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This interface represents an immutable implementation of a JSON Pointer * as defined by RFC 6901. *


A JSON Pointer, when applied to a target {@link JsonValue}, * defines a reference location in the target.


An empty JSON Pointer string defines a reference to the target itself.


If the JSON Pointer string is non-empty, it must be a sequence * of '/' prefixed tokens, and the target must either be a {@link JsonArray} * or {@link JsonObject}. If the target is a {@code JsonArray}, the pointer * defines a reference to an array element, and the last token specifies the index. * If the target is a {@link JsonObject}, the pointer defines a reference to a * name/value pair, and the last token specifies the name. *


The method {@link #getValue getValue()} returns the referenced value. * Methods {@link #add add()}, {@link #replace replace()}, * and {@link #remove remove()} execute operations specified in * RFC 6902.

* * @see RFC 6901 * @see RFC 6902 * * @since 1.1 */ public interface JsonPointer { /** * Adds or replaces a value at the referenced location in the specified * {@code target} with the specified {@code value}. *
  1. If the reference is the target (empty JSON Pointer string), * the specified {@code value}, which must be the same type as * specified {@code target}, is returned.
  2. *
  3. If the reference is an array element, the specified {@code value} is inserted * into the array, at the referenced index. The value currently at that location, and * any subsequent values, are shifted to the right (adds one to the indices). * Index starts with 0. If the reference is specified with a "-", or if the * index is equal to the size of the array, the value is appended to the array.
  4. *
  5. If the reference is a name/value pair of a {@code JsonObject}, and the * referenced value exists, the value is replaced by the specified {@code value}. * If the value does not exist, a new name/value pair is added to the object.
  6. *
* * @param the target type, must be a subtype of {@link JsonValue} * @param target the target referenced by this {@code JsonPointer} * @param value the value to be added * @return the transformed {@code target} after the value is added. * @throws NullPointerException if {@code target} is {@code null} * @throws JsonException if the reference is an array element and * the index is out of range ({@code index < 0 || index > array size}), * or if the pointer contains references to non-existing objects or arrays. */ T add(T target, JsonValue value); /** * Removes the value at the reference location in the specified {@code target}. * * @param the target type, must be a subtype of {@link JsonValue} * @param target the target referenced by this {@code JsonPointer} * @return the transformed {@code target} after the value is removed. * @throws NullPointerException if {@code target} is {@code null} * @throws JsonException if the referenced value does not exist, * or if the reference is the target. */ T remove(T target); /** * Replaces the value at the referenced location in the specified * {@code target} with the specified {@code value}. * * @param the target type, must be a subtype of {@link JsonValue} * @param target the target referenced by this {@code JsonPointer} * @param value the value to be stored at the referenced location * @return the transformed {@code target} after the value is replaced. * @throws NullPointerException if {@code target} is {@code null} * @throws JsonException if the referenced value does not exist, * or if the reference is the target. */ T replace(T target, JsonValue value); /** * Returns {@code true} if there is a value at the referenced location in the specified {@code target}. * * @param target the target referenced by this {@code JsonPointer} * @return {@code true} if this pointer points to a value in a specified {@code target}. */ boolean containsValue(JsonStructure target); /** * Returns the value at the referenced location in the specified {@code target}. * * @param target the target referenced by this {@code JsonPointer} * @return the referenced value in the target. * @throws NullPointerException if {@code target} is null * @throws JsonException if the referenced value does not exist */ JsonValue getValue(JsonStructure target); }