WMS Geofabrik Tools: OSM Inspector (Geometry) OSM Inspector is a debugging tool for OpenStreetMap data. Geofabrik OpenStreetMap OSM OSM Inspector Jochen Topf Geofabrik GmbH +49-721-1803560-0 info@geofabrik.de 2048 2048 text/xml image/png image/jpeg image/png; mode=8bit application/x-pdf image/svg+xml image/tiff text/html application/vnd.ogc.gml text/plain text/xml image/png image/jpeg image/png; mode=8bit text/xml XML INIMAGE BLANK geofabrik_tools_osminspector_geometry Geofabrik Tools: OSM Inspector (Geometry) OSM Inspector is a debugging tool for OpenStreetMap data. Geofabrik OpenStreetMap OSM OSM Inspector EPSG:4326 EPSG:900913 -180 180 -83 83 Geofabrik GmbH/OpenStreetMap Contributors long_segments Long segments Segments (direct connection between two nodes in a way) longer than 20 km. datasrc=OSM min=2 max=22 EPSG:4326 EPSG:900913 -180 180 -89 84.6946 1 2e+08 ways_with_long_segments Ways with long segments Ways containing segments longer than 20 km. datasrc=OSM min=2 max=22 label=tags labelmin=10 labelmax=22 EPSG:4326 EPSG:900913 -180 180 -89 84.6946 1 2e+08 long_ways Long ways Ways with more than 1900 nodes. The API allows a way to have up to 2000 nodes, but shorter ways are easier to edit. datasrc=OSM min=4 max=22 label=tags labelmin=10 labelmax=22 EPSG:4326 EPSG:900913 -176.788 176.947 -83.335 82.9911 1 1e+08 single_node_in_way Way with single node Ways containing just a single node. This should not happen and needs to be fixed. datasrc=OSM min=3 max=22 label=tags labelmin=10 labelmax=22 EPSG:4326 EPSG:900913 -9.37981 112.258 14.8906 53.8984 1 1e+08 duplicate_node_in_way Way with duplicate node Ways containing a node twice (or more times) right next to each other. This should not happen and needs to be fixed. Subsequent nodes with the same location (but different ID) are flagged as errors, too. datasrc=OSM min=4 max=22 EPSG:4326 EPSG:900913 -175.067 174.828 -45.9067 73.4486 1 5e+07 duplicate_node_in_way_way Way with duplicate node Ways containing a node twice (or more times) right next to each other. This should not happen and needs to be fixed. Subsequent nodes with the same location (but different ID) are flagged as errors, too. datasrc=OSM min=12 max=22 EPSG:4326 EPSG:900913 -175.067 174.829 -45.907 73.4615 1 200000 self_intersection_ways Self-intersecting ways Ways that touch or intersect themselves. Only closed ways (where first and last nodes are the same) are tested. In most cases ways should not self-intersect, but there could be cases where it is ok. Check the tags before fixing. datasrc=OSM min=6 max=22 EPSG:4326 EPSG:900913 -179.999 180 -85.0546 87.0001 1 1.25e+07 self_intersection_points Intersection points Points where a way intersects itself. datasrc=OSM min=10 max=22 EPSG:4326 EPSG:900913 -179.989 179.968 -85.0542 87.0001 1 750000