#!/usr/bin/perl ########################################################################### # Java API Compliance Checker (JAPICC) 2.1 # A tool for checking backward compatibility of a Java library API # # Written by Andrey Ponomarenko # # Copyright (C) 2011-2017 Andrey Ponomarenko's ABI Laboratory # # PLATFORMS # ========= # Linux, FreeBSD, Mac OS X, MS Windows # # REQUIREMENTS # ============ # Linux, FreeBSD, Mac OS X # - JDK or OpenJDK - development files (javap, javac) # - Perl 5 (5.8 or newer) # # MS Windows # - JDK or OpenJDK (javap, javac) # - Active Perl 5 (5.8 or newer) # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License or the GNU Lesser # General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # and the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. # If not, see . ########################################################################### use Getopt::Long; Getopt::Long::Configure ("posix_default", "no_ignore_case", "permute"); use File::Path qw(mkpath rmtree); use File::Temp qw(tempdir); use File::Basename qw(dirname); use Cwd qw(abs_path cwd); use Data::Dumper; my $TOOL_VERSION = "2.1"; my $API_DUMP_VERSION = "2.1"; my $API_DUMP_VERSION_MIN = "2.0"; # Internal modules my $MODULES_DIR = getModules(); push(@INC, dirname($MODULES_DIR)); # Basic modules my %LoadedModules = (); loadModule("Basic"); loadModule("Input"); loadModule("Path"); loadModule("Logging"); loadModule("Utils"); loadModule("TypeAttr"); loadModule("Filter"); loadModule("SysFiles"); loadModule("Descriptor"); loadModule("Mangling"); # Rules DB my %RULES_PATH = ( "Binary" => $MODULES_DIR."/RulesBin.xml", "Source" => $MODULES_DIR."/RulesSrc.xml"); my $CmdName = getFilename($0); my %HomePage = ( "Dev"=>"https://github.com/lvc/japi-compliance-checker", "Doc"=>"https://lvc.github.io/japi-compliance-checker/" ); my $ShortUsage = "Java API Compliance Checker (JAPICC) $TOOL_VERSION A tool for checking backward compatibility of a Java library API Copyright (C) 2017 Andrey Ponomarenko's ABI Laboratory License: GNU LGPL or GNU GPL Usage: $CmdName [options] Example: $CmdName OLD.jar NEW.jar More info: $CmdName --help"; if($#ARGV==-1) { printMsg("INFO", $ShortUsage); exit(0); } GetOptions("h|help!" => \$In::Opt{"Help"}, "v|version!" => \$In::Opt{"ShowVersion"}, "dumpversion!" => \$In::Opt{"DumpVersion"}, # general options "l|lib|library=s" => \$In::Opt{"TargetLib"}, "d1|old|o=s" => \$In::Desc{1}{"Path"}, "d2|new|n=s" => \$In::Desc{2}{"Path"}, # extra options "client|app=s" => \$In::Opt{"ClientPath"}, "binary|bin!" => \$In::Opt{"BinaryOnly"}, "source|src!" => \$In::Opt{"SourceOnly"}, "v1|version1|vnum=s" => \$In::Desc{1}{"TargetVersion"}, "v2|version2=s" => \$In::Desc{2}{"TargetVersion"}, "s|strict!" => \$In::Opt{"StrictCompat"}, "keep-internal!" => \$In::Opt{"KeepInternal"}, "skip-internal-packages|skip-internal=s" => \$In::Opt{"SkipInternalPackages"}, "skip-internal-types=s" => \$In::Opt{"SkipInternalTypes"}, "dump|dump-api=s" => \$In::Opt{"DumpAPI"}, "classes-list=s" => \$In::Opt{"ClassListPath"}, "annotations-list=s" => \$In::Opt{"AnnotationsListPath"}, "skip-annotations-list=s" => \$In::Opt{"SkipAnnotationsListPath"}, "skip-deprecated!" => \$In::Opt{"SkipDeprecated"}, "skip-classes=s" => \$In::Opt{"SkipClassesList"}, "skip-packages=s" => \$In::Opt{"SkipPackagesList"}, "short" => \$In::Opt{"ShortMode"}, "dump-path=s" => \$In::Opt{"OutputDumpPath"}, "report-path=s" => \$In::Opt{"OutputReportPath"}, "bin-report-path=s" => \$In::Opt{"BinaryReportPath"}, "src-report-path=s" => \$In::Opt{"SourceReportPath"}, "quick!" => \$In::Opt{"Quick"}, "sort!" => \$In::Opt{"SortDump"}, "show-access!" => \$In::Opt{"ShowAccess"}, "limit-affected=s" => \$In::Opt{"AffectLimit"}, "hide-templates!" => \$In::Opt{"HideTemplates"}, "show-packages!" => \$In::Opt{"ShowPackages"}, "compact!" => \$In::Opt{"Compact"}, "added-annotations!" => \$In::Opt{"AddedAnnotations"}, "removed-annotations!" => \$In::Opt{"RemovedAnnotations"}, "count-methods=s" => \$In::Opt{"CountMethods"}, "dep1=s" => \$In::Desc{1}{"DepDump"}, "dep2=s" => \$In::Desc{2}{"DepDump"}, "old-style!" => \$In::Opt{"OldStyle"}, # other options "test!" => \$In::Opt{"TestTool"}, "debug!" => \$In::Opt{"Debug"}, "title=s" => \$In::Opt{"TargetTitle"}, "jdk-path=s" => \$In::Opt{"JdkPath"}, "external-css=s" => \$In::Opt{"ExternCss"}, "external-js=s" => \$In::Opt{"ExternJs"}, # deprecated "minimal!" => \$In::Opt{"Minimal"}, "hide-packages!" => \$In::Opt{"HidePackages"}, # private "all-affected!" => \$In::Opt{"AllAffected"} ) or errMsg(); if(@ARGV) { if($#ARGV==1) { # japi-compliance-checker OLD.jar NEW.jar $In::Desc{1}{"Path"} = $ARGV[0]; $In::Desc{2}{"Path"} = $ARGV[1]; } else { errMsg(); } } sub errMsg() { printMsg("INFO", "\n".$ShortUsage); exit(getErrorCode("Error")); } my $HelpMessage = " NAME: Java API Compliance Checker ($CmdName) Check backward compatibility of a Java library API DESCRIPTION: Java API Compliance Checker (JAPICC) is a tool for checking backward binary/source compatibility of a Java library API. The tool checks class declarations of old and new versions and analyzes changes that may break compatibility: removed class members, added abstract methods, etc. Break of the binary compatibility may result in crash or incorrect behavior of existing clients built with an old library version if they run with a new one. Break of the source compatibility may result in recompilation errors with a new library version. The tool is intended for developers of software libraries and maintainers of operating systems who are interested in ensuring backward compatibility, i.e. allow old clients to run or to be recompiled with newer library versions. This tool is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU LGPL or GNU GPL. USAGE: $CmdName [options] EXAMPLE 1: $CmdName OLD.jar NEW.jar EXAMPLE 2: $CmdName -lib NAME -old OLD.xml -new NEW.xml OLD.xml and NEW.xml are XML-descriptors: 1.0 /path1/to/JAR(s)/ /path2/to/JAR(s)/ ... INFORMATION OPTIONS: -h|-help Print this help. -v|-version Print version information. -dumpversion Print the tool version ($TOOL_VERSION) and don't do anything else. GENERAL OPTIONS: -l|-library NAME Library name (without version). -old|-d1 PATH Descriptor of the 1st (old) library version. It may be one of the following: 1. Java archive (*.jar) 2. XML-descriptor (VERSION.xml file): 1.0 /path1/to/JAR(s)/ /path2/to/JAR(s)/ ... ... 3. API dump generated by -dump option If you are using *.jar as a descriptor then you should specify version numbers with -v1 and -v2 options too. If version numbers are not specified then the tool will try to detect them automatically. -new|-d2 PATH Descriptor of the 2nd (new) library version. EXTRA OPTIONS: -client|-app PATH This option allows to specify the client Java archive that should be checked for portability to the new library version. -binary|-bin Show \"Binary\" compatibility problems only. Generate report to \"bin_compat_report.html\". -source|-src Show \"Source\" compatibility problems only. Generate report to \"src_compat_report.html\". -v1|-version1 NUM Specify 1st API version outside the descriptor. This option is needed if you have prefered an alternative descriptor type (see -d1 option). In general case you should specify it in the XML descriptor: VERSION -v2|-version2 NUM Specify 2nd library version outside the descriptor. -vnum NUM Specify the library version in the generated API dump. -s|-strict Treat all API compatibility warnings as problems. -keep-internal Do not skip checking of these packages: *impl* *internal* *examples* -skip-internal-packages PATTERN Do not check packages matched by the pattern. -skip-internal-types PATTERN Do not check types (classes and interfaces) matched by the pattern. -dump|-dump-api PATH Dump library API to gzipped TXT format file. You can transfer it anywhere and pass instead of the descriptor. Also it may be used for debugging the tool. -classes-list PATH This option allows to specify a file with a list of classes that should be checked, other classes will not be checked. -annotations-list PATH Specifies a file with a list of annotations. The tool will check only classes annotated by the annotations from the list. Other classes will not be checked. -skip-annotations-list PATH Skip checking of classes annotated by the annotations in the list. -skip-deprecated Skip analysis of deprecated methods and classes. -skip-classes PATH This option allows to specify a file with a list of classes that should not be checked. -skip-packages PATH This option allows to specify a file with a list of packages that should not be checked. -short Do not list added/removed methods. -dump-path PATH Specify a *.dump file path where to generate an API dump. Default: api_dumps/LIB_NAME/VERSION/API.dump -report-path PATH Path to compatibility report. Default: compat_reports/LIB_NAME/V1_to_V2/compat_report.html -bin-report-path PATH Path to \"Binary\" compatibility report. Default: compat_reports/LIB_NAME/V1_to_V2/bin_compat_report.html -src-report-path PATH Path to \"Source\" compatibility report. Default: compat_reports/LIB_NAME/V1_to_V2/src_compat_report.html -quick Quick analysis. Disabled: - analysis of method parameter names - analysis of class field values - analysis of usage of added abstract methods - distinction of deprecated methods and classes -sort Enable sorting of data in API dumps. -show-access Show access level of non-public methods listed in the report. -hide-templates Hide template parameters in the report. -hide-packages -minimal Do nothing. -show-packages Show package names in the report. -limit-affected LIMIT The maximum number of affected methods listed under the description of the changed type in the report. -compact Try to simplify formatting and reduce size of the report (for a big set of changes). -added-annotations Apply filters by annotations only to new version of the library. -removed-annotations Apply filters by annotations only to old version of the library. -count-methods PATH Count total public methods in the API dump. -dep1 PATH -dep2 PATH Path to the API dump of the required dependency archive. It will be used to resolve overwritten methods and more. -old-style Generate old-style report. OTHER OPTIONS: -test Run internal tests. Create two incompatible versions of a sample library and run the tool to check them for compatibility. This option allows to check if the tool works correctly in the current environment. -debug Debugging mode. Print debug info on the screen. Save intermediate analysis stages in the debug directory: debug/LIB_NAME/VER/ Also consider using -dump option for debugging the tool. -title NAME Change library name in the report title to NAME. By default will be displayed a name specified by -l option. -jdk-path PATH Path to the JDK install tree (e.g. /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64). -external-css PATH Generate CSS styles file to PATH. This helps to save space when generating thousands of reports. -external-js PATH Generate JS script file to PATH. REPORT: Compatibility report will be generated to: compat_reports/LIB_NAME/V1_to_V2/compat_report.html EXIT CODES: 0 - Compatible. The tool has run without any errors. non-zero - Incompatible or the tool has run with errors. MORE INFO: ".$HomePage{"Doc"}." ".$HomePage{"Dev"}; sub helpMsg() { printMsg("INFO", $HelpMessage."\n"); } #Aliases my (%MethodInfo, %TypeInfo, %TName_Tid) = (); #Separate checked and unchecked exceptions my %KnownRuntimeExceptions= map {$_=>1} ( "java.lang.AnnotationTypeMismatchException", "java.lang.ArithmeticException", "java.lang.ArrayStoreException", "java.lang.BufferOverflowException", "java.lang.BufferUnderflowException", "java.lang.CannotRedoException", "java.lang.CannotUndoException", "java.lang.ClassCastException", "java.lang.CMMException", "java.lang.ConcurrentModificationException", "java.lang.DataBindingException", "java.lang.DOMException", "java.lang.EmptyStackException", "java.lang.EnumConstantNotPresentException", "java.lang.EventException", "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException", "java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException", "java.lang.IllegalPathStateException", "java.lang.IllegalStateException", "java.lang.ImagingOpException", "java.lang.IncompleteAnnotationException", "java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException", "java.lang.JMRuntimeException", "java.lang.LSException", "java.lang.MalformedParameterizedTypeException", "java.lang.MirroredTypeException", "java.lang.MirroredTypesException", "java.lang.MissingResourceException", "java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException", "java.lang.NoSuchElementException", "java.lang.NoSuchMechanismException", "java.lang.NullPointerException", "java.lang.ProfileDataException", "java.lang.ProviderException", "java.lang.RasterFormatException", "java.lang.RejectedExecutionException", "java.lang.SecurityException", "java.lang.SystemException", "java.lang.TypeConstraintException", "java.lang.TypeNotPresentException", "java.lang.UndeclaredThrowableException", "java.lang.UnknownAnnotationValueException", "java.lang.UnknownElementException", "java.lang.UnknownEntityException", "java.lang.UnknownTypeException", "java.lang.UnmodifiableSetException", "java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException", "java.lang.WebServiceException", "java.lang.WrongMethodTypeException" ); #java.lang.Object my %JavaObjectMethod = ( "java/lang/Object.clone:()Ljava/lang/Object;" => 1, "java/lang/Object.equals:(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z" => 1, "java/lang/Object.finalize:()V" => 1, "java/lang/Object.getClass:()Ljava/lang/Class;" => 1, "java/lang/Object.hashCode:()I" => 1, "java/lang/Object.notify:()V" => 1, "java/lang/Object.notifyAll:()V" => 1, "java/lang/Object.toString:()Ljava/lang/String;" => 1, "java/lang/Object.wait:()V" => 1, "java/lang/Object.wait:(J)V" => 1, "java/lang/Object.wait:(JI)V" => 1 ); #Global variables my %Cache; my %RESULT; my $TOP_REF = "to the top"; #Types my %CheckedTypes; #Classes my %LibArchives; my %Class_Methods; my %Class_AbstractMethods; my %Class_Fields; my %ClassMethod_AddedUsed; my %Class_Constructed; #Methods my %CheckedMethods; my %MethodUsed; #Merging my %AddedMethod_Abstract; my %RemovedMethod_Abstract; my %ChangedReturnFromVoid; my %CompatRules; my %IncompleteRules; #Report my %TypeChanges; #Recursion locks my @RecurTypes; #Problem descriptions my %CompatProblems; my %TotalAffected; #Speedup my %TypeProblemsIndex; #Rerort my $ContentID = 1; my $ContentSpanStart = "\n"; my $ContentSpanStart_Affected = "\n"; my $ContentSpanEnd = "\n"; my $ContentDivStart = "
\n"; my $ContentDivEnd = "
