1 | /*
2 |
3 | Stylesheet that mimicks, to a certain extent, opencyclemap
4 | Andy Allan, June 2010
5 |
6 | Based heavily on:
7 | MapCSS demonstration stylesheet
8 | Richard Fairhurst, October 2009
9 |
10 | */
11 |
12 | /* This rule applies to all areas (closed ways). Note that rules are applied in the order
13 | they appear in the file, so later rules may replace this one for some ways.
14 | This is used as a debugger for finding unstyled areas; it's obviously oversimplistic since
15 | it picks up closed-loop highways. */
16 |
17 | way :area { color: grey; width: 1; fill-color: red; fill-opacity: 0.1; }
18 |
19 | /* A set of fairly standard rules.
20 | We use z-index to make sure high-priority roads appear above minor ones.
21 | The default z-index is 5. If an object matches multiple rules with the same
22 | z-index then the rules are "merged" (but individual properties become one or the other) */
23 |
24 | /*way[highway=motorway],way[highway=motorway_link],
25 | way[highway=trunk],way[highway=trunk_link],
26 | way[highway=primary],way[highway=primary_link],
27 | way[highway=secondary],way[highway=secondary_link],
28 | way[highway=tertiary],way[highway=tertiary_link],
29 | way[highway=residential] { text: name; text-color: black; font-size: 7; text-position: line;}*/
30 | way[highway=motorway],way[highway=motorway_link] { z-index: 9; color: #bfbfcf; width: 7; casing-color: #506077; casing-width: 9; }
31 | way[highway=trunk],way[highway=trunk_link] { z-index: 9; color: #c8d8c8; width: 7; casing-color: #477147; casing-width: 9; }
32 | way[highway=primary],way[highway=primary_link] { z-index: 8; color: #d8c8c8; width: 7; casing-color: #8d4346; casing-width: 9; }
33 | way[highway=secondary],way[highway=secondary_link] { z-index: 7; color: #eeeec9; width: 7; casing-color: #a37b48; casing-width: 9; }
34 | way[highway=tertiary],way[highway=unclassified] { z-index: 6; color: #eeeec9; width: 5; casing-color: #999999; casing-width: 7; }
35 | way[highway=residential] { z-index: 5; color: white; width: 5; casing-color: #999; casing-width: 7; }
36 | way[highway=service] { color: white; width: 3; casing-color: #999; casing-width: 5; }
37 |
38 | /* Pedestrian precincts need to be treated carefully. Only closed-loops with an explicit
39 | area=yes tag should be filled. The below doesn't yet work as intended. */
40 | way[highway=pedestrian] !:area { color: #ddddee; width: 5; casing-color: #555555; casing-width: 6; }
41 | way[highway=pedestrian] :area { color: #555555; width: 1; fill-color: #ddddee; fill-opacity: 0.8; }
42 |
43 | way[highway=steps] { color: #be6c6c; width: 2; dashes: 4, 2; }
44 | way[highway=footway] { color: #be6c6c; width: 2; dashes: 6, 3; }
45 | way[highway=cycleway] { color: blue; width: 1.6; dashes: 5, 4; }
46 | way[highway=bridleway] { z-index:9; color: #996644; width: 2; dashes: 4, 2, 2, 2; }
47 | way[highway=track] { color: #996644; width: 2; dashes: 4, 2; }
48 | way[highway=path] { color: lightgreen; width: 2; dashes: 2, 2; }
49 |
50 | way[waterway=river], way[waterway=canal] { color: blue; width: 2; text:name; text-color:blue; font-size:9; text-position: offset; text-offset: 7;}
51 |
52 | way[barrier] {color: #000000; width: 1}
53 |
54 | /* Fills can be solid colour or bitmap images */
55 |
56 |
57 | way[natural] :area { color: #ADD6A5; width: 1; fill-color: #ADD6A5; fill-opacity: 0.2; }
