1 | // License: GPL. For details, see LICENSE file.
2 | package org.openstreetmap.josm.actions;
3 |
4 | import static org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.I18n.tr;
5 |
6 | import java.awt.GridBagLayout;
7 | import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
8 | import java.util.Collection;
9 | import java.util.List;
10 | import java.util.concurrent.CancellationException;
11 | import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
12 | import java.util.concurrent.Future;
13 |
14 | import javax.swing.AbstractAction;
15 | import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
16 | import javax.swing.JPanel;
17 |
18 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.command.Command;
19 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.DataSelectionListener;
20 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.DataSet;
21 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.OsmPrimitive;
22 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.OsmUtils;
23 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.event.SelectionEventManager;
24 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.ConditionalOptionPaneUtil;
25 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.MainApplication;
26 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.Notification;
27 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.help.HelpUtil;
28 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.LayerManager.LayerAddEvent;
29 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.LayerManager.LayerChangeListener;
30 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.LayerManager.LayerOrderChangeEvent;
31 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.LayerManager.LayerRemoveEvent;
32 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.MainLayerManager;
33 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.MainLayerManager.ActiveLayerChangeEvent;
34 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.MainLayerManager.ActiveLayerChangeListener;
35 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.progress.swing.PleaseWaitProgressMonitor;
36 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.widgets.JMultilineLabel;
37 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.Destroyable;
38 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.ImageProvider;
39 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.ImageResource;
40 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.Logging;
41 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.Shortcut;
42 |
43 | /**
44 | * Base class helper for all Actions in JOSM. Just to make the life easier.
45 | *
46 | * This action allows you to set up an icon, a tooltip text, a globally registered shortcut, register it in the main toolbar and set up
47 | * layer/selection listeners that call {@link #updateEnabledState()} whenever the global context is changed.
48 | *
49 | * A JosmAction can register a {@link LayerChangeListener} and a {@link DataSelectionListener}. Upon
50 | * a layer change event or a selection change event it invokes {@link #updateEnabledState()}.
51 | * Subclasses can override {@link #updateEnabledState()} in order to update the {@link #isEnabled()}-state
52 | * of a JosmAction depending on the {@link #getLayerManager()} state.
53 | *
54 | * destroy() from interface Destroyable is called e.g. for MapModes, when the last layer has
55 | * been removed and so the mapframe will be destroyed. For other JosmActions, destroy() may never
56 | * be called (currently).
57 | *
58 | * @author imi
59 | */
60 | public abstract class JosmAction extends AbstractAction implements Destroyable {
61 |
62 | protected transient Shortcut sc;
63 | private transient LayerChangeAdapter layerChangeAdapter;
64 | private transient ActiveLayerChangeAdapter activeLayerChangeAdapter;
65 | private transient SelectionChangeAdapter selectionChangeAdapter;
66 |
67 | /**
68 | * Constructs a {@code JosmAction}.
69 | *
70 | * @param name the action's text as displayed on the menu (if it is added to a menu)
71 | * @param icon the icon to use
72 | * @param tooltip a longer description of the action that will be displayed in the tooltip. Please note
73 | * that html is not supported for menu actions on some platforms.
74 | * @param shortcut a ready-created shortcut object or null if you don't want a shortcut. But you always
75 | * do want a shortcut, remember you can always register it with group=none, so you
76 | * won't be assigned a shortcut unless the user configures one. If you pass null here,
77 | * the user CANNOT configure a shortcut for your action.
78 | * @param registerInToolbar register this action for the toolbar preferences?
79 | * @param toolbarId identifier for the toolbar preferences
80 | * @param installAdapters false, if you don't want to install layer changed and selection changed adapters
81 | */
82 | protected JosmAction(String name, ImageProvider icon, String tooltip, Shortcut shortcut, boolean registerInToolbar,
83 | String toolbarId, boolean installAdapters) {
84 | super(name);
85 | if (icon != null) {
86 | ImageResource resource = icon.getResource();
87 | if (resource != null) {
88 | try {
89 | resource.attachImageIcon(this, true);
90 | } catch (RuntimeException e) {
91 | Logging.warn("Unable to attach image icon {0} for action {1}", icon, name);
92 | Logging.error(e);
93 | }
94 | }
95 | }
96 | setHelpId();
97 | sc = shortcut;
98 | if (sc != null && !sc.isAutomatic()) {
99 | MainApplication.registerActionShortcut(this, sc);
100 | }
101 | setTooltip(tooltip);
102 | if (getValue("toolbar") == null) {
103 | setToolbarId(toolbarId);
104 | }
105 | if (registerInToolbar && MainApplication.getToolbar() != null) {
106 | MainApplication.getToolbar().register(this);
107 | }
108 | if (installAdapters) {
109 | installAdapters();
110 | }
111 | }
112 |
113 | /**
114 | * The new super for all actions.
