -e $Path) {
99 | exitStatus("Access_Error", "can't access \'$Path\'");
100 | }
101 |
102 | foreach (getArchivePaths($Path, $LVer)) {
103 | push(@Paths, $_);
104 | }
105 | }
106 | return @Paths;
107 | }
108 |
109 | sub readArchive($$)
110 | { # 1, 2 - library, 0 - client
111 | my ($LVer, $Path) = @_;
112 |
113 | $Path = getAbsPath($Path);
114 | my $JarCmd = getCmdPath("jar");
115 | if(not $JarCmd) {
116 | exitStatus("Not_Found", "can't find \"jar\" command");
117 | }
118 | my $ExtractPath = join_P($In::Opt{"Tmp"}, $ExtractCounter);
119 | if(-d $ExtractPath) {
120 | rmtree($ExtractPath);
121 | }
122 | mkpath($ExtractPath);
123 | chdir($ExtractPath);
124 | system($JarCmd." -xf \"$Path\"");
125 | if($?) {
126 | exitStatus("Error", "can't extract \'$Path\'");
127 | }
128 | chdir($In::Opt{"OrigDir"});
129 | my @Classes = ();
130 | foreach my $ClassPath (cmdFind($ExtractPath, "", "*\\.class"))
131 | {
132 | if($In::Opt{"OS"} ne "windows") {
133 | $ClassPath=~s/\.class\Z//g;
134 | }
135 |
136 | my $ClassName = getFilename($ClassPath);
137 | if($ClassName=~/\$\d/) {
138 | next;
139 | }
140 | $ClassPath = cutPrefix($ClassPath, $ExtractPath); # javap decompiler accepts relative paths only
141 |
142 | my $ClassDir = getDirname($ClassPath);
143 | if($ClassDir=~/\./)
144 | { # jaxb-osgi.jar/1.0/org/apache
145 | next;
146 | }
147 |
148 | my $Package = getPFormat($ClassDir);
149 | if($LVer)
150 | {
151 | if(skipPackage($Package, $LVer))
152 | { # internal packages
153 | next;
154 | }
155 | }
156 |
157 | push(@Classes, $ClassPath);
158 | }
159 |
160 | if($#Classes!=-1)
161 | {
162 | foreach my $PartRef (divideArray(\@Classes))
163 | {
164 | if($LVer) {
165 | readClasses($PartRef, $LVer, getFilename($Path));
166 | }
167 | else {
168 | readClasses_Usage($PartRef);
169 | }
170 | }
171 | }
172 |
173 | $ExtractCounter += 1;
174 |
175 | if($LVer)
176 | {
177 | foreach my $SubArchive (cmdFind($ExtractPath, "", "*\\.jar"))
178 | { # recursive step
179 | readArchive($LVer, $SubArchive);
180 | }
181 | }
182 |
183 | rmtree($ExtractPath);
184 | }
185 |
186 | sub sepParams($$$)
187 | {
188 | my ($Params, $Comma, $Sp) = @_;
189 | my @Parts = ();
190 | my %B = ( "("=>0, "<"=>0, ")"=>0, ">"=>0 );
191 | my $Part = 0;
192 | foreach my $Pos (0 .. length($Params) - 1)
193 | {
194 | my $S = substr($Params, $Pos, 1);
195 | if(defined $B{$S}) {
196 | $B{$S} += 1;
197 | }
198 | if($S eq "," and
199 | $B{"("}==$B{")"} and $B{"<"}==$B{">"})
200 | {
201 | if($Comma)
202 | { # include comma
203 | $Parts[$Part] .= $S;
204 | }
205 | $Part += 1;
206 | }
207 | else {
208 | $Parts[$Part] .= $S;
209 | }
210 | }
211 | if(not $Sp)
212 | { # remove spaces
213 | foreach (@Parts)
214 | {
215 | s/\A //g;
216 | s/ \Z//g;
217 | }
218 | }
219 | return @Parts;
220 | }
221 |
222 | sub simpleDecl($)
223 | {
224 | my $Line = $_[0];
225 |
226 | my %B = ( "<"=>0, ">"=>0 );
