// License: GPL. For details, see LICENSE file. package org.openstreetmap.josm.actions; import static org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.help.HelpUtil.ht; import static org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.I18n.tr; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import org.openstreetmap.josm.Main; import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.preferences.PreferenceDialog; import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.Shortcut; /** * Open the Preferences dialog. * * @author imi */ public class PreferencesAction extends JosmAction implements Runnable { /** * Create the preference action with "&Preferences" as label. */ public PreferencesAction() { super(tr("Preferences..."), "preference", tr("Open a preferences dialog for global settings."), Shortcut.registerShortcut("system:preferences", tr("Preferences"), KeyEvent.VK_F12, Shortcut.DIRECT), true); putValue("help", ht("/Action/Preferences")); } /** * Launch the preferences dialog. */ @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { run(); } @Override public void run() { new PreferenceDialog(Main.parent).setVisible(true); } }