115 | *
116 | * Use this super constructor to setup your action.
117 | *
118 | * @param name the action's text as displayed on the menu (if it is added to a menu)
119 | * @param iconName the filename of the icon to use
120 | * @param tooltip a longer description of the action that will be displayed in the tooltip. Please note
121 | * that html is not supported for menu actions on some platforms.
122 | * @param shortcut a ready-created shortcut object or null if you don't want a shortcut. But you always
123 | * do want a shortcut, remember you can always register it with group=none, so you
124 | * won't be assigned a shortcut unless the user configures one. If you pass null here,
125 | * the user CANNOT configure a shortcut for your action.
126 | * @param registerInToolbar register this action for the toolbar preferences?
127 | * @param toolbarId identifier for the toolbar preferences. The iconName is used, if this parameter is null
128 | * @param installAdapters false, if you don't want to install layer changed and selection changed adapters
129 | */
130 | protected JosmAction(String name, String iconName, String tooltip, Shortcut shortcut, boolean registerInToolbar,
131 | String toolbarId, boolean installAdapters) {
132 | this(name, iconName == null ? null : new ImageProvider(iconName).setOptional(true), tooltip, shortcut, registerInToolbar,
133 | toolbarId == null ? iconName : toolbarId, installAdapters);
134 | }
135 |
136 | /**
137 | * Constructs a new {@code JosmAction}.
138 | *
139 | * Use this super constructor to setup your action.
140 | *
141 | * @param name the action's text as displayed on the menu (if it is added to a menu)
142 | * @param iconName the filename of the icon to use
143 | * @param tooltip a longer description of the action that will be displayed in the tooltip. Please note
144 | * that html is not supported for menu actions on some platforms.
145 | * @param shortcut a ready-created shortcut object or null if you don't want a shortcut. But you always
146 | * do want a shortcut, remember you can always register it with group=none, so you
147 | * won't be assigned a shortcut unless the user configures one. If you pass null here,
148 | * the user CANNOT configure a shortcut for your action.
149 | * @param registerInToolbar register this action for the toolbar preferences?
150 | * @param installAdapters false, if you don't want to install layer changed and selection changed adapters
151 | */
152 | protected JosmAction(String name, String iconName, String tooltip, Shortcut shortcut, boolean registerInToolbar, boolean installAdapters) {
153 | this(name, iconName, tooltip, shortcut, registerInToolbar, null, installAdapters);
154 | }
155 |
156 | /**
157 | * Constructs a new {@code JosmAction} and installs layer changed and selection changed adapters.
158 | *
159 | * Use this super constructor to setup your action.
160 | *
161 | * @param name the action's text as displayed on the menu (if it is added to a menu)
162 | * @param iconName the filename of the icon to use
163 | * @param tooltip a longer description of the action that will be displayed in the tooltip. Please note
164 | * that html is not supported for menu actions on some platforms.
165 | * @param shortcut a ready-created shortcut object or null if you don't want a shortcut. But you always
166 | * do want a shortcut, remember you can always register it with group=none, so you
167 | * won't be assigned a shortcut unless the user configures one. If you pass null here,
168 | * the user CANNOT configure a shortcut for your action.
169 | * @param registerInToolbar register this action for the toolbar preferences?
170 | */
171 | protected JosmAction(String name, String iconName, String tooltip, Shortcut shortcut, boolean registerInToolbar) {
172 | this(name, iconName, tooltip, shortcut, registerInToolbar, null, true);
173 | }
174 |
175 | /**
176 | * Constructs a new {@code JosmAction}.
177 | */
178 | protected JosmAction() {
179 | this(true);
180 | }
181 |
182 | /**
183 | * Constructs a new {@code JosmAction}.
184 | *
185 | * @param installAdapters false, if you don't want to install layer changed and selection changed adapters
186 | */
187 | protected JosmAction(boolean installAdapters) {
188 | setHelpId();
189 | if (installAdapters) {
190 | installAdapters();
191 | }
192 | }
193 |
194 | /**
195 | * Constructs a new {@code JosmAction}.
196 | *
197 | * Use this super constructor to setup your action.
198 | *
199 | * @param name the action's text as displayed on the menu (if it is added to a menu)
200 | * @param iconName the filename of the icon to use
201 | * @param tooltip a longer description of the action that will be displayed in the tooltip. Please note
202 | * that html is not supported for menu actions on some platforms.