\n"; my $Content_Counter = 0; sub getModules() { my $TOOL_DIR = dirname($0); if(not $TOOL_DIR) { # patch for MS Windows $TOOL_DIR = "."; } my @SEARCH_DIRS = ( # tool's directory abs_path($TOOL_DIR), # relative path to modules abs_path($TOOL_DIR)."/../share/japi-compliance-checker", # install path 'MODULES_INSTALL_PATH' ); foreach my $DIR (@SEARCH_DIRS) { if($DIR!~/\A(\/|\w+:[\/\\])/) { # relative path $DIR = abs_path($TOOL_DIR)."/".$DIR; } if(-d $DIR."/modules") { return $DIR."/modules"; } } print STDERR "ERROR: can't find modules (Did you installed the tool by 'make install' command?)\n"; exit(9); # Module_Error } sub loadModule($) { my $Name = $_[0]; if(defined $LoadedModules{$Name}) { return; } my $Path = $MODULES_DIR."/Internals/$Name.pm"; if(not -f $Path) { print STDERR "can't access \'$Path\'\n"; exit(2); } require $Path; $LoadedModules{$Name} = 1; } sub readModule($$) { my ($Module, $Name) = @_; my $Path = $MODULES_DIR."/Internals/$Module/".$Name; if(not -f $Path) { exitStatus("Module_Error", "can't access \'$Path\'"); } return readFile($Path); } sub mergeClasses() { my %ReportedRemoved = undef; foreach my $ClassName (keys(%{$Class_Methods{1}})) { next if(not $ClassName); my $Type1 = getType($TName_Tid{1}{$ClassName}, 1); if($Type1->{"Type"}!~/class|interface/) { next; } if(defined $Type1->{"Access"} and $Type1->{"Access"}=~/private/) { next; } if(not classFilter($Type1, 1, 0)) { next; } my $Type2_Id = $TName_Tid{2}{$ClassName}; if(not $Type2_Id) { # classes and interfaces with public methods foreach my $Method (keys(%{$Class_Methods{1}{$ClassName}})) { if(not methodFilter($Method, 1)) { next; } $CheckedTypes{$ClassName} = 1; $CheckedMethods{$Method} = 1; if($Type1->{"Type"} eq "class") { %{$CompatProblems{$Method}{"Removed_Class"}{"this"}} = ( "Type_Name"=>$ClassName, "Target"=>$ClassName); } else { %{$CompatProblems{$Method}{"Removed_Interface"}{"this"}} = ( "Type_Name"=>$ClassName, "Target"=>$ClassName); } $ReportedRemoved{$ClassName} = 1; } } } foreach my $Class_Id (keys(%{$TypeInfo{1}})) { my $Class1 = getType($Class_Id, 1); if($Class1->{"Type"}!~/class|interface/) { next; } if(defined $Class1->{"Access"} and $Class1->{"Access"}=~/private/) { next; } if(not classFilter($Class1, 1, 1)) { next; } my $ClassName = $Class1->{"Name"}; if(my $Class2_Id = $TName_Tid{2}{$ClassName}) { # classes and interfaces with public static fields if(not defined $Class_Methods{1}{$ClassName}) { my $Class2 = getType($Class2_Id, 2); foreach my $Field (keys(%{$Class1->{"Fields"}})) { my $FieldInfo = $Class1->{"Fields"}{$Field}; my $FAccess = $FieldInfo->{"Access"}; if($FAccess=~/private/) { next; } if($FieldInfo->{"Static"}) { $CheckedTypes{$ClassName} = 1; if(not defined $Class2->{"Fields"}{$Field}) { %{$CompatProblems{".client_method"}{"Removed_NonConstant_Field"}{$Field}}=( "Target"=>$Field, "Type_Name"=>$ClassName, "Type_Type"=>$Class1->{"Type"}, "Field_Type"=>getTypeName($FieldInfo->{"Type"}, 1)); } } } } } else { # removed if(defined $Class1->{"Annotation"}) { %{$CompatProblems{".client_method"}{"Removed_Annotation"}{"this"}} = ( "Type_Name"=>$ClassName, "Target"=>$ClassName); } if(not defined $Class_Methods{1}{$ClassName}) { # classes and interfaces with public static fields if(not defined $ReportedRemoved{$ClassName}) { foreach my $Field (keys(%{$Class1->{"Fields"}})) { my $FieldInfo = $Class1->{"Fields"}{$Field}; my $FAccess = $FieldInfo->{"Access"}; if($FAccess=~/private/) { next; } if($FieldInfo->{"Static"}) { $CheckedTypes{$ClassName} = 1; if($Class1->{"Type"} eq "class") { %{$CompatProblems{".client_method"}{"Removed_Class"}{"this"}} = ( "Type_Name"=>$ClassName, "Target"=>$ClassName); } else { %{$CompatProblems{".client_method"}{"Removed_Interface"}{"this"}} = ( "Type_Name"=>$ClassName, "Target"=>$ClassName); } } } } } } } } sub findFieldPair($$) { my ($Field_Pos, $Pair_Type) = @_; foreach my $Pair_Name (sort keys(%{$Pair_Type->{"Fields"}})) { if(defined $Pair_Type->{"Fields"}{$Pair_Name}) { if($Pair_Type->{"Fields"}{$Pair_Name}{"Pos"} eq $Field_Pos) { return $Pair_Name; } } } return "lost"; } my %Severity_Val=( "High"=>3, "Medium"=>2, "Low"=>1, "Safe"=>-1 ); sub isRecurType($$) { foreach (@RecurTypes) { if($_->{"Tid1"} eq $_[0] and $_->{"Tid2"} eq $_[1]) { return 1; } } return 0; } sub pushType($$) { my %TypeDescriptor = ( "Tid1" => $_[0], "Tid2" => $_[1]); push(@RecurTypes, \%TypeDescriptor); } sub getSFormat($) { my $Name = $_[0]; $Name=~s/\./\//g; return $Name; } sub getConstantValue($$) { my ($Value, $ValueType) = @_; if(not defined $Value) { return undef; } if($Value eq "\@EMPTY_STRING\@") { return "\"\""; } elsif($ValueType eq "java.lang.String") { return "\"".$Value."\""; } return $Value; } sub getInvoked($) { my $TName = $_[0]; if(my @Invoked = sort keys(%{$ClassMethod_AddedUsed{$TName}})) { my $MFirst = $Invoked[0]; my $MSignature = unmangle($MFirst); $MSignature=~s/\A.+\.(\w+\()/$1/g; # short name my $InvokedBy = $ClassMethod_AddedUsed{$TName}{$MFirst}; return ($MSignature, $InvokedBy); } return (); } sub mergeTypes($$) { my ($Type1_Id, $Type2_Id) = @_; return {} if(not $Type1_Id or not $Type2_Id); if(defined $Cache{"mergeTypes"}{$Type1_Id}{$Type2_Id}) { # already merged return $Cache{"mergeTypes"}{$Type1_Id}{$Type2_Id}; } if(isRecurType($Type1_Id, $Type2_Id)) { # do not follow to recursive declarations return {}; } my %Type1 = %{getType($Type1_Id, 1)}; my %Type2 = %{getType($Type2_Id, 2)}; return {} if(not $Type1{"Name"} or not $Type2{"Name"}); return {} if(not $Type1{"Archive"} or not $Type2{"Archive"}); return {} if($Type1{"Name"} ne $Type2{"Name"}); if(not classFilter(\%Type1, 1, 0)) { return {}; } $CheckedTypes{$Type1{"Name"}} = 1; my %SubProblems = (); if($Type1{"BaseType"} and $Type2{"BaseType"}) { # check base type (arrays) return mergeTypes($Type1{"BaseType"}, $Type2{"BaseType"}); } if($Type2{"Type"}!~/(class|interface)/) { return {}; } if($Type1{"Type"} eq "class" and not $Class_Constructed{1}{$Type1_Id}) { # class cannot be constructed or inherited by clients return {}; } if($Type1{"Type"} eq "class" and $Type2{"Type"} eq "interface") { %{$SubProblems{"Class_Became_Interface"}{""}}=( "Type_Name"=>$Type1{"Name"}); return ($Cache{"mergeTypes"}{$Type1_Id}{$Type2_Id} = \%SubProblems); } if($Type1{"Type"} eq "interface" and $Type2{"Type"} eq "class") { %{$SubProblems{"Interface_Became_Class"}{""}}=( "Type_Name"=>$Type1{"Name"}); return ($Cache{"mergeTypes"}{$Type1_Id}{$Type2_Id} = \%SubProblems); } if(not $Type1{"Final"} and $Type2{"Final"}) { %{$SubProblems{"Class_Became_Final"}{""}}=( "Type_Name"=>$Type1{"Name"}, "Target"=>$Type1{"Name"}); } if(not $Type1{"Abstract"} and $Type2{"Abstract"}) { %{$SubProblems{"Class_Became_Abstract"}{""}}=( "Type_Name"=>$Type1{"Name"}); } pushType($Type1_Id, $Type2_Id); foreach my $AddedMethod (keys(%{$AddedMethod_Abstract{$Type1{"Name"}}})) { if($Type1{"Type"} eq "class") { if($Type1{"Abstract"}) { if(my @InvokedBy = sort keys(%{$MethodUsed{2}{$AddedMethod}})) { %{$SubProblems{"Abstract_Class_Added_Abstract_Method_Invoked_By_Others"}{getSFormat($AddedMethod)}} = ( "Type_Name"=>$Type1{"Name"}, "Type_Type"=>$Type1{"Type"}, "Target"=>$AddedMethod, "Invoked_By"=>$InvokedBy[0]); } else { %{$SubProblems{"Abstract_Class_Added_Abstract_Method"}{getSFormat($AddedMethod)}} = ( "Type_Name"=>$Type1{"Name"}, "Type_Type"=>$Type1{"Type"}, "Target"=>$AddedMethod); } } else { %{$SubProblems{"NonAbstract_Class_Added_Abstract_Method"}{getSFormat($AddedMethod)}} = ( "Type_Name"=>$Type1{"Name"}, "Type_Type"=>$Type1{"Type"}, "Target"=>$AddedMethod); } } else { if(my @InvokedBy = sort keys(%{$MethodUsed{2}{$AddedMethod}})) { %{$SubProblems{"Interface_Added_Abstract_Method_Invoked_By_Others"}{getSFormat($AddedMethod)}} = ( "Type_Name"=>$Type1{"Name"}, "Type_Type"=>$Type1{"Type"}, "Target"=>$AddedMethod, "Invoked_By"=>$InvokedBy[0]); } else { %{$SubProblems{"Interface_Added_Abstract_Method"}{getSFormat($AddedMethod)}} = ( "Type_Name"=>$Type1{"Name"}, "Type_Type"=>$Type1{"Type"}, "Target"=>$AddedMethod); } } } foreach my $RemovedMethod (keys(%{$RemovedMethod_Abstract{$Type1{"Name"}}})) { if($Type1{"Type"} eq "class") { %{$SubProblems{"Class_Removed_Abstract_Method"}{getSFormat($RemovedMethod)}} = ( "Type_Name"=>$Type1{"Name"}, "Type_Type"=>$Type1{"Type"}, "Target"=>$RemovedMethod); } else { %{$SubProblems{"Interface_Removed_Abstract_Method"}{getSFormat($RemovedMethod)}} = ( "Type_Name"=>$Type1{"Name"}, "Type_Type"=>$Type1{"Type"}, "Target"=>$RemovedMethod); } } if($Type1{"Type"} eq "class" and $Type2{"Type"} eq "class") { my $SuperClass1 = getType($Type1{"SuperClass"}, 1); my $SuperClass2 = getType($Type2{"SuperClass"}, 2); my $SuperClassName1 = $SuperClass1->{"Name"}; my $SuperClassName2 = $SuperClass2->{"Name"}; if($SuperClassName2 ne $SuperClassName1) { if($SuperClassName1 eq "java.lang.Object" or not $SuperClassName1) { # Java 6: java.lang.Object # Java 7: none if($SuperClassName2 ne "java.lang.Object") { if($SuperClass2->{"Abstract"} and $Type1{"Abstract"} and $Type2{"Abstract"} and keys(%{$Class_AbstractMethods{2}{$SuperClassName2}})) { if(my ($Invoked, $InvokedBy) = getInvoked($Type1{"Name"})) { %{$SubProblems{"Abstract_Class_Added_Super_Abstract_Class_Invoked_By_Others"}{""}} = ( "Type_Name"=>$Type1{"Name"}, "Target"=>$SuperClassName2, "Invoked"=>$Invoked, "Invoked_By"=>$InvokedBy); } else { %{$SubProblems{"Abstract_Class_Added_Super_Abstract_Class"}{""}} = ( "Type_Name"=>$Type1{"Name"}, "Target"=>$SuperClassName2); } } else { %{$SubProblems{"Added_Super_Class"}{""}} = ( "Type_Name"=>$Type1{"Name"}, "Target"=>$SuperClassName2); } } } elsif($SuperClassName2 eq "java.lang.Object" or not $SuperClassName2) { # Java 6: java.lang.Object # Java 7: none if($SuperClassName1 ne "java.lang.Object") { %{$SubProblems{"Removed_Super_Class"}{""}} = ( "Type_Name"=>$Type1{"Name"}, "Target"=>$SuperClassName1); } } else { %{$SubProblems{"Changed_Super_Class"}{""}} = ( "Type_Name"=>$Type1{"Name"}, "Target"=>$SuperClassName1, "Old_Value"=>$SuperClassName1, "New_Value"=>$SuperClassName2); } } } my %SuperInterfaces_Old = map {getTypeName($_, 1) => 1} keys(%{$Type1{"SuperInterface"}}); my %SuperInterfaces_New = map {getTypeName($_, 2) => 1} keys(%{$Type2{"SuperInterface"}}); foreach my $SuperInterface (keys(%SuperInterfaces_New)) { if(not $SuperInterfaces_Old{$SuperInterface}) { my $HaveMethods = keys(%{$Class_AbstractMethods{2}{$SuperInterface}}); my $HaveFields = keys(%{$Class_Fields{2}{$SuperInterface}}); if($Type1{"Type"} eq "interface") { if($HaveMethods or $SuperInterface=~/\Ajava\./) { if($HaveMethods and checkDefaultImpl(2, $SuperInterface, $Type2{"Name"})) { %{$SubProblems{"Interface_Added_Super_Interface_With_Implemented_Methods"}{getSFormat($SuperInterface)}} = ( "Type_Name"=>$Type1{"Name"}, "Target"=>$SuperInterface); } else { if(my ($Invoked, $InvokedBy) = getInvoked($Type1{"Name"})) { %{$SubProblems{"Interface_Added_Super_Interface_Used_By_Others"}{getSFormat($SuperInterface)}} = ( "Type_Name"=>$Type1{"Name"}, "Target"=>$SuperInterface, "Invoked"=>$Invoked, "Invoked_By"=>$InvokedBy); } else { %{$SubProblems{"Interface_Added_Super_Interface"}{getSFormat($SuperInterface)}} = ( "Type_Name"=>$Type1{"Name"}, "Target"=>$SuperInterface); } } } elsif($HaveFields) { %{$SubProblems{"Interface_Added_Super_Constant_Interface"}{getSFormat($SuperInterface)}} = ( "Type_Name"=>$Type2{"Name"}, "Target"=>$SuperInterface); } else { # empty interface } } else { if($Type1{"Abstract"} and $Type2{"Abstract"}) { if($HaveMethods and checkDefaultImpl(2, $SuperInterface, $Type2{"Name"})) { %{$SubProblems{"Abstract_Class_Added_Super_Interface_With_Implemented_Methods"}{getSFormat($SuperInterface)}} = ( "Type_Name"=>$Type1{"Name"}, "Target"=>$SuperInterface); } else { if(my ($Invoked, $InvokedBy) = getInvoked($Type1{"Name"})) { %{$SubProblems{"Abstract_Class_Added_Super_Interface_Invoked_By_Others"}{getSFormat($SuperInterface)}} = ( "Type_Name"=>$Type1{"Name"}, "Target"=>$SuperInterface, "Invoked"=>$Invoked, "Invoked_By"=>$InvokedBy); } else { %{$SubProblems{"Abstract_Class_Added_Super_Interface"}{getSFormat($SuperInterface)}} = ( "Type_Name"=>$Type1{"Name"}, "Target"=>$SuperInterface); } } } } } } foreach my $SuperInterface (keys(%SuperInterfaces_Old)) { if(not $SuperInterfaces_New{$SuperInterface}) { my $HaveMethods = keys(%{$Class_AbstractMethods{1}{$SuperInterface}}); my $HaveFields = keys(%{$Class_Fields{1}{$SuperInterface}}); if($Type1{"Type"} eq "interface") { if($HaveMethods or $SuperInterface=~/\Ajava\./) { %{$SubProblems{"Interface_Removed_Super_Interface"}{getSFormat($SuperInterface)}} = ( "Type_Name"=>$Type1{"Name"}, "Type_Type"=>"interface", "Target"=>$SuperInterface); } elsif($HaveFields) { %{$SubProblems{"Interface_Removed_Super_Constant_Interface"}{getSFormat($SuperInterface)}} = ( "Type_Name"=>$Type1{"Name"}, "Target"=>$SuperInterface); } else { # empty interface } } else { %{$SubProblems{"Class_Removed_Super_Interface"}{getSFormat($SuperInterface)}} = ( "Type_Name"=>$Type1{"Name"}, "Type_Type"=>"class", "Target"=>$SuperInterface); } } } foreach my $Field_Name (sort keys(%{$Type1{"Fields"}})) {# check older fields my $Access1 = $Type1{"Fields"}{$Field_Name}{"Access"}; if($Access1=~/private/) { next; } my $Field_Pos1 = $Type1{"Fields"}{$Field_Name}{"Pos"}; my $FieldType1_Id = $Type1{"Fields"}{$Field_Name}{"Type"}; my $FieldType1_Name = getTypeName($FieldType1_Id, 1); if(not $Type2{"Fields"}{$Field_Name}) {# removed fields my $StraightPair_Name = findFieldPair($Field_Pos1, \%Type2); if($StraightPair_Name ne "lost" and not $Type1{"Fields"}{$StraightPair_Name} and $FieldType1_Name eq getTypeName($Type2{"Fields"}{$StraightPair_Name}{"Type"}, 2)) { if(my $Constant = getConstantValue($Type1{"Fields"}{$Field_Name}{"Value"}, $FieldType1_Name)) { %{$SubProblems{"Renamed_Constant_Field"}{$Field_Name}}=( "Target"=>$Field_Name, "Type_Name"=>$Type1{"Name"}, "Old_Value"=>$Field_Name, "New_Value"=>$StraightPair_Name, "Field_Type"=>$FieldType1_Name, "Field_Value"=>$Constant); } else { %{$SubProblems{"Renamed_Field"}{$Field_Name}}=( "Target"=>$Field_Name, "Type_Name"=>$Type1{"Name"}, "Old_Value"=>$Field_Name, "New_Value"=>$StraightPair_Name, "Field_Type"=>$FieldType1_Name); } } else { if(my $Constant = getConstantValue($Type1{"Fields"}{$Field_Name}{"Value"}, $FieldType1_Name)) { # has a compile-time constant value %{$SubProblems{"Removed_Constant_Field"}{$Field_Name}}=( "Target"=>$Field_Name, "Type_Name"=>$Type1{"Name"}, "Field_Value"=>$Constant, "Field_Type"=>$FieldType1_Name, "Type_Type"=>$Type1{"Type"}); } else { %{$SubProblems{"Removed_NonConstant_Field"}{$Field_Name}}=( "Target"=>$Field_Name, "Type_Name"=>$Type1{"Name"}, "Type_Type"=>$Type1{"Type"}, "Field_Type"=>$FieldType1_Name); } } next; } my $FieldType2_Id = $Type2{"Fields"}{$Field_Name}{"Type"}; my $FieldType2_Name = getTypeName($FieldType2_Id, 2); if(not $Type1{"Fields"}{$Field_Name}{"Static"} and $Type2{"Fields"}{$Field_Name}{"Static"}) { if(not $Type1{"Fields"}{$Field_Name}{"Value"}) { %{$SubProblems{"NonConstant_Field_Became_Static"}{$Field_Name}}=( "Target"=>$Field_Name, "Field_Type"=>$FieldType1_Name, "Type_Name"=>$Type1{"Name"}); } } elsif($Type1{"Fields"}{$Field_Name}{"Static"} and not $Type2{"Fields"}{$Field_Name}{"Static"}) { if($Type1{"Fields"}{$Field_Name}{"Value"}) { %{$SubProblems{"Constant_Field_Became_NonStatic"}{$Field_Name}}=( "Target"=>$Field_Name, "Field_Type"=>$FieldType1_Name, "Type_Name"=>$Type1{"Name"}); } else { %{$SubProblems{"NonConstant_Field_Became_NonStatic"}{$Field_Name}}=( "Target"=>$Field_Name, "Field_Type"=>$FieldType1_Name, "Type_Name"=>$Type1{"Name"}); } } if(not $Type1{"Fields"}{$Field_Name}{"Final"} and $Type2{"Fields"}{$Field_Name}{"Final"}) { %{$SubProblems{"Field_Became_Final"}{$Field_Name}}=( "Target"=>$Field_Name, "Field_Type"=>$FieldType1_Name, "Type_Name"=>$Type1{"Name"}); } elsif($Type1{"Fields"}{$Field_Name}{"Final"} and not $Type2{"Fields"}{$Field_Name}{"Final"}) { %{$SubProblems{"Field_Became_NonFinal"}{$Field_Name}}=( "Target"=>$Field_Name, "Field_Type"=>$FieldType1_Name, "Type_Name"=>$Type1{"Name"}); } my $Access2 = $Type2{"Fields"}{$Field_Name}{"Access"}; if($Access1 eq "public" and $Access2=~/protected|private/ or $Access1 eq "protected" and $Access2=~/private/) { if($Access2 eq "package-private") { %{$SubProblems{"Changed_Field_Access_To_Package_Private"}{$Field_Name}}=( "Target"=>$Field_Name, "Type_Name"=>$Type1{"Name"}, "Old_Value"=>$Access1, "New_Value"=>$Access2); } else { %{$SubProblems{"Changed_Field_Access"}{$Field_Name}}=( "Target"=>$Field_Name, "Type_Name"=>$Type1{"Name"}, "Old_Value"=>$Access1, "New_Value"=>$Access2); } } my $Value1 = getConstantValue($Type1{"Fields"}{$Field_Name}{"Value"}, $FieldType1_Name); my $Value2 = getConstantValue($Type2{"Fields"}{$Field_Name}{"Value"}, $FieldType2_Name); if($Value1 ne $Value2) { if($Value1 and $Value2) { if($Type1{"Fields"}{$Field_Name}{"Final"} and $Type2{"Fields"}{$Field_Name}{"Final"}) { if($Field_Name=~/(\A|_)(VERSION|VERNUM|BUILDNUMBER|BUILD)(_|\Z)/i) { %{$SubProblems{"Changed_Final_Version_Field_Value"}{$Field_Name}}=( "Target"=>$Field_Name, "Field_Type"=>$FieldType1_Name, "Type_Name"=>$Type1{"Name"}, "Old_Value"=>$Value1, "New_Value"=>$Value2); } else { %{$SubProblems{"Changed_Final_Field_Value"}{$Field_Name}}=( "Target"=>$Field_Name, "Field_Type"=>$FieldType1_Name, "Type_Name"=>$Type1{"Name"}, "Old_Value"=>$Value1, "New_Value"=>$Value2); } } } } my %Sub_SubChanges = detectTypeChange($FieldType1_Id, $FieldType2_Id, "Field"); foreach my $Sub_SubProblemType (keys(%Sub_SubChanges)) { %{$SubProblems{$Sub_SubProblemType}{$Field_Name}}=( "Target"=>$Field_Name, "Type_Name"=>$Type1{"Name"}); foreach my $Attr (keys(%{$Sub_SubChanges{$Sub_SubProblemType}})) { $SubProblems{$Sub_SubProblemType}{$Field_Name}{$Attr} = $Sub_SubChanges{$Sub_SubProblemType}{$Attr}; } } if($FieldType1_Id and $FieldType2_Id) { # check field type change my $Sub_SubProblems = mergeTypes($FieldType1_Id, $FieldType2_Id); my %DupProblems = (); foreach my $Sub_SubProblemType (sort keys(%{$Sub_SubProblems})) { foreach my $Sub_SubLocation (sort {length($a)<=>length($b)} sort keys(%{$Sub_SubProblems->{$Sub_SubProblemType}})) { if(not defined $In::Opt{"AllAffected"}) { if(defined $DupProblems{$Sub_SubProblems->{$Sub_SubProblemType}{$Sub_SubLocation}}) { next; } } my $NewLocation = ($Sub_SubLocation)?$Field_Name.".".$Sub_SubLocation:$Field_Name; $SubProblems{$Sub_SubProblemType}{$NewLocation} = $Sub_SubProblems->{$Sub_SubProblemType}{$Sub_SubLocation}; if(not defined $In::Opt{"AllAffected"}) { $DupProblems{$Sub_SubProblems->{$Sub_SubProblemType}{$Sub_SubLocation}} = 1; } } } %DupProblems = (); } } foreach my $Field_Name (sort keys(%{$Type2{"Fields"}})) { # check added fields if($Type2{"Fields"}{$Field_Name}{"Access"}=~/private/) { next; } my $FieldPos2 = $Type2{"Fields"}{$Field_Name}{"Pos"}; my $FieldType2_Id = $Type2{"Fields"}{$Field_Name}{"Type"}; my $FieldType2_Name = getTypeName($FieldType2_Id, 2); if(not $Type1{"Fields"}{$Field_Name}) {# added fields my $StraightPair_Name = findFieldPair($FieldPos2, \%Type1); if($StraightPair_Name ne "lost" and not $Type2{"Fields"}{$StraightPair_Name} and getTypeName($Type1{"Fields"}{$StraightPair_Name}{"Type"}, 1) eq $FieldType2_Name) { # Already reported as "Renamed_Field" or "Renamed_Constant_Field" } else { if($Type1{"Type"} eq "interface") { %{$SubProblems{"Interface_Added_Field"}{$Field_Name}}=( "Target"=>$Field_Name, "Type_Name"=>$Type1{"Name"}); } else { %{$SubProblems{"Class_Added_Field"}{$Field_Name}}=( "Target"=>$Field_Name, "Type_Name"=>$Type1{"Name"}); } } } } pop(@RecurTypes); return ($Cache{"mergeTypes"}{$Type1_Id}{$Type2_Id} = \%SubProblems); } sub checkDefaultImpl($$$) { # Check if all abstract methods of the super class have # default implementations in the class my ($LVer, $SuperClassName, $ClassName) = @_; foreach my $Method (keys(%{$Class_AbstractMethods{$LVer}{$SuperClassName}})) { if(my $Overridden = findMethod_Class($Method, $ClassName, $LVer)) { if($MethodInfo{$LVer}{$Overridden}{"Abstract"}) { return 0; } } else { return 0; } } return 1; } sub getMSuffix($) { my $Method = $_[0]; if($Method=~/(\(.