227 | my @Chars = split("", $Line);
228 |
229 | my $Extends = undef;
230 | my ($Pre, $Post) = ("", "");
231 | my @Replace = ();
232 |
233 | foreach my $Pos (0 .. $#Chars)
234 | {
235 | my $S = $Chars[$Pos];
236 | if(defined $B{$S}) {
237 | $B{$S} += 1;
238 | }
239 |
240 | if($B{"<"}!=0)
241 | {
242 | if(defined $Extends)
243 | {
244 | my $E = 0;
245 |
246 | if($S eq ",")
247 | {
248 | if($B{"<"}-$B{">"}==$Extends) {
249 | $E = 1;
250 | }
251 | }
252 | elsif($S eq ">")
253 | {
254 | if($B{"<"}==$B{">"} or $B{"<"}-$B{">"}+1==$Extends) {
255 | $E = 1;
256 | }
257 | }
258 |
259 | if($E)
260 | {
261 | if($Post) {
262 | push(@Replace, $Post);
263 | }
264 |
265 | $Extends = undef;
266 | ($Pre, $Post) = ("", "");
267 | }
268 | }
269 | elsif($B{"<"}!=$B{">"})
270 | {
271 | if(substr($Pre, -9) eq " extends ")
272 | {
273 | $Extends = $B{"<"}-$B{">"};
274 | }
275 | }
276 | }
277 |
278 | $Pre .= $S;
279 | if(defined $Extends) {
280 | $Post .= $S;
281 | }
282 | }
283 |
284 | my %Tmpl = ();
285 |
286 | foreach my $R (@Replace)
287 | {
288 | if($Line=~s/([A-Za-z\d\?]+) extends \Q$R\E/$1/) {
289 | $Tmpl{$1} = $R;
290 | }
291 | }
292 |
293 | return ($Line, \%Tmpl);
294 | }
295 |
296 | sub readClasses($$$)
297 | {
298 | my ($Paths, $LVer, $ArchiveName) = @_;
299 |
300 | my $JavapCmd = getCmdPath("javap");
301 | if(not $JavapCmd) {
302 | exitStatus("Not_Found", "can't find \"javap\" command");
303 | }
304 |
305 | my $TmpDir = $In::Opt{"Tmp"};
306 |
307 | # ! private info should be processed
308 | my @Cmd = ($JavapCmd, "-s", "-private");
309 | if(not $In::Opt{"Quick"}) {
310 | @Cmd = (@Cmd, "-c", "-verbose");
311 | }
312 |
313 | @Cmd = (@Cmd, @{$Paths});
314 |
315 | chdir($TmpDir."/".$ExtractCounter);
316 | my $Pid = open3(*IN, *OUT, *ERR, @Cmd);
317 | close(IN);
318 |
319 | my (%TypeAttr, $CurrentMethod, $CurrentPackage, $CurrentClass) = ();
320 | my ($InParamTable, $InVarTypeTable, $InExceptionTable, $InCode) = (0, 0, 0, 0);
321 |
322 | my $InAnnotations = undef;
323 | my $InAnnotations_Class = undef;
324 | my $InAnnotations_Method = undef;
325 | my %AnnotationName = ();
326 | my %AnnotationNum = (); # support for Java 7
327 |
328 | my ($ParamPos, $FieldPos) = (0, 0);
329 | my ($LINE, $Stay, $Run, $NonEmpty) = (undef, 0, 1, undef);
330 |
331 | my $DContent = "";
332 | my $Debug = (defined $In::Opt{"Debug"});
333 |
334 | while($Run)
335 | {
336 | if(not $Stay)
337 | {
338 | $LINE = <OUT>;
339 |
340 | if(not defined $NonEmpty and $LINE) {
341 | $NonEmpty = 1;
342 | }
343 |
344 | if($Debug) {
345 | $DContent .= $LINE;
346 | }
347 | }
348 |
349 | if(not $LINE)
350 | {
351 | $Run = 0;
352 | last;
353 | }
354 |
355 | $Stay = 0;
356 |
357 | if($LINE=~/\A\s*const/) {
358 | next;
359 | }
360 |
361 | if(index($LINE, 'Start Length')!=-1
362 | or index($LINE, 'Compiled from')!=-1
363 | or index($LINE, 'Last modified')!=-1