203 | * @param shortcuts ready-created shortcut objects
204 | * @since 14012
205 | */
206 | protected JosmAction(String name, String iconName, String tooltip, List<Shortcut> shortcuts) {
207 | this(name, iconName, tooltip, shortcuts.get(0), true, null, true);
208 | for (int i = 1; i < shortcuts.size(); i++) {
209 | MainApplication.registerActionShortcut(this, shortcuts.get(i));
210 | }
211 | }
212 |
213 | /**
214 | * Installs the listeners to this action.
215 | * <p>
216 | * This should either never be called or only called in the constructor of this action.
217 | * <p>
218 | * All registered adapters should be removed in {@link #destroy()}
219 | */
220 | protected void installAdapters() {
221 | // make this action listen to layer change and selection change events
222 | if (listenToLayerChange()) {
223 | layerChangeAdapter = buildLayerChangeAdapter();
224 | activeLayerChangeAdapter = buildActiveLayerChangeAdapter();
225 | getLayerManager().addLayerChangeListener(layerChangeAdapter);
226 | getLayerManager().addActiveLayerChangeListener(activeLayerChangeAdapter);
227 | }
228 | if (listenToSelectionChange()) {
229 | selectionChangeAdapter = new SelectionChangeAdapter();
230 | SelectionEventManager.getInstance().addSelectionListenerForEdt(selectionChangeAdapter);
231 | }
232 | initEnabledState();
233 | }
234 |
235 | /**
236 | * Override this if calling {@link #updateEnabledState()} on layer change events is not enough.
237 | * @return the {@link LayerChangeAdapter} that will be called on layer change events
238 | * @since 15404
239 | */
240 | protected LayerChangeAdapter buildLayerChangeAdapter() {
241 | return new LayerChangeAdapter();
242 | }
243 |
244 | /**
245 | * Override this if calling {@link #updateEnabledState()} on active layer change event is not enough.
246 | * @return the {@link LayerChangeAdapter} that will be called on active layer change event
247 | * @since 15404
248 | */
249 | protected ActiveLayerChangeAdapter buildActiveLayerChangeAdapter() {
250 | return new ActiveLayerChangeAdapter();
251 | }
252 |
253 | /**
254 | * Overwrite this if {@link #updateEnabledState()} should be called when the active / available layers change. Default is true.
255 | * @return <code>true</code> if a {@link LayerChangeListener} and a {@link ActiveLayerChangeListener} should be registered.
256 | * @since 10353
257 | */
258 | protected boolean listenToLayerChange() {
259 | return true;
260 | }
261 |
262 | /**
263 | * Overwrite this if {@link #updateEnabledState()} should be called when the selection changed. Default is true.
264 | * @return <code>true</code> if a {@link DataSelectionListener} should be registered.
265 | * @since 10353
266 | */
267 | protected boolean listenToSelectionChange() {
268 | return true;
269 | }
270 |
271 | @Override
272 | public void destroy() {
273 | if (sc != null && !sc.isAutomatic()) {
274 | MainApplication.unregisterActionShortcut(this);
275 | }
276 | if (layerChangeAdapter != null) {
277 | getLayerManager().removeLayerChangeListener(layerChangeAdapter);
278 | getLayerManager().removeActiveLayerChangeListener(activeLayerChangeAdapter);
279 | }
280 | if (selectionChangeAdapter != null) {
281 | SelectionEventManager.getInstance().removeSelectionListener(selectionChangeAdapter);
282 | }
283 | if (MainApplication.getToolbar() != null) {
284 | MainApplication.getToolbar().unregister(this);
285 | }
286 | }
287 |
288 | private void setHelpId() {
289 | String helpId = "Action/"+getClass().getName().substring(getClass().getName().lastIndexOf('.')+1);
290 | if (helpId.endsWith("Action")) {
291 | helpId = helpId.substring(0, helpId.length()-6);
292 | }
293 | setHelpId(helpId);
294 | }
295 |
296 | /**
297 | * Sets the help topic id.
298 | * @param helpId help topic id (result of {@link HelpUtil#ht})
299 | * @since 14397
300 | */
301 | protected void setHelpId(String helpId) {
302 | putValue("help", helpId);
303 | }
304 |
305 | /**
306 | * Sets the toolbar id.
307 | * @param toolbarId toolbar id
308 | * @since 16138
309 | */
310 | protected void setToolbarId(String toolbarId) {
311 | putValue("toolbar", toolbarId);
312 | }
313 |
314 | /**
315 | * Returns the shortcut for this action.