*\))/) { return $1; } return ""; } sub getMShort($) { my $Method = $_[0]; if($Method=~/([^\.]+)\:\(/) { return $1; } return ""; } sub findMethod($$$$) { my ($Method, $MethodVersion, $ClassName, $ClassVersion) = @_; my $ClassId = $TName_Tid{$ClassVersion}{$ClassName}; if($ClassId) { my @Search = (); if(getTypeType($ClassId, $ClassVersion) eq "class") { if(my $SuperClassId = $TypeInfo{$ClassVersion}{$ClassId}{"SuperClass"}) { push(@Search, $SuperClassId); } } if(not defined $MethodInfo{$MethodVersion}{$Method} or $MethodInfo{$MethodVersion}{$Method}{"Abstract"}) { if(my @SuperInterfaces = sort keys(%{$TypeInfo{$ClassVersion}{$ClassId}{"SuperInterface"}})) { push(@Search, @SuperInterfaces); } } foreach my $SuperId (@Search) { if($SuperId eq $ClassId) { next; } my $SuperName = getTypeName($SuperId, $ClassVersion); if(my $MethodInClass = findMethod_Class($Method, $SuperName, $ClassVersion)) { return $MethodInClass; } elsif(my $MethodInSuperClasses = findMethod($Method, $MethodVersion, $SuperName, $ClassVersion)) { return $MethodInSuperClasses; } } } my $TargetSuffix = getMSuffix($Method); my $TargetShortName = getMShort($Method); # search in java.lang.Object foreach my $C (keys(%JavaObjectMethod)) { if($TargetSuffix eq getMSuffix($C)) { if($TargetShortName eq getMShort($C)) { return $C; } } } return undef; } sub findMethod_Class($$$) { my ($Method, $ClassName, $ClassVersion) = @_; my $TargetSuffix = getMSuffix($Method); my $TargetShortName = getMShort($Method); if(not defined $Class_Methods{$ClassVersion}{$ClassName}) { return undef; } foreach my $Candidate (sort keys(%{$Class_Methods{$ClassVersion}{$ClassName}})) { # search for method with the same parameters suffix next if($MethodInfo{$ClassVersion}{$Candidate}{"Constructor"}); if($TargetSuffix eq getMSuffix($Candidate)) { if($TargetShortName eq getMShort($Candidate)) { return $Candidate; } } } return undef; } sub prepareData($) { my $LVer = $_[0]; if(my $MUsed = $In::API{$LVer}{"MethodUsed"}) { foreach my $M_Id (keys(%{$MUsed})) { my $Name = $MUsed->{$M_Id}{"Name"}; $MethodUsed{$LVer}{$Name} = $MUsed->{$M_Id}{"Used"}; } } foreach my $TypeId (keys(%{$TypeInfo{$LVer}})) { my $TypeAttr = $TypeInfo{$LVer}{$TypeId}; my $TName = $TypeAttr->{"Name"}; $TName_Tid{$LVer}{$TName} = $TypeId; if(not $TypeAttr->{"Dep"}) { if(my $Archive = $TypeAttr->{"Archive"}) { $LibArchives{$LVer}{$Archive} = 1; } } foreach my $FieldName (keys(%{$TypeAttr->{"Fields"}})) { if($TypeAttr->{"Fields"}{$FieldName}{"Access"}=~/public|protected/) { $Class_Fields{$LVer}{$TName}{$FieldName} = $TypeAttr->{"Fields"}{$FieldName}{"Type"}; } } } foreach my $Method (keys(%{$MethodInfo{$LVer}})) { my $Name = $MethodInfo{$LVer}{$Method}{"Name"}; $MethodInfo{$LVer}{$Name} = delete($MethodInfo{$LVer}{$Method}); } foreach my $Method (keys(%{$MethodInfo{$LVer}})) { my $MAttr = $MethodInfo{$LVer}{$Method}; $MAttr->{"Signature"} = getSignature($Method, $LVer, "Full"); if(my $ClassId = $MAttr->{"Class"} and $MAttr->{"Access"}=~/public|protected/) { my $CName = getTypeName($ClassId, $LVer); $Class_Methods{$LVer}{$CName}{$Method} = 1; if($MAttr->{"Abstract"}) { $Class_AbstractMethods{$LVer}{$CName}{$Method} = 1; } } if($MAttr->{"Access"}!~/private/) { if($MAttr->{"Constructor"}) { registerUsage($MAttr->{"Class"}, $LVer); } else { registerUsage($MAttr->{"Return"}, $LVer); } } } } sub mergeMethods() { foreach my $Method (sort keys(%{$MethodInfo{1}})) { # compare methods next if(not defined $MethodInfo{2}{$Method}); if(not $MethodInfo{1}{$Method}{"Archive"} or not $MethodInfo{2}{$Method}{"Archive"}) { next; } if(not methodFilter($Method, 1)) { next; } my $ClassId1 = $MethodInfo{1}{$Method}{"Class"}; my $Class1_Name = getTypeName($ClassId1, 1); my $Class1_Type = getTypeType($ClassId1, 1); $CheckedTypes{$Class1_Name} = 1; $CheckedMethods{$Method} = 1; if(not $MethodInfo{1}{$Method}{"Static"} and $Class1_Type eq "class" and not $Class_Constructed{1}{$ClassId1}) { # class cannot be constructed or inherited by clients # non-static method cannot be called next; } # checking attributes if(not $MethodInfo{1}{$Method}{"Static"} and $MethodInfo{2}{$Method}{"Static"}) { %{$CompatProblems{$Method}{"Method_Became_Static"}{""}} = (); } elsif($MethodInfo{1}{$Method}{"Static"} and not $MethodInfo{2}{$Method}{"Static"}) { %{$CompatProblems{$Method}{"Method_Became_NonStatic"}{""}} = (); } if(not $MethodInfo{1}{$Method}{"Synchronized"} and $MethodInfo{2}{$Method}{"Synchronized"}) { %{$CompatProblems{$Method}{"Method_Became_Synchronized"}{""}} = (); } elsif($MethodInfo{1}{$Method}{"Synchronized"} and not $MethodInfo{2}{$Method}{"Synchronized"}) { %{$CompatProblems{$Method}{"Method_Became_NonSynchronized"}{""}} = (); } if(not $MethodInfo{1}{$Method}{"Final"} and $MethodInfo{2}{$Method}{"Final"}) { if($MethodInfo{1}{$Method}{"Static"}) { %{$CompatProblems{$Method}{"Static_Method_Became_Final"}{""}} = (); } else { %{$CompatProblems{$Method}{"NonStatic_Method_Became_Final"}{""}} = (); } } my $Access1 = $MethodInfo{1}{$Method}{"Access"}; my $Access2 = $MethodInfo{2}{$Method}{"Access"}; if($Access1 eq "public" and $Access2=~/protected|private/ or $Access1 eq "protected" and $Access2=~/private/) { %{$CompatProblems{$Method}{"Changed_Method_Access"}{""}} = ( "Old_Value"=>$Access1, "New_Value"=>$Access2); } my $Class2_Type = getTypeType($MethodInfo{2}{$Method}{"Class"}, 2); if($Class1_Type eq "class" and $Class2_Type eq "class") { if(not $MethodInfo{1}{$Method}{"Abstract"} and $MethodInfo{2}{$Method}{"Abstract"}) { %{$CompatProblems{$Method}{"Method_Became_Abstract"}{""}} = (); %{$CompatProblems{$Method}{"Class_Method_Became_Abstract"}{"this.".getSFormat($Method)}} = ( "Type_Name"=>$Class1_Name, "Target"=>$Method); } elsif($MethodInfo{1}{$Method}{"Abstract"} and not $MethodInfo{2}{$Method}{"Abstract"}) { %{$CompatProblems{$Method}{"Method_Became_NonAbstract"}{""}} = (); %{$CompatProblems{$Method}{"Class_Method_Became_NonAbstract"}{"this.".getSFormat($Method)}} = ( "Type_Name"=>$Class1_Name, "Target"=>$Method); } } elsif($Class1_Type eq "interface" and $Class2_Type eq "interface") { if(not $MethodInfo{1}{$Method}{"Abstract"} and $MethodInfo{2}{$Method}{"Abstract"}) { %{$CompatProblems{$Method}{"Method_Became_NonDefault"}{""}} = (); %{$CompatProblems{$Method}{"Interface_Method_Became_NonDefault"}{"this.".getSFormat($Method)}} = ( "Type_Name"=>$Class1_Name, "Target"=>$Method); } elsif($MethodInfo{1}{$Method}{"Abstract"} and not $MethodInfo{2}{$Method}{"Abstract"}) { %{$CompatProblems{$Method}{"Method_Became_Default"}{""}} = (); %{$CompatProblems{$Method}{"Interface_Method_Became_Default"}{"this.".getSFormat($Method)}} = ( "Type_Name"=>$Class1_Name, "Target"=>$Method); } } my %Exceptions_Old = map {getTypeName($_, 1) => $_} keys(%{$MethodInfo{1}{$Method}{"Exceptions"}}); my %Exceptions_New = map {getTypeName($_, 2) => $_} keys(%{$MethodInfo{2}{$Method}{"Exceptions"}}); foreach my $Exception (keys(%Exceptions_Old)) { if(not $Exceptions_New{$Exception}) { my $EType = getType($Exceptions_Old{$Exception}, 1); my $SuperClass = $EType->{"SuperClass"}; if($KnownRuntimeExceptions{$Exception} or defined $SuperClass and getTypeName($SuperClass, 1) eq "java.lang.RuntimeException") { if(not $MethodInfo{1}{$Method}{"Abstract"} and not $MethodInfo{2}{$Method}{"Abstract"}) { %{$CompatProblems{$Method}{"Removed_Unchecked_Exception"}{"this.".getSFormat($Exception)}} = ( "Type_Name"=>$Class1_Name, "Target"=>$Exception); } } else { if($MethodInfo{1}{$Method}{"Abstract"} and $MethodInfo{2}{$Method}{"Abstract"}) { %{$CompatProblems{$Method}{"Abstract_Method_Removed_Checked_Exception"}{"this.".getSFormat($Exception)}} = ( "Type_Name"=>$Class1_Name, "Target"=>$Exception); } else { %{$CompatProblems{$Method}{"NonAbstract_Method_Removed_Checked_Exception"}{"this.".getSFormat($Exception)}} = ( "Type_Name"=>$Class1_Name, "Target"=>$Exception); } } } } foreach my $Exception (keys(%Exceptions_New)) { if(not $Exceptions_Old{$Exception}) { my $EType = getType($Exceptions_New{$Exception}, 2); my $SuperClass = $EType->{"SuperClass"}; if($KnownRuntimeExceptions{$Exception} or defined $SuperClass and getTypeName($SuperClass, 2) eq "java.lang.RuntimeException") { if(not $MethodInfo{1}{$Method}{"Abstract"} and not $MethodInfo{2}{$Method}{"Abstract"}) { %{$CompatProblems{$Method}{"Added_Unchecked_Exception"}{"this.".getSFormat($Exception)}} = ( "Type_Name"=>$Class1_Name, "Target"=>$Exception); } } else { if($MethodInfo{1}{$Method}{"Abstract"} and $MethodInfo{2}{$Method}{"Abstract"}) { %{$CompatProblems{$Method}{"Abstract_Method_Added_Checked_Exception"}{"this.".getSFormat($Exception)}} = ( "Type_Name"=>$Class1_Name, "Target"=>$Exception); } else { %{$CompatProblems{$Method}{"NonAbstract_Method_Added_Checked_Exception"}{"this.".getSFormat($Exception)}} = ( "Type_Name"=>$Class1_Name, "Target"=>$Exception); } } } } if(defined $MethodInfo{1}{$Method}{"Param"}) { foreach my $ParamPos (sort {int($a) <=> int($b)} keys(%{$MethodInfo{1}{$Method}{"Param"}})) { # checking parameters mergeParameters($Method, $ParamPos, $ParamPos); } } # check object type my $ObjectType1_Id = $MethodInfo{1}{$Method}{"Class"}; my $ObjectType2_Id = $MethodInfo{2}{$Method}{"Class"}; if($ObjectType1_Id and $ObjectType2_Id) { my $SubProblems = mergeTypes($ObjectType1_Id, $ObjectType2_Id); foreach my $SubProblemType (keys(%{$SubProblems})) { foreach my $SubLocation (keys(%{$SubProblems->{$SubProblemType}})) { my $NewLocation = ($SubLocation)?"this.".$SubLocation:"this"; $CompatProblems{$Method}{$SubProblemType}{$NewLocation} = $SubProblems->{$SubProblemType}{$SubLocation}; } } } # check return type my $ReturnType1_Id = $MethodInfo{1}{$Method}{"Return"}; my $ReturnType2_Id = $MethodInfo{2}{$Method}{"Return"}; if($ReturnType1_Id and $ReturnType2_Id) { my $SubProblems = mergeTypes($ReturnType1_Id, $ReturnType2_Id); foreach my $SubProblemType (keys(%{$SubProblems})) { foreach my $SubLocation (keys(%{$SubProblems->{$SubProblemType}})) { my $NewLocation = ($SubLocation)?"retval.".$SubLocation:"retval"; $CompatProblems{$Method}{$SubProblemType}{$NewLocation} = $SubProblems->{$SubProblemType}{$SubLocation}; } } } } } sub mergeParameters($$$) { my ($Method, $ParamPos1, $ParamPos2) = @_; if(not $Method or not defined $MethodInfo{1}{$Method}{"Param"} or not defined $MethodInfo{2}{$Method}{"Param"}) { return; } my $ParamType1_Id = $MethodInfo{1}{$Method}{"Param"}{$ParamPos1}{"Type"}; my $ParamType2_Id = $MethodInfo{2}{$Method}{"Param"}{$ParamPos2}{"Type"}; if(not $ParamType1_Id or not $ParamType2_Id) { return; } my $Parameter_Name = $MethodInfo{1}{$Method}{"Param"}{$ParamPos1}{"Name"}; my $Parameter_Location = ($Parameter_Name)?$Parameter_Name:showPos($ParamPos1)." Parameter"; # checking type declaration changes my $SubProblems = mergeTypes($ParamType1_Id, $ParamType2_Id); foreach my $SubProblemType (keys(%{$SubProblems})) { foreach my $SubLocation (keys(%{$SubProblems->{$SubProblemType}})) { my $NewLocation = ($SubLocation)?$Parameter_Location.".".$SubLocation:$Parameter_Location; $CompatProblems{$Method}{$SubProblemType}{$NewLocation} = $SubProblems->{$SubProblemType}{$SubLocation}; } } } sub detectTypeChange($$$) { my ($Type1_Id, $Type2_Id, $Prefix) = @_; my %LocalProblems = (); my $Type1 = getType($Type1_Id, 1); my $Type2 = getType($Type2_Id, 2); my $Type1_Name = $Type1->{"Name"}; my $Type2_Name = $Type2->{"Name"}; my $Type1_Base = undef; my $Type2_Base = undef; if($Type1->{"Type"} eq "array") { $Type1_Base = getOneStepBaseType($Type1_Id, 1); } else { $Type1_Base = getBaseType($Type1_Id, 1); } if($Type2->{"Type"} eq "array") { $Type2_Base = getOneStepBaseType($Type2_Id, 2); } else { $Type2_Base = getBaseType($Type2_Id, 2); } return () if(not $Type1_Name or not $Type2_Name); return () if(not $Type1_Base->{"Name"} or not $Type2_Base->{"Name"}); if($Type1_Base->{"Name"} ne $Type2_Base->{"Name"} and $Type1_Name eq $Type2_Name) {# base type change %{$LocalProblems{"Changed_".$Prefix."_BaseType"}}=( "Old_Value"=>$Type1_Base->{"Name"}, "New_Value"=>$Type2_Base->{"Name"}); } elsif($Type1_Name ne $Type2_Name) {# type change %{$LocalProblems{"Changed_".$Prefix."_Type"}}=( "Old_Value"=>$Type1_Name, "New_Value"=>$Type2_Name); } return %LocalProblems; } sub specChars($) { my $Str = $_[0]; if(not defined $Str or $Str eq "") { return ""; } $Str=~s/\&([^#]|\Z)/&$1/g; $Str=~s//->/g; # − $Str=~s/>/>/g; $Str=~s/([^ ])( )([^ ])/$1\@ALONE_SP\@$3/g; $Str=~s/ / /g; #   $Str=~s/\@ALONE_SP\@/ /g; $Str=~s/\n//g; $Str=~s/\"/"/g; $Str=~s/\'/'/g; return $Str; } sub blackName($) { my $N = $_[0]; return "".$N.""; } sub highLight_ItalicColor($$) { my ($M, $V) = @_; return getSignature($M, $V, "Full|HTML|Italic|Color"); } sub getSignature($$$) { my ($Method, $LVer, $Kind) = @_; if(defined $Cache{"getSignature"}{$LVer}{$Method}{$Kind}) { return $Cache{"getSignature"}{$LVer}{$Method}{$Kind}; } # settings my ($Full, $Html, $Simple, $Italic, $Color, $ShowParams, $ShowClass, $ShowAttr, $Desc, $Target) = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, undef); if($Kind=~/Full/) { $Full = 1; } if($Kind=~/HTML/) { $Html = 1; } if($Kind=~/Simple/) { $Simple = 1; } if($Kind=~/Italic/) { $Italic = 1; } if($Kind=~/Color/) { $Color = 1; } if($Kind=~/Target=(\d+)/) { $Target = $1; } if($Kind=~/Param/) { $ShowParams = 1; } if($Kind=~/Class/) { $ShowClass = 1; } if($Kind=~/Attr/) { $ShowAttr = 1; } if($Kind=~/Desc/) { $Desc = 1; } if(not defined $MethodInfo{$LVer}{$Method}{"ShortName"}) { # from java.lang.Object if($Html or $Simple) { return specChars($Method); } else { return $Method; } } my $Signature = $MethodInfo{$LVer}{$Method}{"ShortName"}; if($Full or $ShowClass) { my $Class = getTypeName($MethodInfo{$LVer}{$Method}{"Class"}, $LVer); if($In::Opt{"HideTemplates"}) { $Class=~s/<.*>//g; } if($Html) { $Class = specChars($Class); } $Signature = $Class.".".$Signature; } my @Params = (); if(defined $MethodInfo{$LVer}{$Method}{"Param"}) { foreach my $PPos (sort {int($a)<=>int($b)} keys(%{$MethodInfo{$LVer}{$Method}{"Param"}})) { my $PTid = $MethodInfo{$LVer}{$Method}{"Param"}{$PPos}{"Type"}; if(my $PTName = getTypeName($PTid, $LVer)) { if($In::Opt{"HideTemplates"}) { $PTName=~s/<.*>//g; } if(not $In::Opt{"ShowPackages"}) { $PTName=~s/(\A|\<\s*|\,\s*)[a-z0-9\.]+\./$1/g; } if($Html) { $PTName = specChars($PTName); } if($Full or $ShowParams) { my $PName = $MethodInfo{$LVer}{$Method}{"Param"}{$PPos}{"Name"}; if($Simple) { $PName = "$PName"; } elsif($Html) { my $Style = "param"; if(defined $Target and $Target==$PPos) { $PName = "$PName"; } elsif($Color) { $PName = "$PName"; } else { $PName = "$PName"; } } push(@Params, $PTName." ".$PName); } else { push(@Params, $PTName); } } } } if($Simple) { $Signature = "".$Signature.""; } if($Html and not $Simple) { $Signature .= " "; if($Desc) { $Signature .= ""; } else { $Signature .= ""; } if(@Params) { foreach my $Pos (0 .. $#Params) { my $Name = ""; if($Pos==0) { $Name .= "( "; } $Name .= $Params[$Pos]; $Name = "".$Name.""; if($Pos==$#Params) { $Name .= " )"; } else { $Name .= ", "; } $Signature .= $Name; } } else { $Signature .= "( )"; } $Signature .= ""; } else { if(@Params) { $Signature .= " ( ".join(", ", @Params)." )"; } else { $Signature .= " ( )"; } } if($Full or $ShowAttr) { if($MethodInfo{$LVer}{$Method}{"Static"}) { $Signature .= " [static]"; } elsif($MethodInfo{$LVer}{$Method}{"Abstract"}) { $Signature .= " [abstract]"; } } if($Full) { if($In::Opt{"ShowAccess"}) { if(my $Access = $MethodInfo{$LVer}{$Method}{"Access"}) { if($Access ne "public") { $Signature .= " [".$Access."]"; } } } if(my $ReturnId = $MethodInfo{$LVer}{$Method}{"Return"}) { my $RName = getTypeName($ReturnId, $LVer); if($In::Opt{"HideTemplates"}) { $RName=~s/<.*>//g; } if(not $In::Opt{"ShowPackages"}) { $RName=~s/(\A|\<\s*|\,\s*)[a-z0-9\.]+\./$1/g; } if($Simple) { $Signature .= " : ".specChars($RName); } elsif($Html) { $Signature .= "  :  ".specChars($RName).""; } else { $Signature .= " : ".$RName; } } if(not $In::Opt{"SkipDeprecated"}) { if($MethodInfo{$LVer}{$Method}{"Deprecated"}) { $Signature .= " *DEPRECATED*"; } } } $Signature=~s/java\.lang\.//g; if($Html) { if(not $In::Opt{"SkipDeprecated"}) { $Signature=~s!(\*deprecated\*)!$1!ig; } $Signature=~s!(\[static\]|\[abstract\]|\[public\]|\[private\]|\[protected\])!$1!g; } if($Simple) { $Signature=~s/\[\]/\[ \]/g; } elsif($Html) { $Signature=~s!\[\]![ ]!g; $Signature=~s!operator=!operator =!g; } return ($Cache{"getSignature"}{$LVer}{$Method}{$Kind} = $Signature); } sub getReportHeader($) { my $Level = $_[0]; my $Report_Header = "