364 | or index($LINE, 'MD5 checksum')!=-1
365 | or index($LINE, 'Classfile /')==0
366 | or index($LINE, 'Classfile jar')==0)
367 | {
368 | next;
369 | }
370 |
371 | if(index($LINE, '=')!=-1)
372 | {
373 | if(index($LINE, ' stack=')!=-1
374 | or index($LINE, 'frame_type =')!=-1
375 | or index($LINE, 'offset_delta =')!=-1)
376 | {
377 | next;
378 | }
379 | }
380 |
381 | if(index($LINE, ':')!=-1)
382 | {
383 | if(index($LINE, ' LineNumberTable:')!=-1
384 | or index($LINE, 'SourceFile:')==0
385 | or index($LINE, ' StackMapTable:')!=-1
386 | or index($LINE, ' Exceptions:')!=-1
387 | or index($LINE, 'Constant pool:')!=-1
388 | or index($LINE, 'minor version:')!=-1
389 | or index($LINE, 'major version:')!=-1
390 | or index($LINE, ' AnnotationDefault:')!=-1)
391 | {
392 | next;
393 | }
394 | }
395 |
396 | if(index($LINE, " of ")!=-1
397 | or index($LINE, "= [")!=-1) {
398 | next;
399 | }
400 |
401 | if($LINE=~/ line \d+:|\[\s*class|\$\d|\._\d/)
402 | { # artificial methods and code
403 | next;
404 | }
405 |
406 | # $LINE=~s/ \$(\w)/ $1/g;
407 |
408 | if(index($LINE, '$')!=-1)
409 | {
410 | if(index($LINE, ' class$')!=-1
411 | or index($LINE, '$eq')!=-1
412 | or index($LINE, '.$')!=-1
413 | or index($LINE, '/$')!=-1
414 | or index($LINE, '$$')!=-1
415 | or index($LINE, '$(')!=-1
416 | or index($LINE, '$:')!=-1
417 | or index($LINE, '$.')!=-1
418 | or index($LINE, '$;')!=-1) {
419 | next;
420 | }
421 |
422 | if($LINE=~/ (\w+\$|)\w+\$\w+[\(:]/) {
423 | next;
424 | }
425 |
426 | if(not $InParamTable and not $InVarTypeTable)
427 | {
428 | if(index($LINE, ' $')!=-1) {
429 | next;
430 | }
431 | }
432 |
433 | $LINE=~s/\$([\> ]|\s*\Z)/$1/g;
434 | }
435 |
436 | my $EndBr = ($LINE eq "}\n" or $LINE eq "}\r\n");
437 |
438 | if($EndBr) {
439 | $InAnnotations_Class = 1;
440 | }
441 |
442 | if($EndBr or $LINE eq "\n" or $LINE eq "\r\n")
443 | {
444 | $CurrentMethod = undef;
445 | $InCode = 0;
446 | $InAnnotations_Method = 0;
447 | $InParamTable = 0;
448 | $InVarTypeTable = 0;
449 | next;
450 | }
451 |
452 | if(index($LINE, '#')!=-1)
453 | {
454 | if($LINE=~/\A\s*#(\d+)/)
455 | { # Constant pool
456 | my $CNum = $1;
457 | if($LINE=~/\s+([^ ]+?);/)
458 | {
459 | my $AName = $1;
460 | $AName=~s/\AL//;
461 | $AName=~s/\$/./g;
462 | $AName=~s/\//./g;
463 |
464 | $AnnotationName{$CNum} = $AName;
465 |
466 | if(defined $AnnotationNum{$CNum})
467 | { # support for Java 7
468 | if($InAnnotations_Class) {
469 | $TypeAttr{"Annotations"}{registerType($AName, $LVer)} = 1;
470 | }
471 | delete($AnnotationNum{$CNum});
472 | }
473 | }
474 |
475 | next;
476 | }
477 |
478 | if(index($LINE, ": #")!=-1 and index($LINE, "//")!=-1) {
479 | next;
480 | }
481 | }
482 |
483 | my $TmplP = undef;
484 |
485 | # Java 7: templates
486 | if(index($LINE, "<")!=-1)
487 | { # <T extends java.lang.Object>
488 | # <KEYIN extends java.lang.Object ...