316 | * @return the shortcut for this action, or "No shortcut" if none is defined
317 | */
318 | public Shortcut getShortcut() {
319 | if (sc == null) {
320 | sc = Shortcut.registerShortcut("core:none", tr("No Shortcut"), KeyEvent.CHAR_UNDEFINED, Shortcut.NONE);
321 | // as this shortcut is shared by all action that don't want to have a shortcut,
322 | // we shouldn't allow the user to change it...
323 | // this is handled by special name "core:none"
324 | }
325 | return sc;
326 | }
327 |
328 | /**
329 | * Sets the tooltip text of this action.
330 | * @param tooltip The text to display in tooltip. Can be {@code null}
331 | */
332 | public final void setTooltip(String tooltip) {
333 | if (tooltip != null && sc != null) {
334 | sc.setTooltip(this, tooltip);
335 | } else if (tooltip != null) {
336 | putValue(SHORT_DESCRIPTION, tooltip);
337 | }
338 | }
339 |
340 | /**
341 | * Gets the layer manager used for this action. Defaults to the main layer manager but you can overwrite this.
342 | * <p>
343 | * The layer manager must be available when {@link #installAdapters()} is called and must not change.
344 | *
345 | * @return The layer manager.
346 | * @since 10353
347 | */
348 | public MainLayerManager getLayerManager() {
349 | return MainApplication.getLayerManager();
350 | }
351 |
352 | protected static void waitFuture(final Future<?> future, final PleaseWaitProgressMonitor monitor) {
353 | MainApplication.worker.submit(() -> {
354 | try {
355 | future.get();
356 | } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException | CancellationException e) {
357 | Logging.error(e);
358 | return;
359 | }
360 | monitor.close();
361 | });
362 | }
363 |
364 | /**
365 | * Override in subclasses to init the enabled state of an action when it is
366 | * created. Default behaviour is to call {@link #updateEnabledState()}
367 | *
368 | * @see #updateEnabledState()
369 | * @see #updateEnabledState(Collection)
370 | */
371 | protected void initEnabledState() {
372 | updateEnabledState();
373 | }
374 |
375 | /**
376 | * Override in subclasses to update the enabled state of the action when
377 | * something in the JOSM state changes, i.e. when a layer is removed or added.
378 | *
379 | * See {@link #updateEnabledState(Collection)} to respond to changes in the collection
380 | * of selected primitives.
381 | *
382 | * Default behavior is empty.
383 | *
384 | * @see #updateEnabledState(Collection)
385 | * @see #initEnabledState()
386 | * @see #listenToLayerChange()
387 | */
388 | protected void updateEnabledState() {
389 | }
390 |
391 | /**
392 | * Override in subclasses to update the enabled state of the action if the
393 | * collection of selected primitives changes. This method is called with the
394 | * new selection.
395 | *
396 | * @param selection the collection of selected primitives; may be empty, but not null
397 | *
398 | * @see #updateEnabledState()
399 | * @see #initEnabledState()
400 | * @see #listenToSelectionChange()
401 | */
402 | protected void updateEnabledState(Collection<? extends OsmPrimitive> selection) {
403 | }
404 |
405 | /**
406 | * Updates enabled state according to primitives currently selected in edit data set, if any.
407 | * Can be called in {@link #updateEnabledState()} implementations.
408 | * @see #updateEnabledStateOnCurrentSelection(boolean)
409 | * @since 10409
410 | */
411 | protected final void updateEnabledStateOnCurrentSelection() {
412 | updateEnabledStateOnCurrentSelection(false);
413 | }
414 |
415 | /**
416 | * Updates enabled state according to primitives currently selected in active data set, if any.
417 | * Can be called in {@link #updateEnabledState()} implementations.
418 | * @param allowReadOnly if {@code true}, read-only data sets are considered
419 | * @since 13434
420 | */
421 | protected final void updateEnabledStateOnCurrentSelection(boolean allowReadOnly) {
422 | DataSet ds = getLayerManager().getActiveDataSet();
423 | if (ds != null && (allowReadOnly || !ds.isLocked())) {
424 | updateEnabledState(ds.getSelected());
425 | } else {
426 | setEnabled(false);
427 | }
428 | }
429 |
430 | /**
431 | * Updates enabled state according to selected primitives, if any.
432 | * Enables action if the collection is not empty and references primitives in a modifiable data layer.
433 | * Can be called in {@link #updateEnabledState(Collection)} implementations.
