1 | // License: GPL. For details, see LICENSE file.
2 | package org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.mappaint;
3 |
4 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.OsmPrimitive;
5 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.Relation;
6 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.mappaint.mapcss.Condition.Context;
7 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.mappaint.mapcss.Selector.LinkSelector;
8 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.CheckParameterUtil;
9 |
10 | public class Environment {
11 |
12 | public OsmPrimitive osm;
13 |
14 | public MultiCascade mc;
15 | public String layer;
16 | public StyleSource source;
17 | private Context context = Context.PRIMITIVE;
18 |
19 | /**
20 | * If not null, this is the matching parent object if an condition or an expression
21 | * is evaluated in a {@link LinkSelector} (within a child selector)
22 | */
23 | public OsmPrimitive parent;
24 | /**
25 | * The same for parent selector. Only one of the 2 fields (parent or child) is not null in any environment.
26 | */
27 | public OsmPrimitive child;
28 |
29 | /**
30 | * index of node in parent way or member in parent relation. Must be != null in LINK context.
31 | */
32 | public Integer index = null;
33 |
34 | /**
35 | * Creates a new uninitialized environment
36 | */
37 | public Environment() {}
38 |
39 | public Environment(OsmPrimitive osm, MultiCascade mc, String layer, StyleSource source) {
40 | this.osm = osm;
41 | this.mc = mc;
42 | this.layer = layer;
43 | this.source = source;
44 | }
45 |
46 | /**
47 | * Creates a clone of the environment {@code other}
48 | *
49 | * @param other the other environment. Must not be null.
50 | */
51 | public Environment(Environment other) throws IllegalArgumentException{
52 | CheckParameterUtil.ensureParameterNotNull(other);
53 | this.osm = other.osm;
54 | this.mc = other.mc;
55 | this.layer = other.layer;
56 | this.parent = other.parent;
57 | this.child = other.child;
58 | this.source = other.source;
59 | this.index = other.index;
60 | this.context = other.getContext();
61 | }
62 |
63 | public Environment withPrimitive(OsmPrimitive osm) {
64 | Environment e = new Environment(this);
65 | e.osm = osm;
66 | return e;
67 | }
68 |
69 | public Environment withParent(OsmPrimitive parent) {
70 | Environment e = new Environment(this);
71 | e.parent = parent;
72 | return e;
73 | }
74 |
75 | public Environment withChild(OsmPrimitive child) {
76 | Environment e = new Environment(this);
77 | e.child = child;
78 | return e;
79 | }
80 |
81 | public Environment withIndex(int index) {
82 | Environment e = new Environment(this);
83 | e.index = index;
84 | return e;
85 | }
86 |
87 | public Environment withContext(Context context) {
88 | Environment e = new Environment(this);
89 | e.context = context == null ? Context.PRIMITIVE : context;
90 | return e;
91 | }
92 |
93 | public Environment withLinkContext() {
94 | Environment e = new Environment(this);
95 | e.context = Context.LINK;
96 | return e;
97 | }
98 |
99 | public boolean isLinkContext() {
100 | return Context.LINK.equals(context);
101 | }
102 |
103 | public boolean hasParentRelation() {
104 | return parent != null && parent instanceof Relation;
105 | }
106 |
107 | /**
108 | * Replies the current context.
109 | *
110 | * @return the current context
111 | */
112 | public Context getContext() {
113 | return context == null ? Context.PRIMITIVE : context;
114 | }
115 |
116 | public String getRole() {
117 | if (getContext().equals(Context.PRIMITIVE))
118 | return null;
119 |
120 | if (parent != null && parent instanceof Relation)
121 | return ((Relation) parent).getMember(index).getRole();
122 | if (child != null && osm instanceof Relation)
123 | return ((Relation) osm).getMember(index).getRole();
124 | return null;
125 | }
126 |
127 | public void clearSelectorMatchingInformation() {
128 | parent = null;
129 | child = null;
130 | index = null;
131 | }
132 | }