489 | if($LINE=~/<[A-Z\d\?]+ /i) {
490 | ($LINE, $TmplP) = simpleDecl($LINE);
491 | }
492 | }
493 |
494 | if(index($LINE, ',')!=-1) {
495 | $LINE=~s/\s*,\s*/,/g;
496 | }
497 |
498 | if(index($LINE, '$')!=-1) {
499 | $LINE=~s/\$/#/g;
500 | }
501 |
502 | if(index($LINE, "LocalVariableTable")!=-1) {
503 | $InParamTable += 1;
504 | }
505 | elsif(index($LINE, "LocalVariableTypeTable")!=-1) {
506 | $InVarTypeTable += 1;
507 | }
508 | elsif(index($LINE, "Exception table")!=-1) {
509 | $InExceptionTable = 1;
510 | }
511 | elsif(index($LINE, " Code:")!=-1)
512 | {
513 | $InCode += 1;
514 | $InAnnotations = undef;
515 | }
516 | elsif(index($LINE, ':')!=-1
517 | and $LINE=~/\A\s*\d+:\s*/)
518 | { # read Code
519 | if($InCode==1)
520 | {
521 | if($CurrentMethod)
522 | {
523 | if(index($LINE, "invoke")!=-1)
524 | {
525 | if($LINE=~/ invoke(\w+) .* \/\/\s*(Method|InterfaceMethod)\s+(.+?)\s*\Z/)
526 | { # 3: invokevirtual #2; //Method "[Lcom/sleepycat/je/Database#DbState;".clone:()Ljava/lang/Object;
527 | my ($InvokeType, $InvokedName) = ($1, $3);
528 |
529 | if($InvokedName!~/\A(\w+:|java\/(lang|util|io)\/)/
530 | and index($InvokedName, '"<init>":')!=0)
531 | {
532 | $InvokedName=~s/#/\$/g;
533 |
534 | my $ID = undef;
535 | if($In::Opt{"Reproducible"}) {
536 | $ID = getMd5($InvokedName);
537 | }
538 | else {
539 | $ID = ++$U_ID;
540 | }
541 |
542 | $In::API{$LVer}{"MethodUsed"}{$ID}{"Name"} = $InvokedName;
543 | $In::API{$LVer}{"MethodUsed"}{$ID}{"Used"}{$CurrentMethod} = $InvokeType;
544 | }
545 | }
546 | }
547 | # elsif($LINE=~/ (getstatic|putstatic) .* \/\/\s*Field\s+(.+?)\s*\Z/)
548 | # {
549 | # my $UsedFieldName = $2;
550 | # $In::API{$LVer}{"FieldUsed"}{$UsedFieldName}{$CurrentMethod} = 1;
551 | # }
552 | }
553 | }
554 | elsif(defined $InAnnotations)
555 | {
556 | if($LINE=~/\A\s*\d+\:\s*#(\d+)/)
557 | {
558 | if(my $AName = $AnnotationName{$1})
559 | {
560 | if($InAnnotations_Class) {
561 | $TypeAttr{"Annotations"}{registerType($AName, $LVer)} = 1;
562 | }
563 | elsif($InAnnotations_Method) {
564 | $MethodInfo{$LVer}{$MName_Mid{$CurrentMethod}}{"Annotations"}{registerType($AName, $LVer)} = 1;
565 | }
566 | }
567 | else
568 | { # suport for Java 7
569 | $AnnotationNum{$1} = 1;
570 | }
571 | }
572 | }
573 | }
574 | elsif($InParamTable==1 and $LINE=~/\A\s+\d/)
575 | { # read parameter names from LocalVariableTable
576 | if($CurrentMethod and $LINE=~/\A\s+0\s+\d+\s+\d+\s+(\#?)(\w+)/)
577 | {
578 | my $Art = $1;
579 | my $PName = $2;
580 |
581 | if(($PName ne "this" or $Art) and $PName=~/[a-z]/i)
582 | {
583 | if($CurrentMethod)
584 | {
585 | my $ID = $MName_Mid{$CurrentMethod};
586 |
587 | if(defined $MethodInfo{$LVer}{$ID}
588 | and defined $MethodInfo{$LVer}{$ID}{"Param"}
589 | and defined $MethodInfo{$LVer}{$ID}{"Param"}{$ParamPos}
590 | and defined $MethodInfo{$LVer}{$ID}{"Param"}{$ParamPos}{"Type"})
591 | {