434 | * @param selection the collection of selected primitives
435 | * @since 13434
436 | */
437 | protected final void updateEnabledStateOnModifiableSelection(Collection<? extends OsmPrimitive> selection) {
438 | setEnabled(OsmUtils.isOsmCollectionEditable(selection));
439 | }
440 |
441 | /**
442 | * Adapter for layer change events. Runs updateEnabledState() whenever the active layer changed.
443 | */
444 | protected class LayerChangeAdapter implements LayerChangeListener {
445 | @Override
446 | public void layerAdded(LayerAddEvent e) {
447 | updateEnabledState();
448 | }
449 |
450 | @Override
451 | public void layerRemoving(LayerRemoveEvent e) {
452 | updateEnabledState();
453 | }
454 |
455 | @Override
456 | public void layerOrderChanged(LayerOrderChangeEvent e) {
457 | updateEnabledState();
458 | }
459 |
460 | @Override
461 | public String toString() {
462 | return "LayerChangeAdapter [" + JosmAction.this + ']';
463 | }
464 | }
465 |
466 | /**
467 | * Adapter for layer change events. Runs updateEnabledState() whenever the active layer changed.
468 | */
469 | protected class ActiveLayerChangeAdapter implements ActiveLayerChangeListener {
470 | @Override
471 | public void activeOrEditLayerChanged(ActiveLayerChangeEvent e) {
472 | updateEnabledState();
473 | }
474 |
475 | @Override
476 | public String toString() {
477 | return "ActiveLayerChangeAdapter [" + JosmAction.this + ']';
478 | }
479 | }
480 |
481 | /**
482 | * Adapter for selection change events. Runs updateEnabledState() whenever the selection changed.
483 | */
484 | protected class SelectionChangeAdapter implements DataSelectionListener {
485 | @Override
486 | public void selectionChanged(SelectionChangeEvent event) {
487 | updateEnabledState(event.getSelection());
488 | }
489 |
490 | @Override
491 | public String toString() {
492 | return "SelectionChangeAdapter [" + JosmAction.this + ']';
493 | }
494 | }
495 |
496 | /**
497 | * Check whether user is about to operate on data outside of the download area.
498 | * Request confirmation if he is.
499 | * Also handles the case that there is no download area.
500 | *
501 | * @param operation the operation name which is used for setting some preferences
502 | * @param dialogTitle the title of the dialog being displayed
503 | * @param outsideDialogMessage the message text to be displayed when data is outside of the download area or no download area exists
504 | * @param incompleteDialogMessage the message text to be displayed when data is incomplete
505 | * @param primitives the primitives to operate on
506 | * @param ignore {@code null} or a primitive to be ignored
507 | * @return true, if operating on outlying primitives is OK; false, otherwise
508 | * @since 12749 (moved from Command)
509 | */
510 | public static boolean checkAndConfirmOutlyingOperation(String operation,
511 | String dialogTitle, String outsideDialogMessage, String incompleteDialogMessage,
512 | Collection<? extends OsmPrimitive> primitives,
513 | Collection<? extends OsmPrimitive> ignore) {
514 | int checkRes = Command.checkOutlyingOrIncompleteOperation(primitives, ignore);
515 | if ((checkRes & Command.IS_OUTSIDE) != 0) {
516 | boolean answer = showConfirmOutlyingOperationDialog(operation + "_outside_nodes", outsideDialogMessage, dialogTitle);
517 | if (!answer)
518 | return false;
519 | }
520 | if ((checkRes & Command.IS_INCOMPLETE) != 0) {
521 | return showConfirmOutlyingOperationDialog(operation + "_incomplete", incompleteDialogMessage, dialogTitle);
522 | }
523 | return true;
524 | }
525 |
526 | private static boolean showConfirmOutlyingOperationDialog(String preferenceKey, String dialogMessage, String dialogTitle) {
527 | JPanel msg = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout());
528 | msg.add(new JMultilineLabel("<html>" + dialogMessage + "</html>"));
529 | boolean answer = ConditionalOptionPaneUtil.showConfirmationDialog(
530 | preferenceKey,
531 | MainApplication.getMainFrame(),
532 | msg,
533 | dialogTitle,
534 | JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION,
536 | JOptionPane.YES_OPTION);
537 | if (!answer && JOptionPane.NO_OPTION == ConditionalOptionPaneUtil.getDialogReturnValue(preferenceKey)) {
538 | String message = tr("Operation was not performed, as per {0} preference", preferenceKey);
539 | new Notification(message).setIcon(JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE).show();
540 | Logging.info(message);
541 | }
542 | return answer;
543 | }
544 | }