"; if($Level eq "Source") { $Report_Header .= "Source compatibility"; } elsif($Level eq "Binary") { $Report_Header .= "Binary compatibility"; } else { $Report_Header .= "API compatibility"; } $Report_Header .= " report for the ".$In::Opt{"TargetTitle"}." library between ".$In::Desc{1}{"Version"}." and ".$In::Desc{2}{"Version"}." versions"; if($In::Opt{"ClientPath"}) { $Report_Header .= " (concerning portability of the client: ".getFilename($In::Opt{"ClientPath"}).")"; } $Report_Header .= "

\n"; return $Report_Header; } sub getSourceInfo() { my $CheckedArchives = ""; if($In::Opt{"OldStyle"}) { $CheckedArchives .= "

Java Archives (".keys(%{$LibArchives{1}}).")

"; } else { $CheckedArchives .= "

Java Archives  ".keys(%{$LibArchives{1}})." 

"; } $CheckedArchives .= "\n
\n"; foreach my $ArchivePath (sort {lc($a) cmp lc($b)} keys(%{$LibArchives{1}})) { $CheckedArchives .= getFilename($ArchivePath)."
\n"; } $CheckedArchives .= "

\n"; return $CheckedArchives; } sub getTypeProblemsCount($$) { my ($TargetSeverity, $Level) = @_; my $Type_Problems_Count = 0; foreach my $Type_Name (sort keys(%{$TypeChanges{$Level}})) { my %Kinds_Target = (); foreach my $Kind (sort keys(%{$TypeChanges{$Level}{$Type_Name}})) { if($CompatRules{$Level}{$Kind}{"Severity"} ne $TargetSeverity) { next; } foreach my $Location (sort keys(%{$TypeChanges{$Level}{$Type_Name}{$Kind}})) { my $Target = $TypeChanges{$Level}{$Type_Name}{$Kind}{$Location}{"Target"}; if($Kinds_Target{$Kind}{$Target}) { next; } $Kinds_Target{$Kind}{$Target} = 1; $Type_Problems_Count += 1; } } } return $Type_Problems_Count; } sub showNum($) { if($_[0]) { my $Num = cutNum($_[0], 2, 0); if($Num eq "0") { foreach my $P (3 .. 7) { $Num = cutNum($_[0], $P, 1); if($Num ne "0") { last; } } } if($Num eq "0") { $Num = $_[0]; } return $Num; } return $_[0]; } sub cutNum($$$) { my ($num, $digs_to_cut, $z) = @_; if($num!~/\./) { $num .= "."; foreach (1 .. $digs_to_cut-1) { $num .= "0"; } } elsif($num=~/\.(.+)\Z/ and length($1)<$digs_to_cut-1) { foreach (1 .. $digs_to_cut - 1 - length($1)) { $num .= "0"; } } elsif($num=~/\d+\.(\d){$digs_to_cut,}/) { $num=sprintf("%.".($digs_to_cut-1)."f", $num); } $num=~s/\.[0]+\Z//g; if($z) { $num=~s/(\.[1-9]+)[0]+\Z/$1/g; } return $num; } sub getSummary($) { my $Level = $_[0]; my ($Added, $Removed, $M_Problems_High, $M_Problems_Medium, $M_Problems_Low, $T_Problems_High, $T_Problems_Medium, $T_Problems_Low, $M_Other, $T_Other) = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); %{$RESULT{$Level}} = ( "Problems"=>0, "Warnings"=>0, "Affected"=>0); foreach my $Method (sort keys(%CompatProblems)) { foreach my $Kind (sort keys(%{$CompatProblems{$Method}})) { if($CompatRules{$Level}{$Kind}{"Kind"} eq "Methods") { my $Severity = $CompatRules{$Level}{$Kind}{"Severity"}; foreach my $Loc (sort keys(%{$CompatProblems{$Method}{$Kind}})) { if($Kind eq "Added_Method") { if($Level eq "Source") { if($ChangedReturnFromVoid{$Method}) { next; } } $Added+=1; } elsif($Kind eq "Removed_Method") { if($Level eq "Source") { if($ChangedReturnFromVoid{$Method}) { next; } } $Removed+=1; $TotalAffected{$Level}{$Method} = $Severity; } else { if($Severity eq "Safe") { $M_Other += 1; } elsif($Severity eq "High") { $M_Problems_High+=1; } elsif($Severity eq "Medium") { $M_Problems_Medium+=1; } elsif($Severity eq "Low") { $M_Problems_Low+=1; } if(($Severity ne "Low" or $In::Opt{"StrictCompat"}) and $Severity ne "Safe") { $TotalAffected{$Level}{$Method} = $Severity; } } } } } } my %MethodTypeIndex = (); foreach my $Method (sort keys(%CompatProblems)) { foreach my $Kind (sort keys(%{$CompatProblems{$Method}})) { if($CompatRules{$Level}{$Kind}{"Kind"} eq "Types") { my $Severity = $CompatRules{$Level}{$Kind}{"Severity"}; if(($Severity ne "Low" or $In::Opt{"StrictCompat"}) and $Severity ne "Safe") { if(my $Sev = $TotalAffected{$Level}{$Method}) { if($Severity_Val{$Severity}>$Severity_Val{$Sev}) { $TotalAffected{$Level}{$Method} = $Severity; } } else { $TotalAffected{$Level}{$Method} = $Severity; } } my $MK = $CompatProblems{$Method}{$Kind}; my (@Locs1, @Locs2) = (); foreach my $Loc (sort {length($a)<=>length($b)} sort keys(%{$MK})) { if(index($Loc, "retval")==0 or index($Loc, "this")==0) { push(@Locs2, $Loc); } else { push(@Locs1, $Loc); } } foreach my $Loc (@Locs1, @Locs2) { my $Type = $MK->{$Loc}{"Type_Name"}; my $Target = $MK->{$Loc}{"Target"}; if(defined $MethodTypeIndex{$Method}{$Type}{$Kind}{$Target}) { # one location for one type and target next; } $MethodTypeIndex{$Method}{$Type}{$Kind}{$Target} = 1; $TypeChanges{$Level}{$Type}{$Kind}{$Loc} = $MK->{$Loc}; $TypeProblemsIndex{$Level}{$Type}{$Kind}{$Loc}{$Method} = 1; } } } } %MethodTypeIndex = (); # clear memory $T_Problems_High = getTypeProblemsCount("High", $Level); $T_Problems_Medium = getTypeProblemsCount("Medium", $Level); $T_Problems_Low = getTypeProblemsCount("Low", $Level); $T_Other = getTypeProblemsCount("Safe", $Level); my $SCount = keys(%CheckedMethods)-$Added; if($SCount) { my %Weight = ( "High" => 100, "Medium" => 50, "Low" => 25 ); foreach (keys(%{$TotalAffected{$Level}})) { $RESULT{$Level}{"Affected"}+=$Weight{$TotalAffected{$Level}{$_}}; } $RESULT{$Level}{"Affected"} = $RESULT{$Level}{"Affected"}/$SCount; } else { $RESULT{$Level}{"Affected"} = 0; } $RESULT{$Level}{"Affected"} = showNum($RESULT{$Level}{"Affected"}); if($RESULT{$Level}{"Affected"}>=100) { $RESULT{$Level}{"Affected"} = 100; } my ($TestInfo, $TestResults, $Problem_Summary) = (); # test info $TestInfo .= "