592 | $MethodInfo{$LVer}{$ID}{"Param"}{$ParamPos}{"Name"} = $PName;
593 | $ParamPos++;
594 | }
595 | }
596 | }
597 | }
598 | }
599 | elsif($InVarTypeTable==1 and $LINE=~/\A\s+\d/)
600 | {
601 | # skip
602 | }
603 | elsif($CurrentClass and index($LINE, '(')!=-1
604 | and $LINE=~/(\A|\s+)([^\s]+)\s+([^\s]+)\s*\((.*)\)\s*(throws\s*([^\s]+)|)\s*;\s*\Z/)
605 | { # attributes of methods and constructors
606 | my (%MethodAttr, $ParamsLine, $Exceptions) = ();
607 |
608 | $InParamTable = 0; # read the first local variable table
609 | $InVarTypeTable = 0;
610 | $InCode = 0; # read the first code
611 | $InAnnotations_Method = 1;
612 | $InAnnotations_Class = 0;
613 |
614 | ($MethodAttr{"Return"}, $MethodAttr{"ShortName"}, $ParamsLine, $Exceptions) = ($2, $3, $4, $6);
615 | $MethodAttr{"ShortName"}=~s/#/./g;
616 |
617 | if($Exceptions)
618 | {
619 | foreach my $E (split(/,/, $Exceptions)) {
620 | $MethodAttr{"Exceptions"}{registerType($E, $LVer)} = 1;
621 | }
622 | }
623 | if($LINE=~/(\A|\s+)(public|protected|private)\s+/) {
624 | $MethodAttr{"Access"} = $2;
625 | }
626 | else {
627 | $MethodAttr{"Access"} = "package-private";
628 | }
629 | $MethodAttr{"Class"} = registerType($TypeAttr{"Name"}, $LVer);
630 | if($MethodAttr{"ShortName"}=~/\A(|(.+)\.)\Q$CurrentClass\E\Z/)
631 | {
632 | if($2)
633 | {
634 | $MethodAttr{"Package"} = $2;
635 | $CurrentPackage = $MethodAttr{"Package"};
636 | $MethodAttr{"ShortName"} = $CurrentClass;
637 | }
638 | $MethodAttr{"Constructor"} = 1;
639 | delete($MethodAttr{"Return"});
640 | }
641 | else
642 | {
643 | $MethodAttr{"Return"} = registerType($MethodAttr{"Return"}, $LVer);
644 | }
645 |
646 | my @Params = sepParams($ParamsLine, 0, 1);
647 |
648 | $ParamPos = 0;
649 | foreach my $ParamTName (@Params)
650 | {
651 | %{$MethodAttr{"Param"}{$ParamPos}} = ("Type"=>registerType($ParamTName, $LVer), "Name"=>"p".($ParamPos+1));
652 | $ParamPos++;
653 | }
654 | $ParamPos = 0;
655 | if(not $MethodAttr{"Constructor"})
656 | { # methods
657 | if($CurrentPackage) {
658 | $MethodAttr{"Package"} = $CurrentPackage;
659 | }
660 | if($LINE=~/(\A|\s+)abstract\s+/) {
661 | $MethodAttr{"Abstract"} = 1;
662 | }
663 | if($LINE=~/(\A|\s+)final\s+/) {
664 | $MethodAttr{"Final"} = 1;
665 | }
666 | if($LINE=~/(\A|\s+)static\s+/) {
667 | $MethodAttr{"Static"} = 1;
668 | }
669 | if($LINE=~/(\A|\s+)native\s+/) {
670 | $MethodAttr{"Native"} = 1;
671 | }
672 | if($LINE=~/(\A|\s+)synchronized\s+/) {
673 | $MethodAttr{"Synchronized"} = 1;
674 | }
675 | }
676 |
677 | my $LINE_N = <OUT>;
678 |
679 | if($Debug) {
680 | $DContent .= $LINE_N;
681 | }
682 |
683 | # $LINE_N=~s/ \$(\w)/ $1/g;
684 | $LINE_N=~s/\$([\> ]|\s*\Z)/$1/g;
685 |
686 | # read the Signature
687 | if(index($LINE_N, ": #")==-1
688 | and $LINE_N=~/(Signature|descriptor):\s*(.+?)\s*\Z/i)
689 | { # create run-time unique name ( java/io/PrintStream.println (Ljava/lang/String;)V )
690 | if($MethodAttr{"Constructor"}) {