58 | way[landuse] :area { color: #efefef; width: 1; fill-color: #f5f5f5; fill-opacity: 0.3; }
59 | way[amenity],way[shop] :area { color: #ADCEB5; width: 1; fill-color: #ADCEB5; fill-opacity: 0.2; }
60 | way[leisure],way[sport] :area { color: #8CD6B5; width: 1; fill-color: #8CD6B5; fill-opacity: 0.2; }
61 | way[tourism] :area { color: #F7CECE; width: 1; fill-color: #F7CECE; fill-opacity: 0.2; }
62 | way[historic],way[ruins] :area { color: #F7F7DE; width: 1; fill-color: #F7F7DE; fill-opacity: 0.2; }
63 | way[military] :area { color: #D6D6D6; width: 1; fill-color: #D6D6D6; fill-opacity: 0.2; }
64 | way[building] :area { color: #8d8d8d; width: 1; fill-color: #e0e0e0; fill-opacity: 0.2; }
65 | way[natural=water],
66 | way[waterway] :area { color: blue; width: 2; fill-color: blue; fill-opacity: 0.2; }
67 | way[landuse=forest],way[natural=wood] :area { color: green; width: 2; fill-color: green; fill-opacity: 0.2; }
68 | way[leisure=pitch],way[leisure=park] { color: #44ff44; width: 1; fill-color: #44ff44; fill-opacity: 0.2; }
69 | way[amenity=parking] :area { color: gray; width: 1; fill-color: gray; fill-opacity: 0.2; }
70 | way[public_transport=pay_scale_area] :area { color: gray; width: 1; fill-color: gray; fill-opacity: 0.1; }
71 |
72 | /* Addressing. Nodes with addresses *and* match POIs should have a poi icon, so we put addressing first */
73 |
74 | node[addr:housenumber],
75 | node[addr:housename] { icon-image: circle; icon-width: 4; color: #B0E0E6; casing-color:blue; casing-width: 1; }
76 | way[addr:interpolation] { color: #B0E0E6; width: 3; dashes: 3,3;}
77 |
78 | /* POIs, too, can have bitmap icons - they can even be transparent */
79 |
80 | node[amenity=pub] { icon-image: icons/pub.png; text-offset: 15; font-family: DejaVu; text: name; font-size: 9; }
81 | /*node[place] { icon-image: icons/place.png; text-offset: 17; font-family: DejaVu; text: name; font-size: 9; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline; }
82 | node[railway=station] { icon-image: icons/station.png; text-offset: 13; font-family: DejaVu; text: name; font-size: 9; font-weight: bold; }
83 | node[aeroway=aerodrome] { icon-image: icons/airport.png; text-offset: 13; font-family: DejaVu; text: name; font-size: 10; }
84 | node[amenity=atm] { icon-image: icons/atm.png; }
85 | node[amenity=bank] { icon-image: icons/bank.png; text-offset: 15; text: name; }
86 | node[highway=bus_stop] { icon-image: icons/bus_stop.png; }
87 | node[amenity=cafe] { icon-image: icons/cafe.png; text-offset: 15; text: name; }
88 | node[shop=convenience] { icon-image: icons/convenience.png; text-offset:15; text:name; }
89 | node[shop=supermarket] { icon-image: icons/supermarket.png; text-offset:15; text:name; }
90 | node[amenity=fast_food] { icon-image: icons/fast_food.png; text-offset:15; text: name; }
91 | node[amenity=fire_station] { icon-image: icons/fire_station.png; }
92 | node[amenity=hospital] { icon-image: icons/hospital.png; }
93 | node[tourism=hotel] { icon-image: icons/hotel.png; }
94 | node[amenity=parking] { icon-image: icons/parking.png; } */
95 | node[amenity=bicycle_parking] { icon-image: icons/parking_cycle.png; text-offset: 15; text: capacity; text-color: blue }
96 | /* node[amenity=pharmacy] { icon-image: icons/pharmacy.png; }
97 | node[amenity=pharmacy][dispensing=yes] { icon-image: icons/pharmacy_dispensing.png; }
98 | node[amenity=police] { icon-image: icons/police.png; }