Test Info

\n"; $TestInfo .= "\n"; $TestInfo .= "\n"; $TestInfo .= "\n"; $TestInfo .= "\n"; if($In::Opt{"JoinReport"}) { if($Level eq "Binary") { $TestInfo .= "\n"; # Run-time } if($Level eq "Source") { $TestInfo .= "\n"; # Build-time } } $TestInfo .= "
Library Name".$In::Opt{"TargetTitle"}."
Version #1".$In::Desc{1}{"Version"}."
Version #2".$In::Desc{2}{"Version"}."
SubjectBinary Compatibility
SubjectSource Compatibility
\n"; # test results $TestResults .= "

Test Results

\n"; $TestResults .= "\n"; my $Checked_Archives_Link = "0"; $Checked_Archives_Link = "".keys(%{$LibArchives{1}})."" if(keys(%{$LibArchives{1}})>0); $TestResults .= "\n"; $TestResults .= "\n"; $RESULT{$Level}{"Problems"} += $Removed+$M_Problems_High+$T_Problems_High+$T_Problems_Medium+$M_Problems_Medium; if($In::Opt{"StrictCompat"}) { $RESULT{$Level}{"Problems"}+=$T_Problems_Low+$M_Problems_Low; } else { $RESULT{$Level}{"Warnings"}+=$T_Problems_Low+$M_Problems_Low; } my $META_DATA = "kind:".lc($Level).";"; $META_DATA .= $RESULT{$Level}{"Problems"}?"verdict:incompatible;":"verdict:compatible;"; $TestResults .= "\n"; my $BC_Rate = showNum(100 - $RESULT{$Level}{"Affected"}); if($RESULT{$Level}{"Problems"}) { my $Cl = "incompatible"; if($BC_Rate>=90) { $Cl = "warning"; } elsif($BC_Rate>=80) { $Cl = "almost_compatible"; } $TestResults .= "\n"; } else { $TestResults .= "\n"; } $TestResults .= "\n"; $TestResults .= "
Total JARs$Checked_Archives_Link
Total Methods / Classes".keys(%CheckedMethods)." / ".keys(%CheckedTypes)."
\n"; $META_DATA .= "affected:".$RESULT{$Level}{"Affected"}.";";# in percents # Problem Summary $Problem_Summary .= "

Problem Summary

\n"; $Problem_Summary .= "\n"; $Problem_Summary .= "\n"; my $Added_Link = "0"; if($Added>0) { if($In::Opt{"ShortMode"}) { $Added_Link = $Added; } else { if($In::Opt{"JoinReport"}) { $Added_Link = "$Added"; } else { $Added_Link = "$Added"; } } } $META_DATA .= "added:$Added;"; $Problem_Summary .= "$Added_Link\n"; my $Removed_Link = "0"; if($Removed>0) { if($In::Opt{"ShortMode"}) { $Removed_Link = $Removed; } else { if($In::Opt{"JoinReport"}) { $Removed_Link = "$Removed" } else { $Removed_Link = "$Removed" } } } $META_DATA .= "removed:$Removed;"; $Problem_Summary .= ""; $Problem_Summary .= "$Removed_Link\n"; my $TH_Link = "0"; $TH_Link = "$T_Problems_High" if($T_Problems_High>0); $META_DATA .= "type_problems_high:$T_Problems_High;"; $Problem_Summary .= ""; $Problem_Summary .= "$TH_Link\n"; my $TM_Link = "0"; $TM_Link = "$T_Problems_Medium" if($T_Problems_Medium>0); $META_DATA .= "type_problems_medium:$T_Problems_Medium;"; $Problem_Summary .= "$TM_Link\n"; my $TL_Link = "0"; $TL_Link = "$T_Problems_Low" if($T_Problems_Low>0); $META_DATA .= "type_problems_low:$T_Problems_Low;"; $Problem_Summary .= "$TL_Link\n"; my $MH_Link = "0"; $MH_Link = "$M_Problems_High" if($M_Problems_High>0); $META_DATA .= "method_problems_high:$M_Problems_High;"; $Problem_Summary .= ""; $Problem_Summary .= "$MH_Link\n"; my $MM_Link = "0"; $MM_Link = "$M_Problems_Medium" if($M_Problems_Medium>0); $META_DATA .= "method_problems_medium:$M_Problems_Medium;"; $Problem_Summary .= "$MM_Link\n"; my $ML_Link = "0"; $ML_Link = "$M_Problems_Low" if($M_Problems_Low>0); $META_DATA .= "method_problems_low:$M_Problems_Low;"; $Problem_Summary .= "$ML_Link\n"; # Safe Changes if($T_Other) { my $TS_Link = "$T_Other"; $Problem_Summary .= "$TS_Link\n"; } if($M_Other) { my $MS_Link = "$M_Other"; $Problem_Summary .= "$MS_Link\n"; } $META_DATA .= "checked_methods:".keys(%CheckedMethods).";"; $META_DATA .= "checked_types:".keys(%CheckedTypes).";"; $META_DATA .= "tool_version:$TOOL_VERSION"; $Problem_Summary .= "
Added Methods-
Removed MethodsHigh
Problems with
Data Types
Problems with
Other Changes
in Data Types
Other Changes
in Methods
\n"; return ($TestInfo.$TestResults.$Problem_Summary, $META_DATA); } sub getStyle($$$) { my ($Subj, $Act, $Num) = @_; my %Style = ( "Added"=>"new", "Removed"=>"failed", "Safe"=>"passed", "Low"=>"warning", "Medium"=>"failed", "High"=>"failed" ); if($Num>0) { return " class='".$Style{$Act}."'"; } return ""; } sub getAnchor($$$) { my ($Kind, $Level, $Severity) = @_; if($In::Opt{"JoinReport"}) { if($Severity eq "Safe") { return "Other_".$Level."_Changes_In_".$Kind."s"; } else { return $Kind."_".$Level."_Problems_".$Severity; } } else { if($Severity eq "Safe") { return "Other_Changes_In_".$Kind."s"; } else { return $Kind."_Problems_".$Severity; } } } sub getReportAdded($) { if($In::Opt{"ShortMode"}) { return ""; } my $Level = $_[0]; my ($ADDED_METHODS, %MethodAddedInArchiveClass); foreach my $Method (sort keys(%CompatProblems)) { foreach my $Kind (sort keys(%{$CompatProblems{$Method}})) { if($Kind eq "Added_Method") { my $ArchiveName = $MethodInfo{2}{$Method}{"Archive"}; my $ClassName = getShortName($MethodInfo{2}{$Method}{"Class"}, 2); if($Level eq "Source") { if($ChangedReturnFromVoid{$Method}) { next; } } $MethodAddedInArchiveClass{$ArchiveName}{$ClassName}{$Method} = 1; } } } my $Added_Number = 0; foreach my $ArchiveName (sort {lc($a) cmp lc($b)} keys(%MethodAddedInArchiveClass)) { foreach my $ClassName (sort {lc($a) cmp lc($b)} keys(%{$MethodAddedInArchiveClass{$ArchiveName}})) { my %NameSpace_Method = (); foreach my $Method (keys(%{$MethodAddedInArchiveClass{$ArchiveName}{$ClassName}})) { $NameSpace_Method{$MethodInfo{2}{$Method}{"Package"}}{$Method} = 1; } my $ShowClass = $ClassName; $ShowClass=~s/<.*>//g; foreach my $NameSpace (sort keys(%NameSpace_Method)) { $ADDED_METHODS .= "$ArchiveName, ".specChars($ShowClass).".class
\n"; if($NameSpace) { $ADDED_METHODS .= "package $NameSpace
\n"; } if($In::Opt{"Compact"}) { $ADDED_METHODS .= "
"; } my @SortedMethods = sort {lc($MethodInfo{2}{$a}{"Signature"}) cmp lc($MethodInfo{2}{$b}{"Signature"})} keys(%{$NameSpace_Method{$NameSpace}}); foreach my $Method (@SortedMethods) { $Added_Number += 1; my $Signature = undef; if($In::Opt{"Compact"}) { $Signature = getSignature($Method, 2, "Full|HTML|Simple"); } else { $Signature = highLight_ItalicColor($Method, 2); } if($NameSpace) { $Signature=~s/(\W|\A)\Q$NameSpace\E\.(\w)/$1$2/g; } if($In::Opt{"Compact"}) { $ADDED_METHODS .= " ".$Signature."
\n"; } else { $ADDED_METHODS .= insertIDs($ContentSpanStart.$Signature.$ContentSpanEnd."

".$ContentDivEnd."\n"); } } if($In::Opt{"Compact"}) { $ADDED_METHODS .= "
"; } $ADDED_METHODS .= "
\n"; } } } if($ADDED_METHODS) { my $Anchor = ""; if($In::Opt{"JoinReport"}) { $Anchor = ""; } if($In::Opt{"OldStyle"}) { $ADDED_METHODS = "

Added Methods ($Added_Number)


Added Methods  $Added_Number 

\n"; } return $ADDED_METHODS; } sub getReportRemoved($) { if($In::Opt{"ShortMode"}) { return ""; } my $Level = $_[0]; my ($REMOVED_METHODS, %MethodRemovedFromArchiveClass); foreach my $Method (sort keys(%CompatProblems)) { foreach my $Kind (sort keys(%{$CompatProblems{$Method}})) { if($Kind eq "Removed_Method") { if($Level eq "Source") { if($ChangedReturnFromVoid{$Method}) { next; } } my $ArchiveName = $MethodInfo{1}{$Method}{"Archive"}; my $ClassName = getShortName($MethodInfo{1}{$Method}{"Class"}, 1); $MethodRemovedFromArchiveClass{$ArchiveName}{$ClassName}{$Method} = 1; } } } my $Removed_Number = 0; foreach my $ArchiveName (sort {lc($a) cmp lc($b)} keys(%MethodRemovedFromArchiveClass)) { foreach my $ClassName (sort {lc($a) cmp lc($b)} keys(%{$MethodRemovedFromArchiveClass{$ArchiveName}})) { my %NameSpace_Method = (); foreach my $Method (keys(%{$MethodRemovedFromArchiveClass{$ArchiveName}{$ClassName}})) { $NameSpace_Method{$MethodInfo{1}{$Method}{"Package"}}{$Method} = 1; } my $ShowClass = $ClassName; $ShowClass=~s/<.*>//g; foreach my $NameSpace (sort keys(%NameSpace_Method)) { $REMOVED_METHODS .= "$ArchiveName, ".specChars($ShowClass).".class
\n"; if($NameSpace) { $REMOVED_METHODS .= "package $NameSpace
\n"; } if($In::Opt{"Compact"}) { $REMOVED_METHODS .= "
"; } my @SortedMethods = sort {lc($MethodInfo{1}{$a}{"Signature"}) cmp lc($MethodInfo{1}{$b}{"Signature"})} keys(%{$NameSpace_Method{$NameSpace}}); foreach my $Method (@SortedMethods) { $Removed_Number += 1; my $Signature = undef; if($In::Opt{"Compact"}) { $Signature = getSignature($Method, 1, "Full|HTML|Simple"); } else { $Signature = highLight_ItalicColor($Method, 1); } if($NameSpace) { $Signature=~s/(\W|\A)\Q$NameSpace\E\.(\w)/$1$2/g; } if($In::Opt{"Compact"}) { $REMOVED_METHODS .= " ".$Signature."
\n"; } else { $REMOVED_METHODS .= insertIDs($ContentSpanStart.$Signature.$ContentSpanEnd."

".$ContentDivEnd."\n"); } } if($In::Opt{"Compact"}) { $REMOVED_METHODS .= "
\n"; } } } if($REMOVED_METHODS) { my $Anchor = ""; if($In::Opt{"JoinReport"}) { $Anchor = ""; } if($In::Opt{"OldStyle"}) { $REMOVED_METHODS = "

Removed Methods ($Removed_Number)


Removed Methods  $Removed_Number 

\n"; } return $REMOVED_METHODS; } sub readRules($) { my $Kind = $_[0]; if(not -f $RULES_PATH{$Kind}) { exitStatus("Module_Error", "can't access \'".$RULES_PATH{$Kind}."\'"); } my $Content = readFile($RULES_PATH{$Kind}); while(my $Rule = parseTag(\$Content, "rule")) { my $RId = parseTag(\$Rule, "id"); my @Properties = ("Severity", "Change", "Effect", "Overcome", "Kind"); foreach my $Prop (@Properties) { if(my $Value = parseTag(\$Rule, lc($Prop))) { $Value=~s/\n[ ]*//; $CompatRules{$Kind}{$RId}{$Prop} = $Value; } } if($CompatRules{$Kind}{$RId}{"Kind"}=~/\A(Methods|Parameters)\Z/) { $CompatRules{$Kind}{$RId}{"Kind"} = "Methods"; } else { # Types, Fields $CompatRules{$Kind}{$RId}{"Kind"} = "Types"; } } } sub addMarkup($) { my $Content = $_[0]; # auto-markup $Content=~s/\n[ ]*//; # spaces $Content=~s!([2-9]\))!
$1!g; # 1), 2), ... if($Content=~/\ANOTE:/) { # notes $Content=~s!(NOTE):!$1:!g; } else { $Content=~s!(NOTE):!