691 | $CurrentMethod = $CurrentClass.".\"<init>\":".$2;
692 | }
693 | else {
694 | $CurrentMethod = $CurrentClass.".".$MethodAttr{"ShortName"}.":".$2;
695 | }
696 | if(my $PackageName = getSFormat($CurrentPackage)) {
697 | $CurrentMethod = $PackageName."/".$CurrentMethod;
698 | }
699 | }
700 | else {
701 | exitStatus("Error", "internal error - can't read method signature");
702 | }
703 |
704 | $MethodAttr{"Archive"} = $ArchiveName;
705 | if($CurrentMethod)
706 | {
707 | my $ID = undef;
708 | if($In::Opt{"Reproducible"}) {
709 | $ID = getMd5($CurrentMethod);
710 | }
711 | else {
712 | $ID = ++$M_ID;
713 | }
714 |
715 | $MName_Mid{$CurrentMethod} = $ID;
716 |
717 | if(defined $Mid_MName{$ID} and $Mid_MName{$ID} ne $CurrentMethod) {
718 | printMsg("ERROR", "md5 collision on \'$ID\', please increase ID length (MD5_LEN in Basic.pm)");
719 | }
720 |
721 | $Mid_MName{$ID} = $CurrentMethod;
722 |
723 | $MethodAttr{"Name"} = $CurrentMethod;
724 | $MethodInfo{$LVer}{$ID} = \%MethodAttr;
725 | }
726 | }
727 | elsif($CurrentClass and $LINE=~/(\A|\s+)([^\s]+)\s+(\w+);\s*\Z/)
728 | { # fields
729 | my ($TName, $FName) = ($2, $3);
730 | $TypeAttr{"Fields"}{$FName}{"Type"} = registerType($TName, $LVer);
731 | if($LINE=~/(\A|\s+)final\s+/) {
732 | $TypeAttr{"Fields"}{$FName}{"Final"} = 1;
733 | }
734 | if($LINE=~/(\A|\s+)static\s+/) {
735 | $TypeAttr{"Fields"}{$FName}{"Static"} = 1;
736 | }
737 | if($LINE=~/(\A|\s+)transient\s+/) {
738 | $TypeAttr{"Fields"}{$FName}{"Transient"} = 1;
739 | }
740 | if($LINE=~/(\A|\s+)volatile\s+/) {
741 | $TypeAttr{"Fields"}{$FName}{"Volatile"} = 1;
742 | }
743 | if($LINE=~/(\A|\s+)(public|protected|private)\s+/) {
744 | $TypeAttr{"Fields"}{$FName}{"Access"} = $2;
745 | }
746 | else {
747 | $TypeAttr{"Fields"}{$FName}{"Access"} = "package-private";
748 | }
749 |
750 | $TypeAttr{"Fields"}{$FName}{"Pos"} = $FieldPos++;
751 |
752 | my $LINE_NP = <OUT>;
753 | if($Debug) {
754 | $DContent .= $LINE_NP;
755 | }
756 |
757 | # read the Signature
758 | if(index($LINE_NP, ": #")==-1
759 | and $LINE_NP=~/(Signature|descriptor):\s*(.+?)\s*\Z/i)
760 | {
761 | my $FSignature = $2;
762 | if(my $PackageName = getSFormat($CurrentPackage)) {
763 | $TypeAttr{"Fields"}{$FName}{"Mangled"} = $PackageName."/".$CurrentClass.".".$FName.":".$FSignature;
764 | }
765 | }
766 |
767 | $LINE_NP = <OUT>;
768 | if($Debug) {
769 | $DContent .= $LINE_NP;
770 | }
771 |
772 | if($LINE_NP=~/flags:/i)
774 | $LINE_NP = <OUT>;
775 | if($Debug) {
776 | $DContent .= $LINE_NP;
777 | }
778 | }
779 | else
780 | {
781 | $LINE = $LINE_NP;
782 | $Stay = 1;
783 | }
784 |
785 | # read the Value
786 | if($LINE_NP=~/Constant\s*value:\s*([^\s]+)\s(.*?)\s*\Z/i)
787 | {
788 | # Java 6: Constant value: ...
789 | # Java 7: ConstantValue: ...
790 | my ($TName, $Value) = ($1, $2);
791 | if($Value)
792 | {
793 | if($Value=~s/Deprecated:\s*true\Z//g) {
794 | # deprecated values: ?