99 | node[amenity=post_box] { icon-image: icons/post_box.png; }
100 | node[amenity=recycling] { icon-image: icons/recycling.png; }
101 | node[amenity=restaurant] { icon-image: icons/restaurant.png; }
102 | node[amenity=school] { icon-image: icons/school.png; }
103 | node[amenity=taxi] { icon-image: icons/taxi.png; }
104 | node[amenity=telephone] { icon-image: icons/telephone.png; }
105 | way node[barrier=gate], way node[highway=gate] { icon-image: icons/gate.png; }
106 | way node[barrier=bollard] { icon-image: icons/bollard.png; }
107 | node[barrier=cattle_grid] { icon-image: icons/cattle_grid.png; }*/
108 |
109 | /* We can stack styles at different z-index (depth) */
110 |
111 | way[railway=rail]
112 | { z-index: 6; color: #444444; width: 5; }
113 | { z-index: 7; color: white; width: 3; dashes: 12,12; }
114 | way[railway=platform] { color:black; width: 2; }
115 | way[railway=subway]
116 | { z-index: 6; color: #444444; width: 5; }
117 | { z-index: 7; color: white; width: 3; dashes: 8,8; }
118 |
119 | /* Bridge */
120 | way[bridge=yes], way[bridge=viaduct], way[bridge=suspension]
121 | { z-index: 4; color: white; width: eval('_width+3'); }
122 | { z-index: 3; color: black; width: eval('_width+6'); }
123 |
124 | /* Tunnel */
125 | way[tunnel=yes]
126 | { z-index: 4; color: white; width: eval('_width+2'); }
127 | { z-index: 3; color: black; width: eval('_width+6'); dashes: 4,4; }
128 |
129 | /* Oneway */
130 | way[oneway=yes] { z-index: 10; color: #6c70d5; width: 2; dashes: 10,30; line-style: arrows; }
131 |
132 |
133 | /* Change the road colour based on dynamically set "highlighted" tag (see earlier) */
134 |
135 | way .highlighted { color: pink; }
136 |
137 | /* Interactive editors may choose different behaviour when a user mouses-over or selects
138 | an object. Potlatch 2 supports these but the stand-alone Halcyon viewer does not */
139 |
140 | way :hover { z-index: 2; width: eval('_width+10'); color: #ffff99; }
141 | way :selected { z-index: 2; width: eval('_width+10'); color: yellow; opacity: 0.7;}
142 | way !:drawn { z-index:10; width: 0.5; color: gray; }
143 |
144 | node :selectedway { z-index: 9; icon-image: square; icon-width: 8; color: red; casing-color: #cc0000; casing-width: 1;}
145 | node :hoverway { z-index: 9; icon-image: square; icon-width: 7; color: blue; }
146 | node !:drawn :poi { z-index: 2; icon-image: circle; icon-width: 3; color: lightsteelblue; casing-color: black; casing-width: 1; }
147 | node :selected { z-index: 1; icon-image: square; icon-width: eval('_width+10'); color: yellow; }
148 | node :junction :selectedway { z-index: 8; icon-image: square; icon-width: 12; casing-color: black; casing-width: 1; }
149 |
150 | /* Descendant selectors provide an easy way to style relations: this example means "any way
151 | which is part of a relation whose type=route". */
152 |
153 | relation[type=route] way { z-index: 1; width: 17; color: yellow; opacity: 0.3; }
154 | relation[type=route][route=bicycle][network=ncn] way { z-index: 1; width: 12; color: red; opacity: 0.3; }
155 | relation[type=route][route=bicycle][network=rcn] way { z-index: 1; width: 12; color: cyan; opacity: 0.3; }
156 | relation[type=route][route=bicycle][network=lcn] way { z-index: 1; width: 12; color: blue; opacity: 0.3; }
157 | relation[type=route][route=bicycle][network=mtb] way { z-index: 1; width: 12; color: #48a448; opacity: 0.3; }
158 |
159 |
160 |