$1:!g; } my @Keywords = ( "static", "abstract", "default", "final", "synchronized" ); my $MKeys = join("|", @Keywords); foreach (@Keywords) { $MKeys .= "|non-".$_; } $Content=~s!(became\s*)($MKeys)([^\w-]|\Z)!$1$2$3!ig; # intrinsic types, modifiers # Markdown $Content=~s!\*\*([\w\-\@]+)\*\*!$1!ig; $Content=~s!\*([\w\-]+)\*!$1!ig; return $Content; } sub applyMacroses($$$$$) { my ($Level, $Kind, $Content, $Problem, $AddAttr) = @_; $Content = addMarkup($Content); # macros foreach my $Attr (sort {$b cmp $a} (keys(%{$Problem}), keys(%{$AddAttr}))) { my $Macro = "\@".lc($Attr); my $Value = undef; if(defined $Problem->{$Attr}) { $Value = $Problem->{$Attr}; } else { $Value = $AddAttr->{$Attr}; } if(not defined $Value or $Value eq "") { next; } if(index($Content, $Macro)==-1) { next; } if($Attr eq "Param_Pos") { $Value = showPos($Value); } if($Attr eq "Invoked") { $Value = blackName(specChars($Value)); } elsif($Value=~/\s/) { $Value = "".specChars($Value).""; } else { my $Fmt = "Class|HTML|Desc"; if($Attr ne "Invoked_By") { if($Attr eq "Method_Short" or $Kind!~/Overridden|Moved_Up/) { $Fmt = "HTML|Desc"; } } if(defined $MethodInfo{1}{$Value} and defined $MethodInfo{1}{$Value}{"ShortName"}) { $Value = blackName(getSignature($Value, 1, $Fmt)); } elsif(defined $MethodInfo{2}{$Value} and defined $MethodInfo{2}{$Value}{"ShortName"}) { $Value = blackName(getSignature($Value, 2, $Fmt)); } else { $Value = specChars($Value); if($Attr ne "Type_Type") { $Value = "".$Value.""; } } } $Content=~s/\Q$Macro\E/$Value/g; } if($Content=~/(\A|[^\@\w])(\@\w+)/) { if(not $IncompleteRules{$Level}{$Kind}) { # only one warning printMsg("WARNING", "incomplete $2 in the rule \"$Kind\" (\"$Level\")"); $IncompleteRules{$Level}{$Kind} = 1; } } return $Content; } sub getReportMethodProblems($$) { my ($TargetSeverity, $Level) = @_; my $METHOD_PROBLEMS = ""; my (%ReportMap, %MethodChanges) = (); foreach my $Method (sort keys(%CompatProblems)) { my $ArchiveName = $MethodInfo{1}{$Method}{"Archive"}; my $ClassName = getShortName($MethodInfo{1}{$Method}{"Class"}, 1); foreach my $Kind (sort keys(%{$CompatProblems{$Method}})) { if($CompatRules{$Level}{$Kind}{"Kind"} eq "Methods") { if($Kind eq "Added_Method" or $Kind eq "Removed_Method") { next; } if(my $Severity = $CompatRules{$Level}{$Kind}{"Severity"}) { if($Severity ne $TargetSeverity) { next; } $MethodChanges{$Method}{$Kind} = $CompatProblems{$Method}{$Kind}; $ReportMap{$ArchiveName}{$ClassName}{$Method} = 1; } } } } my $ProblemsNum = 0; foreach my $ArchiveName (sort {lc($a) cmp lc($b)} keys(%ReportMap)) { foreach my $ClassName (sort {lc($a) cmp lc($b)} keys(%{$ReportMap{$ArchiveName}})) { my %NameSpace_Method = (); foreach my $Method (keys(%{$ReportMap{$ArchiveName}{$ClassName}})) { $NameSpace_Method{$MethodInfo{1}{$Method}{"Package"}}{$Method} = 1; } my $ShowClass = $ClassName; $ShowClass=~s/<.*>//g; foreach my $NameSpace (sort keys(%NameSpace_Method)) { $METHOD_PROBLEMS .= "$ArchiveName, ".specChars($ShowClass).".class
\n"; if($NameSpace) { $METHOD_PROBLEMS .= "package $NameSpace
\n"; } my @SortedMethods = sort {lc($MethodInfo{1}{$a}{"Signature"}) cmp lc($MethodInfo{1}{$b}{"Signature"})} keys(%{$NameSpace_Method{$NameSpace}}); foreach my $Method (@SortedMethods) { my %AddAttr = (); $AddAttr{"Method_Short"} = $Method; $AddAttr{"Class"} = getTypeName($MethodInfo{1}{$Method}{"Class"}, 1); my $METHOD_REPORT = ""; my $ProblemNum = 1; foreach my $Kind (sort keys(%{$MethodChanges{$Method}})) { foreach my $Loc (sort keys(%{$MethodChanges{$Method}{$Kind}})) { my $ProblemAttr = $MethodChanges{$Method}{$Kind}{$Loc}; if(my $Change = applyMacroses($Level, $Kind, $CompatRules{$Level}{$Kind}{"Change"}, $ProblemAttr, \%AddAttr)) { my $Effect = applyMacroses($Level, $Kind, $CompatRules{$Level}{$Kind}{"Effect"}, $ProblemAttr, \%AddAttr); $METHOD_REPORT .= "\n$ProblemNum\n".$Change."\n".$Effect."\n\n"; $ProblemNum += 1; $ProblemsNum += 1; } } } $ProblemNum -= 1; if($METHOD_REPORT) { my $ShowMethod = highLight_ItalicColor($Method, 1); if($NameSpace) { $METHOD_REPORT = cutNs($METHOD_REPORT, $NameSpace); $ShowMethod = cutNs($ShowMethod, $NameSpace); } $METHOD_PROBLEMS .= $ContentSpanStart."[+] ".$ShowMethod; if($In::Opt{"OldStyle"}) { $METHOD_PROBLEMS .= " ($ProblemNum)"; } else { $METHOD_PROBLEMS .= "  $ProblemNum 
"; } $METHOD_PROBLEMS .= $ContentSpanEnd."
\n"; $METHOD_PROBLEMS .= $ContentDivStart; if(not $In::Opt{"Compact"}) { $METHOD_PROBLEMS .= "".specChars($Method)."

$ContentDivEnd\n"; } } $METHOD_PROBLEMS .= "
"; } } } if($METHOD_PROBLEMS) { $METHOD_PROBLEMS = insertIDs($METHOD_PROBLEMS); my $Title = "Problems with Methods, $TargetSeverity Severity"; if($TargetSeverity eq "Safe") { # Safe Changes $Title = "Other Changes in Methods"; } if($In::Opt{"OldStyle"}) { $METHOD_PROBLEMS = "

$Title ($ProblemsNum)


$Title  $ProblemsNum 

\n"; } return $METHOD_PROBLEMS; } sub showType($$$) { my ($Name, $Html, $LVer) = @_; my $TType = $TypeInfo{$LVer}{$TName_Tid{$LVer}{$Name}}{"Type"}; if($Html) { $Name = "".$TType." ".specChars($Name); } else { $Name = $TType." ".$Name; } return $Name; } sub getReportTypeProblems($$) { my ($TargetSeverity, $Level) = @_; my $TYPE_PROBLEMS = ""; my %ReportMap = (); my %TypeChanges_Sev = (); foreach my $TypeName (keys(%{$TypeChanges{$Level}})) { my $ArchiveName = $TypeInfo{1}{$TName_Tid{1}{$TypeName}}{"Archive"}; foreach my $Kind (keys(%{$TypeChanges{$Level}{$TypeName}})) { if($CompatRules{$Level}{$Kind}{"Severity"} ne $TargetSeverity) { next; } foreach my $Loc (keys(%{$TypeChanges{$Level}{$TypeName}{$Kind}})) { $ReportMap{$ArchiveName}{$TypeName} = 1; $TypeChanges_Sev{$TypeName}{$Kind}{$Loc} = $TypeChanges{$Level}{$TypeName}{$Kind}{$Loc}; } } } my $ProblemsNum = 0; foreach my $ArchiveName (sort {lc($a) cmp lc($b)} keys(%ReportMap)) { my %NameSpace_Type = (); foreach my $TypeName (keys(%{$ReportMap{$ArchiveName}})) { $NameSpace_Type{$TypeInfo{1}{$TName_Tid{1}{$TypeName}}{"Package"}}{$TypeName} = 1; } foreach my $NameSpace (sort keys(%NameSpace_Type)) { $TYPE_PROBLEMS .= "$ArchiveName
\n"; if($NameSpace) { $TYPE_PROBLEMS .= "package ".$NameSpace."
\n"; } my @SortedTypes = sort {lc(showType($a, 0, 1)) cmp lc(showType($b, 0, 1))} keys(%{$NameSpace_Type{$NameSpace}}); foreach my $TypeName (@SortedTypes) { my $TypeId = $TName_Tid{1}{$TypeName}; my $ProblemNum = 1; my $TYPE_REPORT = ""; my (%Kinds_Locations, %Kinds_Target) = (); foreach my $Kind (sort keys(%{$TypeChanges_Sev{$TypeName}})) { foreach my $Location (sort keys(%{$TypeChanges_Sev{$TypeName}{$Kind}})) { $Kinds_Locations{$Kind}{$Location} = 1; my $Target = $TypeChanges_Sev{$TypeName}{$Kind}{$Location}{"Target"}; if($Kinds_Target{$Kind}{$Target}) { next; } $Kinds_Target{$Kind}{$Target} = 1; my %AddAttr = (); if($Kind=~/Method/) { if(defined $MethodInfo{1}{$Target} and $MethodInfo{1}{$Target}{"Name"}) { $AddAttr{"Method_Short"} = $Target; $AddAttr{"Class"} = getTypeName($MethodInfo{1}{$Target}{"Class"}, 1); } elsif(defined $MethodInfo{2}{$Target} and $MethodInfo{2}{$Target}{"Name"}) { $AddAttr{"Method_Short"} = $Target; $AddAttr{"Class"} = getTypeName($MethodInfo{2}{$Target}{"Class"}, 2); } } my $ProblemAttr = $TypeChanges_Sev{$TypeName}{$Kind}{$Location}; if(my $Change = applyMacroses($Level, $Kind, $CompatRules{$Level}{$Kind}{"Change"}, $ProblemAttr, \%AddAttr)) { my $Effect = applyMacroses($Level, $Kind, $CompatRules{$Level}{$Kind}{"Effect"}, $ProblemAttr, \%AddAttr); $TYPE_REPORT .= "\n$ProblemNum\n".$Change."\n".$Effect."\n\n"; $ProblemNum += 1; $ProblemsNum += 1; } } } $ProblemNum -= 1; if($TYPE_REPORT) { my $Affected = ""; if(not defined $TypeInfo{1}{$TypeId}{"Annotation"}) { $Affected = getAffectedMethods($Level, $TypeName, \%Kinds_Locations); } my $ShowType = showType($TypeName, 1, 1); if($NameSpace) { $TYPE_REPORT = cutNs($TYPE_REPORT, $NameSpace); $ShowType = cutNs($ShowType, $NameSpace); $Affected = cutNs($Affected, $NameSpace); } $TYPE_PROBLEMS .= $ContentSpanStart."[+] ".$ShowType; if($In::Opt{"OldStyle"}) { $TYPE_PROBLEMS .= " ($ProblemNum)"; } else { $TYPE_PROBLEMS .= "  $ProblemNum 
"; } $TYPE_PROBLEMS .= $ContentSpanEnd."

$ContentDivEnd\n"; } } $TYPE_PROBLEMS .= "
"; } } if($TYPE_PROBLEMS) { $TYPE_PROBLEMS = insertIDs($TYPE_PROBLEMS); my $Title = "Problems with Data Types, $TargetSeverity Severity"; if($TargetSeverity eq "Safe") { # Safe Changes $Title = "Other Changes in Data Types"; } if($In::Opt{"OldStyle"}) { $TYPE_PROBLEMS = "

$Title ($ProblemsNum)


$Title  $ProblemsNum 

\n"; } return $TYPE_PROBLEMS; } sub cutNs($$) { my ($N, $Ns) = @_; $N=~s/(\W|\A)\Q$Ns\E\.(\w)/$1$2/g; return $N; } sub getAffectedMethods($$$) { my ($Level, $Target_TypeName, $Kinds_Locations) = @_; my $LIMIT = 10; if(defined $In::Opt{"AffectLimit"}) { $LIMIT = $In::Opt{"AffectLimit"}; } my %SymSel = (); foreach my $Kind (sort keys(%{$Kinds_Locations})) { my @Locs = sort {(index($a, "retval")!=-1) cmp (index($b, "retval")!=-1)} sort {length($a)<=>length($b)} sort keys(%{$Kinds_Locations->{$Kind}}); foreach my $Loc (@Locs) { foreach my $Method (keys(%{$TypeProblemsIndex{$Level}{$Target_TypeName}{$Kind}{$Loc}})) { if($Method eq ".client_method") { next; } if(not defined $SymSel{$Method}) { $SymSel{$Method}{"Kind"} = $Kind; $SymSel{$Method}{"Loc"} = $Loc; } } } } my $Total = keys(%SymSel); if(not $Total) { return ""; } my $Affected = ""; my $SNum = 0; foreach my $Method (sort {lc($a) cmp lc($b)} keys(%SymSel)) { my $Kind = $SymSel{$Method}{"Kind"}; my $Loc = $SymSel{$Method}{"Loc"}; my $Desc = getAffectDesc($Method, $Kind, $Loc, $Level); my $PName = getParamName($Loc); my $Pos = getParamPos($PName, $Method, 1); $Affected .= "".getSignature($Method, 1, "HTML|Italic|Param|Class|Target=".$Pos)."
"; $Affected .= "
\n"; if(++$SNum>=$LIMIT) { last; } } if($Total>$LIMIT) { $Affected .= " ...\n
\n"; # and others ... } $Affected = "
"; if($Affected) { my $Per = showNum($Total*100/keys(%CheckedMethods)); $Affected = $ContentDivStart.$Affected.$ContentDivEnd; $Affected = $ContentSpanStart_Affected."[+] affected methods: $Total ($Per\%)".$ContentSpanEnd.$Affected; } return $Affected; } sub getAffectDesc($$$$) { my ($Method, $Kind, $Location, $Level) = @_; my %Affect = %{$CompatProblems{$Method}{$Kind}{$Location}}; my $New_Value = $Affect{"New_Value"}; my $Type_Name = $Affect{"Type_Name"}; my @Sentence_Parts = (); $Location=~s/\.[^.]+?\Z//; my $TypeAttr = getType($MethodInfo{1}{$Method}{"Class"}, 1); my $Type_Type = $TypeAttr->{"Type"}; my $ABSTRACT_M = $MethodInfo{1}{$Method}{"Abstract"}?" abstract":""; my $ABSTRACT_C = $TypeAttr->{"Abstract"}?" abstract":""; my $METHOD_TYPE = $MethodInfo{1}{$Method}{"Constructor"}?"constructor":"method"; if($Kind eq "Class_Overridden_Method" or $Kind eq "Class_Method_Moved_Up_Hierarchy") { return "Method '".getSignature($New_Value, 2, "Class|HTML|Italic")."' will be called instead of this method in a client program."; } elsif($CompatRules{$Level}{$Kind}{"Kind"} eq "Types") { my %MInfo = %{$MethodInfo{1}{$Method}}; if($Location eq "this") { return "This$ABSTRACT_M $METHOD_TYPE is from \'".specChars($Type_Name)."\'$ABSTRACT_C $Type_Type."; } my $TypeID = undef; if($Location=~/retval/) { # return value if($Location=~/\./) { push(@Sentence_Parts, "Field \'".specChars($Location)."\' in the return value"); } else { push(@Sentence_Parts, "Return value"); } $TypeID = $MInfo{"Return"}; } elsif($Location=~/this/) { # "this" reference push(@Sentence_Parts, "Field \'".specChars($Location)."\' in the object"); $TypeID = $MInfo{"Class"}; } else { # parameters my $PName = getParamName($Location); my $PPos = getParamPos($PName, $Method, 1); if($Location=~/\./) { push(@Sentence_Parts, "Field \'".specChars($Location)."\' in ".showPos($PPos)." parameter"); } else { push(@Sentence_Parts, showPos($PPos)." parameter"); } if($PName) { push(@Sentence_Parts, "\'$PName\'"); } if(defined $MInfo{"Param"}) { $TypeID = $MInfo{"Param"}{$PPos}{"Type"}; } } push(@Sentence_Parts, " of this$ABSTRACT_M method"); my $Location_T = $Location; $Location_T=~s/\A\w+(\.|\Z)//; # location in type my $TypeID_Problem = $TypeID; if($Location_T) { $TypeID_Problem = getFieldType($Location_T, $TypeID, 1); } if($TypeInfo{1}{$TypeID_Problem}{"Name"} eq $Type_Name) { push(@Sentence_Parts, "is of type \'".specChars($Type_Name)."\'."); } else { push(@Sentence_Parts, "has base type \'".specChars($Type_Name)."\'."); } } return join(" ", @Sentence_Parts); } sub getParamPos($$$) { my ($Name, $Method, $LVer) = @_; if(defined $MethodInfo{$LVer}{$Method} and defined $MethodInfo{$LVer}{$Method}{"Param"}) { my $Info = $MethodInfo{$LVer}{$Method}; foreach (keys(%{$Info->{"Param"}})) { if($Info->{"Param"}{$_}{"Name"} eq $Name) { return $_; } } } return undef; } sub getParamName($) { my $Loc = $_[0]; $Loc=~s/\..*//g; return $Loc; } sub getFieldType($$$) { my ($Location, $TypeId, $LVer) = @_; my @Fields = split(/\./, $Location); foreach my $Name (@Fields) { my $TInfo = getBaseType($TypeId, $LVer); foreach my $N (keys(%{$TInfo->{"Fields"}})) { if($N eq $Name) { $TypeId = $TInfo->{"Fields"}{$N}{"Type"}; last; } } } return $TypeId; } sub writeReport($$) { my ($Level, $Report) = @_; my $RPath = getReportPath($Level); writeFile($RPath, $Report); } sub createReport() { if($In::Opt{"JoinReport"}) { writeReport("Join", getReport("Join")); } elsif($In::Opt{"DoubleReport"}) { # default writeReport("Binary", getReport("Binary")); writeReport("Source", getReport("Source")); } elsif($In::Opt{"BinaryOnly"}) { # --binary writeReport("Binary", getReport("Binary")); } elsif($In::Opt{"SourceOnly"}) { # --source writeReport("Source", getReport("Source")); } } sub getCssStyles($) { my $Level = $_[0]; my $CssStyles = readModule("Css", "Report.css"); if($Level eq "Join" or $In::Opt{"ExternCss"}) { $CssStyles .= readModule("Css", "Tabs.css"); } return $CssStyles; } sub getJsScript($) { my $Level = $_[0]; my $JScripts = readModule("Js", "Sections.js"); if($Level eq "Join" or $In::Opt{"ExternJs"}) { $JScripts .= readModule("Js", "Tabs.js"); } return $JScripts; } sub getReport($) { my $Level = $_[0]; my $CssStyles = getCssStyles($Level); my $JScripts = getJsScript($Level); if(defined $In::Opt{"ExternCss"}) { writeFile($In::Opt{"ExternCss"}, $CssStyles); } if(defined $In::Opt{"ExternJs"}) { writeFile($In::Opt{"ExternJs"}, $JScripts); } if($Level eq "Join") { my $Title = $In::Opt{"TargetTitle"}.": ".$In::Desc{1}{"Version"}." to ".$In::Desc{2}{"Version"}." compatibility report"; my $Keywords = $In::Opt{"TargetTitle"}.", compatibility"; my $Description = "Compatibility report for the ".$In::Opt{"TargetTitle"}." library between ".$In::Desc{1}{"Version"}." and ".$In::Desc{2}{"Version"}." versions"; my ($BSummary, $BMetaData) = getSummary("Binary"); my ($SSummary, $SMetaData) = getSummary("Source"); my $Report = "\n\n".composeHTML_Head($Level, $Title, $Keywords, $Description, $CssStyles, $JScripts).""; $Report .= getReportHeader("Join"); $Report .= "
\n"; $Report .= "Binary
\n"; $Report .= "Source
\n"; $Report .= "
\n"; $Report .= "
\n$BSummary\n".getReportAdded("Binary").getReportRemoved("Binary").getReportProblems("High", "Binary").getReportProblems("Medium", "Binary").getReportProblems("Low", "Binary").getReportProblems("Safe", "Binary").getSourceInfo()."