795 | }
796 | $TypeAttr{"Fields"}{$FName}{"Value"} = $Value;
797 | }
798 | elsif($TName eq "String") {
799 | $TypeAttr{"Fields"}{$FName}{"Value"} = "\@EMPTY_STRING\@";
800 | }
801 | }
802 | else
803 | {
804 | $LINE = $LINE_NP;
805 | $Stay = 1;
806 | }
807 | }
808 | elsif($LINE=~/(\A|\s+)(class|interface)\s+([^\s\{]+)(\s+|\{|\s*\Z)/)
809 | { # properties of classes and interfaces
810 | if($TypeAttr{"Name"})
811 | { # register previous
812 | %{$TypeInfo{$LVer}{registerType($TypeAttr{"Name"}, $LVer)}} = %TypeAttr;
813 | }
814 |
815 | %TypeAttr = ("Type"=>$2, "Name"=>$3); # reset previous class
816 | %AnnotationName = (); # reset annotations of the class
817 | %AnnotationNum = (); # support for Java 7
818 | $InAnnotations_Class = 1;
819 |
820 | $FieldPos = 0; # reset field position
821 | $CurrentMethod = ""; # reset current method
822 | $TypeAttr{"Archive"} = $ArchiveName;
823 | if($TypeAttr{"Name"}=~/\A(.+)\.([^.]+)\Z/)
824 | {
825 | $CurrentClass = $2;
826 | $TypeAttr{"Package"} = $1;
827 | $CurrentPackage = $TypeAttr{"Package"};
828 | }
829 | else
830 | {
831 | $CurrentClass = $TypeAttr{"Name"};
832 | $CurrentPackage = "";
833 | }
834 | if($CurrentClass=~s/#/./g)
835 | { # javax.swing.text.GlyphView.GlyphPainter <=> GlyphView$GlyphPainter
836 | $TypeAttr{"Name"}=~s/#/./g;
837 | }
838 | if($LINE=~/(\A|\s+)(public|protected|private)\s+/) {
839 | $TypeAttr{"Access"} = $2;
840 | }
841 | else {
842 | $TypeAttr{"Access"} = "package-private";
843 | }
844 | if($LINE=~/\s+extends\s+([^\s\{]+)/)
845 | {
846 | my $Extended = $1;
847 |
848 | if($TypeAttr{"Type"} eq "class")
849 | {
850 | if($Extended ne $CurrentPackage.".".$CurrentClass) {
851 | $TypeAttr{"SuperClass"} = registerType($Extended, $LVer);
852 | }
853 | }
854 | elsif($TypeAttr{"Type"} eq "interface")
855 | {
856 | my @Elems = sepParams($Extended, 0, 0);
857 | foreach my $SuperInterface (@Elems)
858 | {
859 | if($SuperInterface ne $CurrentPackage.".".$CurrentClass) {
860 | $TypeAttr{"SuperInterface"}{registerType($SuperInterface, $LVer)} = 1;
861 | }
862 |
863 | if($SuperInterface eq "java.lang.annotation.Annotation") {
864 | $TypeAttr{"Annotation"} = 1;
865 | }
866 | }
867 | }
868 | }
869 | if($LINE=~/\s+implements\s+([^\s\{]+)/)
870 | {
871 | my $Implemented = $1;
872 | my @Elems = sepParams($Implemented, 0, 0);
873 |
874 | foreach my $SuperInterface (@Elems) {
875 | $TypeAttr{"SuperInterface"}{registerType($SuperInterface, $LVer)} = 1;
876 | }
877 | }
878 | if($LINE=~/(\A|\s+)abstract\s+/) {
879 | $TypeAttr{"Abstract"} = 1;
880 | }
881 | if($LINE=~/(\A|\s+)final\s+/) {
882 | $TypeAttr{"Final"} = 1;
883 | }
884 | if($LINE=~/(\A|\s+)static\s+/) {
885 | $TypeAttr{"Static"} = 1;
886 | }
887 | }
888 | elsif(index($LINE, "Deprecated: true")!=-1
889 | or index($LINE, "Deprecated: length")!=-1)
890 | { # deprecated method or class
891 | if($CurrentMethod) {
892 | $MethodInfo{$LVer}{$MName_Mid{$CurrentMethod}}{"Deprecated"} = 1;
893 | }
894 | elsif($CurrentClass) {
895 | $TypeAttr{"Deprecated"} = 1;
896 | }
897 | }
898 | elsif(index($LINE, "RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations")!=-1
899 | or index($LINE, "RuntimeVisibleAnnotations")!=-1)
900 | {
901 | $InAnnotations = 1;
902 | $InCode = 0;
903 | }
904 | elsif(defined $InAnnotations and index($LINE, "InnerClasses")!=-1) {