"; $Report .= "
\n$SSummary\n".getReportAdded("Source").getReportRemoved("Source").getReportProblems("High", "Source").getReportProblems("Medium", "Source").getReportProblems("Low", "Source").getReportProblems("Safe", "Source").getSourceInfo()."

"; $Report .= getReportFooter(); $Report .= "\n"; return $Report; } else { my ($Summary, $MetaData) = getSummary($Level); my $Title = $In::Opt{"TargetTitle"}.": ".$In::Desc{1}{"Version"}." to ".$In::Desc{2}{"Version"}." ".lc($Level)." compatibility report"; my $Keywords = $In::Opt{"TargetTitle"}.", ".lc($Level).", compatibility"; my $Description = "$Level compatibility report for the ".$In::Opt{"TargetTitle"}." library between ".$In::Desc{1}{"Version"}." and ".$In::Desc{2}{"Version"}." versions"; my $Report = "\n".composeHTML_Head($Level, $Title, $Keywords, $Description, $CssStyles, $JScripts).""; $Report .= getReportHeader($Level)."\n".$Summary."\n"; $Report .= getReportAdded($Level).getReportRemoved($Level); $Report .= getReportProblems("High", $Level).getReportProblems("Medium", $Level).getReportProblems("Low", $Level).getReportProblems("Safe", $Level); $Report .= getSourceInfo()."

\n"; $Report .= getReportFooter(); $Report .= "\n"; return $Report; } } sub getReportFooter() { my $Footer = ""; $Footer .= "
"; $Footer .= ""; $Footer .= "
"; return $Footer; } sub getReportProblems($$) { my ($Priority, $Level) = @_; my $Report = getReportTypeProblems($Priority, $Level); if(my $MProblems = getReportMethodProblems($Priority, $Level)) { $Report .= $MProblems; } if($Report) { if($In::Opt{"JoinReport"}) { if($Priority eq "Safe") { $Report = "".$Report; } else { $Report = "".$Report; } } else { if($Priority eq "Safe") { $Report = "".$Report; } else { $Report = "".$Report; } } } return $Report; } sub composeHTML_Head($$$$$$) { my ($Level, $Title, $Keywords, $Description, $Styles, $Scripts) = @_; my $Head = "\n"; $Head .= "\n"; $Head .= "\n"; $Head .= "\n"; $Head .= "\n"; $Head .= "\n"; my $RPath = getReportPath($Level); if(defined $In::Opt{"ExternCss"}) { $Head .= "\n"; } if(defined $In::Opt{"ExternJs"}) { $Head .= "\n"; } $Head .= "$Title\n"; if(not defined $In::Opt{"ExternCss"}) { $Head .= "\n"; } if(not defined $In::Opt{"ExternJs"}) { $Head .= "\n"; } $Head .= "\n"; return $Head; } sub insertIDs($) { my $Text = $_[0]; while($Text=~/CONTENT_ID/) { if(int($Content_Counter)%2) { $ContentID -= 1; } $Text=~s/CONTENT_ID/c_$ContentID/; $ContentID += 1; $Content_Counter += 1; } return $Text; } sub registerUsage($$) { my ($TypeId, $LVer) = @_; $Class_Constructed{$LVer}{$TypeId} = 1; if(my $BaseId = $TypeInfo{$LVer}{$TypeId}{"BaseType"}) { $Class_Constructed{$LVer}{$BaseId} = 1; } } sub checkVoidMethod($) { my $Method = $_[0]; if($Method=~s/\)(.+)\Z/\)V/g) { return $Method; } return undef; } sub detectAdded() { foreach my $Method (keys(%{$MethodInfo{2}})) { if(not defined $MethodInfo{1}{$Method}) { if(not methodFilter($Method, 2)) { next; } my $ClassId = $MethodInfo{2}{$Method}{"Class"}; my $CName = getTypeName($ClassId, 2); $CheckedTypes{$CName} = 1; $CheckedMethods{$Method} = 1; if(not $MethodInfo{2}{$Method}{"Constructor"} and my $Overridden = findMethod($Method, 2, $CName, 2)) { if(defined $MethodInfo{1}{$Overridden} and getTypeType($ClassId, 2) eq "class" and $TName_Tid{1}{$CName}) { # class should exist in previous version %{$CompatProblems{$Overridden}{"Class_Overridden_Method"}{"this.".getSFormat($Method)}}=( "Type_Name"=>$CName, "Target"=>$MethodInfo{2}{$Method}{"Signature"}, "Old_Value"=>$Overridden, "New_Value"=>$Method); } } if($MethodInfo{2}{$Method}{"Abstract"}) { $AddedMethod_Abstract{$CName}{$Method} = 1; } %{$CompatProblems{$Method}{"Added_Method"}{""}}=(); if(not $MethodInfo{2}{$Method}{"Constructor"}) { if(getTypeName($MethodInfo{2}{$Method}{"Return"}, 2) ne "void" and my $VoidMethod = checkVoidMethod($Method)) { if(defined $MethodInfo{1}{$VoidMethod}) { # return value type changed from "void" to $ChangedReturnFromVoid{$VoidMethod} = 1; $ChangedReturnFromVoid{$Method} = 1; %{$CompatProblems{$VoidMethod}{"Changed_Method_Return_From_Void"}{""}}=( "New_Value"=>getTypeName($MethodInfo{2}{$Method}{"Return"}, 2) ); } } } } } } sub detectRemoved() { foreach my $Method (keys(%{$MethodInfo{1}})) { if(not defined $MethodInfo{2}{$Method}) { if(not methodFilter($Method, 1)) { next; } my $ClassId = $MethodInfo{1}{$Method}{"Class"}; my $CName = getTypeName($ClassId, 1); $CheckedTypes{$CName} = 1; $CheckedMethods{$Method} = 1; if(not $MethodInfo{1}{$Method}{"Constructor"} and my $MovedUp = findMethod($Method, 1, $CName, 2)) { if(getTypeType($ClassId, 1) eq "class" and not $MethodInfo{1}{$Method}{"Abstract"} and $TName_Tid{2}{$CName}) {# class should exist in newer version %{$CompatProblems{$Method}{"Class_Method_Moved_Up_Hierarchy"}{"this.".getSFormat($MovedUp)}}=( "Type_Name"=>$CName, "Target"=>$MethodInfo{2}{$MovedUp}{"Signature"}, "Old_Value"=>$Method, "New_Value"=>$MovedUp); } } else { if($MethodInfo{1}{$Method}{"Abstract"}) { $RemovedMethod_Abstract{$CName}{$Method} = 1; } %{$CompatProblems{$Method}{"Removed_Method"}{""}}=(); } } } } sub getArchivePaths($$) { my ($Dest, $LVer) = @_; if(-f $Dest) { return ($Dest); } elsif(-d $Dest) { $Dest=~s/[\/\\]+\Z//g; next if(not $Dest); my @Archives = (); foreach my $Path (cmdFind($Dest, "", "*\\.jar")) { next if(ignorePath($Path, $Dest)); push(@Archives, realpath_F($Path)); } return @Archives; } return (); } sub isCyclical($$) { return (grep {$_ eq $_[1]} @{$_[0]}); } sub mergeAPIs($$) { my ($LVer, $Dep) = @_; foreach my $TId (keys(%{$Dep->{"TypeInfo"}})) { $TypeInfo{$LVer}{$TId} = $Dep->{"TypeInfo"}{$TId}; $TypeInfo{$LVer}{$TId}{"Dep"} = 1; } my $MInfo = $Dep->{"MethodInfo"}; foreach my $M_Id (keys(%{$MInfo})) { if(my $Name = $MInfo->{$M_Id}{"Name"}) { $MethodInfo{$LVer}{$Name} = $MInfo->{$M_Id}; $MethodInfo{$LVer}{$Name}{"Dep"} = 1; } } } sub readAPIDump($$$) { my ($LVer, $Path, $Subj) = @_; if(not $In::Opt{"CountMethods"}) { printMsg("INFO", "Reading API dump ($LVer) ..."); } my $FilePath = ""; if(isDump_U($Path)) { # input *.dump $FilePath = $Path; } else { # input *.dump.tar.gz $FilePath = unpackDump($Path); if(not isDump_U($FilePath)) { exitStatus("Invalid_Dump", "specified API dump \'$Path\' is not valid, try to recreate it"); } } my $APIRef = {}; open(DUMP, $FilePath); local $/ = undef; my $Content = ; close(DUMP); if(getDirname($FilePath) eq $In::Opt{"Tmp"}."/unpack") { # remove temp file unlink($FilePath); } if($Content!~/};\s*\Z/) { exitStatus("Invalid_Dump", "specified API dump \'$Path\' is not valid, try to recreate it"); } $APIRef = eval($Content); if(not $APIRef) { exitStatus("Error", "internal error - eval() procedure seem to not working correctly, try to remove 'use strict' and try again"); } my $APIVer = $APIRef->{"API_DUMP_VERSION"}; if($APIVer) { if(cmpVersions($APIVer, $API_DUMP_VERSION)>0) { # future formats exitStatus("Dump_Version", "the versions of the API dump is newer than version of the tool"); } } if(cmpVersions($APIVer, $API_DUMP_VERSION_MIN)<0) { exitStatus("Dump_Version", "the version of the API dump is too old and unsupported anymore, please regenerate it"); } if($Subj ne "Dep") { $In::Desc{$LVer}{"Version"} = $APIRef->{"LibraryVersion"}; $In::Desc{$LVer}{"Dump"} = 1; } return $APIRef; } sub checkVersionNum($$) { my ($LVer, $Path) = @_; if($In::Desc{$LVer}{"TargetVersion"}) { return; } if($Path!~/\.jar\Z/i) { return; } my $Ver = undef; if(not defined $Ver) { $Ver = getManifestVersion(getAbsPath($Path)); } if(not defined $Ver) { $Ver = getPkgVersion(getFilename($Path)); } if(not defined $Ver) { $Ver = parseVersion($Path); } if(not defined $Ver) { if($In::Opt{"DumpAPI"}) { $Ver = "XYZ"; } else { if($LVer==1) { $Ver = "X"; } else { $Ver = "Y"; } } } $In::Desc{$LVer}{"TargetVersion"} = $Ver; if($In::Opt{"DumpAPI"}) { printMsg("WARNING", "set version number to $Ver (use -vnum option to change it)"); } else { printMsg("WARNING", "set #$LVer version number to $Ver (use --v$LVer=NUM option to change it)"); } } sub getManifestVersion($) { my $Path = $_[0]; my $JarCmd = getCmdPath("jar"); if(not $JarCmd) { exitStatus("Not_Found", "can't find \"jar\" command"); } my $TmpDir = $In::Opt{"Tmp"}; chdir($TmpDir); system($JarCmd." -xf \"$Path\" META-INF 2>null"); chdir($In::Opt{"OrigDir"}); my $Manifest = $TmpDir."/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF"; if(-f $Manifest) { if(my $Content = readFile($Manifest)) { if($Content=~/(\A|\s)Implementation\-Version:\s*(.+)(\s|\Z)/i) { return $2; } } } return undef; } sub parseVersion($) { my $Str = $_[0]; if(not $Str) { return undef; } if($Str=~/(\/|\\|\w|\A)[\-\_]*(\d+[\d\.\-]+\d+|\d+)/) { return $2; } return undef; } sub getPkgVersion($) { my $Name = $_[0]; $Name=~s/\.\w+\Z//; if($Name=~/\A(.+[a-z])[\-\_](v|ver|)(\d.+?)\Z/i) { # libsample-N # libsample-vN return ($1, $3); } elsif($Name=~/\A(.+?)(\d[\d\.]*)\Z/i) { # libsampleN return ($1, $2); } elsif($Name=~/\A(.+)[\-\_](v|ver|)(\d.+?)\Z/i) { # libsample-N # libsample-vN return ($1, $3); } elsif($Name=~/\A([a-z_\-]+)(\d.+?)\Z/i) { # libsampleNb return ($1, $2); } return (undef, undef); } sub dumpSorting($) { my $Hash = $_[0]; return [] if(not $Hash); my @Keys = keys(%{$Hash}); return [] if($#Keys<0); if($Keys[0]=~/\A\d+\Z/) { # numbers return [sort {int($a)<=>int($b)} @Keys]; } else { # strings return [sort {$a cmp $b} @Keys]; } } sub printStatMsg($) { my $Level = $_[0]; printMsg("INFO", "Total ".lc($Level)." compatibility problems: ".$RESULT{$Level}{"Problems"}.", warnings: ".$RESULT{$Level}{"Warnings"}); } sub printReport() { printMsg("INFO", "Creating compatibility report ..."); createReport(); if($In::Opt{"JoinReport"} or $In::Opt{"DoubleReport"}) { if($RESULT{"Binary"}{"Problems"} or $RESULT{"Source"}{"Problems"}) { printMsg("INFO", "Binary compatibility: ".(100-$RESULT{"Binary"}{"Affected"})."\%"); printMsg("INFO", "Source compatibility: ".(100-$RESULT{"Source"}{"Affected"})."\%"); } else { printMsg("INFO", "Binary compatibility: 100\%"); printMsg("INFO", "Source compatibility: 100\%"); } printStatMsg("Binary"); printStatMsg("Source"); } elsif($In::Opt{"BinaryOnly"}) { if($RESULT{"Binary"}{"Problems"}) { printMsg("INFO", "Binary compatibility: ".(100-$RESULT{"Binary"}{"Affected"})."\%"); } else { printMsg("INFO", "Binary compatibility: 100\%"); } printStatMsg("Binary"); } elsif($In::Opt{"SourceOnly"}) { if($RESULT{"Source"}{"Problems"}) { printMsg("INFO", "Source compatibility: ".(100-$RESULT{"Source"}{"Affected"})."\%"); } else { printMsg("INFO", "Source compatibility: 100\%"); } printStatMsg("Source"); } if($In::Opt{"JoinReport"}) { printMsg("INFO", "Report: ".getReportPath("Join")); } elsif($In::Opt{"DoubleReport"}) { # default printMsg("INFO", "Report (BC): ".getReportPath("Binary")); printMsg("INFO", "Report (SC): ".getReportPath("Source")); } elsif($In::Opt{"BinaryOnly"}) { # --binary printMsg("INFO", "Report: ".getReportPath("Binary")); } elsif($In::Opt{"SourceOnly"}) { # --source printMsg("INFO", "Report: ".getReportPath("Source")); } } sub getReportPath($) { my $Level = $_[0]; my $Dir = "compat_reports/".$In::Opt{"TargetLib"}."/".$In::Desc{1}{"Version"}."_to_".$In::Desc{2}{"Version"}; if($Level eq "Binary") { if($In::Opt{"BinaryReportPath"}) { # --bin-report-path return $In::Opt{"BinaryReportPath"}; } elsif($In::Opt{"OutputReportPath"}) { # --report-path return $In::Opt{"OutputReportPath"}; } else { # default return $Dir."/bin_compat_report.html"; } } elsif($Level eq "Source") { if($In::Opt{"SourceReportPath"}) { # --src-report-path return $In::Opt{"SourceReportPath"}; } elsif($In::Opt{"OutputReportPath"}) { # --report-path return $In::Opt{"OutputReportPath"}; } else { # default return $Dir."/src_compat_report.html"; } } else { if($In::Opt{"OutputReportPath"}) { # --report-path return $In::Opt{"OutputReportPath"}; } else { # default return $Dir."/compat_report.html"; } } } sub unpackDump($) { my $Path = $_[0]; if(isDump_U($Path)) { return $Path; } my $TmpDir = $In::Opt{"Tmp"}; $Path = getAbsPath($Path); $Path = pathFmt($Path); my ($Dir, $FileName) = sepPath($Path); my $UnpackDir = $TmpDir."/unpack"; if(-d $UnpackDir) { rmtree($UnpackDir); } mkpath($UnpackDir); if($FileName=~s/\Q.zip\E\Z//g) { # *.zip my $UnzipCmd = getCmdPath("unzip"); if(not $UnzipCmd) { exitStatus("Not_Found", "can't find \"unzip\" command"); } chdir($UnpackDir); system("$UnzipCmd \"$Path\" >contents.txt"); if($?) { exitStatus("Error", "can't extract \'$Path\'"); } chdir($In::Opt{"OrigDir"}); my @Contents = (); foreach (split("\n", readFile("$UnpackDir/contents.txt"))) { if(/inflating:\s*([^\s]+)/) { push(@Contents, $1); } } if(not @Contents) { exitStatus("Error", "can't extract \'$Path\'"); } return join_P($UnpackDir, $Contents[0]); } elsif($FileName=~s/\Q.tar.gz\E\Z//g) { # *.tar.gz if($In::Opt{"OS"} eq "windows") { # -xvzf option is not implemented in tar.exe (2003) # use "gzip.exe -k -d -f" + "tar.exe -xvf" instead my $TarCmd = getCmdPath("tar"); if(not $TarCmd) { exitStatus("Not_Found", "can't find \"tar\" command"); } my $GzipCmd = getCmdPath("gzip"); if(not $GzipCmd) { exitStatus("Not_Found", "can't find \"gzip\" command"); } chdir($UnpackDir); qx/$GzipCmd -k -d -f "$Path"/; # keep input files (-k) if($?) { exitStatus("Error", "can't extract \'$Path\'"); } my @Contents = qx/$TarCmd -xvf "$Dir\\$FileName.tar"/; if($? or not @Contents) { exitStatus("Error", "can't extract \'$Path\'"); } chdir($In::Opt{"OrigDir"}); unlink($Dir."/".$FileName.".tar"); chomp $Contents[0]; return join_P($UnpackDir, $Contents[0]); } else { # Linux, Unix, OS X my $TarCmd = getCmdPath("tar"); if(not $TarCmd) { exitStatus("Not_Found", "can't find \"tar\" command"); } chdir($UnpackDir); my @Contents = qx/$TarCmd -xvzf "$Path" 2>&1/; if($? or not @Contents) { exitStatus("Error", "can't extract \'$Path\'"); } chdir($In::Opt{"OrigDir"}); $Contents[0]=~s/^x //; # OS X chomp $Contents[0]; return join_P($UnpackDir, $Contents[0]); } } } sub createArchive($$) { my ($Path, $To) = @_; if(not $To) { $To = "."; } my $TmpDir = $In::Opt{"Tmp"}; my ($From, $Name) = sepPath($Path); if($In::Opt{"OS"} eq "windows") { # *.zip my $ZipCmd = getCmdPath("zip"); if(not $ZipCmd) { exitStatus("Not_Found", "can't find \"zip\""); } my $Pkg = $To."/".$Name.".zip"; unlink($Pkg); chdir($To); system("$ZipCmd -j \"$Name.zip\" \"$Path\" >\"$TmpDir/null\""); if($?) { # cannot allocate memory (or other problems with "zip") unlink($Path); exitStatus("Error", "can't pack the API dump: ".$!); } chdir($In::Opt{"OrigDir"}); unlink($Path); return $Pkg; } else { # *.tar.gz my $TarCmd = getCmdPath("tar"); if(not $TarCmd) { exitStatus("Not_Found", "can't find \"tar\""); } my $GzipCmd = getCmdPath("gzip"); if(not $GzipCmd) { exitStatus("Not_Found", "can't find \"gzip\""); } my $Pkg = abs_path($To)."/".$Name.".tar.gz"; unlink($Pkg); chdir($From); system($TarCmd, "-czf", $Pkg, $Name); if($?) { # cannot allocate memory (or other problems with "tar") unlink($Path); exitStatus("Error", "can't pack the API dump: ".$!); } chdir($In::Opt{"OrigDir"}); unlink($Path); return $To."/".$Name.".tar.gz"; } } sub initAliases($) { my $LVer = $_[0]; initAPI($LVer); $MethodInfo{$LVer} = $In::API{$LVer}{"MethodInfo"}; $TypeInfo{$LVer} = $In::API{$LVer}{"TypeInfo"}; $TName_Tid{$LVer} = $In::API{$LVer}{"TName_Tid"}; initAliases_TypeAttr($LVer); } sub createAPIFile($$) { my ($LVer, $DescPath) = @_; if(not -e $DescPath) { exitStatus("Access_Error", "can't access \'$DescPath\'"); } detectDefaultPaths("bin", "java"); if(isDump($DescPath)) { $In::API{$LVer} = readAPIDump($LVer, $DescPath, "Main"); initAliases($LVer); if(my $V = $In::Desc{$LVer}{"TargetVersion"}) { $In::Desc{$LVer}{"Version"} = $V; } else { $In::Desc{$LVer}{"Version"} = $In::API{$LVer}{"LibraryVersion"}; } } else { loadModule("APIDump"); checkVersionNum($LVer, $DescPath); readDesc(createDesc($DescPath, $LVer), $LVer); initLogging($LVer); createAPIDump($LVer); } if(my $Dep = $In::Desc{$LVer}{"DepDump"}) { mergeAPIs($LVer, readAPIDump($LVer, $Dep, "Dep")); } printMsg("INFO", "Creating library API dump ..."); $In::API{$LVer}{"API_DUMP_VERSION"} = $API_DUMP_VERSION; $In::API{$LVer}{"JAPI_COMPLIANCE_CHECKER_VERSION"} = $TOOL_VERSION; foreach ("TName_Tid") { delete($In::API{$LVer}{$_}); } my $DumpPath = "api_dumps/".$In::Opt{"TargetLib"}."/".$In::Desc{$LVer}{"Version"}."/API.dump"; if($In::Opt{"OutputDumpPath"}) { # user defined path $DumpPath = $In::Opt{"OutputDumpPath"}; } my $ArExt = $In::Opt{"Ar"}; my $Archive = ($DumpPath=~s/\Q.$ArExt\E\Z//g); if($Archive) { my $TarCmd = getCmdPath("tar"); if(not $TarCmd) { exitStatus("Not_Found", "can't find \"tar\""); } my $GzipCmd = getCmdPath("gzip"); if(not $GzipCmd) { exitStatus("Not_Found", "can't find \"gzip\""); } } my ($DDir, $DName) = sepPath($DumpPath); my $DPath = $In::Opt{"Tmp"}."/".$DName; if(not $Archive) { $DPath = $DumpPath; } mkpath($DDir); open(DUMP, ">", $DPath) || die ("can't open file \'$DPath\': $!\n"); print DUMP Dumper($In::API{$LVer}); close(DUMP); if(not -s $DPath) { exitStatus("Error", "can't create API dump because something is going wrong with the Data::Dumper module"); } if($Archive) { $DumpPath = createArchive($DPath, $DDir); } if($In::Opt{"OutputDumpPath"}) { printMsg("INFO", "Dump path: ".$In::Opt{"OutputDumpPath"}); } else { printMsg("INFO", "Dump path: $DumpPath"); } exit(0); } sub compareInit() { if(not $In::Desc{1}{"Path"}) { exitStatus("Error", "-old option is not specified"); } if(not -e $In::Desc{1}{"Path"}) { exitStatus("Access_Error", "can't access \'".$In::Desc{1}{"Path"}."\'"); } if(not $In::Desc{2}{"Path"}) { exitStatus("Error", "-new option is not specified"); } if(not -e $In::Desc{2}{"Path"}) { exitStatus("Access_Error", "can't access \'".$In::Desc{2}{"Path"}."\'"); } if($In::Opt{"Quick"}) { $CompatRules{"Binary"}{"Interface_Added_Super_Interface"}{"Severity"} = "Low"; $CompatRules{"Binary"}{"Abstract_Class_Added_Super_Abstract_Class"}{"Severity"} = "Low"; $CompatRules{"Binary"}{"Abstract_Class_Added_Super_Interface"}{"Severity"} = "Low"; $CompatRules{"Binary"}{"Abstract_Class_Added_Abstract_Method"}{"Severity"} = "Low"; $CompatRules{"Binary"}{"Interface_Added_Abstract_Method"}{"Severity"} = "Low"; } printMsg("INFO", "Preparing, please wait ..."); detectDefaultPaths("bin", undef); if(isDump($In::Desc{1}{"Path"})) { $In::API{1} = readAPIDump(1, $In::Desc{1}{"Path"}, "Main"); initAliases(1); if(my $V = $In::Desc{1}{"TargetVersion"}) { $In::Desc{1}{"Version"} = $V; } else { $In::Desc{1}{"Version"} = $In::API{1}{"LibraryVersion"}; } } else { loadModule("APIDump"); checkVersionNum(1, $In::Desc{1}{"Path"}); readDesc(createDesc($In::Desc{1}{"Path"}, 1), 1); initLogging(1); detectDefaultPaths(undef, "java"); createAPIDump(1); } if(my $Dep = $In::Desc{1}{"DepDump"}) { mergeAPIs(1, readAPIDump(1, $Dep, "Dep")); } if(isDump($In::Desc{2}{"Path"})) { $In::API{2} = readAPIDump(2, $In::Desc{2}{"Path"}, "Main"); initAliases(2); if(my $V = $In::Desc{2}{"TargetVersion"}) { $In::Desc{2}{"Version"} = $V; } else { $In::Desc{2}{"Version"} = $In::API{2}{"LibraryVersion"}; } } else { loadModule("APIDump"); checkVersionNum(2, $In::Desc{2}{"Path"}); readDesc(createDesc($In::Desc{2}{"Path"}, 2), 2); initLogging(2); detectDefaultPaths(undef, "java"); createAPIDump(2); } if(my $Dep = $In::Desc{2}{"DepDump"}) { mergeAPIs(2, readAPIDump(2, $Dep, "Dep")); } prepareData(1); prepareData(2); foreach my $Inv (keys(%{$MethodUsed{2}})) { foreach my $M (keys(%{$MethodUsed{2}{$Inv}})) { my $InvType = $MethodUsed{2}{$Inv}{$M}; if($InvType ne "static" and index($Inv, "")==-1) { my $CName = $Inv; $CName=~s/\A\"\[L(.+);"/$1/g; $CName=~s/#/./g; if($CName=~/\A(.+?)\./) { $CName = $1; if($CName!~/\"/) { $CName=~s!/!.!g; $ClassMethod_AddedUsed{$CName}{$Inv} = $M; } } } if(not defined $MethodInfo{1}{$M}) { delete($MethodUsed{2}{$Inv}{$M}); } } } foreach my $ClassName (keys(%ClassMethod_AddedUsed)) { foreach my $MethodName (keys(%{$ClassMethod_AddedUsed{$ClassName}})) { if(defined $MethodInfo{1}{$MethodName} or defined $MethodInfo{2}{$MethodName} or defined $MethodUsed{1}{$MethodName} or findMethod($MethodName, 2, $ClassName, 1)) { # abstract method added by the new super-class (abstract) or super-interface delete($ClassMethod_AddedUsed{$ClassName}{$MethodName}); } } if(not keys(%{$ClassMethod_AddedUsed{$ClassName}})) { delete($ClassMethod_AddedUsed{$ClassName}); } } } sub scenario() { setTarget("default"); initAliases(1); initAliases(2); $In::Opt{"OrigDir"} = cwd(); $In::Opt{"Tmp"} = tempdir(CLEANUP=>1); $In::Opt{"Reproducible"} = 1; $In::Opt{"JoinReport"} = 1; $In::Opt{"DoubleReport"} = 0; if($In::Opt{"BinaryOnly"} and $In::Opt{"SourceOnly"}) { # both --binary and --source # is the default mode $In::Opt{"DoubleReport"} = 1; $In::Opt{"JoinReport"} = 0; $In::Opt{"BinaryOnly"} = 0; $In::Opt{"SourceOnly"} = 0; if($In::Opt{"OutputReportPath"}) { # --report-path $In::Opt{"DoubleReport"} = 0; $In::Opt{"JoinReport"} = 1; } } elsif($In::Opt{"BinaryOnly"} or $In::Opt{"SourceOnly"}) { # --binary or --source $In::Opt{"DoubleReport"} = 0; $In::Opt{"JoinReport"} = 0; } if(defined $In::Opt{"Help"}) { helpMsg(); exit(0); } if(defined $In::Opt{"ShowVersion"}) { printMsg("INFO", "Java API Compliance Checker (JAPICC) $TOOL_VERSION\nCopyright (C) 2017 Andrey Ponomarenko's ABI Laboratory\nLicense: LGPL or GPL \nThis program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it.\n\nWritten by Andrey Ponomarenko."); exit(0); } if(defined $In::Opt{"DumpVersion"}) { printMsg("INFO", $TOOL_VERSION); exit(0); } $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1; # FIXME: can't pass \&dumpSorting - cause a segfault sometimes if($In::Opt{"SortDump"}) { $Data::Dumper::Useperl = 1; $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = \&dumpSorting; } if(defined $In::Opt{"TestTool"}) { detectDefaultPaths("bin", "java"); loadModule("RegTests"); testTool(); exit(0); } if(defined $In::Opt{"ShortMode"}) { if(not defined $In::Opt{"AffectLimit"}) { $In::Opt{"AffectLimit"} = 10; } } if(not $In::Opt{"TargetLib"} and not $In::Opt{"CountMethods"}) { if($In::Opt{"DumpAPI"}) { if($In::Opt{"DumpAPI"}=~/\.jar\Z/) { # short usage my ($Name, $Version) = getPkgVersion(getFilename($In::Opt{"DumpAPI"})); if($Name and $Version ne "") { $In::Opt{"TargetLib"} = $Name; if(not $In::Desc{1}{"TargetVersion"}) { $In::Desc{1}{"TargetVersion"} = $Version; } } } } else { if($In::Desc{1}{"Path"}=~/\.jar\Z/ and $In::Desc{2}{"Path"}=~/\.jar\Z/) { # short usage my ($Name1, $Version1) = getPkgVersion(getFilename($In::Desc{1}{"Path"})); my ($Name2, $Version2) = getPkgVersion(getFilename($In::Desc{2}{"Path"})); if($Name1 and $Version1 ne "" and $Version2 ne "") { $In::Opt{"TargetLib"} = $Name1; if(not $In::Desc{1}{"TargetVersion"}) { $In::Desc{1}{"TargetVersion"} = $Version1; } if(not $In::Desc{2}{"TargetVersion"}) { $In::Desc{2}{"TargetVersion"} = $Version2; } } } } if(not $In::Opt{"TargetLib"}) { exitStatus("Error", "library name is not selected (option --lib=NAME)"); } } else { # validate library name if($In::Opt{"TargetLib"}=~/[\*\/\\]/) { exitStatus("Error", "\"\\\", \"\/\" and \"*\" symbols are not allowed in the library name"); } } if(not $In::Opt{"TargetTitle"}) { $In::Opt{"TargetTitle"} = $In::Opt{"TargetLib"}; } if(my $ClassListPath = $In::Opt{"ClassListPath"}) { if(not -f $ClassListPath) { exitStatus("Access_Error", "can't access file \'$ClassListPath\'"); } foreach my $Class (split(/\n/, readFile($ClassListPath))) { $Class=~s/\//./g; $In::Opt{"ClassList_User"}{$Class} = 1; } } if(my $AnnotationsListPath = $In::Opt{"AnnotationsListPath"}) { if(not -f $AnnotationsListPath) { exitStatus("Access_Error", "can't access file \'$AnnotationsListPath\'"); } foreach my $Annotation (split(/\n/, readFile($AnnotationsListPath))) { $In::Opt{"AnnotationList_User"}{$Annotation} = 1; } } if(my $SkipAnnotationsListPath = $In::Opt{"SkipAnnotationsListPath"}) { if(not -f $SkipAnnotationsListPath) { exitStatus("Access_Error", "can't access file \'$SkipAnnotationsListPath\'"); } foreach my $Annotation (split(/\n/, readFile($SkipAnnotationsListPath))) { $In::Opt{"SkipAnnotationList_User"}{$Annotation} = 1; } } if(my $SkipClassesList = $In::Opt{"SkipClassesList"}) { if(not -f $SkipClassesList) { exitStatus("Access_Error", "can't access file \'$SkipClassesList\'"); } foreach my $Class (split(/\n/, readFile($SkipClassesList))) { $Class=~s/\//./g; $In::Opt{"SkipClasses"}{$Class} = 1; } } if(my $SkipPackagesList = $In::Opt{"SkipPackagesList"}) { if(not -f $SkipPackagesList) { exitStatus("Access_Error", "can't access file \'$SkipPackagesList\'"); } foreach my $Package (split(/\n/, readFile($SkipPackagesList))) { $In::Desc{1}{"SkipPackages"}{$Package} = 1; $In::Desc{2}{"SkipPackages"}{$Package} = 1; } } if(my $ClientPath = $In::Opt{"ClientPath"}) { if($ClientPath=~/\.class\Z/) { exitStatus("Error", "input file is not a java archive"); } if(-f $ClientPath) { detectDefaultPaths("bin", undef); readArchive(0, $ClientPath) } else { exitStatus("Access_Error", "can't access file \'$ClientPath\'"); } } if(my $DPath = $In::Opt{"CountMethods"}) { if(not -e $DPath) { exitStatus("Access_Error", "can't access \'$DPath\'"); } $In::API{1} = readAPIDump(1, $DPath, "Main"); initAliases(1); my $Count = 0; foreach my $Method (keys(%{$MethodInfo{1}})) { $Count += methodFilter($Method, 1); } printMsg("INFO", $Count); exit(0); } if($In::Opt{"DumpAPI"}) { createAPIFile(1, $In::Opt{"DumpAPI"}); exit(0); } compareInit(); readRules("Binary"); readRules("Source"); detectAdded(); detectRemoved(); printMsg("INFO", "Comparing classes ..."); mergeClasses(); mergeMethods(); printReport(); if($RESULT{"Source"}{"Problems"} + $RESULT{"Binary"}{"Problems"}) { exit(getErrorCode("Incompatible")); } else { exit(getErrorCode("Compatible")); } } scenario();