905 | $InAnnotations = undef;
906 | }
907 | else
908 | {
909 | # unparsed
910 | }
911 | }
912 |
913 | if($TypeAttr{"Name"})
914 | { # register last
915 | %{$TypeInfo{$LVer}{registerType($TypeAttr{"Name"}, $LVer)}} = %TypeAttr;
916 | }
917 |
918 | waitpid($Pid, 0);
919 | chdir($In::Opt{"OrigDir"});
920 |
921 | if(not $NonEmpty) {
922 | exitStatus("Error", "internal error in parser");
923 | }
924 |
925 | if($Debug) {
926 | appendFile(getDebugDir($LVer)."/class-dump.txt", $DContent);
927 | }
928 | }
929 |
930 | sub registerType($$)
931 | {
932 | my ($TName, $LVer) = @_;
933 |
934 | if(not $TName) {
935 | return 0;
936 | }
937 |
938 | $TName=~s/#/./g;
939 | if($TName_Tid{$LVer}{$TName}) {
940 | return $TName_Tid{$LVer}{$TName};
941 | }
942 |
943 | if(not $TName_Tid{$LVer}{$TName})
944 | {
945 | my $ID = undef;
946 | if($In::Opt{"Reproducible"}) {
947 | $ID = getMd5($TName);
948 | }
949 | else {
950 | $ID = ++$T_ID;
951 | }
952 | $TName_Tid{$LVer}{$TName} = "$ID";
953 | }
954 |
955 | my $Tid = $TName_Tid{$LVer}{$TName};
956 | $TypeInfo{$LVer}{$Tid}{"Name"} = $TName;
957 | if($TName=~/(.+)\[\]\Z/)
958 | {
959 | if(my $BaseTypeId = registerType($1, $LVer))
960 | {
961 | $TypeInfo{$LVer}{$Tid}{"BaseType"} = $BaseTypeId;
962 | $TypeInfo{$LVer}{$Tid}{"Type"} = "array";
963 | }
964 | }
965 |
966 | return $Tid;
967 | }
968 |
969 | sub readClasses_Usage($)
970 | {
971 | my $Paths = $_[0];
972 |
973 | my $JavapCmd = getCmdPath("javap");
974 | if(not $JavapCmd) {
975 | exitStatus("Not_Found", "can't find \"javap\" command");
976 | }
977 |
978 | my $Input = join(" ", @{$Paths});
979 | if($In::Opt{"OS"} ne "windows")
980 | { # on unix ensure that the system does not try and interpret the $, by escaping it
981 | $Input=~s/\$/\\\$/g;
982 | }
983 |
984 | my $TmpDir = $In::Opt{"Tmp"};
985 |
986 | chdir($TmpDir."/".$ExtractCounter);
987 | open(CONTENT, "$JavapCmd -c -private $Input 2>\"$TmpDir/warn\" |");
988 | while(<CONTENT>)
989 | {
990 | if(/\/\/\s*(Method|InterfaceMethod)\s+(.+)\s*\Z/)
991 | {
992 | my $M = $2;
993 | $In::Opt{"UsedMethods_Client"}{$M} = 1;
994 |
995 | if($M=~/\A(.*)+\.\w+\:\(/)
996 | {
997 | my $C = $1;
998 | $C=~s/\//./g;
999 | $In::Opt{"UsedClasses_Client"}{$C} = 1;
1000 | }
1001 | }
1002 | elsif(/\/\/\s*Field\s+(.+)\s*\Z/)
1003 | {
1004 | # my $FieldName = $1;
1005 | # if(/\s+(putfield|getfield|getstatic|putstatic)\s+/) {
1006 | # $UsedFields_Client{$FieldName} = $1;
1007 | # }
1008 | }
1009 | elsif(/ ([^\s]+) [^: ]+\(([^()]+)\)/)
1010 | {
1011 | my ($Ret, $Params) = ($1, $2);
1012 |
1013 | $Ret=~s/\[\]//g; # quals
1014 | $In::Opt{"UsedClasses_Client"}{$Ret} = 1;
1015 |
1016 | foreach my $Param (split(/\s*,\s*/, $Params))
1017 | {
1018 | $Param=~s/\[\]//g; # quals
1019 | $In::Opt{"UsedClasses_Client"}{$Param} = 1;
1020 | }
1021 | }
1022 | elsif(/ class /)
1023 | {
1024 | if(/extends ([^\s{]+)/)
1025 | {
1026 | foreach my $Class (split(/\s*,\s*/, $1)) {
1027 | $In::Opt{"UsedClasses_Client"}{$Class} = 1;
1028 | }
1029 | }
1030 |
1031 | if(/implements ([^\s{]+)/)
1032 | {
1033 | foreach my $Interface (split(/\s*,\s*/, $1)) {
1034 | $In::Opt{"UsedClasses_Client"}{$Interface} = 1;
1035 | }
1036 | }
1037 | }
1038 | }
1039 | close(CONTENT);
1040 | chdir($In::Opt{"OrigDir"});
1041 | }
1042 |
1043 | return 1;